Bernardine Center
Chester - Anger Management Classes
Offers classes in: managing anger, cans and can’ts, relaxation techniques, bio-spirituality through focusing, closing the gap between forgiveness and revenge,love of self – a process approach and a therapeutic model. An action plan is developed.
2625 West 9th Street
Chester, PA 19013
Eligibility: Referral by case manager or courts
Hours: Program times may vary; call for details
Phone/FAX Numbers
  • (610) 497-3225
  • (610) 497-3659 - Fax
Email Address:
Fee Amounts: Cost of each series is $35.00 due at the first class – (cash or money order; no refunds)
Intake Procedure: Call or walk in to register
Intake Requirements: Name and phone number; registration required
Geographical Area: Delaware County
Facility/ADA Access: Has ADA access
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Bernardine Center
Chester - Anger Management Classes
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