200 Matching Service Providers
Additional providers are available. Please narrow your search by entering a more specific search term or including a zip code.
Little Sisters of the Poor
Pittsburgh - Housing for Older Adults
Provides older adults with shelter, food, medical support, and physical therapy.
1028 Benton Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15212
Eligibility: Adults age 65 and older; Low income
Hours: Intake: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm
Mainstay Life Services
Pittsburgh - Home and Community Support
Provides life-long support services for people with developmental disabilities, including residential and in-home services, life-sharing, and summer camps. The Prader-Willi Syndrome program focuses on the transition from inpatient programs to community based living, and managing lifelong needs for individuals with PWS.
200 Roessler Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15220
Eligibility: Individuals with developmental disabilities who are residents of Allegheny County.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
UPMC Western Behavioral Health at Mon Yough
Administrative Headquarters - Residential Supports
Offers 24-hour supervised community homes and Life Sharing through Family Living for individuals with intellectual disabilities. Includes Semi-Independent living which provides less than 30 hours of direct support per week, with staff available on-site 24/7. Provides residential support for one or two non-related individuals with ID in the home of Life Sharing provider. Group Homes are licensed under 6400 regulations and Life Sharing homes are licensed under 6500 regulations.
500 Walnut Street
3rd Floor
McKeesport, PA 15132
Eligibility: Individuals with developmental disabilities.
Hours: 24-hour service.
UPMC Western Behavioral Health at Mon Yough
Mon Yough Community Services - Locust Street - Mental Health Residential Programs
Provides individuals older than the age of 18 with a chronic mental health diagnosis an opportunity to achieve personal growth and fulfillment through various treatment options. Programs include: Enhanced Care CRR (Community Residential Rehabilitation), Community Based Supported Housing, Geriatric Personal Care Boarding Homes, and a Comprehensive Mental Health Personal Care Home program. All of these programs have a goal to enhance the development of the skills, attitudes and habits necessary to prevent re-hospitalization, as well as to encourage successful community reintegration.
606 Locust Street
McKeesport, PA 15132
Eligibility: Adults having chronic and persistent mental illness.
Hours: 24 hours/day, 7 days/week
Spina Bifida Association of Western Pennsylvania
Gatehouse - Gatehouse Transitional Living Program
Offers a transitional residential program for young adults age 18 and older. This supervised and structured living environment empowers young people with disabilities by teaching them the skills they need to make the move from living at home with their families to living in the least restrictive community setting.
134 Shenot Road
Wexford, PA 15090
Eligibility: Young adults (age 18 and older) with spina bifida and other disabilities.
Hours: Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm
TCV Community Services
Steel Valley COG - IDD Residential Services and Support
Provides individuals with the support and service they need to live successfully in the community.
201 East Eighteenth Avenue
Second Floor
Homestead, PA 15120
Eligibility: Call for information.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm Evening hours by appointment.
24-hour emergency support.
Verland Foundation
Administrative Headquarters - Sewickley - Residential Services
Offers several levels of supportive housing for individuals with intellectual, physical, and other related disabilities.
212 Iris Road
Sewickley, PA 15143
Eligibility: Eligibility varies by program. Call or email for information.
Hours: Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm 24-hour residential
Allegheny County - Community Supported Living
Provides safe, person-centered, and inclusive community housing options for adults with intellectual disabilities
711 Bingham Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15203
Eligibility: Serves individuals with disabilities.
Hours: Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm

Programs staffed 24/7.
Braddock Apartments
Provides services including case management, employment readiness and placement, and mental health and substance abuse treatment. Provides 11 leased apartments and supportive services for individuals and families experiencing homelessness in Allegheny County. Offers 24/7 staff support.
723 Braddock Avenue
Braddock, PA 15104
Eligibility: Homeless individuals and couples. All persons must have a documented
disability: mental health or physical disability.
Hours: Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00am to 3:00pm
Squirrel Hill Office - Supportive Housing Management Services
Manages housing for people with physical and mental disabilities, senior housing, and section 8 housing; to help them pursue more stable, productive, and independent lives.
5824 Forward Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15217
Eligibility: Varies.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm
Allegheny County Area Agency on Aging
Administrative Headquarters - Dom Care (Adult Foster Care)
Matches adults who cannot live alone (because of age-related problems, or physical or developmental disabilities) with families who are willing to provide a supportive, family-like living arrangement for them.

Dom Care providers care for no more than three people, and undergo a thorough vetting process.

Also recruits and screens potential providers.
2100 Wharton Street
Second Floor
Pittsburgh, PA 15203
Eligibility: Allegheny County adults (age 18 and older) who are independently mobile or semi-mobile, but cannot live alone.

Call for details about requirements for prospective providers.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Community Human Services Corporation
Administrative Office - Supportive Housing Program
Provides support for people with serious mental illness who are living independently in the community. Staff work one-on-one with participants to develop a personalized service plan to provide the support a person needs to maintain independent living.
2525 Liberty Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Eligibility: Adults with serious mental illness age 18 and older who are in mental
health treatment and live within 10 miles.
Hours: Monday thorugh Friday, 9:00am to 4:00pm
Emmaus Community of Pittsburgh
Administrative Headquarters - Developmental Disability Programs
Offers family-style residential homes, planned short term respite, home and community supports, companion services, life sharing, supported living, advocacy, volunteer opportunities, support for families and caregivers, shared lives, and spirituality.
2821 Sarah Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15203
Eligibility: Adults age 18 and older with a diagnosis of intellectual or developmental disability
Hours: Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm
Residential Care Services
Administrative Headquarters - Residential Care Services
Provides residential services and supports, for individuals 18 and older that have a mental health diagnosis at nine full-care sites. Also offers a supportive housing program.
2400 Ardmore Boulevard
Suite 601
Pittsburgh, PA 15221
Eligibility: Age 18 and older with a mental health diagnosis.
Hours: 24/7.
Housing Authority of Indiana County
Indiana - Senior Housing
Offers one bedroom apartments in a high rise building for older adults. Small pets welcome.
104 Philadelphia Street
Indiana, PA 15701
Eligibility: Call for details.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
Lawrence County Association for Responsible Care (LCARC)
New Castle - Community Residential Service
Provides community-based housing for adults with intellectual disabilities in group home settings. Those with physical challenges are accommodated fully. The program is licensed to operate and monitored regularly by the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services.
28 South Mercer Street
New Castle, PA 16101
Eligibility: Adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities
Hours: Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Administrative Headquarters - Residential Community Homes
Offers individuals with intellectual disabilities the opportunity to live in a home of their own in residential neighborhoods. Residential living staff support the independence of individuals while meeting their needs as outlined in the individual's support plans. Special adaptations may be made to accommodate individuals' special needs and promote their independence.
383 New Castle Road
Butler, PA 16001
Eligibility: Must have a primary diagnosis of intellectual disabilities, 18 yrs old
and over.
Hours: Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm

Service Hours: 24/7
Mental Health Association of Washington County
Ehnanced Personal Care Home - Enhanced Personal Care Home (EPC)
Provides specialized housing for persons with severe mental illness.
Residential care provides assistance with tasks of daily living that includes:
Psychiatric Rehabilitation, Transportation, Shopping, Maintaining Appointments, Recreational Activities, Money Management, Socialization, and Supervision of self-administered medications.
200 Spring Street
Bentleyville, PA 15314
Eligibility: Applicants must:

A) Be 18 years of age or older

B) Reside in Washington County

C) Be in treatment voluntarily and not in need of inpatient hospital or skilled nursing care as certified by the MA-51

D) Complete required DPW standardized screening and assessments

E) Not pose a danger to the self or others at the time of referral and admission

F) Not be appropriate for placement in a forensic psychiatric facility
Hours: 24/7
Mental Health Association of Washington County
Long Term Structured Residence - Long Term Structured Residence (LTSR)
Provides 24 hour highly structured residential service for persons diagnosed with intellectual disabilities.
225 Spring Street
Bentleyville, PA 15314
Eligibility: Adults age 18 and older who experience serious mental illness and reside in Washington or Green counties.
Hours: 24/7
ARC of Fayette County
Administrative Office - Residential Program for Persons with Intellectual and Physical Disabilities
Provides residential programs and services to adult intellectually and/or physically disabled. Services include activities of daily living, functional academics and leisure skills
80 Old New Salem Road
Uniontown, PA 15401
Eligibility: Adults who are intellectually and/or physically disabled prior to age 21.
Must be resident of Fayette County.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 3:30pm
ARC of Mercer County
Hermitage - Residential Services for Individuals with Disabilities
Provides residential services for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Options include group homes and lifesharing.
850 North Hermitage Road
Hermitage, PA 16148
Eligibility: Serves individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities including autism.
Hours: Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Pathways of Southwestern Pennsylvania
Adult Training and Residential Services - Residential Program
Provides licensed homes in the community with 24/7 staff member support. Assistance is provided withmedications, meals, housekeeping, finances, decision-making, health and wellness, and emotional well-being. The Residential Program is offered on a long-term or a short-term basis. Supported Living program enables the individual to remain at home with support from staff to manage personal resources, health, mobility, transportation, and use of community resources to promote independence.
655 Jefferson Avenue
Washington, PA 15301
Eligibility: Adults who are diagnosed with intellectual disabilities and Autism
Hours: Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm On Call Support:
Southwestern Pennsylvania Human Services
SPHS CARE Center - Supportive Housing
Shared/Supportive Housing is a peer support based housing option for individuals of Butler County who are afflicted with persistent symptoms of mental illness, but wish to return to the least restrictive form of independent and community based housing. Supportive Housing is often used for individuals who graduate from the Partial Care CRR but are still in need of a reduced level of support to maintain within the community. Common intervention includes landlord/tenant relations, conflict resolution with peers/roommates, liaison with utility providers and treatment team, etc.

Through supportive/shared housing, residents form a natural support system of their peers. Staff is available 24/7 for conflict resolution and independent living skills support and training. Staff monitors involvement in community resources to ensure that residents receive the maximum level of available benefits/supports. Staff networks with local and reputable landlords to ensure residents are offered a fair lease and secure a sound,
204 N. Washington Street
Butler, PA 16001
Eligibility: Mental Health Concerns for individuals 18 and older
Hours: 24/7
Arc of Butler County
Butler - Supported Housing
Provides up to 10 hours of support per week to individuals whom have acquired the necessary skills for independent living. Each individual lives in his/her separate apartment.
112 Hollywood Drive
Suite 202
Butler, PA 16001
Eligibility: Individuals who have acquired the necessary skills for independent
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm
Arc of Butler County
Butler - Family Living
Places individuals into the home of community providers for long-term care and training. Individuals in this program are totally integrated into the daily lives of the families with whom they reside.
112 Hollywood Drive
Suite 202
Butler, PA 16001
Eligibility: Residents of: Butler County; requiring long-term care
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm
Arc of Butler County
Butler - Semi-Independent Living
Provides semi-Independent living environment where staff support is available 40 hour a week for individuals who have already acquired the basic skills necessary for independent living, but are not yet ready to live entirely on their own. Staff assists individuals in refining their skills to the level necessary for complete independence.
112 Hollywood Drive
Suite 202
Butler, PA 16001
Eligibility: Individuals who have acquired the basic skills necessary for independent
living but are not yet ready to live entirely on their own.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm
ARC of Greene County
Administrative Office - Prosperity - Residential Services
Offers supported living in the community and and 24-hour supervised residential living in licensed community homes for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
197 Dunn Station Road
Prosperity, PA 15329
Eligibility: Adults, age 18 and over, who are residents of Greene County. Call for
additional details.
Hours: Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm

Community Living Arrangements (CLAs/group homes): 24/7
Washington County Behavioral Health and Developmental Services (BHDS)
Washington - Developmental Services
Provides individuals with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities (I/DD) and their families the services and supports they need and the opportunity to make real choices about living, working, and options for social activities to enable them to live in and participate fully in the life of their communities.
95 West Beau Street
Suite 300
Washington, PA 15301
Eligibility: Residents of Washington County with intellectual/developmental
disabilities and their families.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Community Living and Learning
Indiana - Community Homes
Provides the opportunity for three to four individuals to learn to manage their home together with support and physical assistance from staff.
1430 Route 286 East
Suite 2
Indiana, PA 15701
Eligibility: Individuals diagnosed as having intellectual disabilities.
Hours: Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:00pm
Fayette Resources
Residential Living Facility
Provides a community living facility for individuals with developmental disabilities. Program focuses on helping individuals live successfully and independently in the community. Support services include adult training, behavior management, individual program planning, communication skills training and money management instruction.
Eligibility: Adults and children with disabilities.
Hours: Irregular; call for details.
Fayette Resources
Residential Living Facility - Lifesharing through Family Living
Provides community living for people with developmental disabilities through placement with a host family. Person-centered training for the foster family and the participating individual focus on everyday living skills, family dynamics, and skill development.
Eligibility: Adults and children with disabilities.
Hours: Irregular; call for details.
Keystone Human Services
Keystone Human Services - Lancaster - Administrative Office
Residential facilities are located throughout Lancaster County.
211 Granite Run Drive
Lancaster, PA 17601
Eligibility: Diagnosis of mental illness, intellectual disability or Autism
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Phoebe Ministries
Phoebe Allentown - Miller Personal Care at 19th and Chew
Personal Care
1925 West Turner Street
Allentown, PA 18104
Eligibility: Persons requiring personal care/assisted living residences
Hours: 24/7
Phoebe Ministries
Phoebe Berks - Phoebe Berks Village and Health Center
Continuing Care Retirement Communities that offer:
- Independent living
- Personal care
- Skilled nursing
- Adult day care services
- Memory support services
- Short term rehabilitation
1 Reading Drive
Wernersville, PA 19565
Eligibility: Primarily older adults; Varies per program
Hours: 24/7
Diakon Lutheran Social Ministries
Luther Crest Retirement Community - Retirement Community
Retirement community offers three levels of care for adults, age 55 and over: senior independent living, personal care community and skilled nursing/rehabilitative care. Various activities and amenities are available to all residents. Transportation for shopping or appointments within 10 mile radius is available. Call for tour or application.

Nursing home beds are also sometimes available to members of the public, 55 and over, for temporary nursing or respite care.
800 Hausman Road
Allentown, PA 18104
Eligibility: Adults age 55 and over
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm
Carbon Monroe Pike Mental Health and Developmental Services
Pike County Mental Health and Developmental Services - Mental Health Residential Services- Pike County
Provides living arrangements in community residences for chronically mentally ill adults and selected children. Operated by providers under contract to the agency, there are several types of programs and multiple sites. Residential services include community residential facilities (CRF), community residential rehabilitation (CRR) services, long-term structured residences (LTSR), and residential treatment facilities (RTF).
10 Buist Road, Suite 404
Milford, PA 18337
Eligibility: Individuals seeking mental health services in Pike County
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Carbon Monroe Pike Mental Health and Developmental Services
Pike County Mental Health and Developmental Services - Residential Developmental Services -Pike County
Licensed Community Homes are able to provide round the clock assistance and supervision of an individual both in the home and in the multitude of social and community gatherings that are offered through providers.
Life Sharing through Family Living allows an individual to live in a family environment with trained individuals providing care. Depending upon the consumer, these homes can be licensed or unlicensed.
10 Buist Road, Suite 404
Milford, PA 18337
Eligibility: Call for more information
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Carbon Monroe Pike Mental Health and Developmental Services
Monroe County Mental Health and Developmental Services - Mental Health Residential Services- Monroe County
Provides living arrangements in community residences for chronically mentally ill adults and selected children. Operated by providers under contract to the agency, there are several types of programs and multiple sites. Residential services include community residential facilities (CRF), community residential rehabilitation (CRR) services, long-term structured residences (LTSR), and residential treatment facilities (RTF).
732 Phillips Street
Stroudsburg, PA 18360
Eligibility: Individuals seeking mental health services in Carbon, Pike, and Monroe
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Carbon Monroe Pike Mental Health and Developmental Services
Carbon County Mental Health and Developmental Services - Mental Health Residential Services- Carbon County
Provides living arrangements in community residences for chronically mentally ill adults and selected children. Operated by providers under contract to the agency, there are several types of programs and multiple sites. Residential services include community residential facilities (CRF), community residential rehabilitation (CRR) services, long-term structured residences (LTSR), and residential treatment facilities (RTF).
428 South 7th Street
Lehighton, PA 18235
Eligibility: Individuals seeking mental health services in Carbon County.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Access Services - Delaware Valley
Community Homes
Offers supportive housing that creates a family style living environment for persons with intellectual disabilities, while providing services to meet each person’s physical, emotional, spiritual, medical, and social needs.
500 Office Center Drive
Suite 100
Fort Washington, PA 19034
Eligibility: Residents of Lehigh, Montgomery, and Northampton counties with
intellectual disabilities
Hours: Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm
Philadelphia Corporation for Aging
Philadelphia - Domiciliary Care
Matches certified care providers with adults 18+ in need of a caring, supportive home but who do not require special around-the-clock attention. Offers room and board, housekeeping, laundry, assistance with personal hygiene and budgeting, supervision of medication administration and assistance with medical appointments.
642 North Broad Street
Philadelphia, PA 19130
Eligibility: Serves Philadelphia County residents
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm
STEP, Inc.
STEP - Williamsport - Supportive Housing Program
Designed to assist Lycoming County residents in danger of eviction or mortgage foreclosure and those needing to secure housing accommodations.
2138 Lincoln Street
Williamsport, PA 17701
Eligibility: An SHP customer must be a resident of Lycoming County for a minimum of at
least one year (12 months). The residency requirement is not limited
to the immediate past 12 months but the customer must be able to
demonstrate that Lycoming County has been their residence for at least
12 months over the past few years. SHP customers must also meet
household income thresholds.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm
Delaware County Office of Services for the Aging
Eddystone - Domiciliary Care Services
Provides a residential program for adults age 18 and older who are unable to live alone because of difficulties with daily living skills, in social or personal adjustment, or because of disabilities. Dom Care providers open up their homes to individuals who need a supervised living arrangement in a home-like environment. Dom Care residents are matched to homes that best meet their needs, preferences and interests.
1510 Chester Pike
Suite 250
Eddystone, PA 19022
Eligibility: Adults (18 years or older) who cannot live independently. Provider
applicants must complete a certification process to assure that the
homes meet fire, health & safety regulations. Providers must have
satisfactory personal, medical & financial references, as well as a
criminal history clearance.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Adams County Office for Aging
Gettysburg - When Staying Alone Doesn't Work Program
Our compassionate team works with you to create the best, safest plan. Assessments for care and eligibility will be done.
-Nursing Home Assessment: Any person age 18 and older who desires placement in a nursing facility, personal care home, or domiciliary care home can be assessed by the Care Management staff of the Adams County Office for Aging, Inc.
-Domiciliary Care (Dom Care): Provides adults 18 years or older, who cannot live independently, with sheltered living in private homes with a family-like atmosphere.
-Personal Care Homes: Sometimes called assisted living facilities, offer room and board and assistance with daily living activities.
-Adult Day Services: Provides functionally disabled older persons with an array of activities in a protected environment which will enable them to maintain independence within the community.
318 West Middle Street
Gettysburg, PA 17325
Eligibility: Residents of Adams County
Care eligibility will vary based on assessment
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm
Garden Spot Village
A non-profit Continuing Care Retirement Community
433 South Kinzer Avenue
New Holland, PA 17557
Eligibility: Open to anyone
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:30am to 8:00pm; Saturday and Sunday, 9:00am to
Quarryville Presbyterian Retirement Community
Quarryville - Retirement Community
Offers a faith-based retirement community with a variety of residential options. Provides access to personal care facilities, a memory support unit, skilled nursing care, and wellness center.
625 Robert Fulton Highway
Quarryville, PA 17566
Eligibility: Adults age 62 and older
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm
Resources for Human Development
Hope Springs - Lehigh - Hope Springs
Provides permanent, supportive, group residences for individuals with serious and persistent mental illness who were formerly institutionalized. Program services include access to health care services, medical nursing services, medication management, recreation activities, case management, life skills training, and other community resources.
3636 Freedens Road
Hope Springs
Slatington, PA 18080
Eligibility: Individuals with serious and persistent mental illness
Hours: Office: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm Services: 24/7
Resources for Human Development
Resources for Human Development - Montgomery; Norristown (Sterigere Street) - Supportive Personal Care
New Options is a licensed personal care home that promotes clients' independence and integrity by providing a supportive community environment for elderly individuals who are mentally impaired, and who had been institutionalized. Clients are encouraged to function as independently as possible via making decisions and choices on activities of daily living and community participation.
1001 Sterigere Street
NSH - Building 9
Norristown, PA 19401
Hours: Please Call
Resources for Human Development
Hope Springs - Northampton - Hope Springs
Provides permanent, supportive, group residences for individuals with serious and persistent mental illness who were formerly institutionalized. Program services include access to health care services, medical nursing services, medication management, recreation activities, case management, life skills training, and other community resources.
636 Almond Rd
Walnutport, PA 18088
Eligibility: Individuals with serious and persistent mental illness.
Hours: Office: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm Services: 24/7
Luzerne-Wyoming Counties Mental Health and Developmental Services
Wilkes Barre - Residential Services
Provides residential services. Out of Home Services: Agency owned community/group homes that provide the needed support for participants to live more independently and participate in community life. Life Sharing, agency managed services that can occur in a private home of a host family, either a relative or person not related to the participant. Supported living services provided to a participant who lives in a private home to assist them to be more independent, productive, and participate in community life. Respite services to supervise and support the participant while giving relief to the caregiver.
In-Home Respite services to supervise and support the participant while giving relief to the caregiver. Companion services that are limited to provide supervision or assistance to ensure the participant's health and welfare. In-home and community support services that occur in the home or community settings that help the participant to acquire, maintain or improve skills needed to live more independently
111 N Pennsylvania Avenue
Suite 300
Wilkes Barre, PA 18701
Eligibility: Adults with intellectual disabilities
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm
WellSpan Philhaven Behavioral Healthcare Services
WellSpan Philhaven Behavioral Healthcare Services Mount Gretna - Partners for Progress
Provides homes at a subsidized rate and provides supportive services to ten individuals who are homeless and who have a history of experiencing persistent mental illness. Individuals meet weekly with a case worker, help them with medication checks, makes sure they are using outpatient therapy and assists them with finding employment.

Collaboration of Philhaven, Lebanon Housing Authority and Lebanon MH/MR.
283 South Butler Road
Mount Gretna, PA 17064
Eligibility: Homeless adults who suffer from a chronic mental illness
Hours: Varies
WellSpan Philhaven Behavioral Healthcare Services
WellSpan Philhaven Behavioral Healthcare Services Mount Gretna - Supported Housing Mount Gretna
Supported housing for persons who suffer from chronic mental illness. Live independently in the community while receiving the supportive assistance they need through regular in-home visits.

* budgeting/money-management
* housekeeping
* nutrition/meal planning/cooking
* shopping skills
* medication management
* leisure time use
* socialization
* community participation
* risk management/safety
* mobility/transportation
* wellness management
283 South Butler Road
Mount Gretna, PA 17064
Eligibility: Adults who suffer from a chronic mental illness
Hours: Varies
SpiriTrust Lutheran
SpiriTrust Lutheran - Franklin County - The Village at Luther Ridge
Offers residential living, personal care, skilled care, and rehab services. Provides social life that includes diverse clubs, leisure programs, and outings.
2998 Luther Drive
Chambersburg, PA 17202
Eligibility: Senior adults
Hours: 24/7
SpiriTrust Lutheran
Hanover - Utz Terrace - The Village at Utz Terrace
Provides residental living programs. Offers an active social life that includes diverse clubs, leisure programs, and outings.
2100 Utz Terrace
Hanover, PA 17331
Eligibility: Adults age 62 and older. For a couple or co-residents: one partner must
be 62, the other must be at least 55.
Hours: 24/7
SpiriTrust Lutheran
SpiriTrust Lutheran - Kelly Drive Location - The Village at Kelly Drive
Offers residential living and personal care. Provides a variety of social, recreational, and educational programs.
750 Kelly Drive
York, PA 17404
Eligibility: Adults age 62 and older. For a couple or co-residents: one partner must
be 62, the other must be at least 55.
Hours: 24/7
Brethren Village
Lititz - Retirement Center and Short Term Rehabilitation
Offers a continuing care retirement community with short term rehabilitation services available.
3001 Lititz Pike
Lititz, PA 17543
Eligibility: Adults age 62 and older
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm
Albright Care Services
Lewisburg - Riverwoods Residential Living
Provides independent senior living apartments with on-site services to meet any future health care needs.
A) Home care services
B) Personal care
C) Memory care
D) Skilled nursing
E) Pharmacy services
F) Post-acute and outpatient rehabilitation
15 Ridge Crest Circle
Lewisburg, PA 17837
Eligibility: Older adults
Hours: 24/7
Albright Care Services
York - Normandie Ridge Residential Community
Provides a wellness-focused lifestyle to support independent living with on-site services to meet any future health care needs.
A) Home care services
B) Personal care
C) Memory care
D) Skilled nursing
E) Pharmacy services
F) Post-acute and outpatient rehabilitation
1700 Normandie Drive
York, PA 17408
Eligibility: Older adults
Hours: 24/7
St. Luke's Penn Foundation
Village of Hope
Offers temporary housing program for homeless adults
807 Lawn Avenue
Sellersville, PA 18960
Eligibility: Homeless adults with co-occuring disorders
Hours: Monday through Thursday, 8:00am to 8:00pm Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm
Friends Rehabilitation Program
Affordable Rental Housing
Provides affordable rental housing to low income households, individuals with special needs, formerly incarcerated individuals and seniors. Units range from efficiencies, 1-5 bedroom apartments, to single rooms in shared housing.
704 West Girard Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19123
Eligibility: Serves individuals with disabilities, Adults age 60 and older, Low
income, Formerly incarcerated (ex-offender)
Hours: Monday through Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm
Paradise Manor
Hatfield - Assisted Daily Living
Operates as a faith-based personal care home that supports independent living. Services include assistance with medications, bathing, and meals; transportation for shopping at scheduled times; and medical station on-site.
206 East Lincoln Avenue
Hatfield, PA 19440
Eligibility: Older adults, call for more information
Hours: Facility open 24/7
HumanWorks Affiliates
Spectrum Community Services
Provides residential and day service options for individuals with disabilities. Services include community group homes, life sharing/family living arrangements, supported living, respite care and day support services.

Satellite office:
301 S. Third Street
Lehighton, PA 18235
7310 Tilghman Street
Suite 300
Allentown, PA 18106
Eligibility: Must reside in Berks County, Carbon County, Lebanon County, Lehigh
County, Monroe County,Pike County, or Philadelphia County
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Futures Community Support Services
Intellectual Disabilities Program-
Home and Community Services and Residential services in community homes. These settings are licensed residential facilities providing a home environment to encourage individuals to develop skills as on on-going process aimed at areas such as: Daily living activities, recreation, communication, socialization, health, safety, well-being, financial independence, and personal adjustment.
23 Main Street
Towanda, PA 18848
Eligibility: Individual with emotional and/or developmental disability residing in
Bradford, Sullivan or Tioga county
Hours: Office hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
Futures Community Support Services
Supportive Living Services
Services are designed to meet the needs of individuals with developmental disabilities living on their own or with others in the community. Service is provided according to the needs of the individual. The objective is to help them live as independently as possible and to connect them to natural supports that provide a network for continued independence.
23 Main Street
Towanda, PA 18848
Eligibility: Individuals with developmental disabilities
Hours: Office hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
Institute for Human Resources and Services, Inc.
Community Living Arrangements
Operates 23 Community Living Arrangements (CLA) and one Community Residential Rehabilitation home (CRRH).
250 Pierce Street Suite 301
Kingston, PA 18704
Eligibility: Persons with intellectual disabilities. Call for information.
Hours: Monday through Thursday, 8:30am to 4:30pm Friday, 8:30am to 4:00pm
Goodwill Industries of NEPA
Scranton - Community Participation Support Day Service
Seeks to further enhance an individual's living skills both in the center and in the community. Services include skill building, job training, and support in the areas of communication, socialization, community activities, and personal care.
925 Prospect Avenue
Scranton, PA 18505
Eligibility: Individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:00pm
Arc of Northeastern Pennsylvania
Scranton - Supported and Family Living
Assists individuals to fully function as members of our community with-out twenty-four hour staff supervision. A Supported Living Coach provides supports to individuals in one or more of the following areas: scheduling appointments, budgeting, shopping, transportation, etc. Family Living/Life Sharing offers an opportunity for an individual with intellectual and developmental disabilities and a family or individual to share their lives. Family Living/Life Sharing is based on the importance of enduring and permanent relationships as the foundation for learning life skills, developing self-esteem and learning to exist in interdependence with others.
115 Meadow Avenue
Scranton, PA 18505
Eligibility: Individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Arc of Northeastern Pennsylvania
Scranton - Community Residential
Provides trained staff in each home to assist individuals in various aspects of household routines such as shopping, laundry, cooking, budgeting and entertaining.
115 Meadow Avenue
Scranton, PA 18505
Eligibility: Adults with intellectual/developmental disabilities/Autism
Hours: 24/7
Access Services - Schuylkill/ Carbon/ Berks
Orwigsburg - Intellectual Disability Services
Offers a range of services for adults with developmental disabilities including respite care, pharmacotherapy, in-home supports, foster care, and day programs. Also provides individual, group, family, and marital therapies.
340 South Liberty Street
Orwigsburg, PA 17961
Eligibility: * Adults age 18 and older

* Individuals with cognitive, emotional, and/ or behavioral

* Residents of Berks, Carbon, and Schuylkill counties
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
Spring Village at Pocono
East Stroudsburg - Personal and Memory Care Community
Provides assisted living, skilled nursing, and memory care services in a homelike environment. Creates individualized support plans for the residents in partnership with staff, the resident, and the resident's family.
329 East Brown Street
East Stroudsburg, PA 18301
Eligibility: Adults aged 65 and old in need of assisted living services.
Hours: 24/7
Nottingham Village
Northumberland - Nottingham Village
Operates a Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC) offering three levels of care: independent living, assisted living, and skilled nursing care. Includes a memory care facility, Heather Court.
58 Neitz Road
Northumberland, PA 17857
Eligibility: Adults age 55 and older for independent and assisted living. Skilled
nursing facility can accept younger patients, but not typical.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm
Warrior Run Manor
Independent Living
Offers an assisted living facility designed to meet the needs of senior citizens and individuals with disability.
1105 Main Street
Watsontown, PA 17777
Eligibility: Adults age 62 and older or a handicapped or disabled individual who is 18
years of age or older receiving Social Security Disability benefits.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
Getz Personal Care Home
Kunkletown - Assisted Living Facility
Provides assisted living services, including laundry, housekeeping, prescription delivery, transportation, mobility assistance, and help with daily tasks (eating, bathing, dressing, toileting, hygiene, grooming).
1026 Scenic Drive
Kunkletown, PA 18058
Eligibility: Adults age 65 and older.
Hours: 24/7
Step By Step
Step by Step
Provides community residential services, pre-vocational training services, and intermediate care for adults with intellectual disabilities.
744 Kidder Street
Wilkes Barre, PA 18702
Eligibility: Adults with intellectual disabilities
Hours: Monday through Friday 8:30am to 5:00pm, Program locations 24/7
Lackawanna County Area Agency on Aging
Elder Cottage Housing Opportunity (ECHO)
Leases Elder cottages (small, separate, manufactured residences) that are temporarily placed in the side or rear yard of an older adult's friend or family member. Provides safety and autonomy for older adults with easy access to family members who can provide assistance. Resident will pay no more than 30% of their income on rent.
123 Wyoming Avenue Floor 4
Scranton, PA 18503
Eligibility: Adults 60 years and older with incomes below 80% of the area median
income. Host family must be located in Lackawanna County and agree to
other responsibilities.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Pennsylvania Mentor
Broomall - Adults with Disabilities
Services for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities and medically complex conditions include:
A) Residential services including Lifesharing and Community Living
B) Supported Living
C) Day programs
D) Relief Support
E) Hourly Support Services
450 Parkway Dr
Suite 204
Broomall, PA 19008
Eligibility: Visit the website or call for more information.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm
Kelsch Associates
Exton Professional Building - Supportive Housing
Coordinates living arrangements with contracted families who provide the supervision and services to the consumer. Families are paid a monthly stipend by the provider agency for the service. Living arrangements are made based on each situation. Consumers can live in a family's home, families can live in a consumer's home, or a provider agency can broker a mutually satisfactory living arrangement.
319 North Pottstown Pike
Suite 305
Exton, PA 19341
Eligibility: Requires an intellectual disability diagnosis and a County referral
Hours: 24/7
Alexandria Manor
Bath - Personal Care Living
Offers personal care options in a residential setting. Long term and respite services are available.
313 South Walnut Street
Bath, PA 18014
Eligibility: Adults age 60 and older
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
Alexandria Manor
Bethlehem - Personal Care Living
Offers personal care options in a residential setting. Long term and respite services are available.
3534 Linden Street
Bethlehem, PA 18017
Eligibility: Adults age 60 and older
Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 4:30pm
Alexandria Manor
Nazareth - Personal Care Living
Offers personal care options in a residential setting. Long term and respite services are available.
7 South New Street
Nazareth, PA 18064
Eligibility: Adults age 60 and older
Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm
Supportive Concepts for Families, Inc.
Reading - Supportive Concepts for Families, Inc.
Serving individuals with mental health and intellectual and/or developmental disabilities in community, residential and adult training facility settings. Offering Home and Community Habilitation, Community Living Arrangement, Life Sharing, Adult Training Facility and Mental Health support. Behavioral Health Support services offered by full-time, Master level clinicians and led by on-site Psychologist. Health Services Department led by a Medical Director and offering services by Registered Nurses, Licensed Practical Nurses and nurses specializing in Psychiatric care.
135 North Prospect Street
Reading, PA 19606
Eligibility: Individuals with mental health and intellectual and/or developmental
Hours: Office: Monday to Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm Service to program
participants 24/7
Macungie - Assisted Living and Respite Care
Provides assisted care residential services for older adults, as well as respite and short term care.
6488 Alburtis Road
Macungie, PA 18062
Eligibility: Adults age 55 and older
Hours: 24/7
Friends Home in Kennett
Kennett Square - Boarding Home
Offers independent living, supportive independent living, personal care services, and skilled nursing. Also offers short-term respite or "give it a try" stays. Resident activities include dining service; cooking, gardening, glee, and walking clubs; daily exercise; trips to restaurants, local shops, and concerts; crafts; musical entertainment; cards and Bingo; and a wrap-around porch.
147 West State Street
Kennett Square, PA 19348
Eligibility: Adults age 65 and older
Hours: 24/7; tours available on weekday evenings and Saturdays.
Royer Greaves School for Blind
Paoli - Residential Program
Offers a residential program.
118 South Valley Road
Paoli, PA 19301
Eligibility: * Adults age 21 and older

* Individuals with developmental and/or intellectual disabilities
Hours: 24/7
Kirkland Village
Bethlehem - Kirkland Village
A continuing care retirement community that offers comprehensive services and accommodations for residents, including independent living, personal care, skilled nursing, rehabilitation and in-home support. It is affiliated with Presbyterian Senior Living.
One Kirkland Village Circle
Bethlehem, PA 18017
Eligibility: Older Adults
Hours: 24/7
Moravian Hall Square
Nazareth - Assisted Living
Provides Independent living apartments, assisted living apartments and suites, secured memory supportive care and nursing care.
175 West North Street
Nazareth, PA 18064
Eligibility: Older adults looking for a retirement community
Hours: 24/7
Liza's House
Liza's House is a small assisted living facility for older adults. Long term care, short term care and customized levels of care are available.
1357 Blue Mountain Drive
Danielsville, PA 18038
Eligibility: Seniors who require assistance with daily activities
Hours: 24/7
AbodeCare of Allentown
Allentown - Personal Care Community
Offers assisted living and memory care in a personal care home setting.
2232 29th Street Southwest
Allentown, PA 18103
Eligibility: Adults age 60 and older
Hours: Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm
Asbury Chandler Estate
Pen Argyl - Independent Living
Provides a range of customized living arrangements and levels of care for older adults including independent living cottages and apartments, personal care suites, respite care, and non-medical stays for those who live independently.
1569 Teels Road
Pen Argyl, PA 18072
Eligibility: Adults age 62 and older
Hours: 24/7
Access Services - Lehigh Valley
Bethlehem - Group Homes
Provides community living arrangements supervised group homes in support of adults with developmental disabilities and mental health issues.
3975 Township Line Road
Bethlehem, PA 18020
Eligibility: Adults with developmental disabilities and their families and adults with
severe mental illness.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Access Services - Lehigh Valley
Bethlehem - Lifesharing Program
Lifesharing provides long term host family living arrangements for adults with developmental disabilities.
3975 Township Line Road
Bethlehem, PA 18020
Eligibility: Adults with developmental disabilities
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Access Services - Lehigh Valley
Bethlehem - Supported Living
Provides supportive services for adults with developmental disabilities who are living independently.
3975 Township Line Road
Bethlehem, PA 18020
Eligibility: Adults with developmental disabilities
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Menno Haven
Menno Haven - Brookview at Menno Haven - Personal Care Housing
Offers services for personal care needs such as bathing, dressing, activities of daily living, health care management for medical needs, and medication administration. Transportation and activities programs are available. Meals provided for dietary needs. Beauty shop, banking, and fitness area available on site. Physician services and security available on campus. Chaplins on staff and behavioral care needs available on campus twice a week, laundry and housekeeping services, rehabilitation, and podiatry services are also available.
2075 Scotland Avenue
Chambersburg, PA 17201
Eligibility: Those who are 60 years of age and older
Hours: 24/7
Menno Haven
Menno Haven - Chambers Pointe at Menno Haven - Independent Living
Offers over 600 residences ranging from one bedroom apartments to two and three bedroom apartments, cottages, and villas.
1425 Philadelphia Avenue
Chambersburg, PA 17201
Eligibility: Individuals who are looking to retire with peace of mind and security as
they age
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
Menno Haven
Menno Haven - Chambers Pointe at Menno Haven - Person Care Housing
Offers services for personal care needs such as bathing, dressing, activities of daily living, health care management for medical needs, and medication administration. Transportation and activities programs are available. Meals provided for dietary needs.
1425 Philadelphia Avenue
Chambersburg, PA 17201
Eligibility: Those who are 60 years of age and older
Hours: 24/7
Shook Home and the Quarters at the Shook
Personal Care
Provides twenty-four hour personal care supportive services, assisting consumers with their Activities of Daily Living, including assistance with medication administration and bathing and dressing, whether long-term placement or a short-term care, a variety of services are available to enable consumers to achieve their highest practicable level of physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing.
55 South 2nd Street
Chambersburg, PA 17201
Hours: 24/7
Magnolias of Chambersburg
Chambersburg - Senior Living
Offers long-term senior living services.
745 Norland Avenue
Chambersburg, PA 17201
Eligibility: Adults age 55 and older
Hours: 24/7
Magnolias of Chambersburg
Chambersburg - Memory Care Community
Provides a residential program for older adults with memory impairment.
745 Norland Avenue
Chambersburg, PA 17201
Eligibility: Adults age 55 and older
Hours: 24/7
Renova Center
Lebanon - Intermediate Care Facility for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities
Offers 24-hour residential care to individuals with intellectual disabilities. Provides care to meet basic needs (i.e. bathing, feeding, dressing, toileting, etc.), and programming to encourage independence and an improved quality of life.
25 Metro Drive
Lebanon, PA 17042
Eligibility: * Individuals with severe or profound intellectual disabilities

* Typically individuals who are confined to a wheelchair
Hours: Facility: 24/7 Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
Hershey Mill Home
Mountville - Personal Care Home
Provides personal care housing. Utilities are included.
3828 Columbia Avenue
Mountville, PA 17554
Eligibility: Adults age 55 and older
Hours: 24/7
Saint Anne's Retirement Community
Columbia - Retirement Community
Full service retirement community offering a continuum of care to meet the many and changing needs of older adults.
- Villa Homes
- Cottage Homes
- Apartments
- Personal Care
- Health Center
3952 Columbia Avenue
Columbia, PA 17512
Eligibility: No limitations
Fairmount Homes
A continuing care retirement community with a tradition of simplicity and a rich Christian heritage.
333 Wheat Ridge Drive
Ephrata, PA 17522
Eligibility: Adults age 65 and older
Paramount Senior Living at Lancaster County
Maytown - Senior Living
Offers multiple levels of care within a residential setting. Provides personal care, assisted living, and daily social and leisure programs. Also serves as a meeting space for use by community groups.
2760 Maytown Road
Maytown, PA 17550
Eligibility: Adults age 60 and older
Hours: 24/7
Excentia Human Services
Provides supports and services to help people live in their community as completely and independently as they desire.
1810 Rohrerstown Road
Lancaster, PA 17601
Eligibility: Adults age 18 or older with intellectual disabilities
Hours: Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Providence Place Senior Living
Personal Care Living
Provides one-on-one assistance with everyday activities, this level offers services like bathing, dressing, or taking medications.
1528 Sand Hill Road
Hummelstown, PA 17036
Eligibility: Those age 60 and over are eligible for services.
Hours: Hours vary, please call first.
Christian Residential Opportunities and Social Services
Shippensburg - Residential Care
Provides residential services to adults with developmental disabilities.
712 Pinola Road
Shippensburg, PA 17257
Eligibility: Low-income individuals with a primary diagnosis of a developmental or
intellectual disability that receives SSI/SSD and are not in need of
medical care on a daily basis
Hours: 24/7
Landis Homes
Lititz - Landis Homes
Mennonite retirement community serving aging adults and their families.
1001 East Oregon Road
Lititz, PA 17543
Eligibility: Individuals 65 years and older; Income guidelines apply
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
Heritage Hills Retirement Community
Greencastle - Personal Care Residence
Provides personal care services including bathing and personal hygiene, mobility assistance, medication supervision, scheduling of medical appointments and transportation, home-cooked meals including the preparation of special nutritional requirements or diets, housekeeping, laundry and linens, and other specialized medical services.
2256 Shanks Church Road
Greencastle, PA 17225
Eligibility: Adults age 60 and older
Hours: 24/7
Luther Acres - Luther Acres Community
Provides a full service senior living community offering a continuum of care to meet the changing needs of older adults. Cottage-style homes and apartments are available. Services include personal Care and a healthcare center.
400 Saint Luke Drive
Lititz, PA 17543
Eligibility: Adults age 65 and older
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
Moravian Manor Communities
Adult Residential Care Homes
Provides residence for individuals who require Assisted living facility to hospice care
300 West Lemon Street
Lititz, PA 17543
Eligibility: Serves individuals in need assistance with daily activities and those in
need of 24 hour nursing care
Hours: 24/7
Luminest Community Development
Parkview Corner - Senior Living Community
Offers accessible apartments for older adults that are geared towards their needs. Water, sewer, and trash are included in monthly rental fees.
121 East South Street
Chambersburg, PA 17201
Eligibility: A) Adults age 62 and older
B) Must meet income guidelines
Hours: Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 4:30pm
Luminest Community Development
Wayne Gardens - Senior Living Community
Offers accessible apartments for older adults that are geared towards their needs. Water, sewer, and trash are included in monthly rental fees.
901 Wayne Gardens Court
Waynesboro, PA 17268
Eligibility: A) Adults age 62 and older
B) Must meet income guidelines
Hours: Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 4:30pm
Friendship Community
Adult Residential services: Training in daily living skills and social services to persons with intellectual disabilities who desire a Christian lifestyle and living environment. The primary purpose of the program is to maximize the potential of every individual

Life-sharing Program: Christian family will provide a loving home and support for an adult with an intellectual disability

Supported Living: Offer individualized support to high-functioning individuals with an intellectual disability living in their own homes or apartments in Lancaster and Lebanon Counties.
1149 East Oregon Road
Lititz, PA 17543
Eligibility: Persons 18 years and older with an intellectual disability
Hours: Office: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm
Program hours vary
Upward Call Counseling Services
Lancaster - Counseling Services
Provides counseling to individuals, families, couples, children and adolescents. Areas of specialty include blended families, premarital, marital, sexual abuse, spiritual counseling, women's issues, and mental health.
2394 New Holland Pike
Lancaster, PA 17601
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions
Hours: Monday through Thursday, 9:00am to 3:00pm and Friday 9:00 am to 12:00pm
Pleasant View Retirement Community
Manheim - Retirement Community
Offers a continuing care retirement community striving to enhance the quality of life for those they serve in a Christ like manner.

Pleasant View also has a pool, spa, steam room and fitness center.
544 North Penryn Road
Manheim, PA 17545
Eligibility: Adults age 45 and older
Hours: 24/7
Providence Place of Dover
Dover - Senior Living
Offers senior care including independent living, assisted living, memory support and care, and medication assistance.
3377 Fox Run Road
Dover, PA 17315
Eligibility: Adults age 55 and older
Hours: 24/7
Residential Services, Employment and Day Services
Provides a residential services program for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Also provides skill development in areas such as personal hygiene care
, meal preparation
, home maintenance
, banking
, and community membership.
386 Pattison Street
York, PA 17403
Eligibility: Serves individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Bell Socialization Services
South George Street - Residential Program/Group Housing
Provides 14 structured group home opportunities for individuals needing intensive support and specialized housing accommodations in order to live successfully within the community.
160 South George Street
York, PA 17401
Eligibility: Residents of York or Adams Counties age 18 and older with a primary
diagnosis of an Intellectual disability
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Typical Life Corporation
York - Residential Services
Provides residential community living in a supported environment.
707 Loucks Road
York, PA 17404
Eligibility: Persons with a diagnosed intellectual disability
Hours: Office Hours: Monday through Friday 8:00am to 4:00pm
Affordable Housing Advocates (AHA)
York - Subsidized Housing
Provides subsidized housing options for older adults, individuals with disabilities, and those who qualify due to low income.
3 Rathton Road
York, PA 17403
Eligibility: Older adults, individuals with disabilities, and/or low income
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Oak Hill Village
Middletown - Senior Living
Provides independent living apartments, assisted living, and a dementia unit. Offers nursing care that includes physical, occupational, and speech therapies, as well as activities for all levels of care.
1020 North Union Street
Middletown, PA 17057
Eligibility: Serves adults age 65 and older, or younger with medical verification
Hours: 24/7
Blair Senior Services
Altoona - Home/Community Based Waiver Program
Assessment of eligibility and referrals for home/community based waiver programs.
1320 12th Avenue
Altoona, PA 16601
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
Hope Enterprises
Williamsport Campus - Group Homes
Provides housing in a group home setting. Serves a wide variety of disabilities to support independence and provide a safe living environment.
2401 Reach Road
Williamsport, PA 17701
Eligibility: Individuals with developmental disabilities. Individuals age 10 and older.
Hours: By appointment.
Hope Enterprises
Williamsport Campus - Lifesharing Program
Works with families in sharing their homes and lives with individuals with diverse abilities who have a desire to live in a home setting. For their involvement, the Lifesharing provider receives a monthly stipend for services rendered.
2401 Reach Road
Williamsport, PA 17701
Eligibility: Residents of Clinton, Columbia, Lycoming, Montour, Snyder, and Union
Hours: By appointment.
Hope Enterprises
Williamsport Campus - MaxWorx Industrial Services
Provides an integrated employment opportunity for outsourcing services for private industries. They are able to meet either short or long-term manpower needs by providing laborers at the job site, or within the MaxWorx facility.
2401 Reach Road
Williamsport, PA 17701
Eligibility: Individuals with developmental disabilities. Adults age 18 and older.
Hours: By appointment.
Hope Enterprises
Williamsport Campus - MaxWorx Custodial Services
Employs and trains indviduals with disabilites together with non-disabled workers to provide commercial facilities with customized cleaning to meet facility needs. All employees are professionally uniformed, trained, and supervised.
2401 Reach Road
Williamsport, PA 17701
Eligibility: Individuals with developmental disabilities. Adults age 18 and older.
Hours: By appointment.
Eagle Personal Care Homes
Eagle Valley - Eagle Valley Personal Care Home
Offers private and semi-private rooms with skilled nursing, medication management, and personal care services.
500 Front Street
Milesburg, PA 16853
Eligibility: Adults age 65 years and older demonstrating physical conditions that require 24 hour care.
Hours: Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm
Facility: 24/7
Eagle Personal Care Homes
Eagle View - Eagle View Enhanced Mental Health Personal Care Home
Offers a state-licensed facility designed to meet the needs of individuals who are diagnosed with both mental and physical health conditions. We provide enhanced mental health services to our residents assisting them to remain active members of society and the community.
150 Jack Pine Lane
Bellefonte, PA 16823
Eligibility: Adults age 65 years and older, demonstrating a physical or mental condition requiring 24 hour care.
Hours: Office hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm
Facility hours: 24/7
Centre County Housing Authority
Centre County - Brokerhoff House Senior Apartments
Housing for low income elderly residents.
602 East Howard Street
Bellefonte, PA 16823
Eligibility: Adults age 62 and older
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
Centre County Human Services- Office of Adult Services
State College - Section 811 Housing
Offers units specifically designed for individuals with disabilities. Eligible applicants will also receive wrap-around case management services.
3500 East College Avenue, Suite 120
State College, PA 16801
Eligibility: * Adults from age 18 to age 61

* Diagnosed with some type of disability

* Residents of Centre County

* Must have or be eligible for Medicaid

* Clients are prioritized based on current living situation
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm
Family Services Incorporated
Family Services Inc. - Life Sharing
Licensed programs provide one or two people the opportunity to live with a host family in a private home.

The host family provides food, shelter, and personal care while supporting the individual to become a family member. The individual and his or her host family receive continuous assistance from Family Services in areas such as life sharing, being a family member, personal growth, and community integration.
2022 Broad Avenue
Altoona, PA 16602
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
Family Services Incorporated
Family Services Inc. - Community Residential Program
Our licensed homes provide 24-hour supervision for up to three people per home in the community. Individual supports for those individuals 18 years of age or older are developed through an Individual Support Plan.
2022 Broad Avenue
Altoona, PA 16602
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
Presbyterian Senior Living
Presbyterian Senior Living - Quincy Village - Parker House Assisted Living
Parker House Assisted Living promotes a small, intimate family setting to help residents feel at home. The home configuration, as well as private suites with personal space, feel comfortable and secure. Shared common areas enable residents to share family-style meals and chat about their day.

With less life disruptions from not having to move from location to location for care, residents can age in place and if additional care is needed, Assisted Living regulations permit most of those services to be provided on-site.
6575 Orphanage Road
Waynesboro, PA 17268
Eligibility: Individuals who are at least age 55 or older.
Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Messiah Lifeways
Mechanicsburg - Assisted Living
Provides four types of assisted living: Personal Support I; Personal Support II; Health Support; and Memory Support. Assists with meals, housekeeping, laundry services, help with dressing and bathing, medical coordination, medication ordering/management, emergency call system, and other personal needs.
100 Mount Allen Drive
Mechanicsburg, PA 17055
Eligibility: Medical, financial, non-smoker and continent, or able to manage
Hours: Call for information
Merakey Innovative Care and Education Solutions
Chambersburg - Warm Spring Road Office - Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Services
Provides a variety of supports to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities to enhance their abilities and interests. Services include supported living, in-home supports, day programs, group living, intermediate care facilities, supports coordination, and respite care.
940 Warm Spring Road
Chambersburg, PA 17202
Eligibility: Persons with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities
Hours: Hours may vary by location; call for details.
Merakey Innovative Care and Education Solutions
Pittsburgh - Rodi Road Office - Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Services
Provides a variety of supports to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities to enhance their abilities and interests. Services include supported living, in-home supports, day programs, group living, intermediate care facilities, supports coordination, and respite care.
665 Rodi Road
2nd Floor
Pittsburgh, PA 15235
Eligibility: Persons with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities
Hours: Hours may vary by location; call for details.
Merakey Innovative Care and Education Solutions
McMurray Office - Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Services
Provides a variety of supports to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities to enhance their abilities and interests. Services include supported living, in-home supports, day programs, group living, intermediate care facilities, supports coordination, and respite care.
1053 Waterdam Plaza Drive
McMurray, PA 15317
Eligibility: Persons with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities
Hours: Hours may vary by location; call for details.
Merakey Innovative Care and Education Solutions
Indiana Office - Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Services
Provides a variety of supports to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities to enhance their abilities and interests. Services include supported living, in-home supports, day programs, group living, intermediate care facilities, supports coordination, and respite care.
705 Gompers Avenue
Suite 207
Indiana, PA 15701
Eligibility: Persons with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities
Hours: Hours may vary by location; call for details.
Merakey Innovative Care and Education Solutions
Portage Office - Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Services
Provides a variety of supports to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities to enhance their abilities and interests. Services include supported living, in-home supports, day programs, group living, intermediate care facilities, supports coordination, and respite care.
900 Orange Avenue
Suite 2
Portage, PA 15946
Eligibility: Persons with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities
Hours: Hours may vary by location; call for details.
Merakey Innovative Care and Education Solutions
Coraopolis - Ewings Mill Road Office - Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Services
Provides a variety of supports to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities to enhance their abilities and interests. Services include supported living, in-home supports, day programs, group living, intermediate care facilities, supports coordination, and respite care.
1996 Ewings Mill Road
Coraopolis, PA 15108
Eligibility: Persons with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities
Hours: Hours may vary by location; call for details.
Merakey Innovative Care and Education Solutions
Coraopolis - Ewings Mill Road Office - Merakey AVS
Provides homes and a full range of services to individuals with all levels of intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). Operates 106 community group homes and 4 campuses across Pennsylvania. Develops individualized plans of care for each person with the goal of achieving his/her highest level of independence while enhancing quality of life. Services range from physical, occupational, and communication therapies to vocational training and employment support. Therapeutic activities and developmental training focus on sensory, environmental, and pre-vocational skill development.
1996 Ewings Mill Road
Coraopolis, PA 15108
Eligibility: Residents of Pennsylvania

Adults age 18+ with developmental and intellectual disabilities
Hours: Hours may vary by location; contact for details.
Merakey Innovative Care and Education Solutions
Hummelstown Office - Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Services
Provides a variety of supports to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities to enhance their abilities and interests. Services include supported living, in-home supports, day programs, group living, intermediate care facilities, supports coordination, and respite care.
1291 Middletown Road
Hummelstown, PA 17036
Eligibility: Persons with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities
Hours: Hours may vary by location; call for details.
Merakey Innovative Care and Education Solutions
Hummelstown Office - Merakey AVS
Provides homes and a full range of services to individuals with all levels of intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). Operates 106 community group homes and 4 campuses across Pennsylvania. Develops individualized plans of care for each person with the goal of achieving his/her highest level of independence while enhancing quality of life. Services range from physical, occupational, and communication therapies to vocational training and employment support. Therapeutic activities and developmental training focus on sensory, environmental, and pre-vocational skill development.
1291 Middletown Road
Hummelstown, PA 17036
Eligibility: Residents of Pennsylvania

Adults age 18+ with developmental and intellectual disabilities
Hours: Hours may vary by location; contact for details.
Merakey Innovative Care and Education Solutions
Pottsville Office - Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Services
Provides a variety of supports to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities to enhance their abilities and interests. Services include supported living, in-home supports, day programs, group living, intermediate care facilities, supports coordination, and respite care.
One Norwegian Plaza
Suite 200
Pottsville, PA 17901
Eligibility: Persons with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities
Hours: Hours may vary by location; call for details.
Merakey Innovative Care and Education Solutions
Bethlehem - Adler Place Office - Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Services
Provides a variety of supports to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities to enhance their abilities and interests. Services include supported living, in-home supports, day programs, group living, intermediate care facilities, supports coordination, and respite care.
3864 Adler Place
Suite 100
Bethlehem, PA 18017
Eligibility: Persons with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities
Hours: Hours may vary by location; call for details.
Merakey Innovative Care and Education Solutions
Northeast Philadelphia - Southampton Road Office - Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Services
Provides a variety of supports to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities to enhance their abilities and interests. Services include supported living, in-home supports, day programs, group living, intermediate care facilities, supports coordination, and respite care.
2900 Southampton Road
Philadelphia, PA 19154
Eligibility: Persons with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities
Hours: Hours may vary by location; call for details.
Merakey Innovative Care and Education Solutions
Slippery Rock Office - Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Services
Provides a variety of supports to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities to enhance their abilities and interests. Services include supported living, in-home supports, day programs, group living, intermediate care facilities, supports coordination, and respite care.
125 Rebecca Lane
Slippery Rock, PA 16057
Eligibility: Persons with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities
Hours: Hours may vary by location; call for details.
Merakey Innovative Care and Education Solutions
Slippery Rock Office - Merakey AVS
Provides homes and a full range of services to individuals with all levels of intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). Operates 106 community group homes and 4 campuses across Pennsylvania. Develops individualized plans of care for each person with the goal of achieving his/her highest level of independence while enhancing quality of life. Services range from physical, occupational, and communication therapies to vocational training and employment support. Therapeutic activities and developmental training focus on sensory, environmental, and pre-vocational skill development.
125 Rebecca Lane
Slippery Rock, PA 16057
Eligibility: Residents of Pennsylvania

Adults age 18+ with developmental and intellectual disabilities
Hours: Hours may vary by location; contact for details.
Merakey Innovative Care and Education Solutions
Sunbury Office - Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Services
Provides a variety of supports to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities to enhance their abilities and interests. Services include supported living, in-home supports, day programs, group living, intermediate care facilities, supports coordination, and respite care.
140 Pennsylvania Avenue
Sunbury, PA 17801
Eligibility: Persons with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities
Hours: Hours may vary by location; call for details.
Merakey Innovative Care and Education Solutions
McKees Rocks Office - Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Services
Provides a variety of supports to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities to enhance their abilities and interests. Services include supported living, in-home supports, day programs, group living, intermediate care facilities, supports coordination, and respite care.
1806 Pine Hollow Road
McKees Rocks, PA 15136
Eligibility: Persons with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities
Hours: Hours may vary by location; call for details.
Merakey Innovative Care and Education Solutions
McKees Rocks Office - Merakey AVS
Provides homes and a full range of services to individuals with all levels of intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). Operates 106 community group homes and 4 campuses across Pennsylvania. Develops individualized plans of care for each person with the goal of achieving his/her highest level of independence while enhancing quality of life. Services range from physical, occupational, and communication therapies to vocational training and employment support. Therapeutic activities and developmental training focus on sensory, environmental, and pre-vocational skill development.
1806 Pine Hollow Road
McKees Rocks, PA 15136
Eligibility: Residents of Pennsylvania

Adults age 18+ with developmental and intellectual disabilities
Hours: Hours may vary by location; contact for details.
Merakey Innovative Care and Education Solutions
Mechanicsburg Office - Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Services
Provides a variety of supports to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities to enhance their abilities and interests. Services include supported living, in-home supports, day programs, group living, intermediate care facilities, supports coordination, and respite care.
132 East Main Street
Mechanicsburg, PA 17055
Eligibility: Persons with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities
Hours: Hours may vary by location; call for details.
Merakey Innovative Care and Education Solutions
DuBois Office - Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Services
Provides a variety of supports to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities to enhance their abilities and interests. Services include supported living, in-home supports, day programs, group living, intermediate care facilities, supports coordination, and respite care.
25 East Park Avenue
DuBois, PA 15801
Eligibility: Persons with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities
Hours: Hours may vary by location; call for details.
Merakey Innovative Care and Education Solutions
Pittsburgh - West Prospect Avenue Office - Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Services
Provides a variety of supports to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities to enhance their abilities and interests. Services include supported living, in-home supports, day programs, group living, intermediate care facilities, supports coordination, and respite care.
315 West Prospect Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15205
Eligibility: Persons with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities
Hours: Hours may vary by location; call for details.
Merakey Innovative Care and Education Solutions
Pittsburgh - West Prospect Avenue Office - Merakey AVS
Provides homes and a full range of services to individuals with all levels of intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). Operates 106 community group homes and 4 campuses across Pennsylvania. Develops individualized plans of care for each person with the goal of achieving his/her highest level of independence while enhancing quality of life. Services range from physical, occupational, and communication therapies to vocational training and employment support. Therapeutic activities and developmental training focus on sensory, environmental, and pre-vocational skill development.
315 West Prospect Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15205
Eligibility: Residents of Pennsylvania

Adults age 18+ with developmental and intellectual disabilities
Hours: Hours may vary by location; contact for details.
Merakey Innovative Care and Education Solutions
Bensalem - Street Road Office - Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Services
Provides a variety of supports to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities to enhance their abilities and interests. Services include supported living, in-home supports, day programs, group living, intermediate care facilities, supports coordination, and respite care.
3331 Street Road
Bensalem, PA 19020
Eligibility: Persons with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities
Hours: Hours may vary by location; call for details.
Merakey Innovative Care and Education Solutions
North Philadelphia - Wissahickon Avenue Office - Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Services
Provides a variety of supports to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities to enhance their abilities and interests. Services include supported living, in-home supports, day programs, group living, intermediate care facilities, supports coordination, and respite care.
4700 Wissahickon Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19144
Eligibility: Persons with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities
Hours: Hours may vary by location; call for details.
Merakey Innovative Care and Education Solutions
Broomall Office - Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Services
Provides a variety of supports to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities to enhance their abilities and interests. Services include supported living, in-home supports, day programs, group living, intermediate care facilities, supports coordination, and respite care.
620 Parkway Drive
Broomall, PA 19008
Eligibility: Persons with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities
Hours: Hours may vary by location; call for details.
Merakey Innovative Care and Education Solutions
Altoona - Howard Avenue Office - Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Services
Provides a variety of supports to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities to enhance their abilities and interests. Services include supported living, in-home supports, day programs, group living, intermediate care facilities, supports coordination, and respite care.
615 Howard Avenue
Altoona, PA 16601
Eligibility: Persons with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities
Hours: Hours may vary by location; call for details.
Merakey Innovative Care and Education Solutions
Mt. Pleasant Office - Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Services
Provides a variety of supports to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities to enhance their abilities and interests. Services include supported living, in-home supports, day programs, group living, intermediate care facilities, supports coordination, and respite care.
2414 School Street
Mount Pleasant, PA 15666
Eligibility: Persons with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities
Hours: Hours may vary by location; call for details.
Merakey Innovative Care and Education Solutions
Wilkes Barre Office - Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Services
Provides a variety of supports to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities to enhance their abilities and interests. Services include supported living, in-home supports, day programs, group living, intermediate care facilities, supports coordination, and respite care.
150 Mundy Street
2nd Floor, Medical Arts Center South
Wilkes-Barre Township, PA 18702
Eligibility: Persons with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities
Hours: Hours may vary by location; call for details.
Merakey Innovative Care and Education Solutions
Hatboro Office - Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Services
Provides a variety of supports to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities to enhance their abilities and interests. Services include supported living, in-home supports, day programs, group living, intermediate care facilities, supports coordination, and respite care.
159 East County Line Road
Hatboro, PA 19040
Eligibility: Persons with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities
Hours: Hours may vary by location; call for details.
Merakey Innovative Care and Education Solutions
Hatboro Office - Merakey AVS
Provides homes and a full range of services to individuals with all levels of intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). Operates 106 community group homes and 4 campuses across Pennsylvania. Develops individualized plans of care for each person with the goal of achieving his/her highest level of independence while enhancing quality of life. Services range from physical, occupational, and communication therapies to vocational training and employment support. Therapeutic activities and developmental training focus on sensory, environmental, and pre-vocational skill development.
159 East County Line Road
Hatboro, PA 19040
Eligibility: Residents of Pennsylvania

Adults age 18+ with developmental and intellectual disabilities
Hours: Hours may vary by location; contact for details.
Merakey Innovative Care and Education Solutions
Collegeville - 2nd Avenue Office - Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Services
Provides a variety of supports to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities to enhance their abilities and interests. Services include supported living, in-home supports, day programs, group living, intermediate care facilities, supports coordination, and respite care.
409 2nd Avenue
Unit 203
Collegeville, PA 19426
Eligibility: Persons with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities
Hours: Hours may vary by location; call for details.
Merakey Innovative Care and Education Solutions
Coraopolis - Coketown Road Office - Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Services
Provides a variety of supports to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities to enhance their abilities and interests. Services include supported living, in-home supports, day programs, group living, intermediate care facilities, supports coordination, and respite care.
140 Coketown Road
Coraopolis, PA 15108
Eligibility: Persons with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities
Hours: Hours may vary by location; call for details.
Merakey Innovative Care and Education Solutions
Coraopolis - Coketown Road Office - Merakey AVS
Provides homes and a full range of services to individuals with all levels of intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). Operates 106 community group homes and 4 campuses across Pennsylvania. Develops individualized plans of care for each person with the goal of achieving his/her highest level of independence while enhancing quality of life. Services range from physical, occupational, and communication therapies to vocational training and employment support. Therapeutic activities and developmental training focus on sensory, environmental, and pre-vocational skill development.
140 Coketown Road
Coraopolis, PA 15108
Eligibility: Residents of Pennsylvania

Adults age 18+ with developmental and intellectual disabilities
Hours: Hours may vary by location; contact for details.
Merakey Innovative Care and Education Solutions
Northeast Philadelphia - Verree Road Office - Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Services
Provides a variety of supports to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities to enhance their abilities and interests. Services include supported living, in-home supports, day programs, group living, intermediate care facilities, supports coordination, and respite care.
9990 Verree Road
Philadelphia, PA 19115
Eligibility: Persons with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities
Hours: Hours may vary by location; call for details.
Merakey Innovative Care and Education Solutions
Northeast Philadelphia - Verree Road Office - Merakey AVS
Provides homes and a full range of services to individuals with all levels of intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). Operates 106 community group homes and 4 campuses across Pennsylvania. Develops individualized plans of care for each person with the goal of achieving his/her highest level of independence while enhancing quality of life. Services range from physical, occupational, and communication therapies to vocational training and employment support. Therapeutic activities and developmental training focus on sensory, environmental, and pre-vocational skill development.
9990 Verree Road
Philadelphia, PA 19115
Eligibility: Residents of Pennsylvania

Adults age 18+ with developmental and intellectual disabilities
Hours: Hours may vary by location; contact for details.
Merakey Innovative Care and Education Solutions
North Philadelphia - West Girard Avenue Office - Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Services
Provides a variety of supports to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities to enhance their abilities and interests. Services include supported living, in-home supports, day programs, group living, intermediate care facilities, supports coordination, and respite care.
519 West Girard Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19123
Eligibility: Persons with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities
Hours: Hours may vary by location; call for details.
Seton Manor Nursing and Rehabilitation Center
Orwigsburg - Skilled Nursing Facility
Offers skilled nursing and rehabilitation services in a nursing home setting. Provides a full range of therapy services, short and long term care, and acute care.
1000 Seton Drive
Orwigsburg, PA 17961
Eligibility: Adults age 18 and older
Hours: 24/7
Willow Valley Retirement Community
Lancaster - Retirement Community
Offers retirement living, skilled care, and assisted living.
600 Willow Valley Square
Lancaster, PA 17602
Eligibility: Adults age 55 and older
Hours: 24/7
Walden III
Wind Gap - Senior Living Community
Provides an ambulatory assisted living residence for older adults.
325 North Broadway
Wind Gap, PA 18091
Eligibility: Adults age 60 and older
Hours: 24/7
Williams Manor
Wind Gap - Residential Care
Provides varying levels of care including palliative care, hospice care, and general nursing care.
164 Baron Road
Wind Gap, PA 18091
Eligibility: Adults age 60 and older
Hours: 24/7
Millersville - Supportive Housing
Provides two homes for adult men and women with intellectual disabilities to live. Residents travel to daily vocational programs and then return for recreational activities. Funding for staff is through the Lancaster County Office of BH/DS and the waiver program.
150 Letort Road
Millersville, PA 17551
Eligibility: * Individuals with intellectual disabilities

* Adults age 18 and older
Hours: Irregular - call for details.
Riverstone Manor
Walnutport - Personal Care Home
Provides an assisted living facility that offers services and activities to residents.
1 Main Street
Walnutport, PA 18088
Eligibility: * Adults age 18 and older

* Individuals with disabilities
Hours: 24/7
Devon House Senior Living
Allentown - Assisted Living
Provides care and assistance in all aspects of daily living, as well as a variety of social, spiritual, and educational programs and activities. Memory and short term care available.
1930 Bevin Drive
Allentown, PA 18103
Eligibility: Adults age 55 and older
Hours: 24/7
Moravian King's Daughters Home
Bethlehem - Personal Care Home
Provides personal care home services.
61 West Market Street
Bethlehem, PA 18018
Eligibility: Adults age 65 and older
Hours: 24/7
Sacred Heart Senior Living
Saucon Valley - Senior Living Options
Provides independent living and assisted living services for older adults. Short and long term care, respite, rehabilitation, post-hospital, and vacation services are available.
4851 Saucon Creek Road
Center Valley, PA 18034
Eligibility: Adults age 60 and older
Hours: 24/7
Sacred Heart Senior Living
Saucon Valley - Senior Living Options
Provides independent living and assisted living services for older adults. Short and long term care, respite, rehabilitation, post-hospital, and vacation services are available.
4851 Saucon Creek Road
Center Valley, PA 18034
Eligibility: Adults age 60 and older
Hours: 24/7
Sacred Heart Senior Living
Northampton - Senior Living Options
Provides independent living and assisted living services for older adults. Short and long term care, respite, rehabilitation, post-hospital, and vacation services are available.
602 East 21st Street
Northampton, PA 18067
Eligibility: Adults age 60 and older
Hours: 24/7
Sacred Heart Senior Living
Northampton - Senior Living Options
Provides independent living and assisted living services for older adults. Short and long term care, respite, rehabilitation, post-hospital, and vacation services are available.
602 East 21st Street
Northampton, PA 18067
Eligibility: Adults age 60 and older
Hours: 24/7
Rittenhouse Village at Lehigh Valley
Allentown - Senior Living Options
Offers senior living options including independent living, personal care apartments, respite, and memory care.
1263 South Cedar Crest Boulevard
Allentown, PA 18103
Eligibility: Adults age 55 and older
Hours: 24/7
Whitehall Manor Assisted Living
Whitehall - Assisted Living and Memory Care
Offers independent living, personal care, advanced physical care, and three levels of secured Alzheimer’s (memory) care.
1177 6th Street
Whitehall, PA 18052
Eligibility: Adults age 55 and older
Hours: 24/7
Penn-Mar Human Services
Penn-Mar North - Supportive Services
Offers residential programs, community-supported living programs, an adult day program, in-home services, supported employment training, and transportation to work sites.
888 Far Hills Drive
New Freedom, PA 17349
Eligibility: Serves individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Call
for individual program eligibility.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm
Holy Family Senior Living
Personal Care Home
Grace Mansion residential services fills the gap between home health care and nursing home care by providing residents with twenty-four hour assistance with the tasks of daily living, enabling them to remain active and independent. Occupational and physical therapy services are also available to residents.
1200 Spring Street
Bethlehem, PA 18018
Eligibility: Adults in need of a personal care setting
Hours: 24/7
Chestnut Knoll Assisted Living and At Home Services
Boyertown - Residential Care
Provides assisted living services with activities such as bathing, dressing, housekeeping, laundry, medication management, and transportation. Three balanced meals are also provided each day.
120 West 5th Street
Boyertown, PA 19512
Eligibility: Adults age 55 and older
Hours: 24/7
Chestnut Knoll Assisted Living and At Home Services
Boyertown - In-Home Services
Provides at home care for individuals including bathing and personal hygiene assistance, medication monitoring, meal preparation, light housekeeping, transportation for errands and doctor appointments, and respite for care taker.
120 West 5th Street
Boyertown, PA 19512
Eligibility: * Adults age 55 and older

* Residents of Berks County
Hours: Based on individual need.
Central Penn Nursing Care
Lancaster - In-Home Care
Provides private duty care in homes, hospitals, and retirement communities. Services include personal care (bathing, toileting,etc.), errands/ transportation, light housekeeping, respite care, and meal preparation. Free nursing assessment available.
1910 Fruitville Pike, Suite 1
Lancaster, PA 17601
Eligibility: * Adults age 60 and older

* Residents of Dauphin, Lancaster, and Lebanon counties
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm; Phones answered 24/7.
Philadelphia - Lural Lee Blevin Veterans Center
Offers apartments for low-income older adults. Also offers on-site services provided by HELP USA, like healthcare, counseling, and employment opportunities.
845 North 12th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19123
Eligibility: * Adults age 55 and older

* Low-income households

* Experiencing homelessness

* Priority given to veterans
Hours: 24/7
Ephrata Manor
Ephrata - Retirement Community
Offers independent living, personal care, and nursing care.
99 Bethany Road
Ephrata, PA 17522
Eligibility: Adults age 60 and older
Hours: 24/7
Skills of Central PA
Centre, Lycoming, Clinton Offices - Life Sharing
Lifesharing provides people with disabilities with an opportunity to live as part of an extended family in the community. Participants are given the choice of where and with who they want to live.
1225 Benner Pike
State College, PA 16801
Eligibility: Contact agency for more details.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
Skills of Central PA
Cambria and Somerset Offices - Life Sharing
Lifesharing provides people with disabilities with an opportunity to live as part of an extended family in the community. Participants are given the choice of where and with who they want to live.
957 Rowena Drive
Ebensburg, PA 15931
Eligibility: Contact agency for more details.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
Skills of Central PA
Clearfield and Jefferson Offices - Life Sharing
Lifesharing provides people with disabilities with an opportunity to live as part of an extended family in the community. Participants are given the choice of where and with who they want to live.
1214 South 2nd Street
Clearfield, PA 16830
Eligibility: Contact agency for more details.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
Skills of Central PA
Huntingdon, Mifflin, Juniata Offices - Life Sharing
Lifesharing provides people with disabilities with an opportunity to live as part of an extended family in the community. Participants are given the choice of where and with who they want to live.
6395 State Route 103 North
Lewistown, PA 17044
Eligibility: Contact agency for more details.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
Skills of Central PA
York, Adams, Cumberland and Perry Offices - Life Sharing
Lifesharing provides people with disabilities with an opportunity to live as part of an extended family in the community. Participants are given the choice of where and with who they want to live.
600 Linden Avenue
Hanover, PA 17331
Eligibility: Contact agency for more details.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
Skills of Central PA
Blair-Bedford Offices - Life Sharing
Lifesharing provides people with disabilities with an opportunity to live as part of an extended family in the community. Participants are given the choice of where and with who they want to live.
5016 6th Avenue
Altoona, PA 16602
Eligibility: Contact agency for more details.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
B'nai B'rith Apartments
Harrisburg - Housing and Supportive Services
Provides rental apartments for older adults and individuals with disabilities. Amenities include grocery store, beauty shop, podiatry services, educational and entertainment programs, congregate meal, library, laundry facilities, billiards room, and network neighborhood computer use.
130 South Third Street
Harrisburg, PA 17101
Eligibility: Serves adults age 62 and older and individuals with disabilities.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 4:00pm
Fulmer's Personal Care Home
Lock Haven - Personal Care Home
Provides personal care services such as bathing, grooming, personal hygiene, medication dispensing and monitoring, transportation, and companionship.
201 Woodward Avenue
Lock Haven, PA 17745
Eligibility: Serves older adults and individuals with disabilities.
Hours: 24/7
Above and Beyond at the Knights
Allentown - Assisted Living
Offers personal care, respite care, and memory care in a senior living facility setting.
1545 West Greenleaf Street
Allentown, PA 18102
Eligibility: Adults age 60 and older
Hours: 24/7; Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 6:00pm
BuxMont - Residential and Community Programs
Offers an array of community-living options for special needs including community homes, life sharing, home and community habilitation and supported living
2 Life Mark Drive
Sellersville, PA 18960
Eligibility: Adults with special needs
Little Sisters of the Poor
Pittsburgh - Housing for Older Adults
Mainstay Life Services
Pittsburgh - Home and Community Support
UPMC Western Behavioral Health at Mon Yough
Administrative Headquarters - Residential Supports
UPMC Western Behavioral Health at Mon Yough
Mon Yough Community Services - Locust Street - Mental Health Residential Programs
Spina Bifida Association of Western Pennsylvania
Gatehouse - Gatehouse Transitional Living Program
TCV Community Services
Steel Valley COG - IDD Residential Services and Support
Verland Foundation
Administrative Headquarters - Sewickley - Residential Services
Allegheny County - Community Supported Living
Braddock Apartments
Squirrel Hill Office - Supportive Housing Management Services
Allegheny County Area Agency on Aging
Administrative Headquarters - Dom Care (Adult Foster Care)
Community Human Services Corporation
Administrative Office - Supportive Housing Program
Emmaus Community of Pittsburgh
Administrative Headquarters - Developmental Disability Programs
Residential Care Services
Administrative Headquarters - Residential Care Services
Housing Authority of Indiana County
Indiana - Senior Housing
Lawrence County Association for Responsible Care (LCARC)
New Castle - Community Residential Service
Administrative Headquarters - Residential Community Homes
Mental Health Association of Washington County
Ehnanced Personal Care Home - Enhanced Personal Care Home (EPC)
Mental Health Association of Washington County
Long Term Structured Residence - Long Term Structured Residence (LTSR)
ARC of Fayette County
Administrative Office - Residential Program for Persons with Intellectual and Physical Disabilities
ARC of Mercer County
Hermitage - Residential Services for Individuals with Disabilities
Pathways of Southwestern Pennsylvania
Adult Training and Residential Services - Residential Program
Southwestern Pennsylvania Human Services
SPHS CARE Center - Supportive Housing
Arc of Butler County
Butler - Supported Housing
Arc of Butler County
Butler - Family Living
Arc of Butler County
Butler - Semi-Independent Living
ARC of Greene County
Administrative Office - Prosperity - Residential Services
Washington County Behavioral Health and Developmental Services (BHDS)
Washington - Developmental Services
Community Living and Learning
Indiana - Community Homes
Keystone Human Services
Keystone Human Services - Lancaster - Administrative Office
Phoebe Ministries
Phoebe Allentown - Miller Personal Care at 19th and Chew
Phoebe Ministries
Phoebe Berks - Phoebe Berks Village and Health Center
Diakon Lutheran Social Ministries
Luther Crest Retirement Community - Retirement Community
Carbon Monroe Pike Mental Health and Developmental Services
Pike County Mental Health and Developmental Services - Mental Health Residential Services- Pike County
Carbon Monroe Pike Mental Health and Developmental Services
Pike County Mental Health and Developmental Services - Residential Developmental Services -Pike County
Carbon Monroe Pike Mental Health and Developmental Services
Monroe County Mental Health and Developmental Services - Mental Health Residential Services- Monroe County
Carbon Monroe Pike Mental Health and Developmental Services
Carbon County Mental Health and Developmental Services - Mental Health Residential Services- Carbon County
Access Services - Delaware Valley
Community Homes
Philadelphia Corporation for Aging
Philadelphia - Domiciliary Care
STEP, Inc.
STEP - Williamsport - Supportive Housing Program
Delaware County Office of Services for the Aging
Eddystone - Domiciliary Care Services
Adams County Office for Aging
Gettysburg - When Staying Alone Doesn't Work Program
Garden Spot Village
Quarryville Presbyterian Retirement Community
Quarryville - Retirement Community
Resources for Human Development
Hope Springs - Lehigh - Hope Springs
Resources for Human Development
Resources for Human Development - Montgomery; Norristown (Sterigere Street) - Supportive Personal Care
Resources for Human Development
Hope Springs - Northampton - Hope Springs
Luzerne-Wyoming Counties Mental Health and Developmental Services
Wilkes Barre - Residential Services
WellSpan Philhaven Behavioral Healthcare Services
WellSpan Philhaven Behavioral Healthcare Services Mount Gretna - Partners for Progress
WellSpan Philhaven Behavioral Healthcare Services
WellSpan Philhaven Behavioral Healthcare Services Mount Gretna - Supported Housing Mount Gretna
SpiriTrust Lutheran
SpiriTrust Lutheran - Franklin County - The Village at Luther Ridge
SpiriTrust Lutheran
Hanover - Utz Terrace - The Village at Utz Terrace
SpiriTrust Lutheran
SpiriTrust Lutheran - Kelly Drive Location - The Village at Kelly Drive
Brethren Village
Lititz - Retirement Center and Short Term Rehabilitation
Albright Care Services
Lewisburg - Riverwoods Residential Living
Albright Care Services
York - Normandie Ridge Residential Community
St. Luke's Penn Foundation
Village of Hope
Friends Rehabilitation Program
Affordable Rental Housing
Paradise Manor
Hatfield - Assisted Daily Living
HumanWorks Affiliates
Spectrum Community Services
Futures Community Support Services
Intellectual Disabilities Program-
Futures Community Support Services
Supportive Living Services
Institute for Human Resources and Services, Inc.
Community Living Arrangements
Goodwill Industries of NEPA
Scranton - Community Participation Support Day Service
Arc of Northeastern Pennsylvania
Scranton - Supported and Family Living
Arc of Northeastern Pennsylvania
Scranton - Community Residential
Access Services - Schuylkill/ Carbon/ Berks
Orwigsburg - Intellectual Disability Services
Spring Village at Pocono
East Stroudsburg - Personal and Memory Care Community
Nottingham Village
Northumberland - Nottingham Village
Warrior Run Manor
Independent Living
Getz Personal Care Home
Kunkletown - Assisted Living Facility
Step By Step
Step by Step
Lackawanna County Area Agency on Aging
Elder Cottage Housing Opportunity (ECHO)
Pennsylvania Mentor
Broomall - Adults with Disabilities
Kelsch Associates
Exton Professional Building - Supportive Housing
Alexandria Manor
Bath - Personal Care Living
Alexandria Manor
Bethlehem - Personal Care Living
Alexandria Manor
Nazareth - Personal Care Living
Supportive Concepts for Families, Inc.
Reading - Supportive Concepts for Families, Inc.
Macungie - Assisted Living and Respite Care
Friends Home in Kennett
Kennett Square - Boarding Home
Royer Greaves School for Blind
Paoli - Residential Program
Kirkland Village
Bethlehem - Kirkland Village
Moravian Hall Square
Nazareth - Assisted Living
Liza's House
AbodeCare of Allentown
Allentown - Personal Care Community
Asbury Chandler Estate
Pen Argyl - Independent Living
Access Services - Lehigh Valley
Bethlehem - Group Homes
Access Services - Lehigh Valley
Bethlehem - Lifesharing Program
Access Services - Lehigh Valley
Bethlehem - Supported Living
Menno Haven
Menno Haven - Brookview at Menno Haven - Personal Care Housing
Menno Haven
Menno Haven - Chambers Pointe at Menno Haven - Independent Living
Menno Haven
Menno Haven - Chambers Pointe at Menno Haven - Person Care Housing
Shook Home and the Quarters at the Shook
Personal Care
Magnolias of Chambersburg
Chambersburg - Senior Living
Magnolias of Chambersburg
Chambersburg - Memory Care Community
Renova Center
Lebanon - Intermediate Care Facility for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities
Hershey Mill Home
Mountville - Personal Care Home
Saint Anne's Retirement Community
Columbia - Retirement Community
Fairmount Homes
Paramount Senior Living at Lancaster County
Maytown - Senior Living
Excentia Human Services
Providence Place Senior Living
Personal Care Living
Christian Residential Opportunities and Social Services
Shippensburg - Residential Care
Landis Homes
Lititz - Landis Homes
Heritage Hills Retirement Community
Greencastle - Personal Care Residence
Luther Acres - Luther Acres Community
Moravian Manor Communities
Adult Residential Care Homes
Luminest Community Development
Parkview Corner - Senior Living Community
Luminest Community Development
Wayne Gardens - Senior Living Community
Friendship Community
Upward Call Counseling Services
Lancaster - Counseling Services
Pleasant View Retirement Community
Manheim - Retirement Community
Providence Place of Dover
Dover - Senior Living
Residential Services, Employment and Day Services
Bell Socialization Services
South George Street - Residential Program/Group Housing
Typical Life Corporation
York - Residential Services
Affordable Housing Advocates (AHA)
York - Subsidized Housing
Oak Hill Village
Middletown - Senior Living
Blair Senior Services
Altoona - Home/Community Based Waiver Program
Hope Enterprises
Williamsport Campus - Group Homes
Hope Enterprises
Williamsport Campus - Lifesharing Program
Hope Enterprises
Williamsport Campus - MaxWorx Industrial Services
Hope Enterprises
Williamsport Campus - MaxWorx Custodial Services
Eagle Personal Care Homes
Eagle Valley - Eagle Valley Personal Care Home
Eagle Personal Care Homes
Eagle View - Eagle View Enhanced Mental Health Personal Care Home
Centre County Housing Authority
Centre County - Brokerhoff House Senior Apartments
Centre County Human Services- Office of Adult Services
State College - Section 811 Housing
Family Services Incorporated
Family Services Inc. - Life Sharing
Family Services Incorporated
Family Services Inc. - Community Residential Program
Presbyterian Senior Living
Presbyterian Senior Living - Quincy Village - Parker House Assisted Living
Messiah Lifeways
Mechanicsburg - Assisted Living
Merakey Innovative Care and Education Solutions
Chambersburg - Warm Spring Road Office - Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Services
Merakey Innovative Care and Education Solutions
Pittsburgh - Rodi Road Office - Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Services
Merakey Innovative Care and Education Solutions
McMurray Office - Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Services
Merakey Innovative Care and Education Solutions
Indiana Office - Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Services
Merakey Innovative Care and Education Solutions
Portage Office - Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Services
Merakey Innovative Care and Education Solutions
Coraopolis - Ewings Mill Road Office - Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Services
Merakey Innovative Care and Education Solutions
Coraopolis - Ewings Mill Road Office - Merakey AVS
Merakey Innovative Care and Education Solutions
Hummelstown Office - Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Services
Merakey Innovative Care and Education Solutions
Hummelstown Office - Merakey AVS
Merakey Innovative Care and Education Solutions
Pottsville Office - Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Services
Merakey Innovative Care and Education Solutions
Bethlehem - Adler Place Office - Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Services
Merakey Innovative Care and Education Solutions
Northeast Philadelphia - Southampton Road Office - Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Services
Merakey Innovative Care and Education Solutions
Slippery Rock Office - Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Services
Merakey Innovative Care and Education Solutions
Slippery Rock Office - Merakey AVS
Merakey Innovative Care and Education Solutions
Sunbury Office - Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Services
Merakey Innovative Care and Education Solutions
McKees Rocks Office - Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Services
Merakey Innovative Care and Education Solutions
McKees Rocks Office - Merakey AVS
Merakey Innovative Care and Education Solutions
Mechanicsburg Office - Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Services
Merakey Innovative Care and Education Solutions
DuBois Office - Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Services
Merakey Innovative Care and Education Solutions
Pittsburgh - West Prospect Avenue Office - Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Services
Merakey Innovative Care and Education Solutions
Pittsburgh - West Prospect Avenue Office - Merakey AVS
Merakey Innovative Care and Education Solutions
Bensalem - Street Road Office - Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Services
Merakey Innovative Care and Education Solutions
North Philadelphia - Wissahickon Avenue Office - Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Services
Merakey Innovative Care and Education Solutions
Broomall Office - Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Services
Merakey Innovative Care and Education Solutions
Altoona - Howard Avenue Office - Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Services
Merakey Innovative Care and Education Solutions
Mt. Pleasant Office - Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Services
Merakey Innovative Care and Education Solutions
Wilkes Barre Office - Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Services
Merakey Innovative Care and Education Solutions
Hatboro Office - Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Services
Merakey Innovative Care and Education Solutions
Hatboro Office - Merakey AVS
Merakey Innovative Care and Education Solutions
Collegeville - 2nd Avenue Office - Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Services
Merakey Innovative Care and Education Solutions
Coraopolis - Coketown Road Office - Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Services
Merakey Innovative Care and Education Solutions
Coraopolis - Coketown Road Office - Merakey AVS
Merakey Innovative Care and Education Solutions
Northeast Philadelphia - Verree Road Office - Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Services
Merakey Innovative Care and Education Solutions
Northeast Philadelphia - Verree Road Office - Merakey AVS
Merakey Innovative Care and Education Solutions
North Philadelphia - West Girard Avenue Office - Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Services
Seton Manor Nursing and Rehabilitation Center
Orwigsburg - Skilled Nursing Facility
Willow Valley Retirement Community
Lancaster - Retirement Community
Walden III
Wind Gap - Senior Living Community
Williams Manor
Wind Gap - Residential Care
Millersville - Supportive Housing
Riverstone Manor
Walnutport - Personal Care Home
Devon House Senior Living
Allentown - Assisted Living
Moravian King's Daughters Home
Bethlehem - Personal Care Home
Sacred Heart Senior Living
Saucon Valley - Senior Living Options
Sacred Heart Senior Living
Saucon Valley - Senior Living Options
Sacred Heart Senior Living
Northampton - Senior Living Options
Sacred Heart Senior Living
Northampton - Senior Living Options
Rittenhouse Village at Lehigh Valley
Allentown - Senior Living Options
Whitehall Manor Assisted Living
Whitehall - Assisted Living and Memory Care
Penn-Mar Human Services
Penn-Mar North - Supportive Services
Holy Family Senior Living
Personal Care Home
Chestnut Knoll Assisted Living and At Home Services
Boyertown - Residential Care
Chestnut Knoll Assisted Living and At Home Services
Boyertown - In-Home Services
Central Penn Nursing Care
Lancaster - In-Home Care
Philadelphia - Lural Lee Blevin Veterans Center
Ephrata Manor
Ephrata - Retirement Community
Skills of Central PA
Centre, Lycoming, Clinton Offices - Life Sharing
Skills of Central PA
Cambria and Somerset Offices - Life Sharing
Skills of Central PA
Clearfield and Jefferson Offices - Life Sharing
Skills of Central PA
Huntingdon, Mifflin, Juniata Offices - Life Sharing
Skills of Central PA
York, Adams, Cumberland and Perry Offices - Life Sharing
Skills of Central PA
Blair-Bedford Offices - Life Sharing
B'nai B'rith Apartments
Harrisburg - Housing and Supportive Services
Fulmer's Personal Care Home
Lock Haven - Personal Care Home
Above and Beyond at the Knights
Allentown - Assisted Living
BuxMont - Residential and Community Programs
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