Administrative Headquarters - Early Identification / Crisis Intervention Program (EICIP)
The EICIP program helps families in Beaver County by providing Developmental Screenings for children from three months to 6 years of age with evaluations in hearing, speech, behavioral, and development to identify possible delays and who may be at risk for abuse or neglect. Additionally, Crisis Child Care helps to provide a safe environment for children ages birth to 6 years who are at-risk, along with providing Home-Based Family Support for families who may be experiencing the effects of poverty, mental/physical health concerns, developmental delays, behavioral delays, addiction, single parenting, or other stressors that may impact their ability to parent effectively and/or safely.
383 New Castle Road
Butler, PA 16001
Eligibility: Infants and children
Hours: Weekdays, 8:00am to 4:30pm
Phone/FAX Numbers
  • (724) 283-1010
  • (800) 225-2010 - Hotline/Toll-Free
  • (724) 283-4599 - Fax
Email Address:
Intake Procedure: Referral from Children and Youth services or call to schedule a screening.
Geographical Area: Beaver county
Facility/ADA Access: Yes
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Administrative Headquarters - Early Identification / Crisis Intervention Program (EICIP)
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