Philadelphia Housing Authority
Philadelphia - Senior Centers
Operates 3 senior centers which provide many services and assist seniors with daily activities. The centers offer balanced meals and dance, aerobic and walking classes to help keep seniors healthy and active. In addition to providing opportunities for seniors to socialize with one another, the senior centers also entertain residents by presenting movies, playing music, and taking trips around the city.
2013 Ridge Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19121
Eligibility: Individuals in need of an assisted, or later-life living arrangement
Phone/FAX Numbers
  • (215) 684-0393
  • (215) 684-4000
  • (215) 684-4456 - Fax
Email Address:
Fee Amounts: Service provided free of charge
Intake Procedure: Call for information
Geographical Area: Philadelphia County
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Philadelphia Housing Authority
Philadelphia - Senior Centers
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