Equines for Freedom
Equines for Freedom-PTSD Therapy - Equines for Freedom
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This therapy combines a licensed mental health professional, a certified equine specialist, and a therapy horse to create a research-based treatment model which strives to resolve emotional difficulties caused by disturbing, difficult, or frightening life experiences.
The horse is an integral part of treatment because horses are prey animals and therefore are extremely alert and sensitive to the emotions of those around them.
Clients learn to identify their own emotional state by observing the reaction from the horse. The horse also helps the client stay grounded as the client processes past traumas.
2150 Port Royal Road
Clarks Summit, PA 18411
Clarks Summit, PA 18411
Serves individuals with current or prior military experience and
first responders in Northeast Pennsylvania and surrounding areas
By appointment only
Phone/FAX Numbers
- (570) 319-9684
Email Address: EFF@EquinesForFreedom.org
Fee Amounts:
Services free and confidential
Intake Procedure:
Any inquiries are passed along to our intake team who will contact
the client directly for the next step.
Intake Requirements:
Contact by phone or email.
Geographical Area:
Lackawanna County
Facility/ADA Access:
Facility is ADA accessible but is comprised of a barn and arena
with some uneven ground between areas.
Additional Services Offered at this Location:
- Adult Child Sexual Abuse Survivor Counseling
- Anger Management
- Early Intervention for Mental Illness
- Equestrian Therapy
- Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing
- General Counseling Services
- General Psychiatry
- Mental Health Evaluation
- Mental Health Information/Education
- Outpatient Mental Health Facilities
- Substance Use Disorder Counseling
- Suicide Counseling
- Veteran Reintegration Counseling
- Veteran Support Groups
If you represent this agency, update your listing here.
* The community resource directory information is up to date to the best of our knowledge. However, you should always call the provider to confirm this information and make an appointment. Be sure to confirm payment information with the provider, if payment is required. Pennsylvania 211 does not rate, recommend or endorse any agency. We simply provide information as a public service.
Equines for Freedom
Equines for Freedom-PTSD Therapy - Equines for Freedom
Equines for Freedom-PTSD Therapy - Equines for Freedom