Reading Musical Foundation
Reading Musical Foundation - Berks Art Council - Immanuel United Church of Christ - Reading Musical Foundation
In this course on jazz style and improvisation, team-taught with colleague Chris Heslop, participants will learn how to improvise using scales and modes. Rhythm section participants (piano, guitar, bass and drums) will learn how to accompany soloists and to perform their own solos. Jazz styles will be learned through playing and listening. Students will also learn the basics of jazz performance, including how to get one's own jazz combo started.
4870 Kutztown Road
Christ Church UCC
Temple, PA 19560
Eligibility: Any student musician interested in performing and studying jazz music.
Hours: Session 1: 9:00am to 12:00pm (June 25-29)
Session 2: 9:00am to 12:00pm (July 16-20)
Phone/FAX Numbers
  • (610) 376-3395
Email Address:
Fee Amounts: $75 per session, $125 for both
Intake Procedure: Click here to register
Geographical Area: Berks
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Reading Musical Foundation
Reading Musical Foundation - Berks Art Council - Immanuel United Church of Christ - Reading Musical Foundation
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