YWCA Lancaster
Adult Survivor Gathering
Hosts a gathering for any adults who have experienced sexual assault. This gathering is intended to provide survivors with a safe space to connect with peers who have shared experiences.
110 North Lime Street
Lancaster, PA 17602
Eligibility: Adults age 18 and older
Hours: First Monday of every month, 7:00 to 8:00pm; If the first Monday of the month is a holiday, and YWCA Lancaster is closed, gathering will be the first Tuesday of the month. See website for list of dates.
Phone/FAX Numbers
  • (717) 393-1735
  • (717) 392-7273 - Hotline/Toll-Free
  • (717) 396-0513 - Fax
Email Address: shall@ywcalancaster.org
Fee Amounts: Services free of charge.
Intake Procedure: Walk-in; If unable to attend in person, use the Zoom Meeting found on the website to attend virtually.
Geographical Area: Lancaster County
Helpful Tips: If not comfortable or do not have the capability to utilize video for this group, please contact wehearyou@ywcalancaster.org prior to the group.
Facility/ADA Access: Information not available.
If you represent this agency, update your listing here.
* The community resource directory information is up to date to the best of our knowledge. However, you should always call the provider to confirm this information and make an appointment. Be sure to confirm payment information with the provider, if payment is required. Pennsylvania 211 does not rate, recommend or endorse any agency. We simply provide information as a public service.
YWCA Lancaster
Adult Survivor Gathering
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