Southwest Community Development Corporation
Philadelphia - Utilities Emergency Services Fund (UESF) Intake
Pays up to $1,500.00 for on a gas or electric bill, or up to $1,000.00 on a water bill in shut-off status or already shut-off. Assistance must be applied to bills in which the account will reach a zero balance after getting the assistance. If the bill is over $1,500.00, the applicants must pay the remaining balance before receiving assistance.

A client may receive assistance from this program once every two years.
6328 Paschall Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19142
Eligibility: During LIHEAP season, must have applied for LIHEAP and Crisis programs first
Hours: Monday through Thursday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Phone/FAX Numbers
  • (215) 729-0800
  • (215) 726-5719 - Fax
Fee Amounts: Services free of charge
Intake Procedure: Call for information.
Intake Requirements: A) Valid photo ID
B) Social Security cards for all in household
C) Proof of income for all in household for the last 30 days
D) All utility bills for the last 30 days
E) If services are off for more than 30 days, will need a Credit Denial from PGW for gas and/or a Service Denial from PECO for electric.
Geographical Area: Philadelphia County
If you represent this agency, update your listing here.
* The community resource directory information is up to date to the best of our knowledge. However, you should always call the provider to confirm this information and make an appointment. Be sure to confirm payment information with the provider, if payment is required. Pennsylvania 211 does not rate, recommend or endorse any agency. We simply provide information as a public service.
Southwest Community Development Corporation
Philadelphia - Utilities Emergency Services Fund (UESF) Intake
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