Ponessa Behavioral Health
Ponessa Behavioral Health York - School Based Outpatient Mental Health Services and IBHS
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- Intensive Behavioral Health Services (IBHS) are medically prescribed, in-home, intensive, and individualized mental health services. IBH Services are time-limited, goal directed interventions focused on children and adolescents who have been diagnosed with a serious emotional disturbance and are best served with IBHS treatment teams working both one-on-one with the child as well as with their families, to assist them in developing the skills to manage problematic behaviors.
160 Roosevelt Avenue
York, PA 17401
York, PA 17401
Students attending a school that Ponessa Behavioral Health is
licensed to provide this service in.
IBHS is designed for children and adolescents, ages 2 to 21, who are experiencing severe symptoms or distress, or are readjusting to home, school or community following a hospitalization, are at risk for out-of-home placement and who generally require more support than traditional outpatient therapy can provide.
The medical need for this level of care is determined through an independent evaluation and an Interagency Service Plan Team Meeting (ISPT) with MH/MR, the county’s respective managed care organization (MCO), other involved county agencies, and most importantly the family.
IBHS is designed for children and adolescents, ages 2 to 21, who are experiencing severe symptoms or distress, or are readjusting to home, school or community following a hospitalization, are at risk for out-of-home placement and who generally require more support than traditional outpatient therapy can provide.
The medical need for this level of care is determined through an independent evaluation and an Interagency Service Plan Team Meeting (ISPT) with MH/MR, the county’s respective managed care organization (MCO), other involved county agencies, and most importantly the family.
Follows School Day Schedule. Office Hours for Intake: Monday
through Thursday, 8:00am to 8:00pm and Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm
Phone/FAX Numbers
- (877) 228-9177
- (717) 845-2425
- (717) 560-6452 - Fax
Email Address: erin.snyder@ponessa.com
Fee Amounts:
Fees varies with services, flexible payment plans when needed,
accepts most private insurance, accepts medical assistance, accepts
Intake Procedure:
Contact child's school counselor to see if Ponessa Behavioral
Health is licensed to provide this service within their child's
home school
Intake Requirements:
Insurance card (if applicable)
Geographical Area:
York, Central York School District, Red Lion School District,
Lincoln Charter School, York/Adams Academy, York Adams Regional
Charter School
Facility/ADA Access:
Will depend on home school and/or home environment.
Additional Services Offered at this Location:
- Adolescent/Youth Counseling
- Adult Child Sexual Abuse Survivor Counseling
- Adult Psychiatry
- Assessment for Substance Use Disorders
- Bereavement and Grief Counseling
- Child Abuse Counseling
- Child Sexual Abuse Counseling
- Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
- Counseling for Children Affected by Domestic Violence
- Crime Victim/Witness Counseling
- Family Counseling
- General Counseling Services
- General Psychiatry
- Marriage Counseling
- Medication Assisted Maintenance Treatment for Substance Use Disorders
- Mental Health Evaluation
- Outpatient Mental Health Facilities
- Parent Abuse Counseling
- Psychiatric Medication Monitoring
- School Based Integrated Services
- Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Counseling
- Substance Use Disorder Counseling
- Wraparound Facilitation/Community Support
If you represent this agency, update your listing here.
* The community resource directory information is up to date to the best of our knowledge. However, you should always call the provider to confirm this information and make an appointment. Be sure to confirm payment information with the provider, if payment is required. Pennsylvania 211 does not rate, recommend or endorse any agency. We simply provide information as a public service.
Ponessa Behavioral Health
Ponessa Behavioral Health York - School Based Outpatient Mental Health Services and IBHS
Ponessa Behavioral Health York - School Based Outpatient Mental Health Services and IBHS