Easterseals Eastern Pennsylvania - Eastern PA Administrative Office
Easterseals Eastern Pennsylvania - Berks Division - ABA Therapy Coaching for Parent
Offers Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) therapy coaching for parents of children with autism throughout northeast Pennsylvania. ABA is a type of therapy that helps improve communication and social interactions, develop new skills, and support positive behavior. Families have two options. They can receive a free consultation with a therapist who can provide interventions and strategies to manage behaviors and increase engagement. For families wanted more training, multiple sessions of individualized coaching working one-on-one with an Easterseals ABA therapist. Sessions extend beyond the parents to include other caregivers in the child’s life like siblings, grandparents or sitters. All meetings and coaching sessions are done through a secure online platform using videoconferencing. The program is provided at no cost to families thanks to funding from the Pennsylvania Department of Health.
90 George Street
Reading, PA 19605
Eligibility: Parents of children with autism
Phone/FAX Numbers
  • (610) 289-0114
  • (610) 775-1431
  • (610) 796-1954 - Fax
  • (610) 289-4282 - Fax
Email Address: galvarez@esep.org
Fee Amounts: Free
Intake Procedure: The first step to accessing the program is to contact us to schedule an information session to learn more about ABA therapy, the benefits of using these techniques and the coaching options available.
Geographical Area: Berks, Carbon, Lehigh, Northampton, Monroe, Pike and Schuylkill counties
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Easterseals Eastern Pennsylvania - Eastern PA Administrative Office
Easterseals Eastern Pennsylvania - Berks Division - ABA Therapy Coaching for Parent
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