211 is the most comprehensive source of locally curated social services information in the US. 211 allows all residents of Pennsylvania to have access to customized health, housing and human services information in one place 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 211 is a one-stop resource to find information about community services; no more guessing or unnecessary calls. Language services are available in more than 170 languages and dialects. Every hour of every day, someone searches for services, from substance abuse treatment to care for a child or an aging parent. 211’s specially trained Call Specialists can assist by answering your questions and connecting you to thousands of health and human services programs in your community.
We are the boots on the ground, the local experts who make finding help easier. Our teams of compassionate, highly trained specialists are available 24/7 to help you access the best local resources and services to address almost any need. 211 is committed to being the most essential resource for anyone who needs help. We help thousands of people overcome barriers and address challenges every day.
211 conversations are confidential, can be made anonymously, and callers can request translations services for 180 languages. 211 is available to anyone regardless of race, color, religion, language, sex (including pregnancy and gender identity), national origin, immigration status, political affiliation, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, genetic information, age, membership in an employee organization, parental status, military service, or other factor.
No, the call to 211 is a free call.
Feel free to search our online resource library, filled with thousands of community resources ranging from rent payment assistance to community support groups by clicking here.
Office Phone: Talk to the IT department of your office and have the phones programmed to make 211 calls.
Mobile Phone: Contact your provider about 211 availability on your plan.
- Text your zip code to 898-211.
- Search our online database at https://search.pa211.org/.
With one phone number, callers gain free, confidential access to thousands of programs and services that can help improve the quality of their lives. Every day, highly trained 211 Call Specialists provide referrals to:
- Basic Human Needs Resources: food banks and supplemental food and nutrition programs, shelters, rent and utility payment assistance
- Physical and Mental Health and Substance Abuse Resources: health care, vaccination and health epidemic information, crisis intervention services, support groups, counseling, a confidential path out of physical and/or emotional domestic abuse, addiction prevention and rehabilitation programs
- Employment Support: financial assistance, job training, education programs
- Support for Older Adults and Persons with Disabilities: home-delivered meals, transportation, health care
- Services for Veterans
- Reentry Help for Ex-Offenders
- Youth and Child Care Programs: after school programs, summer camps, mentoring, protection services
- Emergency information and disaster relief
TTY services are available or access our on-line database here.
To see data on the requests made to PA 211 over time, with the option to filter by county, legislative district or needs categories, visit PA’s page on 211 Counts. PA 211 Counts provides searchable and visual data of community requests from 211 call centers across the state.
PA 211 partners with the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA), local Volunteer Organizations Active in Disasters (VOAD) and other emergency management agencies to respond to localized natural disasters in Pennsylvania.
In addition, PA 211 is part of a national network of contact centers in the US which regularly provides assistance across state lines to respond to flooding, wildfires, hurricanes, and even manmade disasters such as the September 11 attack. For example, during Hurricane Irma, several PA 211 centers were activated to help Floridians.