20 Matching Service Providers
Volunteers of America of Pennsylvania - Southwestern Pennsylvania
Pittsburgh Disability Employment Project for Freedom - Pittsburgh Disability Employment Project
Provides a business directed training resulting in competitive employment for people with disabilities.

Project for Freedom is a 10-week training program followed by a 2-week job shadow/internship experience. The training is focused on beginner to intermediate level computer skills, call center support, job search, and professional skills. Students are evaluated for employment opportunities based on both hard skills related to their potential profession and soft skills such as communication, interpersonal skills, work ethic, and leadership. The purpose of this program is placement in unsupported competitive employment.

Goals include:

Learning valuable customer service skills (NO collections/telemarketing), Windows 7, Microsoft Office, computer security, and more.

Developing soft skills for workplace success: critical thinking, problem solving, communication, attitude, teamwork and ethics. Gain job hunting skills, develop a resume, polish interviewing and public speaking skills.
1323 Forbes Avenue
Suite 232
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Eligibility: An individual with a diagnosed disability. Someone who is ready to go to
work with realistic employment goals. A person who can absorb and
assimilate information at the community college level. An individual
that is motivated and focused. Someone who can function in daily life
and make independent decisions. An individual with appropriate
behavior skills for the classroom and work.
Easterseals Western and Central Pennsylvania
Administrative Headquarters - Easterseals Western and Central Pennsylvania
Provides adult day programs and training, supportive employment services, children’s services-three approved private schools, medical rehabilitation, camp and respite programs, and residential and veterans’ services. The essential tools and resources provided enable individuals with disabilities to live their best life.
875 Greentree Road
Suite 150
Pittsburgh, PA 15220
Eligibility: Individuals of all ages with disabilities and their families.
Hours: Hours for each location may vary. Call location.
Mental Health Partnerships
Philadelphia - ACT NOW
ACT NOW assists people with mental illnesses who want to find a job. The program provides a 3-week training course followed by a 12-week internship designed to lead to full-time employment.

Programs available include:
A) Information and instruction on how to search for a job
B) Writing a resume
C) Taking and giving directions
D) Make decisions
E) Communicating appropriately
F) Listening effectively
G Preparing for an internship
833 Chestnut Street
Suite 1100
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Eligibility: Call or visit for more information
Hours: Call for more information
Arc of Lehigh and Northampton Counties
Bethlehem - SPARC Program
A community-based program and a State-licensed adult training facility designed to provide opportunities for people with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) to explore interests, develop skills, and participate in their communities in a supportive, inclusive environment. Uses a person-centered approach and helps program participants to develop daily living skills through communication, socialization, habilitation, and community integration.

The program delivers Community Participation Supports (CPS), which offers opportunities for personal growth in integrated community settings. Also delivers adult training facility services, which provide an accessible environment with adaptive equipment, to support individuals with ambulation challenges.

Participants have the ability to select their level of programming.
2289 Avenue A
Bethlehem, PA 18017
Eligibility: * Individuals, 21 years and over, with intellectual and developmental
disabilities * Receive services through the Consolidated Waiver, P/FDS
Waiver, Community Living Waiver or Base Funding in Lehigh and
Northampton Counties
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
CTC Manufacturing
Beaver Meadows - Vocational Rehabilitation
Provides life skills training, on-the-job skills training, mentoring, and employment for adults with disabilities. Specializes in assembly, packaging, re-packs, apparel sales, apparel detailing, and commercial sewing.
100 Hazle Street
Beaver Meadows, PA 18216
Eligibility: Adults age 18 and older
Individuals with disabilities
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
Developmental Enterprises Corporation
Norristown Training Center - Supported Employment
Coordinates with various agencies and clients to identify and address specific support needs for individuals with disabilities. After evaluating each person's vocational goals, DEC assesses the individual's existing abilities and matches his or her interests and skill set to a relevant work environment. Placement in our Employment Services Program offers hands-on experience in the workplace with support along the way.
333 East Airy Street
Norristown, PA 19401
Eligibility: Call for information
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
Developmental Enterprises Corporation
Pottstown Training Center - Supported Employment
Coordinates with various agencies and clients to identify and address specific support needs for individuals with disabilities. After evaluating each person's vocational goals, DEC assesses the individual's existing abilities and matches his or her interests and skill set to a relevant work environment. Placement in our Employment Services Program offers hands-on experience in the workplace with support along the way.
950 East High Street
Pottstown, PA 19464
Eligibility: Call for information
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
United Cerebral Palsy of Central Pennsylvania
Camp Hill (55 Utley Drive) - Employment Services
Supports individuals with disabilities in finding competitive employment in the community to enjoy a productive, inclusive, and fulfilling life, which may lead to self-sufficiency. Provides services such as individual assessment, career counseling, job referral, job development, job coaching, and ongoing support. Facilitates student transitions to the workforce and offers links to additional support and resources. Supplies assistive technology and coordinates transportation.
55 Utley Drive
Camp Hill, PA 17011
Eligibility: Persons with disabilities
Hours: Call for information
United Community Independence Programs
Crawford County - Services -Develomental Disability
Offers residential homes, residential support, supported employment, self-advocacy, day services, and habilitation.
17999 Cussewago Road
Meadville, PA 16335
Eligibility: Individuals with developmental disabilities ages 18 and older
Hours: Varies by location. Call for more information
United Community Independence Programs
Clarion County - Services -Develomental Disability
Offers residential homes, residential support, supported employment, self-advocacy, day services, and habilitation.
11279 Route 322
Shippenville, PA 16254
Eligibility: Individuals with developmental disabilities ages 18 and older
Hours: Varies by location. Call for more information
United Community Independence Programs
Venango County - Services -Develomental Disability
Offers residential homes, residential support, supported employment, self-advocacy, day services, and habilitation.
155 East Bissell Avenue
Oil City, PA 16301
Eligibility: Individuals with developmental disabilities ages 18 and older
Hours: Varies by location. Call for more information
Venango Training & Development Center
C/J Packaging (Dubois Facility) - Supported Training & Employment Program (STEP)
Provides community based employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities. Eligible participants are assessed to determine their abilities and interest areas. An Employment Training Specialist (ETS) is assigned to each individual. The ETS works one-on-one with the consumer to prepare him or her for the world of competitive employment. Basic job search skills including application/resume writing, and interviewing skills are addressed via Job Readiness Classes.
101 Beaver Drive
Dubois, PA 15801
Eligibility: Individuals with disabilities.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 3:30pm
Venango Training & Development Center
Corporate Headquarters - Supported Training & Employment Program (STEP)
Provides community based employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities. Eligible participants are assessed to determine their abilities and interest areas. An Employment Training Specialist (ETS) is assigned to each individual. The ETS works one-on-one with the consumer to prepare him or her for the world of competitive employment. Basic job search skills including application/resume writing, and interviewing skills are addressed via Job Readiness Classes.
239 Quaker Drive
Seneca, PA 16346
Eligibility: Individuals with disabilities.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 3:30pm
Dickinson Center
Ridgway Facility - Employment Support Services
Provides job assessments, readiness, development, and placement, along with community-based work assessment, on-the-job training, Social Security benefits and follow-along services. Individuals are assisted through the entire job search process including constructing resumes, practicing interview skills, and applying for jobs
43 Servidea Drive
Ridgway, PA 15853
Eligibility: Individuals with mental health (MH) intellectual/developmental
disabilities (IDD), and physical disabilities who have an interest in
obtaining or maintaining competitive employment. This also includes
visual impairments and blindness, and deafness and hearing impaired
Hours: Varies by location and consumer's needs. Call for more information.
Dickinson Center
Coudersport Main Facility - Employment Support Services
Provides job assessments, readiness, development, and placement, along with community-based work assessment, on-the-job training, Social Security benefits and follow-along services. Individuals are assisted through the entire job search process including constructing resumes, practicing interview skills, and applying for jobs
1 North Main Street
Gunzburger Annex Building, 3rd Floor
Coudersport, PA 16915
Eligibility: Individuals with mental health (MH) intellectual/developmental
disabilities (IDD), and physical disabilities who have an interest in
obtaining or maintaining competitive employment. This also includes
visual impairments and blindness, and deafness and hearing impaired
Hours: Varies by location and consumer's needs. Call for more information.
Avenues - Hazleton - Vocational and Employment Services
A vocational training program serving individuals with developmental and/or acquired disabilities. Focused on facility based job opportunities. On a daily basis, program employees receive individualized training designed to improve vocational skills by performing vital job tasks procured from businesses within the community.
600 South Poplar Street
Suite 120A
Hazleton, PA 18201
Eligibility: Individuals with developmental and/or acquired disabilities
Avenues - Habilitation, Inc - Habilitation, Inc

A vocational training program, which serves individuals with developmental and/or acquired disabilities. Individuals receiving vocational services through Habilitation, Inc. are eighteen years of age or older. The primary goal of the program is to assist each employee to reach their optimum level of vocational functioning, with the result leading to employment in the competitive work force.

Provides an integrated environment, encouraging personal growth and independence for each individual. This enables our employees to pursue and strengthen their self esteem, self worth, and pride they will need to work in the competitive work environment.

Supplemental Employment
Habilitation, Inc.'s competitive employment division provides services to individuals who are interested in being competitively employed in the community. Our job coach assists with education of the job search process, assessments of skills and preferences, and employment maintenance.

Customer Service & Sales
Habilitation, Inc
1755 West Market Street
Pottsville, PA 17901
Eligibility: Adults with disabilities, 18 years of age or older
Avenues - Valley Treasures Thrift Shop - Valley Treasures Thrift Shop
Thrift shop that carries an array of products.
938 West Locust Street
Valley View, PA 17983
Eligibility: Open to anyone
Hours: Monday through Friday, 1:00pm to 5:00pm; Saturday, 9:00am to 1:00pm
Avenues - Expressions - Expressions
Thrift shop that carries an array of products
* Clothing
* Accessories
* Housewares
* Furniture
* DVD's, CD's & Movies
* Decorations
* New Gifts and more
114 North Main Street
Shenandoah, PA 17976
Eligibility: Open to all
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00; call for Saturday hours
Lessie's Garden Greenhouse and Gift Shop
Lessie's is operated by trained individuals with physical and/or developmental disabilities. These individuals learn all types of planting skills through our greenhouse supervisors and program specialist.

The gift shop is decorated with gifts for all occasions including our special TRASH TO TREASURES!
2 Park Street
Pottsville, PA 17901
Eligibility: Individuals with disabilities
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm; Saturday (April, June, Sept,
Oct, Nov, Dec), 9:00am to 2:00pm
Volunteers of America of Pennsylvania - Southwestern Pennsylvania
Pittsburgh Disability Employment Project for Freedom - Pittsburgh Disability Employment Project
Easterseals Western and Central Pennsylvania
Administrative Headquarters - Easterseals Western and Central Pennsylvania
Mental Health Partnerships
Philadelphia - ACT NOW
Arc of Lehigh and Northampton Counties
Bethlehem - SPARC Program
CTC Manufacturing
Beaver Meadows - Vocational Rehabilitation
Developmental Enterprises Corporation
Norristown Training Center - Supported Employment
Developmental Enterprises Corporation
Pottstown Training Center - Supported Employment
United Cerebral Palsy of Central Pennsylvania
Camp Hill (55 Utley Drive) - Employment Services
United Community Independence Programs
Crawford County - Services -Develomental Disability
United Community Independence Programs
Clarion County - Services -Develomental Disability
United Community Independence Programs
Venango County - Services -Develomental Disability
Venango Training & Development Center
C/J Packaging (Dubois Facility) - Supported Training & Employment Program (STEP)
Venango Training & Development Center
Corporate Headquarters - Supported Training & Employment Program (STEP)
Dickinson Center
Ridgway Facility - Employment Support Services
Dickinson Center
Coudersport Main Facility - Employment Support Services
Avenues - Hazleton - Vocational and Employment Services
Avenues - Habilitation, Inc - Habilitation, Inc
Avenues - Valley Treasures Thrift Shop - Valley Treasures Thrift Shop
Avenues - Expressions - Expressions
Lessie's Garden Greenhouse and Gift Shop
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