Bradford Regional Medical Center
Administrative Headquarters - Inpatient Alcohol and Opioid Detoxification Services
A managed approach to alcohol and/or opioid withdrawal that is most often the initial step in treating chemical dependency. Medications combined with therapy are evidence-based treatment options to sustain recovery.
116 Interstate Parkway
Bradford, PA 16701
Eligibility: Adults age 18 and older who require medical detoxification from alcohol and/or opioids and those who exhibit moderate to severe intoxication with impending withdrawal.
Hours: Varies; call for details.
Phone/FAX Numbers
  • (800) 446-2583
  • (814) 368-4143
Fee Amounts: Accepts Medicaid and Medicare, as well as most commercial insurance plans; call for details.
Intake Procedure: Call for more information.
Geographical Area: McKean County
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Bradford Regional Medical Center
Administrative Headquarters - Inpatient Alcohol and Opioid Detoxification Services
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