200 Matching Service Providers
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Greater Wyoming Valley Area YMCA
Wikes-Barre Family YMCA - Free Food Distribution
Offers a free community food distributions.
40 West Northampton Street
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions.
Hours: Monthly 2nd Friday and 4th Wednesday, 1:00pm to 6:00pm
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Wilkes-Barre
Wilkes-Barre - Food Pantry
Provides perishable and non perishable food to the community.
190 S. Main Street
Wilkes Barre, PA 18702
Eligibility: Residents of Luzern County
Hours: Monday and Wednesday, 1:00pm to 4:00pm. Friday 9:00am to 12:00pm.
Saint Stephen's Episcopal Church
Wilkes-Barre - Food Pantry
Offers a food pantry for those in need. Donations accepted.
35 South Franklin Street
Wilkes Barre, PA 18701
Eligibility: Residents of Luzerne County.
Hours: Monday and Wednesday, 1:00pm to 3:00pm
Salvation Army - Wilkes-Barre
Food Pantry
Distributes Food Boxes of non-perishable food items. Also distributes fresh bread, pastries and produce.
17 South Pennsylvania Avenue
Wilkes Barre, PA 18701
Eligibility: Those in need of supplemental food.
Hours: Food Box Distribution Tuesday and Thursdays, 9:30am to 12:00pm.
Bread and pastries, Monday through Friday, 9:30 am to 3:00 pm. Produce Fridays.
United Blend PA Community Center
Wilkes Barre - Food Bank
Offers a food bank twice a month.
215 South Main Street
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701
Eligibility: Anyone in need.
Hours: First and Third Friday of the month, 9:00am to 5:00pm
Saint Nicholas Church
Wilkes Barre - Food Pantry
Provides a community food pantry.
226 South Washington Street
Wilkes Barre, PA 18701
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions.
Hours: Wednesday, 10:00am to noon
Volunteers of America - Northeast Regional Office
Wilkes Barre - Volunteers of America NEPA Food Pantry
Offers a food bank to those experiencing food insecurity in the area.
25 North River Street
Wilkes Barre, PA 18702
Eligibility: Luzerne County residents.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 12:00pm to 3:00pm
Volunteers of America - Northeast Regional Office
Wilkes Barre - Maternal Services
Serving mothers during pregnancy and post-delivery, their children, and families through in-home support, counseling, and material assistance. Program Services:
In-home visitation
Person-centered case management
Parenting education
Sibling support
Unlimited home visitation during pregnancy and post-delivery
Health care navigation
Direct support or referrals for childcare, housing, employment searches/application assistance, clothing, and food
Information and education on GED classes /higher education
STD education
Personal finance and budgeting
Assistance applying for benefit and entitlement programs
Access to baby, family, and food pantries
25 North River Street
Wilkes Barre, PA 18702
Eligibility: Women who are Medicaid enrolled who are pregnant or families with a child up to 18 months.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm. Operating by appointment.
Catholic Social Services of the Diocese of Scranton (CSS)
Saint Vincent de Paul Kitchen - Food Pantry
Provides supplemental food items to residents of the community who are experiencing food insecurity.
39 East Jackson Street
Wilkes Barre, PA 18702
Eligibility: Open to all, self declared need.
Hours: Tuesday, Thursday, 9:00am to 11:00am
Restored Church
Community Food Distribution
Provides non-perishable and fresh food items.
74 South Meade Street
Wilkes Barre, PA 18702
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions.
Hours: Monthly 2nd and 4th Thursday, 2:00pm to 6:00pm
Exception: Thanksgiving week: Tuesday, 2:00pm to 5:00pm
New Roots
New Roots Support Center - New Roots Recovery Support Center
Provides support to individuals and families affected by substance use disorder. Facilitates the journey towards a healthier life through meaningful relationships and community engagement through availability of walk-in recovery center. Guidance and support is available from on-site state-certified recovery specialists. Welcoming to all pathways to recovery services:

A) Nutrition Classes and Wellness Education
B) Family Events
C) Mental Health Workshops
D) Support Groups
E) Art Therapy
121 Water Street
Wilkes Barre, PA 18702
Eligibility: Anyone in need of support for substance use disorder and maintaining sobriety are welcome.
Hours: Monday 9am- 6pm
Tuesday 9am- 7pm
Wednesday 9am- 7pm
Thursday 9am- 7pm
Friday 9am- 7pm

Saturday and Sunday - Closed
New Roots
New Roots Support Center - Food Pantry
Partners with King's College to provide a food pantry.
121 Water Street
Wilkes Barre, PA 18702
Eligibility: Welcomes all in need in the community, available to anyone.
Hours: Pantry is open on Thursdays, 9:00am to 5:00pm or walk in any day for
emergency purposes. Agency hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to
Sidney and Pauline Friedman Jewish Community Center
Sara's Table at Kraus Chaiken Food Pantry
Offers a food pantry for those in need. Rear of JCC, stay in car for distribution. Volunteers welcomed.
613 S.J. Strauss Lane
Kingston, PA 18704
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions.
Hours: 2nd and 4th Friday, 9:30am to 11:00am
Ashley Food Pantry - Saint Leo's Holy Rosary Church
Ashley Food Pantry
Hosts a community food pantry providing supplemental food.
33 Manhattan St.
Ashley, PA 18706
Eligibility: Individuals/families who reside in service area and meet income/family
size guidelines. Call for more information.
Hours: Monthly 2nd Thursday, 10:00am to 12:30pm and 5:30pm to 7:00pm
Saint Peter and Paul Parish
Plains - Plains Food Pantry
Provides a community food pantry.
13 Hudson Road
Plains, PA 18705
Eligibility: Community residents in need.
Hours: Monthly 3rd Friday, 9:00am
All Saints Parish Christian Service Center
Food Pantry
Provides a monthly community supplemental food distribution.
66 Willow Street
Plymouth, PA 18651
Eligibility: Individuals, families in need of food who reside in service area.
Hours: Last Thursday of the month,10:00am to noon
Back Mountain Food Pantry
Trucksville United Methodist Church - Food Pantry
Provides a community supplemental food pantry. Also provides extra food to families with school age children when schools are closed in the summer months.
40 Knob Hill Road
Trucksville, PA 18708
Eligibility: Residents of Dallas and Lake Lehman school districts. Must meet federal income guidelines. Call for details.
Hours: Pantry office is open for deliveries and donations on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 10:00am to noon.
Food pantry applications and food distributions, Friday, 10:00am to noon.
Wyoming United Presbyterian Church
Wyoming - Food Distribution
Offers a monthly food distribution.
40 Institute Street
Wyoming, PA 18644
Eligibility: Serves the residents of Harding, West Pittston, Exeter, Wyoming, West Wyoming, Forty Fort, Swoyersville, and Kingston. If you do not live in these communities, we can help connect you with a food pantry that serves your location.
Hours: Third Thursday monthly, 5:00pm to 7:00pm
Back Mountain Harvest Assembly Church
Back Mountain Harvest Assembly Food Pantry
Provides a food pantry of dry and frozen food and goods to community.
340 Carverton Road
Trucksville, PA 18708
Eligibility: Families residing in Back Mountain area who meet US Department of Agriculture income guidelines.
Hours: Monthly, 1st and 3rd Saturday, 10:00am to 12:00pm
Nebo Baptist Church
Nanticoke - Monthly Produce Market
Offers a monthly food distribution. Focuses on fresh fruits and vegetables, but also distributes non-perishables. Includes dairy and meat, if available.
75 South Prospect Street
Nanticoke, PA 18634
Eligibility: Individuals in need who reside in Luzerne County.
Hours: First Wednesday of the month, 4:00pm to 6:00pm
Faith Church Nanticoke
Faith Cares Food Ministry
Provides the community with grocery items.
220 Middle Road
Nanticoke, PA 18634
Eligibility: Must be a resident of Newport Township or Nanticoke. Newport Township includes: Alden, Glen Lyon, Lee, Ridgeview/Sheatown and Wanamie.
Hours: Monthly 4th Friday, 4:00pm to 7:00pm
Care and Concern Ministries
Care and Concern Food Pantry - Greater Pittston - Greater Pittston Food Pantry
Offers a community food pantry providing supplemental, non perishable food items. Households may receive food once per month from September through May, pantry is closed June through August.
37 Williams Street
Pittston, PA 18640
Eligibility: Individuals, families residing in the Pittston Area and Wyoming Area
School Districts
Hours: 1st and 2nd Wednesday by appointment
Saint Paul's Lutheran Church - Mountain Top
Mountain Top Food Bank
Provides a community food pantry where eligible residents can receive food up to 12 times a year plus some holidays. Distributes pre-bagged non-perishible food to clients' cars.
316 South Mountain Boulevard
Mountain Top, PA 18707
Eligibility: Residents of Mountain Top who fit income-to-family-size guidelines. Call for details.
Hours: Friday, 9:00am to noon
Commission on Economic Opportunity (CEO)
Weinberg Northeast Regional Food Bank - White Haven Food Pantry
White Haven Center hosts a food pantry for residents of White Haven.
185 Research Drive
Pittston, PA 18640
Eligibility: Open to all in need of supplemental food.
Hours: Food Pantry: Fridays 10:00m to 12:00pm
Commission on Economic Opportunity (CEO)
Weinberg Northeast Regional Food Bank - Senior Food Box Program
Provides Senior Food Boxes.
185 Research Drive
Pittston, PA 18640
Eligibility: Must be age 60+ and meet income guidelines.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm (Closed for lunch from 12:00pm to 1:00pm.
Commission on Economic Opportunity (CEO)
Weinberg Northeast Regional Food Bank - Weinberg NE Regional Food Bank
Regional Food Bank distributing food to area food pantries.
185 Research Drive
Pittston, PA 18640
Eligibility: All volunteers are welcomed.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 5:0pm
Fellowship Church
Food Pantry
Provides a food pantry.
45 Hildebrandt Road
Dallas, PA 18612
Eligibility: Anyone in need throughout the Back Mountain and Wyoming Valley area.
Hours: Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, 11:00am to 2:00pm
Jenkins Township/Hughestown CEO Monthly Mobile Food Distribution
Hughestown Food Distribution
Provides a monthly mobile drive-thru food pantry of non-perishable food items and produce (when available).
1 James Court
Hughestown, PA 18640
Eligibility: Open to all Luzerne County residents in need.
Hours: Monthly 2nd Friday, 10:30am to 1:00pm (or until food runs out)
Holy Mother of Sorrows PNCC Dupont
Dupont Area Food Pantry
Provides a monthly food distribution pantry. Eligible persons can receive food up to 12 times per year plus Christmas and Easter.
212 Wyoming Avenue
Dupont, PA 18641
Eligibility: Must reside in service area and meet income guidelines.
Hours: Last Thursday of the month, 11:00am to 1:00pm (Holiday weeks, times may
Newport Township Community Organization
American Legion Auxiliary Unit 539 - Mobile Food Services
Offers a mobile food pantry which is organized by volunteers.
351 West Kirmar Avenue
Nanticoke, PA 18634
Eligibility: Residents of Newport Township
Hours: Second Saturday monthly, 11:00am to 12:00pm
Bethel United Methodist Church - Avoca
Avoca Food Pantry
Hosts a food pantry to provides food to alleviate hunger and promote proper nutrition, particularly among children and the elderly. Eligible persons can receive food up to 12 times a year plus Christmas and Easter.
Bethel United Methodist Church
532 Main Street
Avoca, PA 18641
Eligibility: Individuals must show proof of residence and meet income/family size
guidelines. Call for more information.
Hours: First and third Thursday, 2:00pm to 5:00pm
Moosic United Methodist Church
Moosic - Food Pantry
Provides a food pantry.
609 Main Street
Moosic, PA 18507
Eligibility: Residents of Lackawanna County
Hours: Saturday, 9:00am to 12:00pm
Sweet Valley Church of Christ
Sweet Valley Food Pantry
Hosts a Mobile Food pantry.
Food is supplied by the CEO Weinberg NE Regional Food Bank.
5439 Main Road
Sweet Valley, PA 18656
Eligibility: Must be a resident of Luzerene County. Proof of Luzerne County residence
is required.
Hours: First Friday of each momth, 10:00am to 12:00pm
Friends of the Poor
Divine Mercy Parish - Divine Mercy Parish Food Pantry
Provides a monthly food pantry of supplemental food items.
312 Davis Street
Scranton, PA 18505
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions
Hours: Monthly 1stThursday, 2:00pm to 3:00pm
Friends of the Poor
Hill Top Manor - Hilltop Manor Food Pantry
Provides a monthly food pantry of supplemental food items.
136 Belvedere Drive
Scranton, PA 18505
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions
Hours: Monthly 3rd Thursday, 11:00am to 12:00pm
Friends of the Poor
Valley View Terrace - Valley View Terrace Food Pantry
Provides a food pantry of supplemental food items. Individuals may receive food twice a month.
950 Pear Street, Building 9
Scranton, PA 18505
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions
Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday, 9:30am to 12:30pm
Saint Ann Basilica Parish
Food Pantry
Providing a food pantry twice a month.
1250 Saint Ann Street
Scranton, PA 18504
Eligibility: Individuals in need
Hours: 2nd and 4th Wednesday of every month, 2:00pm to 4:00pm
Shickshinny First United Methodist Church
Shickshinny Area Food Pantry
Provides a community food pantry.
6 East Butler Street
Shickshinny, PA 18655
Eligibility: Resident of Shickshinny, Hunlock Creek, Salem, and Beach Haven.
Hours: Monthly 1st and 3rd Thursday, noon to 1:30pm
Saint Stanislaus Polish National Catholic Church
Saint Stanislaus -Youth Center Building - One Hot Meal Food Pantry
Provides monthly supplemental, non-perishable food pantry and One Hot take out Meal.
527 East Elm Street
Scranton, PA 18505
Eligibility: Residents of Lackawanna County, Low income
Hours: 1st Saturday, 12:00pm to 1:00pm
Bread Basket of Northeastern Pennsylvania
Scranton (Veterans/Military Families) - Veteran/Military Family Pantry
Food Pantry hosted by Vahalla Veteran's Services providing non-perishable food items, as well as fresh foods.
2754 Jackson Street
Scranton, PA 18504
Eligibility: Lackawanna County Military famlies and Veterans only.
Hours: Friday, 11:00am to 1:00pm
Salvation Army - Scranton
Scranton Citadel Corps - Choice Food Pantry
Provides a weekly food choice pantry.
500 South Washington Street
Scranton, PA 18505
Eligibility: Residents of Scranton, Dickson City, Dunmore, Moosic, Old Forge, Taylor and Throop, S. Abington Township, Clarks Summit, Clarks Green, Elmhurst and Chinchilla, and Waverly. Residents are eligible for the food choice pantry every two months as needed.
Hours: Call the office Monday, 9:00am to 4:00pm to schedule an appointment for Tuesday. Pantry is open Tuesday, 9:00am to 3:00pm by appointment only.
Friends of the Poor
Jackson Terrace - Jackson Terrace Food Pantry
Provides a food pantry of supplemental food items. Individuals may receive food twice a month.
148 Meridan Avenue
Scranton, PA 18505
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions
Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 4:00pm
Friends of the Poor
Catherine McAuley Center - Catherine McAuley Food Pantry
Provides a food pantry of supplemental food items. Also provides self-care and hygiene items, period products, and other goods as donations allow.
430 Pittston Avenue
Scranton, PA 18505
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions
Hours: Tuesday and Thursday, 9:30am to 4:30pm
Friends of the Poor
The Recovery Bank - The Recovery Bank Food Pantry
Provides a weekly food pantry of supplemental food items.
120 Wyoming Avenue
Scranton, PA 18503
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions
Hours: Thursday, 12:00pm to 4:00pm
Friends of the Poor
Lackawanna County Youth and Family Services - O.Y.F.S Food Pantry
Provides a food pantry of supplemental food items.
123 Wyoming Avenue
Scranton, PA 18503
Eligibility: Referrals only.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
Friends of the Poor
Saint Luke's - St. Luke's Episcopal Church Food Pantry
Provides a monthly food pantry.
232 Wyoming Avenue
Scranton, PA 18503
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions
Hours: Monthly 3rd Tuesday, 1:00pm to 3:00pm.
Bread Basket of Northeastern Pennsylvania
South Scranton and Center City - South and Center City Scranton Food Pantry
Elm Park United Methodist Church hosts a food pantry providing non-perishable food items, as well as fresh food. Recipients may attend once a month.
712 Linden Street & Jefferson Avenue
Scranton, PA 18503
Eligibility: Serves South Scranton & Center City Scranton area. Call for more
Hours: Wednesday, 10:00am to 12:00pm
Friends of the Poor
Elm Park United Methodist Church - STARS Food Pantry
Provides a monthly food pantry of supplemental food items.
712 Linden Street
Scranton, PA 18503
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions
Hours: 3rd Tuesday monthly, 3:30pm to 4:30pm
Catholic Social Services of the Diocese of Scranton (CSS)
Saint Francis of Assisi Kitchen - Food and Clothing Pantry
Provides the client choice food pantry, and a free clothing store. Clothing store also distributes personal care items as they are available.
500 Penn Avenue
Scranton, PA 18503
Eligibility: Open to all in need of food and/or clothing.
Hours: Food Pantry: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, 11:00am to 2:00pm.
Clothing Store: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, 11:00am to 2:00pm.
Catholic Social Services of the Diocese of Scranton (CSS)
Saint Francis Commons - Food Pantry
Provides supplemental food item to residents of the community who are experiencing food insecurity.
504 Penn Avenue
Scranton, PA 18505
Eligibility: Available to all, self-declared need.
Hours: Tuesdays, 1:00pm to 4:00pm
Friends of the Poor
Washington West - Washington West Food Pantry
Provides a monthly food pantry of supplemental food items.
537 North Washington Avenue
Scranton, PA 18509
Eligibility: Open to all.
Hours: 2nd Friday monthly, 1:00pm to 2:00pm
United Neighborhood Centers of NEPA
Community Services Offices - Angel's Attic Food and Clothing Pantry
Operates a food pantry and clothing pantry where those in need can select clothing, fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables, meats, dairy products, and nonperishable foods.
410 Olive Street
Scranton, PA 18509
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions
Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm
Safety Net Scranton
Provides emergency assistance those who have exhausted limits, resources, or services of other agencies. On-site mini-pantry, emergency clothing, vouchers for emergency food, transportation, medical or rent assistance.
550 Madison Avenue
Scranton, PA 18510
Eligibility: Eligibility determined on case by case basis.
Hours: By appointment only Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 12:00pm to 4:00pm
Jewish Family Service of NEPA
Kosher Food Pantry
Provides assistance with food and other necessary household items to families and individuals during times of significant financial stress.
Volunteers are a vital part of the Food Pantry and assist
with shopping, sorting and distributing food packages. Pantry visits are limited to twice a month unless otherwise approved by the Executive Director.
615 Jefferson Avenue, Suite 204
Scranton, PA 18510
Eligibility: Call or visit website for more information.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm
Jewish Family Service of NEPA
Kosher Meals on Wheels
Provides adequate, well-balanced, home delivered meals to homebound people who are unable to shop for and unable to prepare meals for themselves.
The meals are prepared at the Jewish Home of Eastern Pennsylvania under Kosher dietary guidelines. Meals may be meat or dairy and are based on a four-week menu cycle. Recipients may request 1 or 2 daily meals.
615 Jefferson Avenue, Suite 204
Scranton, PA 18510
Eligibility: Kosher Meals on Wheels are available to those people in our community who
adhere to Kosher dietary requirements. The program serves those who
are temporarily or permanently disabled and who require outside
support in order to function independently at home.
Hours: Meals are delivered Monday through Friday, usually between the hours of 8:30am to 10:00am
Bread Basket of Northeastern Pennsylvania
Embury - Embury Food Pantry
Food pantry hosted by Embury United Methodist Church providing non-perishable food items, as well as fresh food.
942 North Main Avenue
Scranton, PA 18504
Eligibility: Serving families unable to make weekday pantries. Call for more
Hours: 3rd Saturday monthly, 1:00pm to 3:00pm
Court Street United Methodist Church
Kinship Community Meal
Provides a monthly community meal. Guests can either sit and dine or take a hot meal to-go.
816 Court Street
Scranton, PA 18508
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions
Hours: 3rd Thursday of the month, 3:30 pm to 5:30pm
Green Ridge Assembly of God
Scranton - Food Pantry
Provides a food pantry.
825 Green Ridge Street
Scranton, PA 18509
Eligibility: Residents of Lackawanna County.
Hours: Wednesday, 3:00pm to 4:00pm
Bread Basket of Northeastern Pennsylvania
North Scranton, Dunmore, West Scranton - North Scranton Dunmore West Scranton Food Pantry
Provides non-perishable foods, as well as fresh food once per month.
1820 Church Avenue
Scranton, PA 18508
Eligibility: Individuals, families residing in service area. Call for more
Hours: Tuesday, 10:00am to 12:00pm
Friends of the Poor
Holy Rosary Center - Holy Rosary Food Pantry
Offers a monthly food pantry that includes fresh produce, milk, non-perishables, cleaning supplies, and hygiene items.
316 West Market Street
Scranton, PA 18508
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions
Hours: 3rd Thursday monthly, 2:00pm to 3:00pm
Lake Winola United Methodist Church
Lake Winola Food Pantry
Provides a local food pantry to eligible persons one time per month.
Supplied by the Weinberg NE Regional Food Bank and church donations.
326 Maple Drive
Dalton, PA 18414
Eligibility: Lower Wyoming County households with income at 150% of federal poverty
Hours: 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month, 2:30pm to 6:00pm.
Saint Joseph's Center
Dunmore - Baby and Children's Pantry
Provides assistance in the form of baby supplies and baby furniture.
320 Blakely Street
Dunmore, PA 18509
Eligibility: Available to women preparing for the birth of their child and for young
families in need.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
Friends of the Poor
Marywood University - Pacer Pantry
Provides supplemental food and other necessities to Marywood students and employees.
2300 Adams Avenue
Scranton, PA 18509
Eligibility: Students, staff, and faculty of Marywood University only
Hours: Available during the fall and spring semesters; Monday, Thursday, and Friday, 12:30pm to 4:30pm
Pantry access is limited during winter and summer breaks. Access at other times can be arranged by appointment by emailing
Faith Assembly of God Church
Operation Blessing Food Pantry
Provides a food pantry.
34 Fox Manor Road
Hazle Township, PA 18202
Eligibility: Residents of Hazleton community (West Hazleton, Hazleton, Conyngham, Freeland, Jeddo, McAdoo, White Haven, Foster Township, Hazle Township, Rush Township and Sugarloaf Township)
Hours: Wednesday and Thursday, 9:00am to 4:00pm
Commission on Economic Opportunity (CEO)
Wyoming County Human Services Building - Wyoming County Food Pantry
Provides a community food pantry.
819 Hunter Highway
Tunkhannock, PA 18657
Eligibility: Wyoming County Residents. Service is available for all income levels.
Hours: Food Pantry by Appointment, Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00 pm
Brandons Forever Home
Food Pantry
Provides a food Pantry open to the public every week in cooperation with CEO Weinberg.
187 North Church Street
Hazleton, PA 18201
Eligibility: Individuals and families experiencing financial hardships and in need of supplemental food.
Hours: Wednesday, 9:00am to 4:00pm, must be registered before first visit.
United Charities West Hazleton
United Charities Children's Home West Hazleton - Food Pantry
Provides a food pantry for residents of West Hazelton Area.
107 Madison Avenue
West Hazleton, PA 18202
Eligibility: Meet income guidelines. Call for details.
Hours: Wednesday and Friday, 9:00am
Saint Peter's Episcopal Church - Tunkhannock
Tunkhannock - Food Pantry
Provides a monthly food pantry in conjunction with Weinberg NE Regional Food Bank.
3832 State Route 6
Tunkhannock, PA 18657
Eligibility: Residents of Wyoming County.
Hours: Monthly 3rd Monday, 10:00am to 2:00pm; closed for federal holidays and when district school are closed for inclement weather
Salvation Army - Hazleton Corps
Food Pantry
Provides a monthly community food pantry.
356 Broad Street
Hazleton, PA 18201
Eligibility: Resides in Hazleton, Beaver Meadows, Conyngham, Freeland, Jeddo, McAdoo,
Weatherly, West Hazleton, White Haven; the townships of Black Creek,
Butler, East Union, Kline, Foster, Hazle, Rush, Sugarloaf and meets
income guidlines.
Hours: Monthly, 3rd Friday, 1:00pm
Valley Village of Volunteers
Dickson City - Food Pantry Volunteers
Provides volunteer opportunities for individuals who wish to assist with food pantry days.
2 Eagle Lane
Dickson City, PA 18519
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions.
Hours: Every other Saturday, 11:00am to noon
Valley Village of Volunteers
Dickson City - Valley VV Food Pantry
Provides a food pantry that offers canned and boxed items.
2 Eagle Lane
Dickson City, PA 18519
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions.
Hours: Every other Saturday, 11:00am to 12:00pm
Commission on Economic Opportunity (CEO)
Hazleton Site Office - Hazleton Food Pantry
Provides a community food pantry for the Hazleton and surrounding area.
100 West Broad Street
Lower Level
Hazleton, PA 18201
Eligibility: Income guidelines apply. Must be a residents of Conyngham, Freeland, West
Hazleton, Sugarloaf, Drums, and the Hazleton area.
Hours: Food Pantry hours: Thursday, 1:30pm to 4:00pm
Catholic Social Services of the Diocese of Scranton (CSS)
CSS Hazleton Family Center - Food Pantry
Provide food pantry services offering supplemental, non-perishable food items.
106/108 South Church Street
Hazleton, PA 18201
Eligibility: Available to all, self-declared need. Serves Hazleton, West Hazleton,
Conyngham, Freeland, Sugarloaf, Drums, and White Haven area.
Hours: Monday 10:00am to 11:45am and 1:00pm to 3:00pm; Thursday 2:00pm to
United Way of Greater Hazleton, Inc.
Hazleton - United Way of Greater Hazleton
Fund raising to support community agencies working to strengthen the community focusing on education, financial stability and health.
200 West Chapel Street
Hazleton, PA 18201
Eligibility: Open to all
Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 4:30pm
Catholic Social Services of the Diocese of Scranton (CSS)
CSS Hazleton Chapel Street Office - Baby Pantry
Baby Pantry supporting parents by helping to meet the most basic and essential needs of their infants.
200 West Chapel Street
Hazleton, PA 18201
Eligibility: Open to all
Hours: By appointment Monday through Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm
Valley Interfaith Council
Sugarloaf - Valley Food Pantry
Offers free non-perishable and perishable food to people in need.
29 Sugarloaf Mountain Drive
Sugarloaf, PA 18249
Eligibility: Low income
Hours: By appointment only.
Shepherd House
Shepherd House/Zions Evangelical Lutheran Church - Food Pantry
Food pantry distributes bags of non-perishable, fresh and frozen foods. Individuals will be asked to sign declaration of need and must bring proof of residency in Lehigh Township, Packer Township, Lausanne Township, Weatherly Borough or Eastside Borough. Individuals can receive a bag of groceries once a month. Non-resident walk-ins will be assisted with food one time and then referred to Second Harvest Food Bank. Food donations are accepted Monday through Friday, 7:30am to 1:00pm.
335 Third Street
Zions Evangelical Lutheran Church
Weatherly, PA 18255
Eligibility: Households in Weatherly, Lausanne & Lehigh Townships, and East Side
Hours: January-October Fourth Saturday of the month from 10:00am to 12:00pm.
November-December Third Saturday of the month from 10:00am to 12:00pm
(Note: All pantries will handle emergencies outside of regular hours)
Shepherd House
Shepherd House/Beaver Meadows - Food Pantry
Currently open and running. Operating as a drive-thru pick-up.

Food pantry distributes non-perishable foods. Individuals can select 25 items from the goods being offered. Individuals will be asked to sign declaration of need and must bring proof of residency in Carbon County. Donations accepted anytime at church office.
19 2nd Street
St Paul's Lutheran Church
Beaver Meadows, PA 18216
Eligibility: Households in Packer Township, Must meet income guidelines
Hours: Third Thursday of the month, 6:00pm to 7:00pm (Note: All pantries will
handle emergencies outside regular hours, but call to make
Hope Center of Nescopeck
Community Cupboard
Provides a monthly food pantry.
650 Harter Avenue.
Nescopeck, PA 18635
Eligibility: Must reside in the Berwick Area School District.
Hours: Monthly 2nd Tuesday, 11:00am to 1:00pm
Friends of the Poor
Sacred Heart of Jesus Church - Sacred Heart Food Pantry
Provides a food pantry with supplemental food items.
1101 Willow Street
Peckville, PA 18452
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions
Hours: Monthly 2nd Wednesday, 1:00pm to 2:00pm.
Grace Lutheran Church
Food Pantry
Food pantry
515 Main Street
Gouldsboro, PA 18424
Eligibility: Income eligiblity applies. Must be a resident of Wayne County, 18444 zip
code area.
Hours: First Saturday monthly, 11:00am to 1:00pm
United Way of Wyoming Valley
Berwick Area United Way - Little Free Pantries
Provides outdoor pantries all around Berwick with nonperishable food items, clothing, blankets, gloves and hygiene products for people in need. The donation posts are places where people can give or take what ever they need.
107 South Market Street
Suite 6
Berwick, PA 18603
Eligibility: None
Hours: 24/7
Berwick Area YMCA
Fresh Express Food Distribution
Offer Fresh Express food distribution providing fresh fruits, vegetables, and dairy products each month.
231 West Third Street
Berwick, PA 18603
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions.
Hours: Monthly 2nd and 4th Monday, 2:00pm to 4:00pm
Salvation Army - Berwick
Friends Feeding Friends Food Pantry
Friends Feeding Friends provides a food pantry to those in need of supplemental food.
320 West Second Street
Berwick, PA 18603
Eligibility: Individuals, families in need who reside in the service area.
Hours: Tuesday and Thursday, 9:00am to 3:00pm
Peckville Assembly of God
Blakely - Food Pantry
Provides a food pantry.
3364 Scranton-Carbondale Highway
Blakely, PA 18447
Eligibility: Residents of Lackawanna County.
Hours: Friday, 9:00am to 11:00am
Bread Basket of Northeastern Pennsylvania
Jessup, Mid Valley Area - Mid-Valley Area Food Pantry
Food pantry hosted by Saint Michael's Church provides non-perishable food items, as well as fresh foods.
316 First Avenue
Jessup, PA 18434
Eligibility: Individuals, families residing in the Mid-Valley Area. Call for more
Hours: Wednesday, 3:00pm to 5:00pm
Factoryville United Methodist Church
Factoryville United Methodist Church Ministry - Mobile Food Pantry
Hosts a community food pantry. Food supplied by the Weinberg NE Regional Food Bank.
162 College Avenue
Factoryville, PA 18419
Eligibility: Must live in 18419 zip code or Wyoming County.
Hours: Monthly, 3rd Friday, 2:00pm to 4:00pm
Shepherd House
Shepherd House/Tresckow - Food Pantry
Food pantry distributes non-perishable foods. Individuals can select 25 items from the goods being offered. Individuals will be asked to sign declaration of need and must bring proof of residency in Carbon County. Food donations accepted.
Cherry and Fern Streets
Banks Township Municipal Building
Tresckow, PA 18254
Eligibility: Households in Banks Township
Hours: 3rd Saturday of the month, 9:00am to 11:00am (Jan-Oct) 4th Saturday of
the month, 9:00am to 11:00am (Nov-Dec)
Pocono Lake Wesleyan Church
Five Loaf House - Food Pantry
Offers a monthly food pantry providing supplemental food items via drive-thru service.
133 Firehouse Road
Pocono Pines, PA 18350
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions.
Hours: Monthly 2nd Monday, 8:00am to noon; 2nd Tuesday, 8:00am to 11:00am
McAdoo Area Food Pantry
McAdoo - McAdoo Area Food Pantry
Food pantry for low income individuals in McAdoo and Kline Township
220 South Hancock Street
Van Hoekelen Greenhouses, Inc
McAdoo, PA 18237
Eligibility: Resident of McAdoo or Kline Township, within 185% of the poverty level
Hours: Third Saturday odd months, 9:00am to 11:00am (Jan, Mar, May, July, Sept,
Trehab Community Action Agency
Trehab South Montrose Office - Montrose Food Bank
Provides a food pantry; individuals may visit once per month.
81 Industrial Drive, Rt. 29 South
Montrose, PA 18801
Eligibility: Residents of Susquehanna county age 60 and older.
Hours: Monday through Thursday, 9:00am to 3:30pm;Closed 12:00pm to 1:00pm
Feeding Families Ministry, Inc.
Food Pantry
Offering the Feeding Families Ministry that provides food pantry, grab and go food services as well as holiday outreach programs, warm clothing for winter, and outreach for the homeless outreach, helping those who are needy. Families can get food 1 time a week.
354 Memorial Boulevard
Tobyhanna, PA 18466
Eligibility: Individuals who do not qualify for state funded food programming
Individuals who have recently lost their jobs, are in need due to life
emergencies or are underemployed.
Hours: Open: First, Third, and Fourth week of the month
Food Distribution Sign up: Thursday and Friday, 10:00am to 1:00pm
Food Distribution: Thursday and Friday, 1:00pm to 3:00pm
(Closed the 2nd week of every month)
Bread Basket of Northeastern Pennsylvania
Archbald - Northern Mid-Valley Archbald Food Pantry
Food pantry providing non-perishable food items, as well as fresh food. Recipients may attend once a month.
411 Church Street
Archbald, PA 18403
Eligibility: Individual, families residing in Northern Mid-Valley service area. Call
for more information.
Hours: Tuesday, 10:00am to 12:00pm
HANDS of Wyoming County
Mehoopany Mobile Food Pantry
Hosts a monthly food distribution. Also can provide emergency food and diapers. Food supplied by the Weinberg NE Regional Food Bank.
1687 Scottsville Rd
Mehoopany, PA 18629
Eligibility: Must be a resident of Wyoming County to qualify for this service.
Hours: 3rd Monday monthly, 3:00pm to 5:00pm
Those who have not pre-registered can receive a distribution starting on 4:30pm.
Pocono Mountain Ecumenical Hunger Ministry
Coolbaugh Township Municipal Building - Food Pantry
Provides emergency food assistance and drive-thru food pantry.
5570 Municipal Drive
Tobyhanna, PA 18466
Eligibility: Residents of Coolbaugh Township, Mount Pocono Borough, Pocono Township, and parts of Paradise and Tobyhanna townships. Must meet income guidelines.
Hours: Monthly 1st Wednesday, and 1st Saturday, 9:00am to 11:00am
Nuremburg Area Food Pantry
Nuremburg - Nuremburg Area Food Pantry
Food Pantry for low income individuals in the Nuremburg Area
North Union Township Building
Nuremberg, PA 18241
Eligibility: Low-income, within 185% of the poverty level
Hours: Third Saturday of even months 9:00am to 11:00am (Feb, Apr, June, Aug,
Oct, Dec)
Columbia County Volunteers in Medicine Clinic
Mifflinville - Community Clinic
Operates a free medical clinic for the uninsured. Services include:
A)Primary and preventative care, laboratory tests and X-Rays
B)Screenings and routine physicals
C)Education and Medical Case Management
D)Chronic disease monitoring and smoking cessation
E)Small food pantry
310 East Third Street
Mifflinville, PA 18631
Eligibility: Adults from age 18 to age 65, medically uninsured, and must meet federal income guidelines.
Hours: Monday through Thursday, 9:00am to noon; Friday, 9:00am to 1:00pm
Northern Lackawanna Food Share
Benton Township - Food Pantry
Provides a monthly drive-thru food distribution of supplemental food items.
16043 State Route 407
Fleetville, PA 18420
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions.
Hours: Monthly 3rd Saturday, 11:00am to 1:00pm
December only: December 14th, 2024; 11:00am to 1:00pm, normal hours will resume in 2025.
Friends of the Poor
Saint James/Saint George Episcopal Church - Saint James/Saint George Episcopal Church Food Pantry
Provides a monthly food pantry of supplemental food items.
398 Washington Avenue
Jermyn, PA 18433
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions
Hours: Monthly 4th Wednesday, 1:00pm to 2:00pm
Shepherd House
Shepherd House / Jim Thorpe Memorial Park - Food Pantry
Food bank distributes bags of non-perishable, fresh and frozen foods. Bags occasionally include detergent or toiletries. Individuals must bring proof of residence in Jim Thorpe area and will be asked to sign declaration of need. Food donations are accepted anytime.
150 East 10th Street
Memorial Hall
Jim Thorpe, PA 18229
Eligibility: Households in the Jim Thorpe School District, Must meet income guidelines
Hours: Second Saturday of every month, 9:00am to 11:00am (Note: All pantries
will handle emergencies outside regular hours, but call to make
Shepherd House
Shepherd House/Meed's Memorial United Methodist Church - Food Pantry
Food pantry distributes bags of non-perishable and frozen foods. Individuals will be asked to sign declaration of need and must bring proof of residency in Nesquehoning, Hauto and Lake Hauto. Individuals can receive a bag of groceries once a month.

Distributes boxes of food for seniors. Income guidelines apply. Call for details.
126 West Catawissa Street
Meed's Memorial United Methodist Church
Nesquehoning, PA 18240
Eligibility: Households in Nesquehoning, Hauto, Lake Hauto; Must meet income
Hours: Third Thursday of every month, 1:00pm to 3:30pm (Note: All pantries will
handle emergencies outside regular hours, but call to make
Bridge Community Church
Nicholson - Nicholson Food Pantry
Provides non-perishable food items.
23 East State Street
Nicholson, PA 18446
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions
Hours: 1st and 3rd Saturday, 12:00pm to 2:00pm
Valor Clinic Foundation
Paul's House Facility - Veterans Walk In Wednesday
Offers veterans and their family members free food, hygiene items, clothing and / or household items at VALOR CLINIC's monthly Veterans Walk In Wednesday.
1130 Scenic Drive
Kunkletown, PA 18058
Eligibility: Veterans and their family members
Hours: 3rd Wednesday monthly, 9:00am to 4:00pm
Hamlin Assembly of God Church
Hamlin Assembly of God Church - Mercy Ministries - Free Food Distribution
Food distribution available to those in need.
613 Easton Turnpike
Lake Ariel, PA 18436
Eligibility: Residents in need from Greentown, Hamlin, Lake Ariel/Jefferson Township,
Moscow/Madisonville, Hawley, Honesdale, Lakeville, South Canaan,
Sterling, and Waymart are eligible.
Hours: 4th Monday monthly, (except holidays), 6:00pm to 7:30pm.
Shepherd House
Shepherd House/Trinity Lutheran Church - Lansford - Food Pantry
Currently open and running. Call to verify operating status as everything is changing daily and at a rapid pace.

Food bank distributes bags of non-perishable foods, bags occasionally include fresh produce. Individuals must bring proof of Lansford residency and will be asked to sign declaration of need. Individuals can receive a bag of groceries once a month.
104 East Abbott Street
Trinity Lutheran Church
Lansford, PA 18232
Eligibility: Individuals must bring proof of Lansford residency; Must meet income
Hours: Third Monday of every month, 9:30am to 11:00am (Note: All pantries will
handle emergencies outside regular hours, but call to make
Summit Hill Food Pantry
Summit Hill Heritage Center - Community Food Pantry
Provides a community food pantry.
1 West Hazard Street
Summit Hill, PA 18250
Eligibility: Residents of Summit Hill
Hours: Monthly 4th Tuesday, 10:00am to noon
Shepherd House
Shepherd House/Summit Hill Heritage Center - Food Pantry
Food pantry distributes bags of non-perishable foods, bags occasionally include fresh produce and/or baked goods. Individuals must bring proof of Summit Hill residency and will be asked to sign declaration of need. Individuals can receive a bag of groceries once a month.
1 West Hazard Street
Summit Hill Heritage Center
Summit Hill, PA 18250
Eligibility: Residents of Summit Hill; Must meet income guidelines
Hours: Fourth Tuesday of the month, 10:00am to 12:00pm (Note: All pantries will
handle emergencies outside regular hours, but call to make
Coaldale Area Food Pantry
Coaldale - God's Providing Hands Food Pantry
Provides a food pantry for low income indiviudals in the area of Coaldale, Tamaqua and parts of West Penn Township
151 2nd Street
Coaldale, PA 18218
Eligibility: Low-income, within 185% of the poverty level
Hours: 3rd Tuesday, 11:00am to 1:00pm
Shepherd House
Shepherd House - Administrative - Shepherd House Administration
Administrative office coordinates a network of food pantries in the Carbon County area.

Call for the areas of Tresckow and Beaver Meadows.
1067 Main Road
Lehighton, PA 18235
Eligibility: Anyone in need of food
Hours: Monday through Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm (Note: All pantries will handle
emergencies outside regular hours, but call to make appointment)
Shepherd House
Shepherd House/Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church - Food Pantry
Food bank distributes bags of non-perishable foods, bags occasionally include fresh or frozen items. Individuals must bring proof of residence in Lehighton area and will be asked to sign declaration of need. Individuals can receive a bag of groceries once a month.
175 South Third Street
Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church
Lehighton, PA 18235
Eligibility: Households in Lehighton, Mahoning, Franklin, East Penn Townships,
Weissport, and the Lehighton Area School District, including
Hours: Tuesday, 10:00am to 3:00pm and third Tuesday, 5:30pm to 7:00pm (Note: All
pantries will handle emergencies outside regular hours, but call to
make appointment)
Catholic Social Services of the Diocese of Scranton (CSS)
CSS Carbondale Office - Food, Baby, Clothing and Household Pantry
Provides food pantry to residents of the community who are experiencing food insecurity. Also provides gently used clothing to men, women and children in need.
34 River Street
Carbondale, PA 18407
Eligibility: Anyone in need of supplemental food or clothing who reside in service
area. Serves families residing in Carbondale area, Lackawanna County
north of Jesup.
Hours: Tuesday and Wednesday 9:00am to noon, 1:00pm to 4:00pm; Thursday 1:00pm
to 4:00pm; Friday 9:00am to noon
Saint Peter's Community Resource Center
Lehighton - Bare Necessities Pantry
Provides toiletries, clothing, and food to eligible families and others on an emergency basis.
177 Main Road
Lehighton, PA 18235
Eligibility: SNAP-eligible families
Residents of the Lehighton Area School District
Hours: Monthly 4th Saturday, 10:00am to 1:00pm
Mainstream Revival Center
Carbondale - Food Pantry and Meals-To-Go
Offers food pantry and meals-to-go for area residents in need.
43 North Church Street
Carbondale, PA 18407
Eligibility: Residents of Lackawanna County.
Hours: Food Pantry: Monthly 1st and 2nd Thursday, 11:00am to 1:00pm Meals-To-Go:
Monthly 3rd and 4th Thursday, noon
AGAPE Love From Above To Our Community
John Buck Building - Orangeville Food Pantry
Provides a monthly food pantry supplemental food distribution.
2028 State Route 487
Bloomsburg, PA 17815
Eligibility: Individuals, families residing in Orangeville area who are in need of
Hours: 2nd Saturday of each month, 9:00am to 11:00am.
Effort United Methodist Church
Supplemental Food Resource Center
Providing an a variety of nutritional food for those in need. This food pantry is made possible through support from Second Harvest Food Bank of Lehigh Valley and Northeastern Pennsylvania.
178 Merwinsburg Road
Effort, PA 18330
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions.
Hours: Monthly 2nd and 4th Saturday, 10:00am to noon
Lenoxville United Methodist Church
Lexonville Community Hall - Mobile Food Pantry
Offers mobile food pantry distribution.
1964 Pennsylvania 374
Lenoxville, PA 18441
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions.
Hours: Registered patrons: Monthly 1st Monday, 4:00pm to 6:00pm
Non-registered patrons: Monthly 1st Monday, 5:30pm
Common Ground Ministries
Desaki Restaurant - Food Pantry
Provides a monthly mobile food distribution for residents of Monroe County.
2054 Route 611
Swiftwater, PA 18370
Eligibility: Residents of Monroe County. Low income
Hours: 4th Sunday of each month from 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm. Parking lot at Desaki
Tamaqua Trinity Church
Tamaqua - Friends in Need Food Pantry
Provides a food pantry
22 Lafayette Street
Tamaqua, PA 18252
Eligibility: Anyone in need of food
Hours: By appointment only
Salvation Army Tamaqua
Tamaqua - Food Assistance
Provides groceries for families and individuals in need. Assistance is not guaranteed all the time.
246 East Broad Street
Tamaqua, PA 18252
Eligibility: To receive assistance from the Salvation Army Food Pantry, it must have
been at least 2 months since the family received food snd they must be
within 150% of the poverty level
Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, 9:00am to 2:00pm
Innovation Church
Innovation Community Food Pantry
Offers weekly distribution of food to those in need.
6048 Paradise Valley Road
Cresco, PA 18326
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions.
Hours: By appointment only; monthly 1st Thursday, 2nd Wednesday, and 4th Saturday, 10:00am to noon
Ringtown Valley Food Pantry
Ringtown - Ringtown Valley Food Pantry
Provides a supplemental food pantry
155 Zion Grove Road
Union Township Building
Ringtown, PA 17967
Eligibility: Low-income, 185% of the poverty level
Hours: Monthly 2nd Saturday, 9:00am to 11:00am
Christian Awareness Ministries Ecumenical (C.A.M.E.)
High Acres Park - Food Pantry
Provides a supplemental food pantry.
931 Pennsylvania 390
Cresco, PA 18326
Eligibility: Residents of Barrett and Price Townships, and Northeastern Paradise Township. Must meet income guidelines.
Hours: Monday, 8:30am to noon
AGAPE Love From Above To Our Community
Greenwood Township Building - Greenwood Food Pantry
Provides a monthly Food pantry.
90 Shed Road
Millville, PA 17846
Eligibility: Residents in need residing in Millville, Greenwood, Madison Township
Hours: 3rd Friday of the month, 12:00pm to 3:00pm.
Hop Bottom Emergency Food Pantry
Emergency Food Pantry
Provides a mobile food pantry. Emergency food is available by appointment.
Route 11
Hop Bottom, PA 18824
Eligibility: Serves Hop Bottom area of Susquehanna County
Hours: 2nd Friday of the Month, 2:30pm to 3:30pm
Mahanoy Area Food Pantry
First United Methodist Church - Mahanoy Area Food Pantry
Food Pantry for low income individuals in Mahanoy area
400 East Mahanoy Avenue
Mahanoy City, PA 17948
Eligibility: Low-income, 185% of the poverty level
Hours: Third Sunday of even months, 2:00pm to 4:00pm (Feb, Apr, June, Aug, Oct,
Shepherd House
Shepherd House/St. John's Towamensing Lutheran Church - Food Pantry
Food bank distributes bags of non-perishable foods, bags occasionally include fresh or frozen items. Individuals must bring proof of residence in Palmerton area and will be asked to sign declaration of need. Individuals can receive a bag of groceries once a month. Food donations are accepted anytime.
2915 Fireline Road
St John's Towamensing Lutheran Church
Palmerton, PA 18071
Eligibility: Households in Palmerton, Towamensing, Lower Towamenshing Townships, and
the Palmerton School District, including Bowmanstown.
Hours: Fourth Friday of every month, 8:30am to 3:30pm (Note: All pantries will
handle emergencies outside regular hours, but call to make
Saint Vincent de Paul Society - Mahanoy City
Saint Teresa of Calcutta Garage - Food Pantry
Distributes food by drive up method once per month. Includes non-perishables and frozen meat.
Hosted by the Saint Teresa of Calcutta Roman Catholic Church.
624 West Mahanoy Avenue
Mahanoy City, PA 17948
Eligibility: Low-income residents of Mahanoy City.
Hours: 4th Thursday of the month, 11:00am to 12:00pm
Trehab Community Action Agency
Sullivan County Trehab - Food Pantry
Provides emergency food distribution and food bank for Sullivan County residents. Households can receive a food distribution once every 30 days.
210 Center Street
Dushore, PA 18614
Eligibility: Residents of Sullivan County
Hours: Monday through Thursday, 8:00am to 4:00pm; closed between 12:00pm and
Saint Paul's Lutheran Church of Tannersville
Walter & Mary Alice Strunk Food Pantry
Provides a pantry of supplemental food items. Clients may receive food one time per month (approximately 4 weeks apart).
158 Fish Hill Road
Tannersville, PA 18326
Eligibility: Serves the community of Monroe County.
Hours: Tuesday, 10:00am to 1:00pm
JW Cooper Community Center
Shenandoah - JW Cooper Community Center Food Pantry
Provides a food pantry for low income individuals in the area of Shenandoah, Gilberton, Girardville, Mahanoy City and West Mahanoy Township
39 North White Street
Shenandoah, PA 17976
Eligibility: Low-income, within 185% of the poverty level
Hours: Monthly, 4th Saturday, 1:00pm to 4:00pm
Good Shepherd United Methodist Church
Bloomsburg - Bundles of Blessing Boxes
Provides Blessing Boxes that stocked and ready for those in need. Boxes are located in the garden behind the church on Iron Street. Simply take what is needed.
101 East 5th Street
Bloomsburg, PA 17837
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions.
Hours: 24/7
Bloomsburg Food Cupboard
Bloomsburg - Food Pantry
Provides a weekly supplemental food distribution for the community.
329 Center Street
Bloomsburg, PA 17815
Eligibility: Residents of Benton, Bloomsburg, Central Columbia, Millville, and Southern Columbia school districts.
Hours: Sunday, 9:15am to 10:15am; Tuesday, 11:30am to 2:15pm
Bloomsburg Food Cupboard
Bloomsburg - Husky Pantry
Provides food distribution during the academic semester to college students, focusing on students enrolled at Bloomsburg University.
329 Center Street
Bloomsburg, PA 17815
Eligibility: Enrolled college students.
Hours: Monday, 5:00pm to 6:00pm during the academic semester
Salvation Army - Bloomsburg
Bloomsburg Salvation Army Service Center - General Relief Program
Provides occasional emergency assistance such as help with rent, utilities, heating fuel, food and clothing on a case by case basis contingent upon available funds. Does not provide assistance for rent deposit/security.
345 Market Street
Bloomsburg, PA 17815
Eligibility: Must reside in service area.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 2:30pm
AGAPE Love From Above To Our Community
Bloomsburg - Bloomsburg Food Pantry
Provides a monthly food pantry and a weekly Fresh Express Food drive-thru aupplemental food distributions. Also distributes donated pet food and products to those Fresh Express clients who have registered their pets. Emergency food is always available.
851 Railroad Street
Bloomsburg, PA 17815
Eligibility: Individuals, families residing in service area.
Hours: Monthly, 3rd Friday, 9:00am to 10:30am;
3rd Wednesday, 4:00pm to 5:00pm;
Fresh Express Drive-Thru: First and Third Thursday monthly, 11:00am to 4:00pm.
AGAPE Love From Above To Our Community
Bloomsburg - Senior Boxes
Offering monthly senior boxes of food.
851 Railroad Street
Bloomsburg, PA 17815
Eligibility: Seniors 60 years and older and qualify financially.
Hours: Third Wednesday of each month.
AGAPE Love From Above To Our Community
Northern Columbia Cultural Center - Benton Food Pantry
Provides a monthly Food pantry supplemental food distribution.
42 Community Drive
Benton, PA 17814
Eligibility: Benton area residents in need.
Hours: 3rd Tuesday of the month, 9:00am to 11:00am.
Salvation Army - Forest City
Salvation Army - Forest City Food Pantry - Food Pantry
Offers a monthly drive-thru food distribution providing non-perishable food items and available fresh food.
100 Delaware Street
Forest City, PA 18421
Eligibility: Open to members of the community residing in service area. Needs based pantry. No income requirements.
Hours: Monthly 1st Tuesday, noon to 2:00pm
Wyalusing Presbyterian Church
Wyalusing - Helping Hands Food Pantry
Provides food pantry with non-perishable food items, fresh food when available.
137 Main Street
Wyalusing, PA 18853
Eligibility: Serves residents of Wyalusing and Elk Lake School Districts. No
limitations or restrictions
Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, 9:00am to 4:00pm
Dushore Food Pantry
Dushore - Food Pantry
Provides food pantry with supplemental food twice monthly.
365 U.S. 220
Dushore, PA 18614
Eligibility: Residents of Bradford, and Sullivan Counties.
Hours: Monthly 2nd and 4th Monday, noon to 3:00pm
West End Food Pantry
Eldred Township Community Center - Food Pantry
Offers a food pantry with drive-thru distribution.
516 Kunkletown Road
Kunkletown, PA 18058
Eligibility: Residents of Carbon and Monroe Counties in the following zip codes:
Carbon County: 18012, 18030, 18071, 18235, 18244
Monroe County: 18058, 18210, 18321, 18322, 18330, 18331, 18333, 18334, 18352, 18353, 18354, 18360, 18372
Hours: Monthly, 1st and 3rd Saturday, 9:00am to noon
Forest City Episcopal Church
Forest City Mobile Pantry
Mobile Food Pantry providing supplemental food items.
EMT Building
Delaware Street
Forest City, PA 18421
Eligibility: Serves the Forest City area. Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP)
distribution site for low-income persons at least 60 years of age.
Hours: Church Office: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 12:00pm Pantry Monthly,
2nd Tuesday, 1:00pm to 3:00pm
Salvation Army - Forest City
Forest City Service Extension Center
Provides emergency relief assistance such as help with utility shut-offs, monthly food pantry, summer camp for children, Angel Tree program at Christmas, summer lunch box program, Senior food box programs.
May assist with winter heating fuel purchase in severe cold weather situations.
636 1/2 Main Street
Forest City, PA 18421
Eligibility: Assistance must justify the emergency and is determined on a case by case basis.
Must reside in service area which goes by zip codes
18421, 18413, 18430, 18470, 18820, 18842.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 10:00am
Closing Hours Vary Weekly, please call for a specific day closing time or for an appointment.

Walk-ins are also welcome when we are in the office.
Paupack United Methodist Church
Paupack - Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry
Provides a monthly food pantry.
579 Route 507
Paupack, PA 18451
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions.
Hours: Monthly 1st Friday, 9:00am to 11:00am
Pleasant Valley Ecumenical Network
Sciota - Food Pantry
Provides free grocery foods to eligible recipients. Clients can choose between drive-thru pickup (food is pre-bagged and chosen by a volunteer) or walk through (clients can choose their own food). Participants may visit the food pantry once a month.
2334 Route 209
Sciota, PA 18354
Eligibility: Self Declaration of income at or below 185% of poverty level for household size and resident of Chestnut Hill, Eldred, Hamilton, Jackson, Polk, or Ross townships and West End in Monroe County.
Hours: Monthly 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Tuesday, 9:00am to 11:30am; 2nd Saturday, 9:00am to 11:30am
Pleasant Valley Ecumenical Network
Sciota - Diaper and Menstrual Hygiene Pantry
Provides free diapers and menstrual hygiene products to eligible recipients. Clients can access these items during their pre-scheduled food pantry distribution.
2334 Route 209
Sciota, PA 18354
Eligibility: Residents of Chestnut Hill, Eldred, Hamilton, Jackson, Polk, or Ross Townships and West End in Monroe County. Self declaration of income 150% of poverty level for household size
Hours: Monthly 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Tuesday, 9:00am to 11:30am, and 2nd Saturday 9:00am to 11:30am; by appointment only
Frackville Area Food Pantry
Saint Ann Church - Frackville Area Food Pantry
Provides a food pantry for low income individuals in the area of Frackville Borough
49 North Line Street
Rear Social Hall
Frackville, PA 17931
Eligibility: Low-income, within 185% of the poverty level
Hours: Monthly 3rd Thursday, 9:00am to 10:00am (Except July)
First United Methodist Church - Catawissa
Food for Friends Food Bank
Provides a monthly food pantry.
228 South Street
Catawissa, PA 17820
Eligibility: Must reside in Southern Columbia School District area, Grovinia, Legion Road and Rupert.
Hours: 3rd Thursday monthly, 4:30pm to 6:00pm.
Northern Lehigh Food Bank
Emerald - Food Bank
Distributes bags of non-perishable foods -- fresh and frozen foods are occasionally included. Emergency food is available one time to anyone in need.

Also keeps a "wish list" where people can register items they wish to donate or items they need.
7884 Center Street
Emerald, PA 18080
Eligibility: Must meet income guidlines and live withing service area.
Hours: 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Thursday of month, 4:00pm to 5:45 pm; 2nd and 4th
Monday of the month,1:00pm to 2:45pm pm; last Saturday of month,
9:30am to 11:45am
Roots Living Ministry
Food Pantry
Offers seasonal produce, fresh dairy, and meat when available. It’s important that we serve food that is healthy, as a healthy lifestyle is not a privilege reserved for those who can afford it, but a right for all individuals.
6515 Hamilton Road East
Stroudsburg, PA 18360
Eligibility: Open to all
Hours: 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month, 12:00pm to 2:00pm
Girardville Area Food Pantry
Food pantry for low income individuals in the Girardville area
200 A Street
Girardville, PA 17935
Eligibility: Low income, 185% of the poverty level
Hours: 1st Thursday of even months, 10:00am to 12:00pm (Feb, Apr, June, Aug,
Oct, Dec)
AGAPE Love From Above To Our Community
Aristes Fire Company - Aristes Food Pantry
Provides a monthly Food pantry.
350 Columbia Avenue
Aristes, PA 17920
Eligibility: Aristes area individuals/families in need of food.
Hours: Monthly, 2nd Thursday, 9:00am to 10:30am.
Schuylkill Valley Food Pantry
New Philadelphia - Schuylkill Valley Food Pantry
Provides a supplemental food pantry
15 McComb Street
Good Intent Fire Company
New Philadelphia, PA 17959
Eligibility: Low-income, based on 185% of the poverty level
Hours: Third Wednesday of odd months, 10:30am to 11:30am (Jan, Mar, May, July,
Sept, Nov)
Montrose Mobile Food Pantry
South Montrose - Montrose Mobile Pantry
Provides a monthly food distribution.
10991 State Route 29
South Montrose, PA 18843
Eligibility: Must be a resident of Susquehanna County.
Hours: Monthly 2nd Friday,
Registered patrons: 11:30am to 3:00pm
Walk-in patrons: 2:30pm
Lighthouse Full Gospel Church of God
The Lord's Cupboard Food Pantry
Provides a food pantry and soup kitchen meals.
700 Hammond Lane
Stroudsburg, PA 18360
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions.
Hours: Monthly 1st and 3rd Tuesday, 4:00pm to 6:00pm
Harford First Congregational Church
Harford - Harford Mobile Food Pantry
Hosts a monthly Weinberg Mobile Food Pantry.
5016 Creek Road
Harford, PA 18823
Eligibility: Residents of Susquehanna County.
Hours: Monthly 4th Friday, 4:30pm to 5:30pm
Little Moore Food Bank
Christ Church UCC - Food Bank
Food pantry distributes bags of non-perishable foods -- fresh and frozen foods are occasionally included. Call to make appointment. No geographic boundaries. Individuals can receive a bag of groceries about once a month.
913 South Mink Road
Danielsville, PA 18038
Eligibility: Anyone in temporary financial need
Hours: Hours by appointment
Lawton Mobile Pantry
Lawton Ladies Auxiliary Hall - Lawton Mobile Pantry
Provides a mobile food pantry distributing non-perishable and fresh food items to those in need of supplemental food. Food delivery is done at the recipients' car.
54 SR 3037
Lawton, PA 18828
Eligibility: Residents of Susquehanna County in need of food.
Hours: Monthly 1st and 3rd Thursday, 1:00pm to 2:45pm
Salvation Army - Honesdale
Honesdale Relief Crisis Center - Food Pantry
Provides non-perishable food items to those in need of supplemental food.
231 Sunrise Avenue
Honesdale, PA 18431
Eligibility: No income requirements. Serves individuals, families residing in Wayne
Hours: By appointment: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, 10:00am to 1:00pm, Working
families: Monthly, 2nd Friday, 5:00pm to 7:00pm
Saint Clair Area Food Pantry
Saint Clair - Saint Clair Area Food Pantry
Provides a supplemental food pantry
23 North Front Street
St Clair-Wade UMC
Saint Clair, PA 17970
Eligibility: Low-income, 185% of the poverty level
Hours: First Thursday of even numbered months, 10:00am to 11:30am (Feb, Apr,
June, Aug, Oct, Dec)
Stroudsburg Wesleyan Church
Helping Hands Food Pantry
Provides supplemental, non-perishable food items.
915 North Fifth Street
Stroudsburg, PA 18360
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions.
Hours: Monthly 1st and 3rd Friday, 5:00pm to 6:00pm
Saint Paul's Lutheran Church - Hawley
Hawley - Food Pantry
Provides patrons with non-perishable food for three meals.
405 Church Street
Hawley, PA 18428
Eligibility: Anyone in the community in need of supplemental food.
Hours: Thursday, 9:00am to 1:00pm
Ashland Area Food Pantry
Ashland - Ashland Area Food Pantry
Food pantry for low income individuals in the Ashland area
35 North Ninth Street
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
Ashland, PA 17921
Eligibility: * Resident of Ashland area * Must fall under 185% of the poverty income
Hours: 4th Thursday, 11:00pm to 1:00pm
New Ringgold Area Food Pantry
New Ringgold - New Ringgold Area Food Pantry
Food pantry for low income individuals in the New Ringgold area.
6 South Race Street
Christ Church McKeansburg
New Ringgold, PA 17960
Eligibility: Low-income, within 185% of the poverty level
Hours: Second Saturday of odd months, 8:30am to 10:30am (Jan, Mar, May, Jul,
Sept, Nov)
Diakon Lutheran Social Ministries
AmeriCorp Seniors Pike and Wayne - RSVP of Berks, Pike and Wayne Counties
Volunteer network for people 55 and over that would like to use their skills to help others in their community. Opportunities include packaging/delivering Meals on Wheels, assist at a local food pantry, offer services at local senior center, etc.
337 Park Place
Hawley, PA 18428
Eligibility: Anyone 55 and over looking to volunteer
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm
First Baptist Church of Hawley
Hawley - Closets of Blessings
Offers a baby pantry that includes baby clothes, diapers, and formula.
317 Bishop Ave
Hawley, PA 18428
Eligibility: Expectant mothers and families in need.
Hours: Irregular - call for details.
Wayne County Food Pantry
Wayne County Food Pantry Program - Food Pantry Volunteers
Volunteer opportunities available at the five food pantry sites located in strategic areas of the County that serves eligible County residents.
323 Tenth Street
Honesdale, PA 18431
Eligibility: All volunteers welcomed
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
Wayne County Human Services
Wayne County Area Agency on Aging - Retired & Senior Volunteer Program
RSVP provides volunteer opportunities in the local community including meal delivery, community food pantries, senior community centers, transporting clients who no longer drive to medical appointments and to shop for groceries, and team counseling on Medicare and health-insurcance-related matters.
323 10th Street
Honesdale, PA 18431
Eligibility: Wayne and Pike County individuals age 55 or older
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Christ Episcopal Church
Stroudsburg - Food Pantry
Offers a supplemental food pantry to individuals and families in need.
205 North 7th Street
Stroudsburg, PA 18360
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions.
Hours: Monthly 1st and 3rd Saturday, 9:00am to noon
Open for Seniors, 10:00am to 11:00am
East Stroudsburg United Methodist Church
East Stroudsburg - Community Meal
Offers community outreach that provides a meal, food pantry, and clothing.
83 South Courtland Street
East Stroudsburg, PA 18301
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions
Hours: Monday, 2:00pm to 4:00pm; some additional hours on weekday holidays.
The Salvation Army - East Stroudsburg
Food Pantry
Monthly food distribution to those who have registered/pre-qualified. Distribution may include food as well as personal hygiene items when available.
226 Washington Street
East Stroudsburg, PA 18301
Eligibility: Must meet income guidelines and must live in the following municipalities
of Monroe County: Smithfield and Stroud Townships, Boroughs of East
Stroudsburg, Stroudsburg, Deleware Water Gap and parts of Pocono
Hours: Monthly distribution takes place on the 4th Thursday by appointment.

Walk-in for emergency pantry: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 2:00pm (as needed basis)

Daily recaptured food distribution: Monday through Friday, 11:00am
Susquehanna County Interfaith
Montrose - Emergency Food
In case of an emergency situation in regard to food, Susquehanna County Interfaith can provide emergency food -
mostly on Fridays when the Montrose Food Pantry is closed.
Does not provided regular food pantry services.
526 Church Street
Montrose, PA 18801
Eligibility: There is a screening process with eligibility guidelines. Call for
Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:30am to 6:00 pm; Saturday, 9:30am to 3:00pm
Endless Mountains Health Systems
Mobile Food Pantry
Mobile food pantry organized by Endless Mountains Healthcare System. The Mobile Pantry is supplied by the Weinberg North East Regional Food Bank.
100 Hospital Drive
Endless Mountain Health Systems Mobile
Montrose, PA 18801
Eligibility: Must be a resident of Susquehanna County.
Hours: Fourth Friday of each month, 2:00pm to 4:00pm
Walk-ins available after 3:00pm
Dushore Food Pantry
Forksville Fire Hall - Forksville Food Pantry
Provides a food pantry.
158 Main Street
Forksville, PA 18616
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions.
Hours: Monthly 2nd and 4th Monday, noon to 3:00pm
Mount Carmel Area Ministerium
Northumberland - Food Pantry
Providing a food pantry distribution with perishable and nonperishable items.
26 North Market Street
Mt. Carmel, PA 17851
Eligibility: Residents of Mount Carmel School District.
Hours: First Tuesday of every month, 3:00pm to 5:00pm
Third Tuesday of every month, 1:00pm to 3:00pm
Saint Paul's Lutheran Church of Smithfield
Food Pantry
Provides families with groceries on a bi-weekly basis or as needed.
139 Craigs Meadow Road
East Stroudsburg, PA 18301
Eligibility: Serves the church congregation as well as the local community.
Hours: Thursday, 9:30am to 12:00pm
Schuylkill Community Action
Pottsville - Food Distribution Network
Administers nineteen food pantries throughout Schuylkill County.
225 North Centre Street
Pottsville, PA 17901
Eligibility: Based on 185% of the Federal povery Income Guidelines
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
Schuylkill Community Action
Pottsville - Emergency Food Pantry
Provides emergency food on an as-needed basis. Clients facing a food emergency can coordinate with a food pantry worker to access an existing pantry site, usually in the community where they reside.
225 North Centre Street
Pottsville, PA 17901
Eligibility: Income must be within 185% of the federal poverty income guidelines.
Clients are only able to access emergency food one time per year.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
Salvation Army Pottsville Corps
Pottsville - Choice Food Pantry
Provides a choice food pantry. By appointment only.
400 Sanderson Street
Pottsville, PA 17901
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions.
Hours: Tuesday and Thursday, by appointment only
Servants to All
My Father's House - Supportive Services
Distributes supplies and services to displaced individuals and families of Schuylkill County. Provided are emergency food, clothing, and hygiene supplies. Supplies are made available by donation and are limited.

Street Outreach Workers reach out to the unsheltered and connects them with emergency shelters, housing or critical services. Also provides urgent, non-facility-based care to unsheltered who are unwilling or unable to access emergency shelter, housing or appropriate health facility.
4 South Centre Street
Pottsville, PA 17901
Eligibility: Residents of Schuylkill County
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 1:00pm for intake and 1:00pm to 4:00pm
by appointment only.
Salvation Army
Saint Peter's Evangelical Lutheran - Food Pantry
Provides a food pantry
12 North Westbrook Avenue
Pen Argyl, PA 18072
Eligibility: Low income individuals and families. Serves residents of the Slatebelt
and Nazareth only. Income guidelines apply.
Hours: Monthly 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Tuesdays, 10:00am to 11:45am
Pottsville Area Food Pantry
Billie Payne Community Center - Pottsville Area Food Pantry
Provides a supplemental food pantry
400 North Seventh Street
Pottsville, PA 17901
Eligibility: Low-income, 185% of the poverty level
Hours: Last Tuesday of the month, 10:00am to 1:00pm
Orwigsburg Food Pantry
Saint John's United Church of Christ - Food Pantry
Distributes food monthly to local residents in need. One-time emergency assistance may also be provided.
232-236 East Market Street
Orwigsburg, PA 17961
Eligibility: Residents of Orwigsburg
Hours: Monthly 3rd Saturday, 9:00am to 11:00am
Jo's Outreach
Food Pantry
Provides a monthly food pantry.
114 Academy Drive
Minisink Hills, PA 18341
Eligibility: Serving people in need in Monroe and Pike Counties. Income guidelines
Hours: Monthly 1st Friday, 9:00am to noon
Danville Riverside Food Bank
Danville Riverside Food Pantry
Provides a monthly food bank. Requests for emergency food are accepted as well.
512 Bloom Street
Danville, PA 17821
Eligibility: Resident residing in the Danville School District.
Hours: Monthly 2nd Saturday, 10:00am to 1:00pm
Montour County Human Services
Montour County Food Bank
Provides a monthly food pantry. Emergency food assistance may be available on a case-by-case basis.
435 East Front Street
Danville, PA 17821
Eligibility: Residents of Montour County.
Hours: Monthly, last Thursday, 9:00am to noon; emergency food: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 4:00pm with prior phone call
Minersville Area Food Pantry
Zion Lutheran Church - Minersville Area Food Pantry
Food pantry for low income individuals in the area of Minersville, Cass, Foster, and Branch Township
Fourth and Lewis Streets
Minersville, PA 17954
Eligibility: Low-income, within 185% of the poverty level
Hours: Monthly 2nd Tuesday, 9:00am to 11:00am
Four Square Gospel Church
Pottsville - Food Pantry
Offers an emergency food pantry.
2300 Mahantongo Street
Pottsville, PA 17901
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions
Hours: By appointment only.
Hughesville Friends Church
Hughesville - Friends Church Community Care Network and Outreach
Providing assistance with family emergencies such as, help with rent, individual food needs, utilities (water, heat, gas), fuel, or other needs that may arise.
137 South 3rd Street
Hughesville, PA 17737
Eligibility: Residents of Muncy, East Lycoming, Montgomery, Sullivan, and Montoursville School Districts.
Hours: Office hours: Monday through Thursday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
Kulpmont Food Pantry
Kulpmont Borough Garage - Food Pantry
Provides a sponsored food distribution for local residents.
860 Spruce Street
Kulpmont, PA 17834
Eligibility: Residents of Kulpmont.
Hours: Monthly 3rd, and 4th Thursday, 8:00am to 11:00am; distribution schedule will be given at first pick-up.
Northampton Area Food Bank
Food Bank
Food bank distributes bags of non-perishable, fresh and frozen foods. . Can receive a 7 day supply of food once every 30 days.
1601 Canal Street
Northampton, PA 18067
Eligibility: Residence in Northampton Area School District and surrounding areas or
have referral from Second Harvest that are in need of food.
Hours: First 3 Thursdays of month, 5:00pm to 7:00pm;2nd and 3rd Saturday of
month, 9:30am to 11:30am; Wednesday, 9:30am to 11.30pm (Produce)
Benders Mennonite Church
Pen Argyl - Food Pantry
Offers a pantry that provides canned and perishable foods to those in need.
975 Benders Church Road
Pen Argyl, PA 18072
Eligibility: Residents of Northampton County
Hours: Monthly 3rd Saturday, 9:00am to 11:00am
St. John Neumann/Good Shepherd Parish
Lords Valley - Blooming Grove Food Pantry
Provides a food pantry with a variety of supplemental food items.
705 Route 739
Lords Valley, PA 18428
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions.
Hours: Monthly 3rd Thursday, 9:30am to 10:30am
First United Methodist Church of New Milford
New Milford - Feed My Sheep Food Pantry
Provides a food pantry to families in need. Donations accepted.
69 Pratt Street
New Milford, PA 18834
Eligibility: Residents of New Milford, Jackson, Lenox, Gibson, Susquehanna, Oakland, Harford, Hop Bottom, Brooklyn & Montrose.
Hours: Monthly 4th Saturday, 8:30am to noon
Bushkill Outreach Program
Lehman Township Community Park - Food Distribution
Provides monthly and emergency food distribution of donated food items.
168 Lehman Park Road
Bushkill, PA 18324
Eligibility: A) Residents of Lehman and Middle Smithfield Townships
B) Income eligible households
Hours: Tuesday through Thursday, 9:00am to noon (last pickup at 11:45am)
Mission of Love and Hope Food Bank Outreach Center
Supplemental Food Distribution
Provides a weekly supplemental food distribution to those in need.
5224 Milford Road
Suite 150
East Stroudsburg, PA 18302
Eligibility: Serves the East Stroudsburg community.
Hours: Friday, 10:00am to 2:30pm Evening distrubution: Every other Friday,
6:00pm to 8:00pm (call for dates)
Community Action Committee of the Lehigh Valley
Second Harvest Food Bank of Lehigh Valley and Northeast PA - Second Harvest Food Bank
Distributes food to emergency food providers (food banks, food pantries, soup kitchens and shelters), residential programs (group homes and residential rehabilitation centers), low-income child care and senior citizen centers, day and transitional programs for adults with fixed or low incomes and other agencies serving the poor. Provides nutrition education to children, teens and families.
Click here to find a food pantry
6969 Silver Crest Road
Nazareth, PA 18064
Eligibility: Organizations and agencies that meet eligibility criteria
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00am to 4:00pm; Donations accepted 7am - 2:30pm,
Monday through Thursday and Fridays before noon
Shamokin Water and Spirt Church
Ministry of the Water and Spirit - Community Outreach - Ashland Food Pantry
Provides a food distribution.
915 High Road
Ashland, PA 17921
Eligibility: Residents of Northumberland County/Ashland
Hours: 4th Saturday monthly, 2:00pm to 4:00pm
Schuylkill Haven Area Food Pantry
Schuylkill Haven - Schuylkill Haven Area Food Pantry
Provides a supplemental food program
110 W Columbia St
Walk-In Shoe Factory - Parkway - Rear
Schuylkill Haven, PA 17972
Eligibility: Low-income, 185% of the poverty level
Hours: Third Friday of every month, 12:00pm to 3:00pm
Kingdom Life Family Center
Orefield - Food Pantry
Provides food to those in need locally.
4333 Lime Kiln Road
Orefield, PA 18069
Eligibility: Residents of Allentown and Parkland school districts
Hours: Monthly 2nd & 4th Saturday, 8:30am to 10:00am
Greater Wyoming Valley Area YMCA
Wikes-Barre Family YMCA - Free Food Distribution
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Wilkes-Barre
Wilkes-Barre - Food Pantry
Saint Stephen's Episcopal Church
Wilkes-Barre - Food Pantry
Salvation Army - Wilkes-Barre
Food Pantry
United Blend PA Community Center
Wilkes Barre - Food Bank
Saint Nicholas Church
Wilkes Barre - Food Pantry
Volunteers of America - Northeast Regional Office
Wilkes Barre - Volunteers of America NEPA Food Pantry
Volunteers of America - Northeast Regional Office
Wilkes Barre - Maternal Services
Catholic Social Services of the Diocese of Scranton (CSS)
Saint Vincent de Paul Kitchen - Food Pantry
Restored Church
Community Food Distribution
New Roots
New Roots Support Center - New Roots Recovery Support Center
New Roots
New Roots Support Center - Food Pantry
Sidney and Pauline Friedman Jewish Community Center
Sara's Table at Kraus Chaiken Food Pantry
Ashley Food Pantry - Saint Leo's Holy Rosary Church
Ashley Food Pantry
Saint Peter and Paul Parish
Plains - Plains Food Pantry
All Saints Parish Christian Service Center
Food Pantry
Back Mountain Food Pantry
Trucksville United Methodist Church - Food Pantry
Wyoming United Presbyterian Church
Wyoming - Food Distribution
Back Mountain Harvest Assembly Church
Back Mountain Harvest Assembly Food Pantry
Nebo Baptist Church
Nanticoke - Monthly Produce Market
Faith Church Nanticoke
Faith Cares Food Ministry
Care and Concern Ministries
Care and Concern Food Pantry - Greater Pittston - Greater Pittston Food Pantry
Saint Paul's Lutheran Church - Mountain Top
Mountain Top Food Bank
Commission on Economic Opportunity (CEO)
Weinberg Northeast Regional Food Bank - White Haven Food Pantry
Commission on Economic Opportunity (CEO)
Weinberg Northeast Regional Food Bank - Senior Food Box Program
Commission on Economic Opportunity (CEO)
Weinberg Northeast Regional Food Bank - Weinberg NE Regional Food Bank
Fellowship Church
Food Pantry
Jenkins Township/Hughestown CEO Monthly Mobile Food Distribution
Hughestown Food Distribution
Holy Mother of Sorrows PNCC Dupont
Dupont Area Food Pantry
Newport Township Community Organization
American Legion Auxiliary Unit 539 - Mobile Food Services
Bethel United Methodist Church - Avoca
Avoca Food Pantry
Moosic United Methodist Church
Moosic - Food Pantry
Sweet Valley Church of Christ
Sweet Valley Food Pantry
Friends of the Poor
Divine Mercy Parish - Divine Mercy Parish Food Pantry
Friends of the Poor
Hill Top Manor - Hilltop Manor Food Pantry
Friends of the Poor
Valley View Terrace - Valley View Terrace Food Pantry
Saint Ann Basilica Parish
Food Pantry
Shickshinny First United Methodist Church
Shickshinny Area Food Pantry
Saint Stanislaus Polish National Catholic Church
Saint Stanislaus -Youth Center Building - One Hot Meal Food Pantry
Bread Basket of Northeastern Pennsylvania
Scranton (Veterans/Military Families) - Veteran/Military Family Pantry
Salvation Army - Scranton
Scranton Citadel Corps - Choice Food Pantry
Friends of the Poor
Jackson Terrace - Jackson Terrace Food Pantry
Friends of the Poor
Catherine McAuley Center - Catherine McAuley Food Pantry
Friends of the Poor
The Recovery Bank - The Recovery Bank Food Pantry
Friends of the Poor
Lackawanna County Youth and Family Services - O.Y.F.S Food Pantry
Friends of the Poor
Saint Luke's - St. Luke's Episcopal Church Food Pantry
Bread Basket of Northeastern Pennsylvania
South Scranton and Center City - South and Center City Scranton Food Pantry
Friends of the Poor
Elm Park United Methodist Church - STARS Food Pantry
Catholic Social Services of the Diocese of Scranton (CSS)
Saint Francis of Assisi Kitchen - Food and Clothing Pantry
Catholic Social Services of the Diocese of Scranton (CSS)
Saint Francis Commons - Food Pantry
Friends of the Poor
Washington West - Washington West Food Pantry
United Neighborhood Centers of NEPA
Community Services Offices - Angel's Attic Food and Clothing Pantry
Safety Net Scranton
Jewish Family Service of NEPA
Kosher Food Pantry
Jewish Family Service of NEPA
Kosher Meals on Wheels
Bread Basket of Northeastern Pennsylvania
Embury - Embury Food Pantry
Court Street United Methodist Church
Kinship Community Meal
Green Ridge Assembly of God
Scranton - Food Pantry
Bread Basket of Northeastern Pennsylvania
North Scranton, Dunmore, West Scranton - North Scranton Dunmore West Scranton Food Pantry
Friends of the Poor
Holy Rosary Center - Holy Rosary Food Pantry
Lake Winola United Methodist Church
Lake Winola Food Pantry
Saint Joseph's Center
Dunmore - Baby and Children's Pantry
Friends of the Poor
Marywood University - Pacer Pantry
Faith Assembly of God Church
Operation Blessing Food Pantry
Commission on Economic Opportunity (CEO)
Wyoming County Human Services Building - Wyoming County Food Pantry
Brandons Forever Home
Food Pantry
United Charities West Hazleton
United Charities Children's Home West Hazleton - Food Pantry
Saint Peter's Episcopal Church - Tunkhannock
Tunkhannock - Food Pantry
Salvation Army - Hazleton Corps
Food Pantry
Valley Village of Volunteers
Dickson City - Food Pantry Volunteers
Valley Village of Volunteers
Dickson City - Valley VV Food Pantry
Commission on Economic Opportunity (CEO)
Hazleton Site Office - Hazleton Food Pantry
Catholic Social Services of the Diocese of Scranton (CSS)
CSS Hazleton Family Center - Food Pantry
United Way of Greater Hazleton, Inc.
Hazleton - United Way of Greater Hazleton
Catholic Social Services of the Diocese of Scranton (CSS)
CSS Hazleton Chapel Street Office - Baby Pantry
Valley Interfaith Council
Sugarloaf - Valley Food Pantry
Shepherd House
Shepherd House/Zions Evangelical Lutheran Church - Food Pantry
Shepherd House
Shepherd House/Beaver Meadows - Food Pantry
Hope Center of Nescopeck
Community Cupboard
Friends of the Poor
Sacred Heart of Jesus Church - Sacred Heart Food Pantry
Grace Lutheran Church
Food Pantry
United Way of Wyoming Valley
Berwick Area United Way - Little Free Pantries
Berwick Area YMCA
Fresh Express Food Distribution
Salvation Army - Berwick
Friends Feeding Friends Food Pantry
Peckville Assembly of God
Blakely - Food Pantry
Bread Basket of Northeastern Pennsylvania
Jessup, Mid Valley Area - Mid-Valley Area Food Pantry
Factoryville United Methodist Church
Factoryville United Methodist Church Ministry - Mobile Food Pantry
Shepherd House
Shepherd House/Tresckow - Food Pantry
Pocono Lake Wesleyan Church
Five Loaf House - Food Pantry
McAdoo Area Food Pantry
McAdoo - McAdoo Area Food Pantry
Trehab Community Action Agency
Trehab South Montrose Office - Montrose Food Bank
Feeding Families Ministry, Inc.
Food Pantry
Bread Basket of Northeastern Pennsylvania
Archbald - Northern Mid-Valley Archbald Food Pantry
HANDS of Wyoming County
Mehoopany Mobile Food Pantry
Pocono Mountain Ecumenical Hunger Ministry
Coolbaugh Township Municipal Building - Food Pantry
Nuremburg Area Food Pantry
Nuremburg - Nuremburg Area Food Pantry
Columbia County Volunteers in Medicine Clinic
Mifflinville - Community Clinic
Northern Lackawanna Food Share
Benton Township - Food Pantry
Friends of the Poor
Saint James/Saint George Episcopal Church - Saint James/Saint George Episcopal Church Food Pantry
Shepherd House
Shepherd House / Jim Thorpe Memorial Park - Food Pantry
Shepherd House
Shepherd House/Meed's Memorial United Methodist Church - Food Pantry
Bridge Community Church
Nicholson - Nicholson Food Pantry
Valor Clinic Foundation
Paul's House Facility - Veterans Walk In Wednesday
Hamlin Assembly of God Church
Hamlin Assembly of God Church - Mercy Ministries - Free Food Distribution
Shepherd House
Shepherd House/Trinity Lutheran Church - Lansford - Food Pantry
Summit Hill Food Pantry
Summit Hill Heritage Center - Community Food Pantry
Shepherd House
Shepherd House/Summit Hill Heritage Center - Food Pantry
Coaldale Area Food Pantry
Coaldale - God's Providing Hands Food Pantry
Shepherd House
Shepherd House - Administrative - Shepherd House Administration
Shepherd House
Shepherd House/Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church - Food Pantry
Catholic Social Services of the Diocese of Scranton (CSS)
CSS Carbondale Office - Food, Baby, Clothing and Household Pantry
Saint Peter's Community Resource Center
Lehighton - Bare Necessities Pantry
Mainstream Revival Center
Carbondale - Food Pantry and Meals-To-Go
AGAPE Love From Above To Our Community
John Buck Building - Orangeville Food Pantry
Effort United Methodist Church
Supplemental Food Resource Center
Lenoxville United Methodist Church
Lexonville Community Hall - Mobile Food Pantry
Common Ground Ministries
Desaki Restaurant - Food Pantry
Tamaqua Trinity Church
Tamaqua - Friends in Need Food Pantry
Salvation Army Tamaqua
Tamaqua - Food Assistance
Innovation Church
Innovation Community Food Pantry
Ringtown Valley Food Pantry
Ringtown - Ringtown Valley Food Pantry
Christian Awareness Ministries Ecumenical (C.A.M.E.)
High Acres Park - Food Pantry
AGAPE Love From Above To Our Community
Greenwood Township Building - Greenwood Food Pantry
Hop Bottom Emergency Food Pantry
Emergency Food Pantry
Mahanoy Area Food Pantry
First United Methodist Church - Mahanoy Area Food Pantry
Shepherd House
Shepherd House/St. John's Towamensing Lutheran Church - Food Pantry
Saint Vincent de Paul Society - Mahanoy City
Saint Teresa of Calcutta Garage - Food Pantry
Trehab Community Action Agency
Sullivan County Trehab - Food Pantry
Saint Paul's Lutheran Church of Tannersville
Walter & Mary Alice Strunk Food Pantry
JW Cooper Community Center
Shenandoah - JW Cooper Community Center Food Pantry
Good Shepherd United Methodist Church
Bloomsburg - Bundles of Blessing Boxes
Bloomsburg Food Cupboard
Bloomsburg - Food Pantry
Bloomsburg Food Cupboard
Bloomsburg - Husky Pantry
Salvation Army - Bloomsburg
Bloomsburg Salvation Army Service Center - General Relief Program
AGAPE Love From Above To Our Community
Bloomsburg - Bloomsburg Food Pantry
AGAPE Love From Above To Our Community
Bloomsburg - Senior Boxes
AGAPE Love From Above To Our Community
Northern Columbia Cultural Center - Benton Food Pantry
Salvation Army - Forest City
Salvation Army - Forest City Food Pantry - Food Pantry
Wyalusing Presbyterian Church
Wyalusing - Helping Hands Food Pantry
Dushore Food Pantry
Dushore - Food Pantry
West End Food Pantry
Eldred Township Community Center - Food Pantry
Forest City Episcopal Church
Forest City Mobile Pantry
Salvation Army - Forest City
Forest City Service Extension Center
Paupack United Methodist Church
Paupack - Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry
Pleasant Valley Ecumenical Network
Sciota - Food Pantry
Pleasant Valley Ecumenical Network
Sciota - Diaper and Menstrual Hygiene Pantry
Frackville Area Food Pantry
Saint Ann Church - Frackville Area Food Pantry
First United Methodist Church - Catawissa
Food for Friends Food Bank
Northern Lehigh Food Bank
Emerald - Food Bank
Roots Living Ministry
Food Pantry
Girardville Area Food Pantry
AGAPE Love From Above To Our Community
Aristes Fire Company - Aristes Food Pantry
Schuylkill Valley Food Pantry
New Philadelphia - Schuylkill Valley Food Pantry
Montrose Mobile Food Pantry
South Montrose - Montrose Mobile Pantry
Lighthouse Full Gospel Church of God
The Lord's Cupboard Food Pantry
Harford First Congregational Church
Harford - Harford Mobile Food Pantry
Little Moore Food Bank
Christ Church UCC - Food Bank
Lawton Mobile Pantry
Lawton Ladies Auxiliary Hall - Lawton Mobile Pantry
Salvation Army - Honesdale
Honesdale Relief Crisis Center - Food Pantry
Saint Clair Area Food Pantry
Saint Clair - Saint Clair Area Food Pantry
Stroudsburg Wesleyan Church
Helping Hands Food Pantry
Saint Paul's Lutheran Church - Hawley
Hawley - Food Pantry
Ashland Area Food Pantry
Ashland - Ashland Area Food Pantry
New Ringgold Area Food Pantry
New Ringgold - New Ringgold Area Food Pantry
Diakon Lutheran Social Ministries
AmeriCorp Seniors Pike and Wayne - RSVP of Berks, Pike and Wayne Counties
First Baptist Church of Hawley
Hawley - Closets of Blessings
Wayne County Food Pantry
Wayne County Food Pantry Program - Food Pantry Volunteers
Wayne County Human Services
Wayne County Area Agency on Aging - Retired & Senior Volunteer Program
Christ Episcopal Church
Stroudsburg - Food Pantry
East Stroudsburg United Methodist Church
East Stroudsburg - Community Meal
The Salvation Army - East Stroudsburg
Food Pantry
Susquehanna County Interfaith
Montrose - Emergency Food
Endless Mountains Health Systems
Mobile Food Pantry
Dushore Food Pantry
Forksville Fire Hall - Forksville Food Pantry
Mount Carmel Area Ministerium
Northumberland - Food Pantry
Saint Paul's Lutheran Church of Smithfield
Food Pantry
Schuylkill Community Action
Pottsville - Food Distribution Network
Schuylkill Community Action
Pottsville - Emergency Food Pantry
Salvation Army Pottsville Corps
Pottsville - Choice Food Pantry
Servants to All
My Father's House - Supportive Services
Salvation Army
Saint Peter's Evangelical Lutheran - Food Pantry
Pottsville Area Food Pantry
Billie Payne Community Center - Pottsville Area Food Pantry
Orwigsburg Food Pantry
Saint John's United Church of Christ - Food Pantry
Jo's Outreach
Food Pantry
Danville Riverside Food Bank
Danville Riverside Food Pantry
Montour County Human Services
Montour County Food Bank
Minersville Area Food Pantry
Zion Lutheran Church - Minersville Area Food Pantry
Four Square Gospel Church
Pottsville - Food Pantry
Hughesville Friends Church
Hughesville - Friends Church Community Care Network and Outreach
Kulpmont Food Pantry
Kulpmont Borough Garage - Food Pantry
Northampton Area Food Bank
Food Bank
Benders Mennonite Church
Pen Argyl - Food Pantry
St. John Neumann/Good Shepherd Parish
Lords Valley - Blooming Grove Food Pantry
First United Methodist Church of New Milford
New Milford - Feed My Sheep Food Pantry
Bushkill Outreach Program
Lehman Township Community Park - Food Distribution
Mission of Love and Hope Food Bank Outreach Center
Supplemental Food Distribution
Community Action Committee of the Lehigh Valley
Second Harvest Food Bank of Lehigh Valley and Northeast PA - Second Harvest Food Bank
Shamokin Water and Spirt Church
Ministry of the Water and Spirit - Community Outreach - Ashland Food Pantry
Schuylkill Haven Area Food Pantry
Schuylkill Haven - Schuylkill Haven Area Food Pantry
Kingdom Life Family Center
Orefield - Food Pantry
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