Greater Susquehanna Valley YMCA
Greater Susquehanna Valley YMCA- Middlecreek Area Community YMCA - Fitness Classes
A variety of fitness classes are offered in a group setting with instruction provided by a certified trainer. Classes include: Zumba, Silver Sneakers, Body Sculpting, Cardio, Yoga, Kickboxing, and Cycling.
67 Elm Street
Beaver Springs, PA 17812
Eligibility: Ages 14 years old and up.
Hours: See the program calendar on website for fitness class times.
Phone/FAX Numbers
  • (570) 658-2276
  • (570) 658-2777 - Fax
  • (570) 286-5961 - Fax
Email Address:
Fee Amounts: Attendance at fitness classes are no additional cost for those that have a membership. For those that do not have membership attendance at the class requires purchase of day pass.
Intake Procedure: Must purchase a day pass if you are a not a member.
Geographical Area: Snyder, Union, and Northumberland County
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Greater Susquehanna Valley YMCA
Greater Susquehanna Valley YMCA- Middlecreek Area Community YMCA - Fitness Classes
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