Chandler Hall
Newtown - Chandler Hall - Residential Hospice Care
The residential hospice program provides in-patient hospice care in our Heacock Pavilion. Care recipients and families often choose this option if the patient's care needs exceed what the family is able to provide at home. Chandler Hall offers a home-like environment where around-the-clock nursing care is available.
The hospice program is also available short term for respite stays, symptom management and crisis care.
99 Barclay Street
Newtown, PA 18940
Hours: 24/7
Phone/FAX Numbers
  • (215) 860-4000
Fee Amounts: For information about Fees contact us.
Intake Procedure: For more information call: (215)860-4000, or email: or go to Admissions page on our website
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Chandler Hall
Newtown - Chandler Hall - Residential Hospice Care
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