26 Matching Service Providers
Neighborhood Services Center
Oxford - Christmas Toy Room - 2024
Offers Christmas gifts for eligible children.
35 North Third Street
Oxford, PA 19363
Eligibility: Serves Oxford area residents within school district. Income guidelines apply. Call for details. Children must be 17 years or younger.
Hours: Business Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
United Way of Bucks County
Administrative Headquarters - Holiday Gift Cards for Bucks County Youth
Offers gift cards for eligible children during the holidays.
413 Hood Boulevard
Fairless Hills, PA 19030
Eligibility: Children must be between the ages of 11 to 17.
Hours: Website available 24/7
United Way of Bucks County
Administrative Headquarters - Holiday Gift Card Drive
Collects gift cards to give to eligible children during the holidays.
413 Hood Boulevard
Fairless Hills, PA 19030
Eligibility: Open to all; anyone may donate to the program.
Hours: Website available 24/7
Boyertown Area Multi-Service
Boyertown - Christmas Assistance Program
Provides gifts for children through sponsorships.
200 West Spring Street
Boyertown, PA 19512
Eligibility: Residents within the Boyertown School District, based on income
Hours: Office hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Salvation Army - Hamburg Service Center
Salvation Army Hamburg Service Center - Christmas Assistance
Accepting Applications for Angel Tree program.
700 South Fourth Street
Suite C
Hamburg, PA 19526
Eligibility: Children newborn up to age 12, and seniors, age 60+ with low income.
Based on zip code assigned coverage area, family situation, funds
available, and emergency need.
Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, 9:00am to 4:00pm
Slater Family Network
Bangor - Holiday Giving
Provides holiday gifts and meals.
187 Five Points Richmond Road
Bangor, PA 18013
Eligibility: * Children from age 2 to age 12

* Residents of the Bangor Area School District
Hours: Application Deadline: Monday, November 4, 2024, 2:00pm; Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 2:00pm
Families First
Wind Gap Middle School - Adopt-a-Family Giving Program
Adopt-a-Family Giving Program connects groups, families or churches with families in need to provide gifts and food for holidays.
1620 Teels Road
Pen Argyl, PA 18072
Eligibility: Individuals and families residing within the Pen Argyl School District;
Ages newborn-16 years
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm; Evenings by appointment
First Presbyterian Church of York
York - The Caring Ministry
Serves as an outreach program that works with other programs to avoid duplication of services. Provides a food pantry, referrals, bus passes, utility relief, prescription assistance, spiritual care, and special seasonal/holiday programs.
225 East Market Street
York, PA 17403
Eligibility: Residents of York County
Hours: Monday through Thursday, 9:00am to 3:00pm
Huntingdon WIC Program
Huntingdon - Nutrition Program
Provides food and baby formula, nutrition education and counseling, screening and referrals to other health, welfare, and social services.
900 Bryan Street
Suite 2
Huntingdon, PA 16652
Eligibility: Pregnant, postpartum and breastfeeding women, infants, and children up to
age 5 are eligible. Must meet income guidelines, a state residency
requirement, and be individually determined to be at "nutritional
risk" by a health professional.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
Salvation Army
Bethlehem - Christmas Assistance Program
Accepts gift/toy donations from Toys for Tots, Angel Trees and individual donors. Distributes items to families at Christmas. Must meet income guidelines. Apply for program in October.
521 Pembroke Road
Bethlehem, PA 18018
Eligibility: Residents of Bethlehem
Hours: By appointment only, call to schedule
Salvation Army
Easton - Christmas Assistance Program
- Holiday Food Basket: Distributes food/gifts to families at Christmas. Income guidelines. Apply for assistance in October - call office for dates. Dates also available on Facebook page.
-Accepts gift/toy donations from Toys for Tots, Angel Trees and individual donors.
Volunteers make holiday visits to nursing homes and hospitals to talk, sing carols and give gifts.
1110 Northampton Street
Easton, PA 18042
Eligibility: Individuals and families must meet income guidelines to qualify for
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:00pm (Closed 12:00pm to 1:00pm for
Salvation Army
Allentown - Christmas Assistance Program
Adopt-a-Family program matches donor groups with particularly needy families. Program focuses on working poor and special cases.
144 North Eighth Street
Allentown, PA 18101
Eligibility: Children 12 years old and younger
Residents of Lehigh County
Hours: 2024 Christmas sign-ups begin Tuesday, October 1st.
Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 12:00pm and 12:30pm to 4:00pm
Northeast Community Center
Bethlehem - Holiday Programs
Special programs such as a Thanksgiving Meal (basket) Distribution and Christmas Gift Distribution are offered during the holidays to children and residents who reside in the Marvine-Pembroke low-income housing development.
1161 Fritz Drive
Bethlehem, PA 18017
Eligibility: Residents living in the Marvine-Pembroke low income housing development
within the city of Bethlehem
Hours: Monday through Thursday, 8:00am to 4:00pm; Friday, select hours
CrossNet Ministries
CrossNet Ministries - Food/Nutrition - Food/Nutrition
Program includes a choice Food Pantry, Holiday Meals, Power Packs program and Free Summer Lunch Program.
127 West Franklin Street
Food & Nutrition Center
New Holland, PA 17557
Eligibility: Elanco School District residents; Individuals or families may come to the
food bank once a month
Hours: Call to register on Monday, 9:00am to 4:00pm Shop by appointment: 11:30am
to 5:30pm
Community REACH
Community Reach - Food Pantry
Operates a food bank. Accepts donations.
15 First Avenue
Red Lion, PA 17356
Eligibility: Families in Eastern York, Dallastown, and Red Lion School Districts
Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 1:00pm - By appointment only
Join Hands Ministry
Perry - Family Support Services
Provides limited direct financial assistance, financial planning, emergency heat response, automobile repair, furniture/household items/appliances/clothing/toiletries, back-to-school and holiday assistance, counseling/guidance, and life skill support. Coordinates medical transportation. Offers volunteer opportunities.
51 South Church Street
New Bloomfield, PA 17068
Eligibility: Residents
Hours: Monday, 9:00am to 6:00pm; Tuesday through Thursday, 9:00am to 1:00pm
Salvation Army - Boyertown
Salvation Army Boyertown - Christmas Assistance Program
Needs based program that provides gifts to children during the holidays. For children between 0-18. Online registration open October 15 through November 15, 2024.

Christmas Eve Event
409 South Reading Avenue
Boyertown, PA 19512
Eligibility: Anyone in need that residing in zip codes 19503, 19504, 19505, 19512,
19518, 19519, 19525, 18056, 19535, 19545, 19547, 19517, 19546, 19547,
19568, 18056
Hours: Office: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 3:00 pm
See description for information on events
Boro Women and Family Services
Edinboro - Material Needs Assistance
Offers baby care essentials, car seats, diapers and wipes, clothing, bottles, toys, and bathing supplies. Can help with holiday gifts for families also.
108 High Street
Edinboro, PA 16412
Eligibility: Must live in GM School District
Hours: Please call to schedule an appointment.
Marine Toys for Tots Foundation
Lehighton - Toys for Tots Lehighton
Collect new, unwrapped toys during November and December each year and distribute those toys as Christmas gifts to needy children in the community in which the campaign is conducted.
Eligibility: Residents of Schuylkill (Tamaqua area) or Carbon County
Age limit is 14 years, 16 years with a disability (disability must be specified)
Hours: Registration for Carbon County residents
Registrations is at the Salem Bible Fellowship Church, 1105 Frederick's Grove Road, Lehighton
November 22, November 23, December 6, December 7, 2024
No phone calls will be accepted. Must be there on one of the dates during designated times.

Registration for Tamaqua residents (Schuylkill County-East)
Registration is at Mahony City Lodge #238, 7 Shawn Avenue (Route 54), Tamaqua
November 15, November 16, 2024
No phone calls will be accepted. Must be there on one of the dates during designated times.
(Other Schuylkill County residents are handled by the Salvation Army)
Marine Toys for Tots Foundation
Lebanon - Toys for Tots Lebanon
Collects new unwrapped toys and distributes them to less fortunate children at Christmas.
400 Locust Street
Lebanon, PA 17042
Eligibility: Children ages infant to 15 years old
Hours: Accepting applications October 1, 2024 through October 31, 2024.
Full Gospel Evangelistic Ministry of Harrisburg
Harrisburg - Family Education and Support
Offers family education and training, Bible teaching, pastoral counseling, Christian counseling, domestic violence counseling, and support. Coordinates the Toys For Tots program during the holidays.
3405 North 6th Street
Harrisburg, PA 17110
Eligibility: Residents of inner-city Harrisburg
Hours: Irregular - call for details.
Salvation Army Pottsville Corps
Pottsville - Holiday Assistance
Provides holiday assistance for the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays.
400 Sanderson Street
Pottsville, PA 17901
Eligibility: Residents of: Schuylkill County (zip codes 17901, 17944, 17951, 17954,
17970, and 17974)
Hours: Office: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 3:00pm Christmas Distribution:
Halifax United Methodist Church
Food Ministry
Provides meats, cereal, pasta, etc. Offers breads and pastries, given on an as-needed basis. Ham is given to each family at Easter and a food basket with a turkey is given at Christmas. Emergency food is available on a case-by-case basis.
105 Wind Hill Drive
Halifax, PA 17032
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions
Hours: Monday, 9:00am to 11:30am; Thursday, 3:30pm to 6:00pm
Lighthouse Community Church
Mifflintown - Beacon of Hope - Care and Share Program
Provides clothes, household goods, holiday toys, school supplies, and food. Seeks supplies through donations.
1578 Cedar Spring Road
Mifflintown, PA 17059
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions
Hours: Thursday, 6:00pm to 8:00pm
Salvation Army - Elk County Service Center
Ridgway - Holiday Assistance
Offers Angel Tree-Children 12 and under. (Toys and clothing for Christmas)
Sheetz Kids Christmas.
Project Bundle Up (Coats for children and seniors)
245 Main Street
Ridgway, PA 15853
Eligibility: Must live in Elk County. Other requirement explained on phone inquiry.

Applications required-specific dates for sign-ups.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 2:30pm
Salvation Army - Chester County Service Extension
Chester County Service Extension - Seasonal Assistance
Offers seasonal assistance such as summer camp, back to school backpacks and supplies, and Christmas food baskets and gifts to eligible children and families.
Eligibility: Serves Chester County residents. Children must be between the ages of 0 to 12.
Hours: Call or email for information.
Neighborhood Services Center
Oxford - Christmas Toy Room - 2024
United Way of Bucks County
Administrative Headquarters - Holiday Gift Cards for Bucks County Youth
United Way of Bucks County
Administrative Headquarters - Holiday Gift Card Drive
Boyertown Area Multi-Service
Boyertown - Christmas Assistance Program
Salvation Army - Hamburg Service Center
Salvation Army Hamburg Service Center - Christmas Assistance
Slater Family Network
Bangor - Holiday Giving
Families First
Wind Gap Middle School - Adopt-a-Family Giving Program
First Presbyterian Church of York
York - The Caring Ministry
Huntingdon WIC Program
Huntingdon - Nutrition Program
Salvation Army
Bethlehem - Christmas Assistance Program
Salvation Army
Easton - Christmas Assistance Program
Salvation Army
Allentown - Christmas Assistance Program
Northeast Community Center
Bethlehem - Holiday Programs
CrossNet Ministries
CrossNet Ministries - Food/Nutrition - Food/Nutrition
Community REACH
Community Reach - Food Pantry
Join Hands Ministry
Perry - Family Support Services
Salvation Army - Boyertown
Salvation Army Boyertown - Christmas Assistance Program
Boro Women and Family Services
Edinboro - Material Needs Assistance
Marine Toys for Tots Foundation
Lebanon - Toys for Tots Lebanon
Full Gospel Evangelistic Ministry of Harrisburg
Harrisburg - Family Education and Support
Salvation Army Pottsville Corps
Pottsville - Holiday Assistance
Halifax United Methodist Church
Food Ministry
Lighthouse Community Church
Mifflintown - Beacon of Hope - Care and Share Program
Salvation Army - Elk County Service Center
Ridgway - Holiday Assistance
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