25 Matching Service Providers
Women's Center and Shelter of Greater Pittsburgh
Administrative Headquarters, Confidential Address - Legal Advocacy
Assists with the Protection From Abuse (PFA) order process and provides free and confidential court accompaniment, safety planning, support, information, and advocacy as survivors progress through the legal system.
Eligibility: Legal Advocacy is available to all survivors of domestic violence or intimate partner violence.
Hours: Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
Center for Victims
Administrative Headquarters - Protection from Abuse Order Assistance
Assists individuals seeking Protection From Abuse (PFA) Orders, including Emergency Orders that must be obtained during evening, weekend and holiday hours. Staff will assist with all aspects of the PFA filing process, including consult, options and safety planning, explanation of courtroom procedures, and assistance with filing the PFA.
3433 East Carson Street
Suite 300
Pittsburgh, PA 15203
Eligibility: Allegheny County residents and visitors who need to obtain a PFA.
Hours: 24-hour hotline
Alle-Kiski Area HOPE Center
Administrative Office, Confidential Location - Domestic Violence Legal Services
Facilitates Emergency Protection from Abuse (PFA) orders and other legal processes for clients.
Eligibility: Serves individuals who are residents of Allegheny or Westmoreland County.
Hours: Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm. Intake available
24/7 through the Hotline.
Mercer County - Mercer Legal Advocacy Offices
Provides assistance with Protection from Abuse (PFA) orders, court accompaniment through Municipal District Courts, Common Pleas, and the criminal court support and accompaniment; assistance with Crime Victim Compensation; Mobile Legal Advocate works with all law enforcement and MDJ staff.
109 South Sharpsville Avenue
Suite D
Sharon, PA 16146
Eligibility: Serves individuals with need for legal assistance in Mercer County.
Hours: Hotline available 24/7.
Summit Legal Aid
Administrative Headquarters, Washington County - Protection from Abuse
Provides legal services for individuals and families experiencing domestic/intimate partner violence, child abuse, elder/adult dependent abuse. Assists in obtaining restraining orders (Protection From Abuse orders, also called PFAs).
10 West Cherry Avenue
Washington, PA 15301
Eligibility: Residents of the service area.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Summit Legal Aid
Fayette County - Protection from Abuse
Provides legal services for individuals and families experiencing domestic/intimate partner violence, child abuse, elder/adult dependent abuse. Assists in obtaining restraining orders (Protection From Abuse orders, also called PFAs).
45 East Main Street
Suite 200
Uniontown, PA 15401
Eligibility: Residents of the service area.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Summit Legal Aid
Greene County - Protection from Abuse
Provides legal services for individuals and families experiencing domestic/intimate partner violence, child abuse, elder/adult dependent abuse. Assists in obtaining restraining orders (Protection From Abuse orders, also called PFAs).
63 South Wahington Street
Waynesburg, PA 15370
Eligibility: Residents of the service area.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Summit Legal Aid
Somerset County - Protection from Abuse
Provides legal services for individuals and families experiencing domestic/intimate partner violence, child abuse, elder/adult dependent abuse. Assists in obtaining restraining orders (Protection From Abuse orders, also called PFAs).
218 North Kimberly Avenue
Suite 101
Somerset, PA 15501
Eligibility: Residents of the service area.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Summit Legal Aid
Westmoreland County - Protection from Abuse
Provides legal services for individuals and families experiencing domestic/intimate partner violence, child abuse, elder/adult dependent abuse. Assists in obtaining restraining orders (Protection From Abuse orders, also called PFAs).
16 East Otterman Street
Greensburg, PA 15601
Eligibility: Residents of the service area.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Summit Legal Aid
Cambria County - Protection from Abuse
Provides legal services for individuals and families experiencing domestic/intimate partner violence, child abuse, elder/adult dependent abuse. Assists in obtaining restraining orders (Protection From Abuse orders, also called PFAs).
227 Franklin Street
Suite 400
Johnstown, PA 15901
Eligibility: Residents of the service area.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Summit Legal Aid
Clarion County - Protection from Abuse
Provides legal services for individuals and families experiencing domestic/intimate partner violence, child abuse, elder/adult dependent abuse. Assists in obtaining restraining orders (Protection From Abuse orders, also called PFAs).
231 West Main Street
Clarion, PA 16214
Eligibility: Residents of the service area.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Butler County Domestic Relations
Butler - Protection from Abuse Orders
Issues Protection from Abuse (PFA) and Protection from Sexual Violence or Intimidation (PSVI) orders for individuals who are in danger
124 West Diamond Street
Floor L
Butler, PA 16003
Eligibility: Butler County residents
Hours: Intake: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 10:30am Hearings: Petitions are
presented to a Family Court Judge at approximately 11:30am on the same
day. Emergency Petitions: Coordinated by the Magisterial District
Judge after 1:00pm.
Domestic Violence Service Center
Protective/Restraining Orders (PFA)
Provides court advocacy and accompaniment related to Protection From Abuse Orders.
Eligibility: battered individuals and their children
Hours: 24/7
Safe Berks
Legal Services
Assistance with requesting Temporary Protection orders; Police interview and court accompaniment; Campus advocate; Assistance with Victims Compensation Assistance Program (VCAP) applications
255 Chestnut Street
Reading, PA 19602
Eligibility: Survivors of domestic violence and/or sexual assault
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm
Beyond Violence Berwick
Berwick - Protection From Abuse Orders
Assists with filing for protection orders including protection from abuse (PFA), sexual violence protection order (SVPO), and protection from intimidation (PFI).
212 West 11th Street
Berwick, PA 18603
Eligibility: Residents of Columbia, Lower Luzerne, and Montour Counties
Hours: 24/7
Perry County Domestic Relations
New Bloomfield - Domestic Relations
Offers establishment of child and spousal support orders, enforcement of domestic relations court orders, establishment of paternity for children born out of wedlock, and locating absent parents.
2 East Main Street
New Bloomfield, PA 17068
Eligibility: A) Parents and guardians of a child up to age 18 (and older if still in high school)
B) Residents of Perry County
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
Allegheny County Court of Common Pleas
Family Division - Protection from Abuse (PFA) Orders - Morning Business Hours
Processes Protection from Abuse (PFA) requests for individuals in Allegheny County.
440 Ross Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Eligibility: Allegheny County residents
Hours: Intake: Monday through Friday: 8:00am to 11:00am

Office Hours: Monday through Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm
Allegheny County Court of Common Pleas
Pittsburgh Municipal Court - Protection from Abuse (PFA) Orders - Emergency/After-Hours Filing
Processes Protection from Abuse (PFA) requests for individuals in Allegheny County.
660 First Avenue
Municipal Courts Building
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Eligibility: Allegheny County residents
Hours: Monday through Thursday: 11:00am to 8:00am
11:00am Friday through 8:00am Monday
Holidays: 24 hours
Lackawanna Pro Bono, Inc.
Legal Representation
Local attorneys volunteer to provide free legal representation for civil cases.

A broad spectrum of civil cases are handled, including the following: landlord-tenant, debtor-creditor problems, unemployment compensation, termination of social security or SSI benefits, uninsured tort defense, family law and other serious civil matters.

Simple wills, powers of attorney, and health care directives are provided for financially eligible adults age 60 and over.

Assistance in clearing criminal records through the state pardon process is also provided.
233 Penn Avenue
Scranton, PA 18503
Eligibility: To be eligible for these services, an individual's household income must
be below 125% of the poverty level and their legal problem and
residence must be in Lackawanna County. In limited instances,
guidelines will be extended to 187.5% of the poverty level.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm
Northwestern Legal Services
Hermitage Office - Legal Services
Provides free legal representation to low income people with civil legal problems. Free legal aid may be provided in cases involving: Public Benefits, Housing, Family Law, Employment & Education, and Consumer Law.
3110 Highland Road
Suite 203
Hermitage, PA 16148
Eligibility: Visit the Eligibility Website for details.

Income guidelines apply except for those seeking Protection From Abuse.
Hours: Offices open 9am-5pm
Intake open 9am-4pm
Northwestern Legal Services
Bradford Office - Legal Services
Provides free legal representation to low income people with civil legal problems. Free legal aid may be provided in cases involving: Public Benefits, Housing, Family Law, Employment & Education, and Consumer Law.
100 Main Street
Bradford, PA 16701
Eligibility: Visit the Eligibility Website for details.

Income guidelines apply except for those seeking Protection From Abuse.
Hours: Offices open 9am-5pm
Intake open 9am-4pm
Northwestern Legal Services
Franklin Office - Legal Services
Provides free legal representation to low income people with civil legal problems. Free legal aid may be provided in cases involving: Public Benefits, Housing, Family Law, Employment & Education, and Consumer Law.
1243 Liberty Street
Suite 420
Franklin, PA 16323
Eligibility: Visit the Eligibility Website for details.

Income guidelines apply except for those seeking Protection From Abuse.
Hours: Offices open 9am-5pm
Intake open 9am-4pm
Northwestern Legal Services
Erie Office - Legal Services
Provides free legal representation to low income people with civil legal problems. Free legal aid may be provided in cases involving: Public Benefits, Housing, Family Law, Employment & Education, and Consumer Law.
1001 State Street
Renaissance Centre, Suite 700
Erie, PA 16501
Eligibility: Visit the Eligibility Website for details.

Income guidelines apply except for those seeking Protection From Abuse.
Hours: Offices open 9am-5pm
Intake open 9am-4pm
Northwestern Legal Services
Meadville Office - Legal Services
Provides free legal representation to low income people with civil legal problems. Free legal aid may be provided in cases involving: Public Benefits, Housing, Family Law, Employment & Education, and Consumer Law.
260 Chestnut Street
Meadville, PA 16335
Eligibility: Visit the Eligibility Website for details.

Income guidelines apply except for those seeking Protection From Abuse.
Hours: Offices open 9am-5pm
Intake open 9am-4pm
Northwestern Legal Services
Warren Office - Legal Services
Provides free legal representation to low income people with civil legal problems. Free legal aid may be provided in cases involving: Public Benefits, Housing, Family Law, Employment & Education, and Consumer Law.
315 2nd Avenue
Suite 401
Warren, PA 16365
Eligibility: Visit the Eligibility Website for details.

Income guidelines apply except for those seeking Protection From Abuse.
Hours: Offices open 9am-5pm
Intake open 9am-4pm
Center for Victims
Administrative Headquarters - Protection from Abuse Order Assistance
Mercer County - Mercer Legal Advocacy Offices
Summit Legal Aid
Administrative Headquarters, Washington County - Protection from Abuse
Summit Legal Aid
Fayette County - Protection from Abuse
Summit Legal Aid
Greene County - Protection from Abuse
Summit Legal Aid
Somerset County - Protection from Abuse
Summit Legal Aid
Westmoreland County - Protection from Abuse
Summit Legal Aid
Cambria County - Protection from Abuse
Summit Legal Aid
Clarion County - Protection from Abuse
Butler County Domestic Relations
Butler - Protection from Abuse Orders
Safe Berks
Legal Services
Beyond Violence Berwick
Berwick - Protection From Abuse Orders
Perry County Domestic Relations
New Bloomfield - Domestic Relations
Allegheny County Court of Common Pleas
Family Division - Protection from Abuse (PFA) Orders - Morning Business Hours
Allegheny County Court of Common Pleas
Pittsburgh Municipal Court - Protection from Abuse (PFA) Orders - Emergency/After-Hours Filing
Lackawanna Pro Bono, Inc.
Legal Representation
Northwestern Legal Services
Hermitage Office - Legal Services
Northwestern Legal Services
Bradford Office - Legal Services
Northwestern Legal Services
Franklin Office - Legal Services
Northwestern Legal Services
Erie Office - Legal Services
Northwestern Legal Services
Meadville Office - Legal Services
Northwestern Legal Services
Warren Office - Legal Services
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