Helping Harvest
Reading - Weekender Program
Service for underprivileged children. Bags are filled with enough food for 6 meals, and 2 snacks. Bags are distributed to children on Fridays or the last day before school holidays in non-descript bags to not draw attention. Students can qualify for the program based on federal income eligibility guidelines.
117 Morgan Drive
Reading, PA 19608
Eligibility: Must meet federal income guidelines
Phone/FAX Numbers
  • (610) 926-5802
Email Address:
Fee Amounts: Services free of charge
Intake Procedure: Eligible students should talk with Weekender Coordinator at the school to fill out the required paperwork to be able to start receiving bags or call Helping Harvest to determine whether or not student's school participates.
Geographical Area: Berks, Schuylkill
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Helping Harvest
Reading - Weekender Program
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