135 Matching Service Providers
Neighborhood Legal Services Association
Lawrence County Office - Legal Services
Offers civil legal services to low-income individuals and families without the means to hire a private attorney. Services include a legal advice helpline, direct representation, assistance in self-representation, brief service, limited legal assistance, and referrals to private attorneys. Also provides representation to survivors of domestic violence in Protection from Abuse (PFA) proceedings, legal assistance for veterans, several grants, a debt clinic, and community education.
101 South Mercer Street
Suite 105
New Castle, PA 16101
Eligibility: Call or visit website for updated eligibility.
Hours: Office Hours: Monday through Thursday, 9:00am to 12:00pm and 1:00pm to 3:00pm

Phone intake ends at 1:00pm.
Neighborhood Legal Services Association
Butler County Office - Legal Services
Offers civil legal services to low-income individuals and families without the means to hire a private attorney. Services include a legal advice helpline, direct representation, assistance in self-representation, brief service, limited legal assistance, and referrals to private attorneys. Also provides representation to survivors of domestic violence in Protection from Abuse (PFA) proceedings, legal assistance for veterans, several grants, a debt clinic, and community education.
220 South Main Street, Suite 306
Holly Pointe Building
Butler, PA 16001
Eligibility: Call or visit website for updated eligibility.
Hours: Office Hours: Monday through Thursday, 9:00am to 12:00pm and 1:00pm to 3:00pm

Phone intake ends at 1:00pm.
Neighborhood Legal Services Association
Beaver County Office - Legal Services
Offers civil legal services to low-income individuals and families without the means to hire a private attorney. Services include a legal advice helpline, direct representation, assistance in self-representation, brief service, limited legal assistance, and referrals to private attorneys. Also provides representation to survivors of domestic violence in Protection from Abuse (PFA) proceedings, legal assistance for veterans, several grants, a debt clinic, and community education.
500 Market Street
Stone Point Landing
Beaver, PA 15009
Eligibility: Call or visit website for updated eligibility.
Hours: Office Hours: Monday through Thursday, 9:00am to 12:00pm and 1:00pm to 3:00pm

Phone intake ends at 1:00pm.
Neighborhood Legal Services Association
Administrative Headquarters, Pittsburgh - Project Shape
Provides civil legal services to low-income individuals and families without the means to hire a private attorney.
928 Penn Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Eligibility: Call or visit website for updated eligibility.
Hours: Office Hours: Monday through Thursday, 9:00am to 12:00pm and 1:00pm to
3:00pm; Phone intake ends at 1:00pm.
Neighborhood Legal Services Association
Administrative Headquarters, Pittsburgh - Legal Services
Offers civil legal services to low-income individuals and families without the means to hire a private attorney. Services include a legal advice helpline, direct representation, assistance in self-representation, brief service, limited legal assistance, and referrals to private attorneys. Also provides representation to survivors of domestic violence in Protection from Abuse (PFA) proceedings, legal assistance for veterans, several grants, a debt clinic, and community education.
928 Penn Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Eligibility: Call or visit website for updated eligibility.
Hours: Office Hours: Monday through Thursday, 9:00am to 12:00pm and 1:00pm to 3:00pm

Phone intake ends at 1:00pm.
Pittsburgh Mercy
Operation Safety Net - Project H.E.L.P.
Provides private attorneys who will provide pro bono legal services once per month at the Operation Safety Net (OSN) office.
249 South 9th Street
2nd Floor
Pittsburgh, PA 15203
Eligibility: Individuals and families who are experiencing temporary or chronic homelessness.
Hours: 2nd Friday of every month, 9:00am to 11:00am

Services by appointment only.
University of Pittsburgh
University of Pittsburgh School of Law - Environmental Law Clinic
Working largely in the areas of water quality, water rights, mining, solid waste disposal, and land use, the Environmental Law Clinic represents low-income clients in matters ranging from legislative drafting to litigation to client counseling.
3900 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15260
Eligibility: The clinic represents individuals, organizations, and governmental
entities otherwise unable to afford legal and technical services for
their environmental and community-health needs.
University of Pittsburgh
University of Pittsburgh School of Law - Health Law Clinic
Serves low-income individuals with health-related legal problems, including ones that prevent them from working and/or result in their losing access to health care.
3900 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15260
Eligibility: The Health Law Clinic represents qualified adults and children in cases
in which individual income does not exceed approximately $25,000 (with
leeway given, depending on the size of the client's family).
University of Pittsburgh
University of Pittsburgh School of Law - Family Law Clinic
Assists indigent pro se litigants with family-law issues primarily involving custody, child support, and paternity, as well as secondary family-law issues.
3900 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15260
Eligibility: Eligibility is determined by the client's income, the issues involved in their case, and the availabilities of clinic students.

The public may access clinic services only by and through participating in the Allegheny County Family Court Pro Se program. Only litigants who are declared indigent by the pro se program are eligible to receive clinic services.
University of Pittsburgh
University of Pittsburgh School of Law - Taxpayer Clinic
Provides free legal help to persons, based upon their level of income, who have federal income tax problems or need federal income tax advice. Dealing with the clinic will not affect taxpayers' rights before the IRS.

The clinic provides free advice and assistance for:Income tax returns being examined by the IRS;IRS tax-collection problems;Tax cases pending before the United States Tax Court.Working under the supervision of experienced tax attorneys, the clinic's students assist in all aspects of delivering legal services to low-income taxpayers in disputes with the IRS. Students engage in interviewing, counseling, research, drafting, and negotiation with the IRS calendar and the disposition of the cases taken. In addition to working with clients, students meet for weekly case-review sessions.
3900 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15260
Eligibility: Determined by:The clients income;The issues involved in his or her
case;The availabilities of clinic students.
Mercer County Area Agency on Aging
Administrative Headquarters - Legal Assistance
Lawyers and lawyer-supervised aides provide help in resolving or preventing legal problems of eligible older adults. Educational programs on legal or related issues are presented to older consumers at Mercer County senior centers.
133 North Pitt Street
Mercer, PA 16137
Eligibility: Mercer County residents who are age 60 and older. Income restrictions may apply; call for details.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Somerset County Government
Domestic Relations Department - Child Support Wage Assignment Assistance
Provides legal assistance for people who want to petition the court to transfer the right to collect wages earned by their ex-spouses to themselves in cases where the ex-spouse is under court order to pay child support and fails to pay as required.
300 North Center Ave
Ste. 200
Somerset, PA 15501
Eligibility: Individuals needing assistance with child support enforcement
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 12:00pm and 1:00pm to 4:00pm
Summit Legal Aid
Administrative Headquarters, Washington County - Legal Services
Provides legal assistance for individuals and families in need of help with labor law, employment discimination, public assistance, worker's compensation, unemployment benefits, pension and social security benefits, and tax disputes. Services include help with application and appeals, filings, and legal representation.
10 West Cherry Avenue
Washington, PA 15301
Eligibility: Residents of the service area.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Summit Legal Aid
Administrative Headquarters, Washington County - Family Law
Provides legal services for all areas of family law, including child custody, child support, divorce, and estate issues.
10 West Cherry Avenue
Washington, PA 15301
Eligibility: Individuals and families in need of family law services in Armstrong, Cambria, Clarion, Fayette, Greene, Indiana, Jefferson, Somerset, and Washington counties.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Summit Legal Aid
Administrative Headquarters, Washington County - General Information
Offers legal services, including consultation, counseling, and representation in many areas of civil law. See specific program listings for details; provides referrals to attorneys if the individual's need is outside the scope of the services offered.
10 West Cherry Avenue
Washington, PA 15301
Eligibility: Free for residents of the service area based on income. No income restrictions for Protection from Abuse cases.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Summit Legal Aid
Fayette County - Legal Services
Provides legal assistance for individuals and families in need of help with labor law, employment discimination, public assistance, worker's compensation, unemployment benefits, pension and social security benefits, and tax disputes. Services include help with application and appeals, filings, and legal representation.
45 East Main Street
Suite 200
Uniontown, PA 15401
Eligibility: Residents of the service area.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Summit Legal Aid
Fayette County - Family Law
Provides legal services for all areas of family law, including child custody, child support, divorce, and estate issues.
45 East Main Street
Suite 200
Uniontown, PA 15401
Eligibility: Individuals and families in need of family law services in Armstrong, Cambria, Clarion, Fayette, Greene, Indiana, Jefferson, Somerset, and Washington counties.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Summit Legal Aid
Fayette County - General Information
Offers legal services, including consultation, counseling, and representation in many areas of civil law. See specific program listings for details; provides referrals to attorneys if the individual's need is outside the scope of the services offered.
45 East Main Street
Suite 200
Uniontown, PA 15401
Eligibility: Free for residents of the service area based on income. No income restrictions for Protection from Abuse cases.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Summit Legal Aid
Greene County - Legal Services
Provides legal assistance for individuals and families in need of help with labor law, employment discimination, public assistance, worker's compensation, unemployment benefits, pension and social security benefits, and tax disputes. Services include help with application and appeals, filings, and legal representation.
63 South Wahington Street
Waynesburg, PA 15370
Eligibility: Residents of the service area.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Summit Legal Aid
Greene County - Family Law
Provides legal services for all areas of family law, including child custody, child support, divorce, and estate issues.
63 South Wahington Street
Waynesburg, PA 15370
Eligibility: Individuals and families in need of family law services in Armstrong, Cambria, Clarion, Fayette, Greene, Indiana, Jefferson, Somerset, and Washington counties.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Summit Legal Aid
Greene County - General Information
Offers legal services, including consultation, counseling, and representation in many areas of civil law. See specific program listings for details; provides referrals to attorneys if the individual's need is outside the scope of the services offered.
63 South Wahington Street
Waynesburg, PA 15370
Eligibility: Free for residents of the service area based on income. No income restrictions for Protection from Abuse cases.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Summit Legal Aid
Somerset County - Legal Services
Provides legal assistance for individuals and families in need of help with labor law, employment discimination, public assistance, worker's compensation, unemployment benefits, pension and social security benefits, and tax disputes. Services include help with application and appeals, filings, and legal representation.
218 North Kimberly Avenue
Suite 101
Somerset, PA 15501
Eligibility: Residents of the service area.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Summit Legal Aid
Somerset County - Family Law
Provides legal services for all areas of family law, including child custody, child support, divorce, and estate issues.
218 North Kimberly Avenue
Suite 101
Somerset, PA 15501
Eligibility: Individuals and families in need of family law services in Armstrong, Cambria, Clarion, Fayette, Greene, Indiana, Jefferson, Somerset, and Washington counties.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Summit Legal Aid
Somerset County - General Information
Offers legal services, including consultation, counseling, and representation in many areas of civil law. See specific program listings for details; provides referrals to attorneys if the individual's need is outside the scope of the services offered.
218 North Kimberly Avenue
Suite 101
Somerset, PA 15501
Eligibility: Free for residents of the service area based on income. No income restrictions for Protection from Abuse cases.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Summit Legal Aid
Westmoreland County - Legal Services
Provides legal assistance for individuals and families in need of help with labor law, employment discimination, public assistance, worker's compensation, unemployment benefits, pension and social security benefits, and tax disputes. Services include help with application and appeals, filings, and legal representation.
16 East Otterman Street
Greensburg, PA 15601
Eligibility: Residents of the service area.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Summit Legal Aid
Westmoreland County - Family Law
Provides legal services for all areas of family law, including child custody, child support, divorce, and estate issues.
16 East Otterman Street
Greensburg, PA 15601
Eligibility: Individuals and families in need of family law services in Armstrong, Cambria, Clarion, Fayette, Greene, Indiana, Jefferson, Somerset, and Washington counties.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Summit Legal Aid
Westmoreland County - General Information
Offers legal services, including consultation, counseling, and representation in many areas of civil law. See specific program listings for details; provides referrals to attorneys if the individual's need is outside the scope of the services offered.
16 East Otterman Street
Greensburg, PA 15601
Eligibility: Free for residents of the service area based on income. No income restrictions for Protection from Abuse cases.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Summit Legal Aid
Cambria County - Legal Services
Provides legal assistance for individuals and families in need of help with labor law, employment discimination, public assistance, worker's compensation, unemployment benefits, pension and social security benefits, and tax disputes. Services include help with application and appeals, filings, and legal representation.
227 Franklin Street
Suite 400
Johnstown, PA 15901
Eligibility: Residents of the service area.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Summit Legal Aid
Cambria County - Family Law
Provides legal services for all areas of family law, including child custody, child support, divorce, and estate issues.
227 Franklin Street
Suite 400
Johnstown, PA 15901
Eligibility: Individuals and families in need of family law services in Armstrong, Cambria, Clarion, Fayette, Greene, Indiana, Jefferson, Somerset, and Washington counties.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Summit Legal Aid
Cambria County - General Information
Offers legal services, including consultation, counseling, and representation in many areas of civil law. See specific program listings for details; provides referrals to attorneys if the individual's need is outside the scope of the services offered.
227 Franklin Street
Suite 400
Johnstown, PA 15901
Eligibility: Free for residents of the service area based on income. No income restrictions for Protection from Abuse cases.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Summit Legal Aid
Clarion County - Legal Services
Provides legal assistance for individuals and families in need of help with labor law, employment discimination, public assistance, worker's compensation, unemployment benefits, pension and social security benefits, and tax disputes. Services include help with application and appeals, filings, and legal representation.
231 West Main Street
Clarion, PA 16214
Eligibility: Residents of the service area.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Summit Legal Aid
Clarion County - Family Law
Provides legal services for all areas of family law, including child custody, child support, divorce, and estate issues.
231 West Main Street
Clarion, PA 16214
Eligibility: Individuals and families in need of family law services in Armstrong, Cambria, Clarion, Fayette, Greene, Indiana, Jefferson, Somerset, and Washington counties.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Summit Legal Aid
Clarion County - General Information
Offers legal services, including consultation, counseling, and representation in many areas of civil law. See specific program listings for details; provides referrals to attorneys if the individual's need is outside the scope of the services offered.
231 West Main Street
Clarion, PA 16214
Eligibility: Free for residents of the service area based on income. No income restrictions for Protection from Abuse cases.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Northampton County Area Agency On Aging
Northampton County Area Agency on Aging - Northampton County Area Agency On Aging
Area Agencies on Aging provides local services, act as advocates, and generally assist older
citizens to remain active in their communities. They operate under guidance from the Pennsylvania Department of Aging.
Services include:
- Advocacy - Support and representation, administratively and legislatively, for the needs of older adults as a group or individually.
- PA MEDI - assistance with health insurance benefit concerns, appeals, benefit applications.
- Employment Services - subsidized employment for training purposes. Available to low income persons age 55 and older.
- Information and Referral - answers to questions on the availability of services and programs for older adults.
- Legal Services - provided in non-fee generating cases via a contract with North Penn Legal Services, Inc.
- Nursing Home Transition - Information about availability of long term care in a variety of settings - in the home, or in assisted living, and planning/coordination in making a move to an alternate setting including arranging for necessary services, for current residents of nursing homes.
- Ombudsman - receives, investigates and assists in resolving complaints about quality of long term care.
Provides information on long term care issues.
- Protective Services - activities, resources and supports to prevent or intervene in abuse, neglect, exploitation and abandonment cases.
- Specialized Transportation - limited availability of rides to medical appointments and social service agencies.
- Care Management - casework services for assessment and care planning, and authorization of the following:
- Adult Day Care - caregiving in an organized setting for less than a 24 hour day. Excellent for caregiver respite.
- Emergency Energy Assistance - bill payment or provision of fuel to avoid utility shut off or lack of fuel in crisis situations.
- Caregiver Support Program - educational services and financial assistance to family care providers.
- Home Delivered Meals - hot/cold meals delivered to maintain necessary nutrition.
- Home Health Care - skilled nursing, therapy and aide services.
- Nursing Home Respite Services - respite for overnight absences of caregivers.
- Personal Care - in-home help with bathing and other personal hygiene, laundry, shopping and meal preparation.
- Pre-Admission Assessment - level of care determination for those considering admission to a long term care facility.
- Waiver Services - Medicaid-funded in-home services of the types listed above, and more, to maintain nursing-home eligible older adults in their homes.
- Senior Farmer Market Nutrition Program - provides food vouchers for residents 60 years old who meet income guidelines

Information and referral service provides information on the availability of services and programs for older adults. Services may be delivered directly, purchased from a community agency, or available through a cooperative agreement.
2801 Emrick Boulevard
Bethlehem, PA 18020
Eligibility: County residents age 60 years and older
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm
Legal Aid of Southeastern Pennsylvania (LASP)
Media Domestic Violence Office - Domestic Violence - Protection from Abuse
Offers free legal help for victims of domestic abuse who are seeing Protection from Abuse (PFA) orders in each of the counties that we serve.
334 West Front Street, Lower Level
Media, PA 19063
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Legal Aid of Southeastern Pennsylvania (LASP)
Chester - Legal Aid Services
Offers free legal help for low-income and vulnerable residents of Bucks, Chester, Delaware, and Montgomery counties. May handle the following types of cases: bankruptcy, debt relief, and consumer law; child custod and dependency issues; disaster legal aid (including Hurricane Ida); elder law; expungements, pardons, and record sealing; government benefits issues concerning Unemployment Compensation, SSI, SSDI, TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families), SNAP (food stamps), Medical Assistance (Medicaid), and Child Health Insurance Program (CHIP), Housing issues such as landlord-tenant, eviction, habitability, public or subsidized housing, rent-to-own, homeownership, mortgage foreclosure, property tax sales, reverse mortgages, and tangled title; utility problems, and veterans benefits and discharge upgrades.
419 Avenue of the States, Suite 605
Chester, PA 19013
Eligibility: Must meet income requirements.
Hours: LASP Helpline: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 1:00pm
Legal Aid of Southeastern Pennsylvania (LASP)
West Chester - Legal Aid Services
Offers free legal help for low-income and vulnerable residents of Bucks, Chester, Delaware, and Montgomery counties. May handle the following types of cases: bankruptcy, debt relief, and consumer law; child custod and dependency issues; disaster legal aid (including Hurricane Ida); elder law; expungements, pardons, and record sealing; government benefits issues concerning Unemployment Compensation, SSI, SSDI, TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families), SNAP (food stamps), Medical Assistance (Medicaid), and Child Health Insurance Program (CHIP), Housing issues such as landlord-tenant, eviction, habitability, public or subsidized housing, rent-to-own, homeownership, mortgage foreclosure, property tax sales, reverse mortgages, and tangled title; utility problems, and veterans benefits and discharge upgrades.
222 North Walnut Street, 2nd Floor
West Chester, PA 19380
Eligibility: Must meet income requirements.
Hours: LASP Helpline: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 1:00pm
Legal Aid of Southeastern Pennsylvania (LASP)
West Chester - Domestic Violence - Protection from Abuse
Offers free legal help for victims of domestic abuse who are seeing Protection from Abuse (PFA) orders in each of the counties that we serve.
222 North Walnut Street, 2nd Floor
West Chester, PA 19380
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Legal Aid of Southeastern Pennsylvania (LASP)
Bristol - Legal Aid Services
Offers free legal help for low-income and vulnerable residents of Bucks, Chester, Delaware, and Montgomery counties. May handle the following types of cases: bankruptcy, debt relief, and consumer law; child custod and dependency issues; disaster legal aid (including Hurricane Ida); elder law; expungements, pardons, and record sealing; government benefits issues concerning Unemployment Compensation, SSI, SSDI, TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families), SNAP (food stamps), Medical Assistance (Medicaid), and Child Health Insurance Program (CHIP), Housing issues such as landlord-tenant, eviction, habitability, public or subsidized housing, rent-to-own, homeownership, mortgage foreclosure, property tax sales, reverse mortgages, and tangled title; utility problems, and veterans benefits and discharge upgrades.
1230 Veterans Highway, Suite F-13
Bristol, PA 19007
Eligibility: Must meet income requirements.
Hours: LASP Helpline: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 1:00pm
Legal Aid of Southeastern Pennsylvania (LASP)
Pottstown - Legal Aid Services
Offers free legal help for low-income and vulnerable residents of Bucks, Chester, Delaware, and Montgomery counties. May handle the following types of cases: bankruptcy, debt relief, and consumer law; child custod and dependency issues; disaster legal aid (including Hurricane Ida); elder law; expungements, pardons, and record sealing; government benefits issues concerning Unemployment Compensation, SSI, SSDI, TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families), SNAP (food stamps), Medical Assistance (Medicaid), and Child Health Insurance Program (CHIP), Housing issues such as landlord-tenant, eviction, habitability, public or subsidized housing, rent-to-own, homeownership, mortgage foreclosure, property tax sales, reverse mortgages, and tangled title; utility problems, and veterans benefits and discharge upgrades.
933 North Charlotte Street, Suite 2-A
Pottstown, PA 19464
Eligibility: Must meet income requirements.
Hours: LASP Helpline: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 1:00pm
Legal Aid of Southeastern Pennsylvania (LASP)
Doylestown Almshouse Office - Legal Aid Services
Offers free legal help for low-income and vulnerable residents of Bucks, Chester, Delaware, and Montgomery counties. May handle the following types of cases: bankruptcy, debt relief, and consumer law; child custod and dependency issues; disaster legal aid (including Hurricane Ida); elder law; expungements, pardons, and record sealing; government benefits issues concerning Unemployment Compensation, SSI, SSDI, TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families), SNAP (food stamps), Medical Assistance (Medicaid), and Child Health Insurance Program (CHIP), Housing issues such as landlord-tenant, eviction, habitability, public or subsidized housing, rent-to-own, homeownership, mortgage foreclosure, property tax sales, reverse mortgages, and tangled title; utility problems, and veterans benefits and discharge upgrades.
1260 Almshouse Road
Building G, 4th floor
Doylestown, PA 18901
Eligibility: Must meet income requirements.
Hours: LASP Helpline: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 1:00pm
Legal Aid of Southeastern Pennsylvania (LASP)
Norristown - Legal Aid Services
Offers free legal help for low-income and vulnerable residents of Bucks, Chester, Delaware, and Montgomery counties. May handle the following types of cases: bankruptcy, debt relief, and consumer law; child custod and dependency issues; disaster legal aid (including Hurricane Ida); elder law; expungements, pardons, and record sealing; government benefits issues concerning Unemployment Compensation, SSI, SSDI, TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families), SNAP (food stamps), Medical Assistance (Medicaid), and Child Health Insurance Program (CHIP), Housing issues such as landlord-tenant, eviction, habitability, public or subsidized housing, rent-to-own, homeownership, mortgage foreclosure, property tax sales, reverse mortgages, and tangled title; utility problems, and veterans benefits and discharge upgrades.
625 Swede Street
Norristown, PA 19401
Eligibility: Must meet income requirements.
Hours: LASP Helpline: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 1:00pm
Legal Aid of Southeastern Pennsylvania (LASP)
Norristown - Domestic Violence - Protection from Abuse
Offers free legal help for victims of domestic abuse who are seeing Protection from Abuse (PFA) orders in each of the counties that we serve.
625 Swede Street
Norristown, PA 19401
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Legal Aid of Southeastern Pennsylvania (LASP)
Doylestown Domestic Violence Office - Domestic Violence - Protection from Abuse
Offers free legal help for victims of domestic abuse who are seeing Protection from Abuse (PFA) orders in each of the counties that we serve.
224 North Main Street
Doylestown, PA 18901
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Abuse Network, Inc.
Mifflin County - Abuse Prevention and Services
Provides 24-hour hotline support, legal advocacy, medical advocacy, accompaniment, trauma-informed empowerment/options counseling, support groups, Information and Referral, community prevention, and awareness education.
31 South Dorcas Street
Ground Floor
Lewistown, PA 17044
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions
Hours: Monday through Thursday, 8:30am to 4:00pm; Friday, 8:30am to 12:00pm; Hours by appointment; Walk-ins accepted
Abuse Network, Inc.
Huntingdon County - Abuse Prevention and Services
Provides 24-hour hotline support, legal advocacy, medical advocacy, accompaniment, trauma-informed empowerment/options counseling, support groups, Information and Referral, community prevention, and awareness education.
500 Washington Street
Huntingdon, PA 16652
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions
Hours: Monday through Thursday, 8:30am to 4:00pm; Friday, 8:30am to 12:00pm; Hours by appointment
Abuse Network, Inc.
Juniata County - Abuse Prevention and Services
Provides 24-hour hotline support, legal advocacy, medical advocacy, accompaniment, trauma-informed empowerment/options counseling, support groups, Information and Referral, community prevention, and awareness education.
38 North Main Street
Suite 2
Mifflintown, PA 17059
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions
Hours: Monday through Thursday, 8:30am to 4:00pm; Friday, 8:30am to 12:00pm; Hours by appointment
Pennsylvania Coalition to Advance Respect
HERO Project - Sexual Assault Victim Services
Works to create sexual violence awareness and prevention education within communities.

Call the toll-free, confidential hotline to access services including counseling support, medical advocacy and legal advocacy, & accompaniment requests for local hospitals and police stations in Adams County.
2101 North Front Street
Harrisburg, PA 17110
Eligibility: Victims/survivors of sexual violence and their significant others
Hours: Hotline: 24/7; Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
Homeless Advocacy Project
Philadelphia - Legal Services to End Homelessness
Provides civil legal services to individuals and families experiencing homelessness or at risk of becoming homeless. Helps establish eligibility for benefit programs such as SSI, TANF, medical assistance, SNAP, and veterans compensation and pension; upgrades discharge characterizations; enforces custody and other family law rights; assists with shelter and supportive services; helps with replacing or correcting identity documents; and preserves private and subsidized housing eligibility.
1429 Walnut Street, 15th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Eligibility: A) Residents of Philadelphia County
B) Experiencing or at-risk for homelessness
Hours: Monday through Thursday, 9:00am to 5:00pm; Friday, 9:00am to 3:00pm
SeniorLAW Center
Legal Information
Provides free legal information, advice, brief services and/or referrals to Pennsylvania Seniors.
1650 Arch St
Suite 1820
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Eligibility: Open to PA residents 60 years of age and over
Hours: Monday through Thursday, 10:00am to 12:00pm
Housing Equality Center of Pennsylvania
Fort Washington - Fair Housing Enforcement and Education
Offers a range of programs to ensure that consumers have access to housing and understand their rights under fair housing laws. Services include counseling on the rights protected under fair housing laws, information on how to recognize and report violations, information on legal options and assistance with the legal process, random testing to ensure regional compliance with fair housing laws, technical assistance, and comprehensive education programs.
Eligibility: Residents of Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Lehigh, Montgomery, Northampton,
and Philadelphia counties
Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm
Victims Intervention Program
Honesdale - Legal Advocacy and Medical Advocacy
Provides Legal Advocacy and Medical Advocacy. Legal Advocacy includes accompaniment with transportation to Court, Legal proceedings, Legal Aid Agency, Police, and Social Service Agencies; Assistance in filing Protection from Abuse Orders (PFA), Protection from Intimidation Order (PFI) and Protections from Sexual Violence
Orders (SVO); Assistance with Crime Victim Compensation claims and support with legal issues, i.e. divorce, child custody, child support.
Medical advocacy includes assistance with making medical appointments and accompaniment with transportation to hospitals, doctors and medical professionals.
Eligibility: Victims and survivors of domestic violence, sexual violence, human
trafficking and other serious crimes. Services are for all men, women
and children who are fleeing domestic violence or human trafficking.
Hours: 24/7
North Penn Legal Services
Williamsport - Legal Services
Provides legal advocates for low-income individuals and families. NPLS helps people establish eligibility for public benefits, protect themselves from domestic violence, gain access to healthcare and avoid loss of housing due to uninhabitability, eviction or foreclosure. Also provides self-help materials, trainings and community workshops on a range of legal issues.
25 West Third Street
Williamsport, PA 17701
Eligibility: Low-income families, individuals, and groups
Hours: Apply by phone: Monday through Thursday, 9:00am to 11:30am and 1:30pm to
4:00pm Office: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to noon and 1:00pm to
North Penn Legal Services
Stroudsburg - Legal Services
Provides legal advocates for low-income individuals and families. NPLS helps people establish eligibility for public benefits, protect themselves from domestic violence, gain access to healthcare and avoid loss of housing due to uninhabitability, eviction or foreclosure. Also provides self-help materials, trainings and community workshops on a range of legal issues.
10 North Tenth Street
Stroudsburg, PA 18360
Eligibility: Low-income families, individuals, and groups
Hours: Apply by phone: Monday through Thursday, 9:00am to 11:30am and 1:30pm to
4:00pm Office Hours: Monday through Thursday, 8:30am to noon and
1:00pm to 4:30pm; Friday, 8:30am to 12:00pm and 1:00pm to 4:00pm
North Penn Legal Services
Hazleton - Legal Services
Provides legal advocates for low-income individuals and families. NPLS helps people establish eligibility for public benefits, protect themselves from domestic violence, gain access to healthcare and avoid loss of housing due to uninhabitability, eviction or foreclosure. Also provides self-help materials, trainings and community workshops on a range of legal issues.
101 West Broad Street
Hazleton, PA 18201
Eligibility: Low-income families, individuals, and groups
Hours: Apply by phone: Monday through Thursday, 9:00am to 11:30am and 1:30pm to
4:00pm Hours by appointment
North Penn Legal Services
Sunbury - Legal Services
Provides legal advocates for low-income individuals and families. NPLS helps people establish eligibility for public benefits, protect themselves from domestic violence, gain access to healthcare and avoid loss of housing due to uninhabitability, eviction or foreclosure. Also provides self-help materials, trainings and community workshops on a range of legal issues.
133 North Second Street
Sunbury, PA 17801
Eligibility: Low-income families, individuals, and groups
Hours: Apply by phone: Monday through Thursday, 9:00am to 11:30am and 1:30pm to
4:00pm Office: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to noon and 1:00pm to
North Penn Legal Services
Pittston - Legal Services
Provides legal advocates for low-income individuals and families. NPLS helps people establish eligibility for public benefits, protect themselves from domestic violence, gain access to healthcare and avoid loss of housing due to uninhabitability, eviction or foreclosure. Also provides self-help materials, trainings and community workshops on a range of legal issues.
33 North Main Street, Suite 200
Pittston, PA 18640
Eligibility: Low-income families, individuals, and groups
Hours: Apply by phone: Monday through Thursday, 9:00am to 11:30am and 1:30pm to
4:00pm Office: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to noon and 1:00pm to
North Penn Legal Services
Bethlehem - Legal Services
Provides legal advocates for low-income individuals and families. NPLS helps people establish eligibility for public benefits, protect themselves from domestic violence, gain access to healthcare and avoid loss of housing due to uninhabitability, eviction or foreclosure. Also provides self-help materials, trainings and community workshops on a range of legal issues.
559 Main Street
Suite 200
Bethlehem, PA 18018
Eligibility: Low-income families, individuals, and groups
Hours: Apply by phone: Monday through Thursday, 9:00am to 11:30am and 1:30pm to
4:00pm; Friday, 9:00am to 11:30am Office: Monday through Friday,
9:00am to 12:00pm and 1:00pm to 5:00pm
North Penn Legal Services
Honesdale - Legal Services
Provides legal advocates for low-income individuals and families. NPLS helps people establish eligibility for public benefits, protect themselves from domestic violence, gain access to healthcare and avoid loss of housing due to uninhabitability, eviction or foreclosure. Also provides self-help materials, trainings and community workshops on a range of legal issues.
925 Court Street
Honesdale, PA 18431
Eligibility: Low-income families, individuals, and groups
Hours: Apply by phone: Monday through Thursday, 9:00am to 11:30am and 1:30pm to
4:00pm Office: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to noon and 1:00pm to
North Penn Legal Services
Towanda - Legal Services
Provides legal advocates for low-income individuals and families. NPLS helps people establish eligibility for public benefits, protect themselves from domestic violence, gain access to healthcare and avoid loss of housing due to uninhabitability, eviction or foreclosure. Also provides self-help materials, trainings and community workshops on a range of legal issues.
21 Main Street
Towanda, PA 18848
Eligibility: Low-income families, individuals, and groups
Hours: Apply by phone: Monday through Thursday, 9:00am to 11:30am and 1:30pm to
4:00pm Office: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
Domestic Abuse Project of Delaware County
Chester - Counseling Services
Services include Options/Crisis Counseling involving safety planning, domestic violence education, and connection to community resources; Short-term Counseling (6 to 12 sessions) addressing psychoeducation, safety planning, crisis support, emotion regulation, making meaning of trauma, and processing associated emotions; support groups; financial literary training and personal financial counseling to address any financial aspects of abuse; and parent support workshops.
160 East Seventh Street
3rd Floor
Chester, PA 19013
Eligibility: Anyone affected by domestic violence and residing in Delaware County
Hours: Hotline: 24/7 Walk-in Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:00pm
Friday, 8:30am to 2:30pm
Domestic Abuse Project of Delaware County
Upper Darby - Counseling Services
Services include Options/Crisis Counseling involving safety planning, domestic violence education, and connection to community resources; Short-term Counseling (6 to 12 sessions) addressing psychoeducation, safety planning, crisis support, emotion regulation, making meaning of trauma, and processing associated emotions; support groups; financial literary training and personal financial counseling to address any financial aspects of abuse; and parent support workshops.
7236 West Chester Pike
Basement Level
Upper Darby, PA 19082
Eligibility: Anyone affected by domestic violence and residing in Delaware County
Hours: Hotline: 24/7 Walk-in Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:00pm
Friday, 8:30am to 2:30pm
Domestic Abuse Project of Delaware County
Media - Counseling Services
Services include Options/Crisis Counseling involving safety planning, domestic violence education, and connection to community resources; Short-term Counseling (6 to 12 sessions) addressing psychoeducation, safety planning, crisis support, emotion regulation, making meaning of trauma, and processing associated emotions; support groups; financial literary training and personal financial counseling to address any financial aspects of abuse; and parent support workshops.
14 West Second Street
Media, PA 19063
Eligibility: Anyone affected by domestic violence and residing in Delaware County
Hours: Hotline: 24/7 Walk-in Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:00pm
Friday, 8:30am to 2:30pm
Domestic Abuse Project of Delaware County
Media - Legal Services
Services include review of legal options available, advocacy, filing Temporary Protection from Abuse (PFA) orders, legal representation at final PFA hearings, assistance with U-Visa petitions, referrals for representation for non-PFA matters, district court accompaniment to the abuser’s criminal proceeding, and assistance applying for crime victims compensation.

Legal services also provides Domestic Violence trainings for local law enforcement.
14 West Second Street
Media, PA 19063
Eligibility: Victims of domestic abuse in Delaware County
Hours: Hotline: 24/7 Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Chester County Bar Association
West Chester - Access To Justice Program
Provides free legal services to financially qualified Chester County residents.
15 West Gay Street , 2nd Floor
West Chester, PA 19380
Eligibility: Residents of Chester County
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Pennsylvania Legal Aid Network
Harrisburg - Victim Assistance
Provides access to legal information on topics related to victims of crime.
118 Locust Street
The Lousie Brookins Building
Harrisburg, PA 17101
Eligibility: Residents of Pennsylvania
Hours: Monday through Saturday, 12:00pm to 8:00pm
Justice at Work
Philadelphia - Legal Services, Education, and Advocacy
Supports low-wage workers as they pursue economic and social justice. Provides free legal representation on employment-related issues, community education on legal rights for migrant and immigrant workers, and advocacy services.
990 Spring Garden Street, Suite 300
Philadelphia, PA 19123
Eligibility: Low-wage workers
Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm
Resources for Human Development
New Perspectives - Crisis Residence
An eight-bed, short-term residential program for adults in Carbon, Monroe and Pike counties. Provides supervised mental health stabilization services as an alternative to psychiatric hospitalization for individuals who are in psychiatric crisis, or who may need to be removed from a stressful environment while supports are identified to ensure stability.
Resources for Human Development
140 Neyhart Road
Stroudsburg, PA 18360
Eligibility: Adults in crisis
MidPenn Legal Services
Altoona - General Legal Services, Civil Matters
Provides civil legal services to low-income individuals and families. Offers representation/legal advice in areas such as the following: Protection from abuse; Child custody/visitation; Landlord/tenant disputes, public housing; Criminal Record Expungement Assistance; Government benefits (TANF, LIHEAP, Food Stamps, and Unemployment Compensation); Utility Shut Offs; Sheriff's sales/levy's; Consumer; Mortgage foreclosures; Low Income Taxpayers Clinic; Guardianships; Legal Services for Veterans - Homeless/Near Homeless; Elder Law.
171 Lakemont Park Boulevard
Altoona, PA 16602
Eligibility: Individuals and families that have a gross income of no more than 125% of
the federal poverty level, except for victims of domestic violence who
are assisted without regard to income
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm. All offices are closed on Saturday and Sunday.
MidPenn Legal Services
Altoona - Legal Services
Provides legal services.
171 Lakemont Park Boulevard
Altoona, PA 16602
Eligibility: Individuals and families that have a gross income of no more than 125% of
the federal poverty level, except for victims of domestic violence who
are assisted without regard to income
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
MidPenn Legal Services
Bedford - General Legal Services, Civil Matters
Provides civil legal services to low-income individuals and families. Offers representation/legal advice in areas such as the following: Protection from abuse; Child custody/visitation; Landlord/tenant disputes, public housing; Criminal Record Expungement Assistance; Government benefits (TANF, LIHEAP, Food Stamps, and Unemployment Compensation); Utility Shut Offs; Sheriff's sales/levy's; Consumer; Mortgage foreclosures; Low Income Taxpayers Clinic; Guardianships; Legal Services for Veterans - Homeless/Near Homeless; Elder Law.
232 East Pitt Street
Bedford, PA 15522
Eligibility: Individuals and families that have a gross income of no more than 125% of
the federal poverty level, except for victims of domestic violence who
are assisted without regard to income
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm. All offices are closed on Saturday and Sunday.
MidPenn Legal Services
Bedford - Legal Services
Provides legal services.
232 East Pitt Street
Bedford, PA 15522
Eligibility: Individuals and families that have a gross income of no more than 125% of
the federal poverty level, except for victims of domestic violence who
are assisted without regard to income
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
MidPenn Legal Services
Carlisle - General Legal Services, Civil Matters
Provides civil legal services to low-income individuals and families. Offers representation/legal advice in areas such as the following: Protection from abuse; Child custody/visitation; Landlord/tenant disputes, public housing; Criminal Record Expungement Assistance; Government benefits (TANF, LIHEAP, Food Stamps, and Unemployment Compensation); Utility Shut Offs; Sheriff's sales/levy's; Consumer; Mortgage foreclosures; Low Income Taxpayers Clinic; Guardianships; Legal Services for Veterans - Homeless/Near Homeless; Elder Law.
401 East Louther Street
Suite 103
Carlisle, PA 17013
Eligibility: Individuals and families that have a gross income of no more than 125% of
the federal poverty level, except for victims of domestic violence who
are assisted without regard to income
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm. All offices are closed on Saturday and Sunday.
MidPenn Legal Services
Carlisle - Legal Services
Provides legal services.
401 East Louther Street
Suite 103
Carlisle, PA 17013
Eligibility: Individuals and families that have a gross income of no more than 125% of
the federal poverty level, except for victims of domestic violence who
are assisted without regard to income
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
MidPenn Legal Services
Chambersburg - General Legal Services, Civil Matters
Provides civil legal services to low-income individuals and families. Offers representation/legal advice in areas such as the following: Protection from abuse; Child custody/visitation; Landlord/tenant disputes, public housing; Criminal Record Expungement Assistance; Government benefits (TANF, LIHEAP, Food Stamps, and Unemployment Compensation); Utility Shut Offs; Sheriff's sales/levy's; Consumer; Mortgage foreclosures; Low Income Taxpayers Clinic; Guardianships; Legal Services for Veterans - Homeless/Near Homeless; Elder Law.
230 Lincoln Way East
Suite A
Chambersburg, PA 17201
Eligibility: Individuals and families that have a gross income of no more than 125% of
the federal poverty level, except for victims of domestic violence who
are assisted without regard to income
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm. All offices are closed on Saturday and Sunday.
MidPenn Legal Services
Chambersburg - Legal Services
Provides legal services.
230 Lincoln Way East
Suite A
Chambersburg, PA 17201
Eligibility: Individuals and families that have a gross income of no more than 125% of
the federal poverty level, except for victims of domestic violence who
are assisted without regard to income
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
MidPenn Legal Services
Clearfield - General Legal Services, Civil Matters
Provides civil legal services to low-income individuals and families. Offers representation/legal advice in areas such as the following: Protection from abuse; Child custody/visitation; Landlord/tenant disputes, public housing; Criminal Record Expungement Assistance; Government benefits (TANF, LIHEAP, Food Stamps, and Unemployment Compensation); Utility Shut Offs; Sheriff's sales/levy's; Consumer; Mortgage foreclosures; Low Income Taxpayers Clinic; Guardianships; Legal Services for Veterans - Homeless/Near Homeless; Elder Law.
211 East Locust Street
Clearfield, PA 16830
Eligibility: Individuals and families that have a gross income of no more than 125% of
the federal poverty level, except for victims of domestic violence who
are assisted without regard to income
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm. All offices are closed on Saturday and Sunday.
MidPenn Legal Services
Clearfield - Legal Services
Provides legal services.
211 East Locust Street
Clearfield, PA 16830
Eligibility: Individuals and families that have a gross income of no more than 125% of
the federal poverty level, except for victims of domestic violence who
are assisted without regard to income
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
MidPenn Legal Services
Pottsville - General Legal Services, Civil Matters
Provides civil legal services to low-income individuals and families. Offers representation/legal advice in areas such as the following: Protection from abuse; Child custody/visitation; Landlord/tenant disputes, public housing; Criminal Record Expungement Assistance; Government benefits (TANF, LIHEAP, Food Stamps, and Unemployment Compensation); Utility Shut Offs; Sheriff's sales/levy's; Consumer; Mortgage foreclosures; Low Income Taxpayers Clinic; Guardianships; Legal Services for Veterans - Homeless/Near Homeless; Elder Law.
315 North Centre Street
Suite 101
Pottsville, PA 17901
Eligibility: Individuals and families that have a gross income of no more than 125% of
the federal poverty level, except for victims of domestic violence who
are assisted without regard to income
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm. All offices are closed on Saturday and Sunday.
MidPenn Legal Services
Pottsville - Legal Services
Provides legal services.
315 North Centre Street
Suite 101
Pottsville, PA 17901
Eligibility: Individuals and families that have a gross income of no more than 125% of
the federal poverty level, except for victims of domestic violence who
are assisted without regard to income
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
MidPenn Legal Services
Reading - General Legal Services, Civil Matters
Provides civil legal services to low-income individuals and families. Offers representation/legal advice in areas such as the following: Protection from abuse; Child custody/visitation; Landlord/tenant disputes, public housing; Criminal Record Expungement Assistance; Government benefits (TANF, LIHEAP, Food Stamps, and Unemployment Compensation); Utility Shut Offs; Sheriff's sales/levy's; Consumer; Mortgage foreclosures; Low Income Taxpayers Clinic; Guardianships; Legal Services for Veterans - Homeless/Near Homeless; Elder Law.
35 North 6th Street
Mezzanine, Suite 101
Reading, PA 19601
Eligibility: Individuals and families that have a gross income of no more than 125% of
the federal poverty level, except for victims of domestic violence who
are assisted without regard to income
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm. All offices are closed on Saturday and Sunday.
MidPenn Legal Services
Reading - Legal Services
Provides legal services.
35 North 6th Street
Mezzanine, Suite 101
Reading, PA 19601
Eligibility: Individuals and families that have a gross income of no more than 125% of
the federal poverty level, except for victims of domestic violence who
are assisted without regard to income
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
MidPenn Legal Services
State College - General Legal Services, Civil Matters
Provides civil legal services to low-income individuals and families. Offers representation/legal advice in areas such as the following: Protection from abuse; Child custody/visitation; Landlord/tenant disputes, public housing; Criminal Record Expungement Assistance; Government benefits (TANF, LIHEAP, Food Stamps, and Unemployment Compensation); Utility Shut Offs; Sheriff's sales/levy's; Consumer; Mortgage foreclosures; Low Income Taxpayers Clinic; Guardianships; Legal Services for Veterans - Homeless/Near Homeless; Elder Law.
3500 East College Ave
Suite 1295
State College, PA 16801
Eligibility: Individuals and families that have a gross income of no more than 125% of
the federal poverty level, except for victims of domestic violence who
are assisted without regard to income
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm. All offices are closed on Saturday and Sunday.
MidPenn Legal Services
State College - Legal Services
Provides legal services.
3500 East College Ave
Suite 1295
State College, PA 16801
Eligibility: Individuals and families that have a gross income of no more than 125% of
the federal poverty level, except for victims of domestic violence who
are assisted without regard to income
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
MidPenn Legal Services
Lancaster - General Legal Services, Civil Matters
Provides civil legal services to low-income individuals and families. Offers representation/legal advice in areas such as the following: Protection from abuse; Child custody/visitation; Landlord/tenant disputes, public housing; Criminal Record Expungement Assistance; Government benefits (TANF, LIHEAP, Food Stamps, and Unemployment Compensation); Utility Shut Offs; Sheriff's sales/levy's; Consumer; Mortgage foreclosures; Low Income Taxpayers Clinic; Guardianships; Legal Services for Veterans - Homeless/Near Homeless; Elder Law.
38 North Christian Street
Suite 200
Lancaster, PA 17602
Eligibility: Individuals and families that have a gross income of no more than 125% of
the federal poverty level, except for victims of domestic violence who
are assisted without regard to income
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm. All offices are closed on Saturday and Sunday.
MidPenn Legal Services
Lancaster - Legal Services
Provides legal services.
38 North Christian Street
Suite 200
Lancaster, PA 17602
Eligibility: Individuals and families that have a gross income of no more than 125% of
the federal poverty level, except for victims of domestic violence who
are assisted without regard to income
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
MidPenn Legal Services
Lebanon - General Legal Services, Civil Matters
Provides civil legal services to low-income individuals and families. Offers representation/legal advice in areas such as the following: Protection from abuse; Child custody/visitation; Landlord/tenant disputes, public housing; Criminal Record Expungement Assistance; Government benefits (TANF, LIHEAP, Food Stamps, and Unemployment Compensation); Utility Shut Offs; Sheriff's sales/levy's; Consumer; Mortgage foreclosures; Low Income Taxpayers Clinic; Guardianships; Legal Services for Veterans - Homeless/Near Homeless; Elder Law.
1150 Chestnut Street
1st Floor
Lebanon, PA 17042
Eligibility: Individuals and families that have a gross income of no more than 125% of
the federal poverty level, except for victims of domestic violence who
are assisted without regard to income
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm. All offices are closed on Saturday and Sunday.
MidPenn Legal Services
Lebanon - Legal Services
Provides legal services.
1150 Chestnut Street
1st Floor
Lebanon, PA 17042
Eligibility: Individuals and families that have a gross income of no more than 125% of
the federal poverty level, except for victims of domestic violence who
are assisted without regard to income
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
MidPenn Legal Services
Lewistown - General Legal Services, Civil Matters
Provides civil legal services to low-income individuals and families. Offers representation/legal advice in areas such as the following: Protection from abuse; Child custody/visitation; Landlord/tenant disputes, public housing; Criminal Record Expungement Assistance; Government benefits (TANF, LIHEAP, Food Stamps, and Unemployment Compensation); Utility Shut Offs; Sheriff's sales/levy's; Consumer; Mortgage foreclosures; Low Income Taxpayers Clinic; Guardianships; Legal Services for Veterans - Homeless/Near Homeless; Elder Law.
3 Monument Square
Suite 303
Lewistown, PA 17044
Eligibility: Individuals and families that have a gross income of no more than 125% of
the federal poverty level, except for victims of domestic violence who
are assisted without regard to income
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm. All offices are closed on Saturday and Sunday.
MidPenn Legal Services
Lewistown - Legal Services
Provides legal services.
3 Monument Square
Suite 303
Lewistown, PA 17044
Eligibility: Individuals and families that have a gross income of no more than 125% of
the federal poverty level, except for victims of domestic violence who
are assisted without regard to income
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
MidPenn Legal Services
Gettysburg - General Legal Services, Civil Matters
Provides civil legal services to low-income individuals and families. Offers representation/legal advice in areas such as the following: Protection from abuse; Child custody/visitation; Landlord/tenant disputes, public housing; Criminal Record Expungement Assistance; Government benefits (TANF, LIHEAP, Food Stamps, and Unemployment Compensation); Utility Shut Offs; Sheriff's sales/levy's; Consumer; Mortgage foreclosures; Low Income Taxpayers Clinic; Guardianships; Legal Services for Veterans - Homeless/Near Homeless; Elder Law.
123 Baltimore Street
Suite 103
Gettysburg, PA 17325
Eligibility: Individuals and families that have a gross income of no more than 125% of
the federal poverty level, except for victims of domestic violence who
are assisted without regard to income
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm. All offices are closed on Saturday and Sunday.
MidPenn Legal Services
Gettysburg - Legal Services
Provides legal services.
123 Baltimore Street
Suite 103
Gettysburg, PA 17325
Eligibility: Individuals and families that have a gross income of no more than 125% of
the federal poverty level, except for victims of domestic violence who
are assisted without regard to income
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
MidPenn Legal Services
York - General Legal Services, Civil Matters
Provides civil legal services to low-income individuals and families. Offers representation/legal advice in areas such as the following: Protection from abuse; Child custody/visitation; Landlord/tenant disputes, public housing; Criminal Record Expungement Assistance; Government benefits (TANF, LIHEAP, Food Stamps, and Unemployment Compensation); Utility Shut Offs; Sheriff's sales/levy's; Consumer; Mortgage foreclosures; Low Income Taxpayers Clinic; Guardianships; Legal Services for Veterans - Homeless/Near Homeless; Elder Law.
29 North Queen Street
York, PA 17403
Eligibility: Individuals and families that have a gross income of no more than 125% of
the federal poverty level, except for victims of domestic violence who
are assisted without regard to income
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm. All offices are closed on Saturday and Sunday.
MidPenn Legal Services
York - Legal Services
Provides legal services.
29 North Queen Street
York, PA 17403
Eligibility: Individuals and families that have a gross income of no more than 125% of
the federal poverty level, except for victims of domestic violence who
are assisted without regard to income
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
MidPenn Legal Services
Harrisburg - General Legal Services, Civil Matters
Provides civil legal services to low-income individuals and families. Offers representation/legal advice in areas such as the following: Protection from abuse; Child custody/visitation; Landlord/tenant disputes, public housing; Criminal Record Expungement Assistance; Government benefits (TANF, LIHEAP, Food Stamps, and Unemployment Compensation); Utility Shut Offs; Sheriff's sales/levy's; Consumer; Mortgage foreclosures; Low Income Taxpayers Clinic; Guardianships; Legal Services for Veterans - Homeless/Near Homeless; Elder Law.
100 North Cameron Street
401 West
Harrisburg, PA 17101
Eligibility: Individuals and families that have a gross income of no more than 125% of
the federal poverty level, except for victims of domestic violence who
are assisted without regard to income
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm. All offices are closed on Saturday and Sunday.
MidPenn Legal Services
Harrisburg - Legal Services
Provides legal services.
100 North Cameron Street
401 West
Harrisburg, PA 17101
Eligibility: Individuals and families that have a gross income of no more than 125% of
the federal poverty level, except for victims of domestic violence who
are assisted without regard to income
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Mental Health Association of Franklin and Fulton Counties
Help Line
Offers a Help Line for those feeling anxious, in need of reassurance. Staffed by trained certified peer specialists and call specialists who have been there.
144 South 8th Street
Suite 111
Chambersburg, PA 17201
Eligibility: Anyone who needs support or to talk to someone
Hours: Daily, 5:00pm to 10:00pm
Pennsylvania Department of Human Services - NEPA Counties
Bradford County Assistance Office - Emergency Shelter Allowance (ESA)
Provides an emergency shelter allowance to stop eviction from home/apartment or foreclosure to house. May also help find a long-term or short-term place to live, if necessary. Amount of the one time payment depends on needs, situation, and emergency.
1 Elizabeth Street
Suite 4
Towanda, PA 18848
Eligibility: Homeless or near homeless family/individuals. Must meet all income,
resource, and non-financial guidelines. Call for more information.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm
Army Emergency Relief
Provides emergency aid, in the form of either a direct grant (a cash gift, not to be repaid) or an interest-free loan, and by giving college scholarships to children of soldiers.
2530 Crystal Drive
Suite 13161
Arlington, VA 22202
Eligibility: The following individuals are eligible for assistance from Army Emergency

* Soldiers on extended active duty and their dependents.

* Members of the Reserve Components of the Army (National Guard
under Title 10 authority and Army Reserve) who are on continuous
active duty for more than 30 consecutive days and their eligible
family members.

* Soldiers retired from active duty because of longevity or physical
disability or retired upon reaching age 60 (Reserve Components)
and their eligible family members.

* Widows, widowers and orphans of Soldiers who died while on active
duty or after retirement as cited above.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm
Greater Harleysville and North Penn Senior Services
The PEAK Center - Support Services and Consumer Resources
Support Services and Consumer Resources offers assistance on a variety of legal, financial and health services. Age eligibility may apply.

Services available include:
A) Financial and Legal Advice
B) Benefit Screenings and Application Assistance
C) Medicare and Healthcare Options; APPRISE Counselor
D) Assistance with LIHEAP (Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program).
E) Access to Other Agencies and Government Services
606 East Main Street, Suite 1003
Lansdale, PA 19446
Eligibility: Older Adults
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
Greater Harleysville and North Penn Senior Services
Harleysville - Support Services and Consumer Resources
Support Services and Consumer Resources offers assistance on a variety of legal, financial and health services. Age eligibility may apply.

Services available include:
A) Financial and Legal Advice
B) Benefit Screenings and Application Assistance
C) Medicare and Healthcare Options; APPRISE Counselor
D) Assistance with LIHEAP (Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program).
E) Access to Other Agencies and Government Services
312 Alumni Avenue
Harleysville, PA 19438
Eligibility: Older Adults
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
Philadelphia VIP
Pro Bono Legal Services
Provides referrals to volunteer attorneys for non-fee-generating civil legal matters.

Intake is by referral from other legal aid providers only.
1500 Walnut Street
Suite 400
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Eligibility: Must be referred by other legal aid provider. Only residents of
Hours: Monday through Thursday, 9:00am to 5:00pm Friday, 9:00am to 3:00pm
Legal Clinic for the Disabled
Philadelphia - Legal Services
Provides legal services to low-income people with disabilities and to the deaf and hard of hearing in most areas of civil law including: child custody, child support, protection from abuse, landlord-tenant, divorce (no-fault), debt collection, Medicaid, Medicare, increasing access to healthcare, simple wills, living wills, and power of attorney.
1513 Race Street
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Eligibility: A) Individuals with a disability
B) Living at 200% or below the federal poverty guidelines
C) Residents of the Greater Philadelphia area
Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm
Philadelphia Legal Assistance
Philadelphia - Legal Assistance
Provides free legal services to low-income Philadelphians in areas of family violence and/or child abuse, child custody, child and spousal support and divorce. Special programs for Latina, Asian, and deaf survivors of family violence and teen mothers.
718 Arch Street
Suite 300N
Philadelphia, PA 19106
Eligibility: Philadelphia residents
Hours: Walk ins: Monday and Wednesday, 9:00am to 11:30am
Phone intake: Tuesday and Thursday 9:30am to 12:00pm
Carbon County Veterans Affairs
Jim Thorpe - Veteran Benefits Assistance
Assists veterans and their family members with information regarding federal, state, and local benefits. Offers assistance in filing for and accessing the following benefits: compensation for a service-connected disability, pension for veterans unable to work, vocational rehabilitation and counseling, payment for education and job training, home loan guaranty, life insurance, "wheelchair homes," burial benefits, dependency and indemnity compensation, and death pension.
76 Susquehanna Street
Jim Thorpe, PA 18229
Eligibility: * Veterans, their dependents, and survivors

* Residents of Carbon County
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Norristown Center - Case Management Services
Provide case management services to individuals or families who need assistance with food security; interpretation and translation; court processes in domestic, divorce, or child custody matters; finding employment and/or training; information for families on juvenile justice cases; completing higher education applications and other systems navigation assistance.
512 West Marshall Street
Norristown, PA 19401
Eligibility: Residents of Montgomery County
Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm
Pottstown Center (Virtual Only) - Case Management Services
Provide case management services to individuals or families who need assistance with food security; interpretation and translation; court processes in domestic, divorce, or child custody matters; finding employment and/or training; information for families on juvenile justice cases; completing higher education applications and other systems navigation assistance.
515 Walnut Street
Pottstown, PA 19464
Eligibility: Residents of Montgomery County
Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm
Berks County Veterans Affairs
Reading - Veteran Benefits Assistance
Administers benefit programs for veterans and assists with applying for these benefits.
726 Cherry Street
Reading, PA 19602
Eligibility: * Veterans and their families

* Residents of Berks County
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to noon and 1:00pm to 5:00pm
United Way of Chester County
Financial Stability Center
Works in collaboration with PA CareeerLink to provides extensive support and resources, professional guidance, confidential counseling, and a set of services to help clients clarify and achieve their financial and employment goals.
479 Thomas Jones Way
Suite 500
Exton, PA 19341
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions
Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 4:30pm
Lehigh County Veterans Affairs
Assist veterans and their family members with information regarding federal, state and local benefits. Services include assistance in filing for and accessing the following federal benefits: compensation for service connected disability; pension for veterans unable to work; and burial benefits. The benefits for family members of deceased veterans include dependency and indemnity compensation and survivor's pension.
17 South Seventh Street
Room 230
Allentown, PA 18101
Eligibility: Lehigh County veterans and their family members
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
Lehigh County Office of Aging and Adult Services
Committed to supporting and empowering the well being of adults of all ages, residing in Lehigh County. Information and assistance is provided to enable individuals to remain active, healthy, productive and independent in their community.
Senior Services include:
- Adult day care
- Assessment
- Care Management
- Caregiver Support Program
- Cedarview Apartments
- Health and Wellness
- Homemaker/home support (18-59 years of age)
- Housing case management/housing assistance
- Information and assistance
- Neighborhood senior centers
- PA LINK to Aging and Disability Resources (www.lehighnorthamptonlink.org)
- Ombudsman program
- Personal care
- Protective services
- Transportation
Click here to find information on subsidized housing, home health care, personal care homes, nursing homes, retirement communities, etc
17 South Seventh Street, Room 230
Lehigh County Government Center
Allentown, PA 18101
Eligibility: Adults over 60
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:00pm; Emergency service 24/7
Adams County Veterans Affairs
Gettysburg - Veterans Services
Assists war veterans and their families in securing their rights in matters relating to their person, property, and care of family. Offers one-time benefit payment of up to $1,600.
117 Baltimore Street
Suite 201-A
Gettysburg, PA 17325
Eligibility: Residents of Adams County
Wartime Veterans (including honorably discharged)
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry
Employment, Advancement and Retention Network (EARN)
- Prepares job seekers for the global workforce through employment and job training services for youth, adult, older adult and dislocated workers
- Enforces regulations and safety standards in the workplace and administers the Commonwealth's programs for community service by young Pennsylvanians
- Administers benefits to unemployed individuals, oversees the administration of workers' compensation benefits to individuals with job related injuries and/or illnesses, and provides vocational rehabilitation to individuals with disabilities
651 Boas Street
Room 1700
Harrisburg, PA 17121
Eligibility: Pennsylvania employers and workers
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm
York County Bar Association and Bar Foundation
York - Modest Means Program
Need an Attorney but don't know if you can afford one? The York County Bar Association's Modest Means program helps low-income York County families find affordable legal assistance in the areas of family law, tenant evictions, and criminal defense law. Modest Means attorneys have agreed to charge reduced rates to clients referred through this program.
137 East Market Street
York, PA 17401
Eligibility: Eligibility is based on the type of legal matter, household income and
asset levels, and the availability of Modest Means attorneys.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
York County Bar Association and Bar Foundation
York - York Lawyers for the Arts (YLA) Program
Program is designed to help the growing arts community in York County find legal assistance. Legal assistance may be in the form of pro bono (fee-free) representation or Modest Means (reduced fee) representation depending on eligibility and qualification.
137 East Market Street
York, PA 17401
Eligibility: Eligibility is based on the type of your legal matter, your
income/assets, and the availability of participating lawyers YLA can
provide free or reduced fee arts-related legal representation and
education to low-income artists and nonprofit arts and cultural
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Pennsylvania American Legion
Pennsylvania American Legion - District 29 - Veteran Membership Organization
Focusing on service to veterans, service members and communities. Programs for Family, Youth, Community and National Affairs. Help with VA claims, assistance in finding employment, support for current members of the military, and financial advice.
120 West 4th Street
Waterford, PA 16441
Eligibility: Served honorably during any eligible war eras or are on active duty
today, serving honorably.
Hours: Call for more information.
York County Government - York County Human Services Department
York County Human Services - York County Area Agency on Aging - Legal Services
Restricted to non-fee generating services, like consultation on civil legal problems, Advance Directives, Power of Attorney and wills. OTHER LEGAL ISSUES CONSIDERED:
  • Landlord/tenant disputes
    • Health Care benefit issues
    • Consumer fraud issues
  • 2401 Pleasant Valley Road
    York, PA 17402
    Eligibility: This service is limited to low-income individuals, age 60 and over.
    Fee-generating cases are excluded.
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm
    YWCA Bucks County
    YWCA Bucks County - Racial and Social Justice
    Encourages youth and adults of all cultures to explore race together. Includes "reading to reduce racism" after school book clubs, discussion groups, and special events
    2425 Trevose Road
    Feasterville Trevose, PA 19053
    Hours: Please call
    City of Lebanon
    Lebanon City Hall - Local Officials Offices
    Administers the services and programs of the City of Lebanon including: permits and licenses, recreation, community and economic development, accounts and finances, engineering, traffic, highway, recycling, building and zoning, shade trees, bureau of police, and public safety.
    735 Cumberland Street
    Lebanon, PA 17042
    Eligibility: Residents of Lebanon
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
    Defender Association of Philadelphia
    Germantown Hub - Participatory Defense Hubs
    Utilizes trained community volunteers to provide insight, perspective, and support to those being charged and their families as they navigate the justice system. Gives participants a deeper understanding of the justice process, what is expected from them at each stage, and suggestions to help them prepare for meetings with their attorney, court dates, and other steps of the process. Offers virtual and in-person meetings, depending upon location.
    47 East Haines Street
    Philadelphia, PA 19144
    Eligibility: Juvenile and adult defendants and their families in Philadelphia
    Hours: Hours vary by location; call for details.
    Defender Association of Philadelphia
    Youth Hub - Participatory Defense Hubs
    Utilizes trained community volunteers to provide insight, perspective, and support to those being charged and their families as they navigate the justice system. Gives participants a deeper understanding of the justice process, what is expected from them at each stage, and suggestions to help them prepare for meetings with their attorney, court dates, and other steps of the process. Offers virtual and in-person meetings, depending upon location.
    924 Cherry Street
    Fifth Floor
    Philadelphia, PA 19107
    Eligibility: Juvenile and adult defendants and their families in Philadelphia
    Hours: Hours vary by location; call for details.
    Defender Association of Philadelphia
    North Philly Hub - Participatory Defense Hubs
    Utilizes trained community volunteers to provide insight, perspective, and support to those being charged and their families as they navigate the justice system. Gives participants a deeper understanding of the justice process, what is expected from them at each stage, and suggestions to help them prepare for meetings with their attorney, court dates, and other steps of the process. Offers virtual and in-person meetings, depending upon location.
    3600 North Broad Street
    Philadelphia, PA 19140
    Eligibility: Juvenile and adult defendants and their families in Philadelphia
    Hours: Hours vary by location; call for details.
    Defender Association of Philadelphia
    West Philly Hub - Participatory Defense Hubs
    Utilizes trained community volunteers to provide insight, perspective, and support to those being charged and their families as they navigate the justice system. Gives participants a deeper understanding of the justice process, what is expected from them at each stage, and suggestions to help them prepare for meetings with their attorney, court dates, and other steps of the process. Offers virtual and in-person meetings, depending upon location.
    4523 Chester Avenue
    Philadelphia, PA 19143
    Eligibility: Juvenile and adult defendants and their families in Philadelphia
    Hours: Hours vary by location; call for details.
    Defender Association of Philadelphia
    Best Outcomes Hub - Participatory Defense Hubs
    Utilizes trained community volunteers to provide insight, perspective, and support to those being charged and their families as they navigate the justice system. Gives participants a deeper understanding of the justice process, what is expected from them at each stage, and suggestions to help them prepare for meetings with their attorney, court dates, and other steps of the process. Offers virtual and in-person meetings, depending upon location.
    2839 West Girard Avenue
    First Floor
    Philadelphia, PA 19130
    Eligibility: Juvenile and adult defendants and their families in Philadelphia
    Hours: Hours vary by location; call for details.
    Defender Association of Philadelphia
    South Philly Hub - Participatory Defense Hubs
    Utilizes trained community volunteers to provide insight, perspective, and support to those being charged and their families as they navigate the justice system. Gives participants a deeper understanding of the justice process, what is expected from them at each stage, and suggestions to help them prepare for meetings with their attorney, court dates, and other steps of the process. Offers virtual and in-person meetings, depending upon location.
    2212 South Broad Street
    Philadelphia, PA 19145
    Eligibility: Juvenile and adult defendants and their families in Philadelphia
    Hours: Hours vary by location; call for details.
    Defender Association of Philadelphia
    Haddington Hub - Participatory Defense Hubs
    Utilizes trained community volunteers to provide insight, perspective, and support to those being charged and their families as they navigate the justice system. Gives participants a deeper understanding of the justice process, what is expected from them at each stage, and suggestions to help them prepare for meetings with their attorney, court dates, and other steps of the process. Offers virtual and in-person meetings, depending upon location.
    260 South 51st Street
    Philadelphia, PA 19139
    Eligibility: Juvenile and adult defendants and their families in Philadelphia
    Hours: Hours vary by location; call for details.
    Dauphin County Area Agency on Aging
    Legal Services
    Offers legal assistance that is available free of charge to persons 60 and older. Limits service to civil law cases and does not include fee-generating cases.
    2 South Second Street
    Dauphin County Administration Building,
    Harrisburg, PA 17101
    Eligibility: Anyone age 60 years old or older
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm
    Dauphin County Area Agency on Aging
    Northern Dauphin Human Services Center Agency on Aging - Referral Services for Civil Legal Matters
    Provides referral services for simple civil legal matters which are not considered to be fee-generating.
    295 State Dr
    Elizabethville, PA 17023
    Eligibility: Anyone age 60 years old or older.
    Employment Skills Center
    Carlisle - Nurse Aide Training Program
    Offers pre-clinical classes and scholarships for clinical training. Skills taught include professional attitude and ethics, stress management, conflict resolution, communication essentials, legal and ethical issues, basic human anatomy, mathematics for the CNA, diversity interactions, and more.
    29 South Hanover Street
    Carlisle, PA 17013
    Eligibility: Adults age 18 and older
    Hours: Monday through Thursday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
    McKean County Family Law Offices
    Smethport - McKean County Family Law Offices
    Handles child support and divorce hearings, as well as custody mediation services. Purpose of the court is to justly decide the controversies presented. Litigation: Divorce, Child Support, Custody.
    16975 Route 6
    Smethport, PA 16749
    Venango County Public Defender
    Venango County Courthouse - Public Defender
    Provides legal counsel to any person charged with a qualified criminal offense and is determined unable to afford legal counsel.
    1168 Liberty Street
    Franklin, PA 16323
    Eligibility: Must meet federal poverty guidelines
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm
    Potter County Public Defender's Office
    Gunzburger Building - Public Defender
    Serves as public defender and provides assistance with certain legal matters.
    1 North Main Street, Suite 134
    Coudersport, PA 16915
    Eligibility: Residents of Potter County
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
    Norristown Hospitality Center
    Norristown - Drop in Center for Individuals Experiencing Homelessness
    Offers a day shelter that provides breakfast; mail, fax, and phone services; lockers (30 days max); public restrooms; hot showers with towels and soap provided; crisis intervention and mental health counseling; social service applications and referrals; a monthly legal aid clinic; and an ID clinic to obtain state IDs, birth certificates, and social security cards.

    Serves as a cooling center or code blue shelter during extreme weather emergencies.
    530 Church Street, First Floor
    Norristown, PA 19401
    Eligibility: Serves adults (age 18+) only.
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00am to 4:00pm
    Pennsylvania Institutional Law Project
    Central PA Office and Federal Prison Issues - Civil Legal Assistance
    Assists individuals who are incarcerated or detained in prisons, jails, immigration detention centers, or other institutional settings by providing information, legal advice, advocacy, and representation of civil rights matter issues related to their conditions of confinement.

    Provides assistance in:

    A) Medical care and mental healthcare
    B) Freedom from retaliation and freedom from assault and sexual abuse
    C) Personal safety and freedom from assault and sexual abuse
    D) Access to the courts
    E) Religious accommodations and disability accommodations
    F) Clean, safe, and humane living conditions
    115 Farley Circle
    Suite 110
    Lewisburg, PA 17837
    Eligibility: Individuals who are incarcerated or detained in prisons, jails, immigration detention centers, and other institutional settings in Pennsylvania.
    Hours: Hours vary.
    Duquesne University School of Law
    Tribone Center for Clinical Legal Education - Veterans Clinic
    Assists veterans charged with non-violent offenses adjudicated through the Allegheny County Veterans Court program. The students prepare and present cases for disposition in the Court of Common Pleas and stay in touch with veterans to ensure they are following court-ordered substance abuse or mental health treatment plans offered as alternatives to incarceration.
    912 Fifth Avenue
    Tribone Building
    Pittsburgh, PA 15282
    Eligibility: Call for eligibility determination.
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
    Neighborhood Legal Services Association
    Lawrence County Office - Legal Services
    Neighborhood Legal Services Association
    Butler County Office - Legal Services
    Neighborhood Legal Services Association
    Beaver County Office - Legal Services
    Neighborhood Legal Services Association
    Administrative Headquarters, Pittsburgh - Project Shape
    Neighborhood Legal Services Association
    Administrative Headquarters, Pittsburgh - Legal Services
    Pittsburgh Mercy
    Operation Safety Net - Project H.E.L.P.
    University of Pittsburgh
    University of Pittsburgh School of Law - Environmental Law Clinic
    University of Pittsburgh
    University of Pittsburgh School of Law - Health Law Clinic
    University of Pittsburgh
    University of Pittsburgh School of Law - Family Law Clinic
    University of Pittsburgh
    University of Pittsburgh School of Law - Taxpayer Clinic
    Mercer County Area Agency on Aging
    Administrative Headquarters - Legal Assistance
    Somerset County Government
    Domestic Relations Department - Child Support Wage Assignment Assistance
    Summit Legal Aid
    Administrative Headquarters, Washington County - Legal Services
    Summit Legal Aid
    Administrative Headquarters, Washington County - Family Law
    Summit Legal Aid
    Administrative Headquarters, Washington County - General Information
    Summit Legal Aid
    Fayette County - Legal Services
    Summit Legal Aid
    Fayette County - Family Law
    Summit Legal Aid
    Fayette County - General Information
    Summit Legal Aid
    Greene County - Legal Services
    Summit Legal Aid
    Greene County - Family Law
    Summit Legal Aid
    Greene County - General Information
    Summit Legal Aid
    Somerset County - Legal Services
    Summit Legal Aid
    Somerset County - Family Law
    Summit Legal Aid
    Somerset County - General Information
    Summit Legal Aid
    Westmoreland County - Legal Services
    Summit Legal Aid
    Westmoreland County - Family Law
    Summit Legal Aid
    Westmoreland County - General Information
    Summit Legal Aid
    Cambria County - Legal Services
    Summit Legal Aid
    Cambria County - Family Law
    Summit Legal Aid
    Cambria County - General Information
    Summit Legal Aid
    Clarion County - Legal Services
    Summit Legal Aid
    Clarion County - Family Law
    Summit Legal Aid
    Clarion County - General Information
    Northampton County Area Agency On Aging
    Northampton County Area Agency on Aging - Northampton County Area Agency On Aging
    Legal Aid of Southeastern Pennsylvania (LASP)
    Media Domestic Violence Office - Domestic Violence - Protection from Abuse
    Legal Aid of Southeastern Pennsylvania (LASP)
    Chester - Legal Aid Services
    Legal Aid of Southeastern Pennsylvania (LASP)
    West Chester - Legal Aid Services
    Legal Aid of Southeastern Pennsylvania (LASP)
    West Chester - Domestic Violence - Protection from Abuse
    Legal Aid of Southeastern Pennsylvania (LASP)
    Bristol - Legal Aid Services
    Legal Aid of Southeastern Pennsylvania (LASP)
    Pottstown - Legal Aid Services
    Legal Aid of Southeastern Pennsylvania (LASP)
    Doylestown Almshouse Office - Legal Aid Services
    Legal Aid of Southeastern Pennsylvania (LASP)
    Norristown - Legal Aid Services
    Legal Aid of Southeastern Pennsylvania (LASP)
    Norristown - Domestic Violence - Protection from Abuse
    Legal Aid of Southeastern Pennsylvania (LASP)
    Doylestown Domestic Violence Office - Domestic Violence - Protection from Abuse
    Abuse Network, Inc.
    Mifflin County - Abuse Prevention and Services
    Abuse Network, Inc.
    Huntingdon County - Abuse Prevention and Services
    Abuse Network, Inc.
    Juniata County - Abuse Prevention and Services
    Pennsylvania Coalition to Advance Respect
    HERO Project - Sexual Assault Victim Services
    Homeless Advocacy Project
    Philadelphia - Legal Services to End Homelessness
    SeniorLAW Center
    Legal Information
    North Penn Legal Services
    Williamsport - Legal Services
    North Penn Legal Services
    Stroudsburg - Legal Services
    North Penn Legal Services
    Hazleton - Legal Services
    North Penn Legal Services
    Sunbury - Legal Services
    North Penn Legal Services
    Pittston - Legal Services
    North Penn Legal Services
    Bethlehem - Legal Services
    North Penn Legal Services
    Honesdale - Legal Services
    North Penn Legal Services
    Towanda - Legal Services
    Domestic Abuse Project of Delaware County
    Chester - Counseling Services
    Domestic Abuse Project of Delaware County
    Upper Darby - Counseling Services
    Domestic Abuse Project of Delaware County
    Media - Counseling Services
    Domestic Abuse Project of Delaware County
    Media - Legal Services
    Chester County Bar Association
    West Chester - Access To Justice Program
    Pennsylvania Legal Aid Network
    Harrisburg - Victim Assistance
    Justice at Work
    Philadelphia - Legal Services, Education, and Advocacy
    Resources for Human Development
    New Perspectives - Crisis Residence
    MidPenn Legal Services
    Altoona - General Legal Services, Civil Matters
    MidPenn Legal Services
    Altoona - Legal Services
    MidPenn Legal Services
    Bedford - General Legal Services, Civil Matters
    MidPenn Legal Services
    Bedford - Legal Services
    MidPenn Legal Services
    Carlisle - General Legal Services, Civil Matters
    MidPenn Legal Services
    Carlisle - Legal Services
    MidPenn Legal Services
    Chambersburg - General Legal Services, Civil Matters
    MidPenn Legal Services
    Chambersburg - Legal Services
    MidPenn Legal Services
    Clearfield - General Legal Services, Civil Matters
    MidPenn Legal Services
    Clearfield - Legal Services
    MidPenn Legal Services
    Pottsville - General Legal Services, Civil Matters
    MidPenn Legal Services
    Pottsville - Legal Services
    MidPenn Legal Services
    Reading - General Legal Services, Civil Matters
    MidPenn Legal Services
    Reading - Legal Services
    MidPenn Legal Services
    State College - General Legal Services, Civil Matters
    MidPenn Legal Services
    State College - Legal Services
    MidPenn Legal Services
    Lancaster - General Legal Services, Civil Matters
    MidPenn Legal Services
    Lancaster - Legal Services
    MidPenn Legal Services
    Lebanon - General Legal Services, Civil Matters
    MidPenn Legal Services
    Lebanon - Legal Services
    MidPenn Legal Services
    Lewistown - General Legal Services, Civil Matters
    MidPenn Legal Services
    Lewistown - Legal Services
    MidPenn Legal Services
    Gettysburg - General Legal Services, Civil Matters
    MidPenn Legal Services
    Gettysburg - Legal Services
    MidPenn Legal Services
    York - General Legal Services, Civil Matters
    MidPenn Legal Services
    York - Legal Services
    MidPenn Legal Services
    Harrisburg - General Legal Services, Civil Matters
    MidPenn Legal Services
    Harrisburg - Legal Services
    Mental Health Association of Franklin and Fulton Counties
    Help Line
    Pennsylvania Department of Human Services - NEPA Counties
    Bradford County Assistance Office - Emergency Shelter Allowance (ESA)
    Greater Harleysville and North Penn Senior Services
    The PEAK Center - Support Services and Consumer Resources
    Greater Harleysville and North Penn Senior Services
    Harleysville - Support Services and Consumer Resources
    Philadelphia VIP
    Pro Bono Legal Services
    Legal Clinic for the Disabled
    Philadelphia - Legal Services
    Philadelphia Legal Assistance
    Philadelphia - Legal Assistance
    Carbon County Veterans Affairs
    Jim Thorpe - Veteran Benefits Assistance
    Norristown Center - Case Management Services
    Pottstown Center (Virtual Only) - Case Management Services
    Berks County Veterans Affairs
    Reading - Veteran Benefits Assistance
    United Way of Chester County
    Financial Stability Center
    Lehigh County Veterans Affairs
    Lehigh County Office of Aging and Adult Services
    Adams County Veterans Affairs
    Gettysburg - Veterans Services
    Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry
    Employment, Advancement and Retention Network (EARN)
    York County Bar Association and Bar Foundation
    York - Modest Means Program
    York County Bar Association and Bar Foundation
    York - York Lawyers for the Arts (YLA) Program
    Pennsylvania American Legion
    Pennsylvania American Legion - District 29 - Veteran Membership Organization
    York County Government - York County Human Services Department
    York County Human Services - York County Area Agency on Aging - Legal Services
    YWCA Bucks County
    YWCA Bucks County - Racial and Social Justice
    City of Lebanon
    Lebanon City Hall - Local Officials Offices
    Defender Association of Philadelphia
    Germantown Hub - Participatory Defense Hubs
    Defender Association of Philadelphia
    Youth Hub - Participatory Defense Hubs
    Defender Association of Philadelphia
    North Philly Hub - Participatory Defense Hubs
    Defender Association of Philadelphia
    West Philly Hub - Participatory Defense Hubs
    Defender Association of Philadelphia
    Best Outcomes Hub - Participatory Defense Hubs
    Defender Association of Philadelphia
    South Philly Hub - Participatory Defense Hubs
    Defender Association of Philadelphia
    Haddington Hub - Participatory Defense Hubs
    Dauphin County Area Agency on Aging
    Legal Services
    Dauphin County Area Agency on Aging
    Northern Dauphin Human Services Center Agency on Aging - Referral Services for Civil Legal Matters
    Employment Skills Center
    Carlisle - Nurse Aide Training Program
    McKean County Family Law Offices
    Smethport - McKean County Family Law Offices
    Venango County Public Defender
    Venango County Courthouse - Public Defender
    Potter County Public Defender's Office
    Gunzburger Building - Public Defender
    Norristown Hospitality Center
    Norristown - Drop in Center for Individuals Experiencing Homelessness
    Pennsylvania Institutional Law Project
    Central PA Office and Federal Prison Issues - Civil Legal Assistance
    Duquesne University School of Law
    Tribone Center for Clinical Legal Education - Veterans Clinic
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