Blind and Vision Rehabilitation Services of Pittsburgh
Administrative Headquarters - Low Vision Rehabilitation and Primary Vision Care
Offers specialty optometric and occupational therapy services to help patients maximize their remaining vision. A personalized treatment plan includes a comprehensive exam, prescribed vision devices, and the training necessary to guarantee success.
Primary Vision Care are committed to ensuring ALL patients have access to vision care. Optometrists spend quality time getting to know patients, their vision, and their lifestyle needs.
1816 Locust Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Eligibility: All individuals qualify for Low Vison and Primary Vision programs.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm
Phone/FAX Numbers
  • (412) 368-4080
  • (412) 368-4400
  • (412) 368-4090 - Fax
Email Address:
Fee Amounts: Fee structure differs for each program. Contact the Office Manger at 412-368-4080 to determine eligibility and fee amounts.
Intake Procedure: Please contact Office Manger by phone at
Intake Requirements: Office Manager can assist and provide patients with the intake requirements.
Geographical Area: Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver, Butler, Cambria, Fayette, Greene, Indiana, Lawrence, Mercer, Somerset, Washington, and Westmoreland counties.
Helpful Tips: Visit website or call 412.368.4400 for more information.
Facility/ADA Access: Our facility is fully accessible
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Blind and Vision Rehabilitation Services of Pittsburgh
Administrative Headquarters - Low Vision Rehabilitation and Primary Vision Care
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