Goodwill Industries International
Goodwill Keystone Area - Chambersburg - Employment Services at Chambersburg
Provides employment training services that will support an individual in training, finding, and keeping a community job. Services include: Paid training program with competitive wages, Training evaluation and goals specific to individual needs, Employment Preparation (explores options, job placement plans, resumes, and interview prep, access to assistive technology), Job Search (search the local job market, contact employers, track job search), Job Placement (match with opportunities that meet job skills, educate employers about special needs), Follow-Along and Job Retention (on-the-job coaching and support, regular communication with employer within the first 30 days of employment, on-going job and skills training, advice on advancement or promotion), Employer Support (special needs education as it relates to workplace modifications, tax incentives for hiring individuals with disabilities), and Follow up services after the training program.
Letterkenny Army Depot
c/o LEAD Building 4
Chambersburg, PA 17201
Eligibility: Adults age 18 and older who are severely disabled and capable of performing some aspect of work
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00am to 3:00pm
Phone/FAX Numbers
  • (717) 261-1337
  • (800) 432-4483 - Hotline/Toll-Free
  • (717) 261-9734 - Fax
Email Address:
Fee Amounts: Services free of charge
Intake Procedure: Contact directly for an appointment.
Geographical Area: Pennsylvania
Helpful Tips: To be considered severely disabled, individuals must have written medical documentation stating they have either a mental, physical, or emotional disability or any combination of these. Only a psychiatrist can diagnose a mental health illness. A psychologist can diagnose a mental retardation diagnosis but not a mental health diagnosis.
Facility/ADA Access: Information not available
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* The community resource directory information is up to date to the best of our knowledge. However, you should always call the provider to confirm this information and make an appointment. Be sure to confirm payment information with the provider, if payment is required. Pennsylvania 211 does not rate, recommend or endorse any agency. We simply provide information as a public service.
Goodwill Industries International
Goodwill Keystone Area - Chambersburg - Employment Services at Chambersburg
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