Randy, 69, has age-related macular degeneration. His fixed income is usually enough to cover his bills, but he had upcoming moving costs that he couldn’t afford.
It’s hard for Randy to research available resources, so he called PA 211. The Resource Navigator referred him to four agencies that could help with his security deposit and heating oil bill. She also told him how he might get a free cellphone through a federal benefit program.
Randy called back several times over the next few weeks. One of the agencies had assisted him, but he still had items in storage. The Resource Navigator directed him to his local Area Agency on Aging for further assistance, and to an organization dedicated to preventing veteran homelessness.
Randy was especially grateful that the Resource Navigator called back each time to leave referral information in a voicemail, so he could access it more easily.
“PA 211 will do whatever it takes to help. That’s why I keep coming back.” -Randy, NW PA
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