Consortium - Family-Based Behavioral Health Services
Provides intense therapeutic interventions and support services to the child and family in the home and community to empower the family to care for the child. The Family-Based Mental Health Services Program also assists families in caring for deaf or hard of hearing children or adolescents with emotional problems. All referrals are made and approved only through the Philadelphia Behavioral Health System.
3751 Island Avenue
3rd Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19153
Phone/FAX Numbers
  • (215) 596-8100
Email Address:
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* The community resource directory information is up to date to the best of our knowledge. However, you should always call the provider to confirm this information and make an appointment. Be sure to confirm payment information with the provider, if payment is required. Pennsylvania 211 does not rate, recommend or endorse any agency. We simply provide information as a public service.
Consortium - Family-Based Behavioral Health Services
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