Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veteran Affairs
Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs - Educational Gratuity Program
Educational Gratuity program provides financial assistance to children of honorably discharged veterans who have service-connected disabilities and served during a period of war or armed conflict or children of veterans who die or died in service during a period of war or armed conflict.

Payment will not exceed $500.00 per term or semester per qualified child to each approved educational institution upon submission by that approved educational institution of proof of matriculation of the applicant. Educational gratuity payments are paid directly to the Educational Institution and may not be made for longer than 4 scholastic years.
1 Garrison Road
Fort Indiantown Gap
Annville, PA 17003
Eligibility: Veteranâs eligibility criteria:
  • Died in service during a period of war or armed conflict or,
  • A veteran who has:
    An honorable discharge from the U.S. military
  • Served during established war service dates as determined by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. **The following decorations can also be used to establish wartime service: Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal or Navy Expeditionary Medal
  • Veteran must have a 100% permanent and total service-connected disability rating by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
Childâs eligibility criteria:
  • Must be between the ages of 16 and 23, living within the Commonwealth five years prior to application and must attend a school within the Commonwealth.
  • Applicant must have a financial need.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:15am to 4:30pm
Phone/FAX Numbers
  • (717) 861-8719
  • (717) 861-8468
Email Address:
Intake Procedure: Contact the County Veterans Affairs Director in the county you reside to apply for this program.
Geographical Area: Pennsylvania
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Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veteran Affairs
Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs - Educational Gratuity Program
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