17 Matching Service Providers
Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC
Pharmacy Administration - Poison Center
Staffed 24 hours a day, the Pittsburgh Poison Center (PPC) responds to requests for poison information from the general public and medical professionals.
3507 Victoria Street
Pharmacy Administration
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions.
Hours: 24-hour emergency telephone service.
Pennsylvania Department of Health
Franklin County State Health Center - State Health Center
Provides medical services, health education, and community health leadership and control. Offers immunizations, HIV testing and counseling, tuberculosis treatment, rabies investigation, information and referral services, travel information, childhood lead poisoning prevention, and investigation of reportable diseases.
375 Floral Avenue
Suite 101
Chambersburg, PA 17201
Eligibility: Call for information
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm
Pennsylvania Department of Health
Lycoming County State Health Center - Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention
The Pennsylvania Department of Health's Lead Poisoning Prevention and Control Program is comprised of four programs: the Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program (CLPPP), the Lead Hazard Control Program (LHCP), the Lead Surveillance Program, and the Healthy Homes Program.
The Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program performs blood lead screening tests on children age six and under, focusing on children with the highest risk of being lead poisoned. They also provide:
  • Referral for diagnostic services and medical treatment
  • Investigation of lead hazards in the homes of lead-poisoned children
  • Technical assistance to property owners and local health officials regarding the remediation of lead-based paint hazards
  • Community, professional, and parent education regarding lead poisoning
1000 Commerce Park Drive
Suite 109
Williamsport, PA 17701
Hours: Weekdays, 8:00am - 4:30pm
Pennsylvania Department of Health
Pennsylvania Department of Health - McKean County State Health Center - State Health Center
State Health Center provides immunizations, HIV testing and counseling, lead poisoning prevention, education and case management, disease investigations, prevention and education.
84 Boylston Street
Gleason Building
Bradford, PA 16701
Eligibility: Call for more information.
Hours: Call for more information.
Pennsylvania Department of Health
Pennsylvania Department of Health - South Central District Office - Southcentral District
Serves 13 counties directly and through contract agencies to provide services including: Tuberculosis (TB), Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD), HIV Counseling & Testing (C/T), Immunizations, Communicable Disease Surveillance and Control, and Animal Bite Control. Additional services for high risk pregnant women, infants, children, and families, services to families with children with special health care needs, childhood lead poisoning, PKU, SIDS, Injury Prevention, Public Health Education, chronic disease prevention and intervention (i.e. diabetes, cancer, injury prevention, oral health, cardiovascular disesases,etc.) and environmental health.
30 Kline Plaza
Harrisburg, PA 17104
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions
Hours: Call for information
Pennsylvania Department of Health
Division of Child and Adult Services
The Pennsylvania Department of Health's Lead Poisoning Prevention and Control Program is comprised of four programs: 1. Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program (CLPPP)
2. Lead Hazard Control Program (LHCP)
3. Lead Surveillance Program, and the Healthy Homes Program and
The Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program performs blood lead screening tests on children age six and under, focusing on children with the highest risk of being lead poisoned.
625 Forster Street
Health and Welfare Building
Harrisburg, PA 17120
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm
Pennsylvania Department of Health
Lead Information Line
Offers personal help and provides information by phone or written information by mail about lead poisoning, prevention, and control.
625 Forster Street
Health and Welfare Building
Harrisburg, PA 17120
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm
Chester County Health Department
West Chester - Chester County Health Department - Food Facility Licensing
License and inspect:- Food establishments- Institutions schools, nursing homes- Camps/Campgrounds- Mobile home parks- Public bathing places- Certified food managers program- Perform surveillance and treatment applications for mosquito control through the West Nile Virus Program- Vector Insect and rodent control program- Childhood lead poisoning prevention program
601 Westtown Road
Suite 290
West Chester, PA 19380
Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30 AM-4:30 PM
Chester County Health Department
West Chester - Chester County Health Department - Food Handling
License and inspect:- Food establishments- Institutions schools, nursing homes- Camps/Campgrounds- Mobile home parks- Public bathing places- Certified food managers program- Perform surveillance and treatment applications for mosquito control through the West Nile Virus Program- Vector Insect and rodent control program- Childhood lead poisoning prevention program
601 Westtown Road
Suite 290
West Chester, PA 19380
Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30 AM-4:30 PM
Chester County Health Department
West Chester - Chester County Health Department - Pest Control
License and inspect:- Food establishments- Institutions schools, nursing homes- Camps/Campgrounds- Mobile home parks- Public bathing places- Certified food managers program- Perform surveillance and treatment applications for mosquito control through the West Nile Virus Program- Vector Insect and rodent control program- Childhood lead poisoning prevention program
601 Westtown Road
Suite 290
West Chester, PA 19380
Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30 AM-4:30 PM
Chester County Health Department
West Chester - Chester County Health Department - Public Health Information/ Inspection/ Remidiation
License and inspect:- Food establishments- Institutions schools, nursing homes- Camps/Campgrounds- Mobile home parks- Public bathing places- Certified food managers program- Perform surveillance and treatment applications for mosquito control through the West Nile Virus Program- Vector Insect and rodent control program- Childhood lead poisoning prevention program
601 Westtown Road
Suite 290
West Chester, PA 19380
Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30 AM-4:30 PM
Chester County Health Department
West Chester - Chronic Disease & Injury Prevention
The Health Dept. offers a wide variety of educational and preventive programs and consulting services. Programs are available to schools, businesses, community organization, etc., and can be tailored to fit most health topics. Available programs include cancer prevention, cardiovascular health and screenings, childhood lead poisoning prevention, dental health, falls prevention, tobacco control, nutrition and physical activity, Lyme Disease and osteoporosis.
601 Westtown Road
Suite 290
West Chester, PA 19380
Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30 AM-4:30 PM
Poison Control Center
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia - Poison Control Services
Offers a 24-hour emergency hotline for poisoning incidents and poison information. Information and treatment advice is available to the public and healthcare professionals at no charge.
34th Street and Civic Center Boulevard
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions
Hours: 24/7
Wright Center for Community Health
Clarks Summit Practice - Vaccinations
Care teams offer vaccinations, including those required by law for students entering the K-12 school system.
1145 Northern Boulevard
Clarks Summit, PA 18411
Eligibility: Call for details.
Hours: Monday through Friday from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm
Penn Medicine Lancaster General Health
Lancaster General Hospital
Lancaster General Hospital is a non-profit hospital offering a broad range of comprehensive medical, dental and surgical services including:

717-544-0170 Blood Bank
717-544-0322 Breast Health Center
717-544-9400 Cancer Center
717-544-5331 Children's Health Center
717-544-3144 ChildProtect Immunization Program
717-544-4943 Comprehensive Care Clinic for HIV
717-544-5923 Diabetes & Nutrition Center
717-544-5122 Emergency Department and Regional Trauma Center
717-544-4950 Family Health Services
717-544-3811 Health Education & Wellness Center
717-544-4305 Healthy Beginnings Plus
717-544-5931 Laboratory Testing
717-544-3138 Lead Poisoning Screening
717-544-3170 Memory Disorders Center
717-544-4305 Nurse Family Partnership
717-544-3197 Pain Management
717-544-5979 Pastoral Services
800-222-1222 Poison Control
800-341-2121 Physician Referral Service
717-544-7961 Price Estimate Phone Line
717-544-4919 Social Work
555 North Duke Street
Lancaster, PA 17602
Eligibility: No limitations
Hours: Monday through Sunday, 24 hours; Office hours vary
Wellspan Health - Franklin County
WellSpan Health Scotland Avenue Complex - Internal Medicine
We provide personalized, quality healthcare for you and your family at every stage of life.

Services & Treatment
Check-ups & health screenings
Chronic disease management (diabetes, high blood pressure & asthma)
Minor lacerations & injuries
Pediatric care
Severe & minor illnesses
Wellness care (healthy lifestyle habits - exercise, diet, sleep & nutrition)
End of life care (comfort & support for the seriously ill)

Skin Health
Cancer screening
Minor skin surgery (removal and biopsy of moles & other skin lesions)

Women's Health
Preventative services
Disease screenings
Birth control
2055 Scotland Avenue
Ground Floor
Chambersburg, PA 17201
Eligibility: Open to the general public.
Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM - 6 :00 PM
Fulton County State Health Center
McConnellsburg - Disease Control
Provides immunizations, free HIV testing, education, and information and referral for all health care issues/illnesses. Offers infectious disease investigation and consulting (including rabies and TB) and lead poisoning case management.
182 Buchanan Trail
Suite 160
McConnellsburg, PA 17233
Eligibility: For immunizations: Adults with no insurance; Children with no insurance
or with Medicaid coverage
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC
Pharmacy Administration - Poison Center
Pennsylvania Department of Health
Franklin County State Health Center - State Health Center
Pennsylvania Department of Health
Lycoming County State Health Center - Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention
Pennsylvania Department of Health
Pennsylvania Department of Health - McKean County State Health Center - State Health Center
Pennsylvania Department of Health
Pennsylvania Department of Health - South Central District Office - Southcentral District
Pennsylvania Department of Health
Division of Child and Adult Services
Pennsylvania Department of Health
Lead Information Line
Chester County Health Department
West Chester - Chester County Health Department - Food Facility Licensing
Chester County Health Department
West Chester - Chester County Health Department - Food Handling
Chester County Health Department
West Chester - Chester County Health Department - Pest Control
Chester County Health Department
West Chester - Chester County Health Department - Public Health Information/ Inspection/ Remidiation
Chester County Health Department
West Chester - Chronic Disease & Injury Prevention
Poison Control Center
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia - Poison Control Services
Wright Center for Community Health
Clarks Summit Practice - Vaccinations
Penn Medicine Lancaster General Health
Lancaster General Hospital
Wellspan Health - Franklin County
WellSpan Health Scotland Avenue Complex - Internal Medicine
Fulton County State Health Center
McConnellsburg - Disease Control
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