200 Matching Service Providers
Additional providers are available. Please narrow your search by entering a more specific search term or including a zip code.
Jewish Community Center of Greater Pittsburgh
Administrative Headquarters and Squirrel Hill Branch - Agewell at the JCC
Provides services to older adults, ages 60 and older, to help them remain independent and in their own homes for as long as possible. Services and programs include: Information and referral, exercise classes, Health and Wellness programs, congregant lunch (J Cafe), ACCESS and OPT registration and volunteer opportunities.
5738 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15217
Eligibility: Serves all ages and people of all faiths.
Hours: Monday through Thursday, 5:30am to 9:30pm
Friday, 5:30am to 6:00pm
Saturday and Sunday, 8:00am to 6:00pm
Kingsley Association
Administrative Headquarters - Food Resources
Provides free frozen meals to community members in need, and distributes Senior Food Boxes.
6435 Frankstown Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15206
Eligibility: Anyone in need may have the frozen meals.

Adults age 60 and older are eligible for the Senior Food Boxes.
Hours: Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 8:00pm
Saturday: 9:00am to 4:00pm

Call for additional details about food distributions.
Armstrong County Community Action of Pennsylvania
Administrative Headquarters - Kittanning - Emergency Food Boxes
Provides individuals and families with a box of both dry/canned and frozen items to meet emergency need for food.
705 Butler Road
Kittanning, PA 16201
Eligibility: Armstrong County residents are eligible once every six (6) months.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
Rainbow Kitchen Community Services
Administrative Headquarters - Breakfast Program
Provides free breakfast Monday through Friday.
135 East 9th Avenue
Homestead, PA 15120
Eligibility: Open to the general public.
Hours: Breakfast served: Monday through Friday, 9:30am to 10:30am
Shiloh Community Missionary Baptist Church
Church Office - Thursday Lunch
Offers hot meal lunches.
6940 Frankstown Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15208
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions.
Hours: Thursday, 12:00pm to 2:00pm
Allegheny County Area Agency on Aging
Administrative Headquarters - Senior Community Centers
Provides listing of Allegheny County Senior centers offering activities geared to the social, intellectual, cultural, economic, emotional, and physical needs or interests of adults 60 years of age and older. Lunch is available Monday through Friday in the senior centers.
2100 Wharton Street
Second Floor
Pittsburgh, PA 15203
Eligibility: Adults age 60 and older.
Hours: Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm

Program Hours: Vary by site. Visit the link above for details.
Neighborhood Resilience Project
Main Office, Hill District - Weekday Lunch
Provides a light lunch for all in the community in need. Accepts donations.
2038 Bedford Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 12:00pm.
Neighborhood Resilience Project
Main Office, Hill District - Wednesday Dinner
Offers a weekly hot meal for anyone in need. Accepts donations.
2038 Bedford Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions.
Hours: Wednesday, 4:00pm
Aleph Institute
Squirrel Hill - In-Prison Support Programs for the Jewish Community
Ensures that a Rabbi visits each prison every two weeks to make sure that the Jews incarcerated at these facilities are given their rights to religious services, including anything from kosher meals to menorahs during Chanukah. Provides for observance of holidays and other religious activities.
5804 Beacon Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15217
Eligibility: All Jewish inmates are welcome as members of Aleph, regardless of
background, affiliation, and level of observance.
Hours: Office Hours:
Monday through Thursday, 9:00am to 5:00pm
Friday, 9:00am to 1:00pm

Service/site visit hours vary.
Ninth Street Community Kitchen
Lighthouse City Church - Thursday Dinner and Share Table
Offers hot meal for individuals and families in need.
536 Shaw Avenue
McKeesport, PA 15132
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions.
Hours: Thursday, 4:30pm to 5:30pm
Central Presbyterian Church
Administrative Office - Food Services
Provides a weekly lunch to the community. Guests recieve a hot lunch, table fellowship, and opportunities to volunteer either in preparing the meal or cleaning up afterward. Also offers a monthly dollar breakfast and an Emergency Food Pantry once a month.
305 Allegheny Street
Tarentum, PA 15084
Eligibility: Call for details.
Hours: Breakfast: Third Saturday of every month, 8:00am to 12:00pm Lunch: Most
Saturdays, 12:00pm
Community Care
Monroeville - In-Home Nursing Care
Provides in-home nursing services.
244 Center Road
Suite 201
Monroeville, PA 15146
Eligibility: Southwestern Pennsylvania residents.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm; on-call service available 24/7.
Community Human Services Corporation
Administrative Office - Domiciliary Care
Offers a residential program for adults with a diagnosis of serious mental illness. It is located within a 13 bed group home with staffing 24-hours a day, seven days a week and it provides residents with all their meals. The staff provide supportive counseling, personal care and grooming, and assistance with daily living tasks to residents and assistance with medications. The program empowers residents to make choices by focusing on their strengths.
2525 Liberty Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Eligibility: Adults with a diagnosis of serious mental illness.
Hours: 24-hour residential facility.
The Doorway
Administrative Headquarters - General Information
Provides assessment for substance abuse, and referrals for housing, employment, education, and drug/alcohol rehabilitation. Will provide a meal and box of groceries for those in need. Rec Center for youth provides a safe space for fun and offers snacks and meals. In conjunction with local law enforcement authorities, provides a location where offenders, both youth and adults, can work off court assigned community service hours.
10 California Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15202
Eligibility: Youth and adults who are runaways, homeless, addicted, incarcerated or
recently released, or otherwise at risk or are in crisis.
Hours: Monday, 11:00am to 8:00pm; Tuesday and Friday, 11:00am to 10:00pm;
Thursday, 9:00am to 5:00pm
East End Cooperative Ministry
Administrative Office, East Liberty - Community Kitchen
Offers hot lunches Monday through Friday to anyone in need.
6140 Station Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15206
Eligibility: Open to all. Individuals under age 18 must be accompanied by an adult.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 12:00 pm to 12:45 pm
Family Resources
Administrative Headquarters - Beverly Jewel Wall Lovelace (BJWL) Out-Of-School Time Program
Provides an Out-of-School Time program in seven low-income housing communities. Offers free social and emotional learning (SEL) programming, field trips, and other opportunities for children from Kindergarten to 17 years old.
1425 Forbes Avenue
Fifth Floor Suites
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Eligibility: Children in Kindergarten through age 17. Must reside in public housing
communities or within a 2 mile radius.
Hours: During the School Year: Monday through Friday, 2:30pm to 6:30pm

Summer: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 4:00pm
Joshua's Haven City Mission
Sharon - Men's Shelter
Offers temporary, emergency shelter on a first-come, first-served basis for 14 men experiencing homelessness. After clearances and screening, each guest receives a warm meal, shower, and a place to sleep with supportive services.
1230 Stambaugh Avenue
Sharon, PA 16146
Eligibility: Men age 18 and older who are experiencing homelessness
Hours: Daily, including holidays, 1:00pm to 8:00am
Saint John's Episcopal Church
Parish Office - Food Distribution
Provides weekly brown bag lunch distribution and monthly drive-thru food pantry.
226 West State Street
Sharon, PA 16146
Eligibility: Residents of Mercer County
Hours: Lunch: Saturday, 11:00am to 1:00pm

Food Pantry: Monthly 3rd Thursday, 10:30am to 12:30pm
First United Methodist Church, Butler
Administrative Office and Downtown Campus - Community Meal
Offers weekly supper for the community.
200 East North Street
Butler, PA 16001
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions.
Hours: Community Meal: Every Friday, 5:00pm
Interfaith Volunteer Caregivers of Fayette
Uniontown - Faith In Action
Provides volunteer companionship and assistance to help older adults remain living in their homes and communities. Assistance may include transport to medical appointments and procedures, grocery shopping, pets to vet, telephone reassurance, minor home repairs, check writing/forms/balance accounts, supportive visitation, and transport for hair/barber appointments.
79 West Fayette Street
Uniontown, PA 15401
Eligibility: Residents of Fayette County age 55 and older. Additional eligibility criteria apply; call for details.

There are no income guidelines.
Hours: Monday through Thursday, 9:00am to 2:00pm
Lawrence County Community Action Partnership - Community Supports
Administrative Headquarters - Summer Food Service Program
Provides free meals that meet Federal nutrition guidelines to children ages 18 and under throughout the summer months.
241 West Grant Street
New Castle, PA 16101
Eligibility: Individuals under 18 years old
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Administrative Headquarters - Day Habilitation
Provides personal assistance in completing activities of daily living (ADLs) as well as teaching daily living skills needed to be more independent and active in the community. Skills include learning to prepare a meal, money and time management, and communication skills while at an adult training facility.
383 New Castle Road
Butler, PA 16001
Eligibility: Adult over the age of 21 who have a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) as defined in DSM IV
Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 3:00pm
Mercer County Area Agency on Aging
Shenango Valley Senior Center - Congregate Meals
Hot, nutritious meals that meet 1/3 of the Recommended Daily Allowances (RDA) are provided at the Senior Community Centers in Mercer County five days per week.
220 North Buhl Farm Drive
Hermitage, PA 16148
Eligibility: Serves Mercer County residents age 60 and older, their spouses, caregivers, and volunteers
Hours: Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm

Call for details for meal times.
Mercer County Area Agency on Aging
McQuiston Center by the Park - Congregate Meals
Hot, nutritious meals that meet 1/3 of the Recommended Daily Allowances (RDA) are provided at the Senior Community Centers in Mercer County five days per week.
29 Railroad Street
Sandy Lake, PA 16145
Eligibility: Serves Mercer County residents age 60 and older, their spouses, caregivers, and volunteers
Hours: Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm

Call for details for meal times.
Mercer County Area Agency on Aging
Grove City Senior Community Center - Congregate Meals
Hot, nutritious meals that meet 1/3 of the Recommended Daily Allowances (RDA) are provided at the Senior Community Centers in Mercer County five days per week.
301 South Broad Street
Grove City, PA 16127
Eligibility: Serves Mercer County residents age 60 and older, their spouses, caregivers, and volunteers
Hours: Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm

Call for details for meal times.
Mercer County Area Agency on Aging
Greenville Senior Community Center - Congregate Meals
Hot, nutritious meals that meet 1/3 of the Recommended Daily Allowances (RDA) are provided at the Senior Community Centers in Mercer County five days per week.
45 Alan Avenue
Greenville, PA 16125
Eligibility: Serves Mercer County residents age 60 and older, their spouses, caregivers, and volunteers
Hours: Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm

Call for details for meal times.
Murrysville Christian Concern
Murrysville Christian Concern - Friends' Thrift Shop - Food Assistance
Provides emergency food to residents of the service area.
5756 Kennedy Avenue
Export, PA 15632
Eligibility: Low income residents of Franklin Regional, Greensburg-Salem, and Penn-Trafford School Districts.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 10:00am to 3:00pm

Community Meals: First Wednesday of the month, 4:00pm
Pathways of Southwestern Pennsylvania
Adult Training and Residential Services - Residential Program
Provides licensed homes in the community with 24/7 staff member support. Assistance is provided withmedications, meals, housekeeping, finances, decision-making, health and wellness, and emotional well-being. The Residential Program is offered on a long-term or a short-term basis. Supported Living program enables the individual to remain at home with support from staff to manage personal resources, health, mobility, transportation, and use of community resources to promote independence.
655 Jefferson Avenue
Washington, PA 15301
Eligibility: Adults who are diagnosed with intellectual disabilities and Autism
Hours: Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm On Call Support:
Salvation Army - Latrobe Corps
Latrobe - Emergency Assistance
Provides emergency assistance for individuals and families in crisis. May include help with food, clothing, shelter, rent, household utility expenses, and similar miscellaneous needs. Referrals will be made for assistance not offered by the agency.
1420 Ridge Avenue
Latrobe, PA 15650
Eligibility: Serves residents of zip codes 15620, 15638, 15650, 15661, 15676, 15693,
and 15696; call for additional eligibility criteria by program.
Hours: Tuesday through Friday, 9:00am to 4:00pm
Good Shepherd Center
Administrative Headquarters - Hot Meals Program
Provides a Hot Meal for anyone in the community.
10 North Water Street
Greenville, PA 16125
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions.
Hours: Lunch: Tuesday and Thursday, 12:00pm to 1:00pm Dinner: Monday, 4:00pm to
Murry Corporate Park, Export - Independent Living/Community Integration Skills
Helps individuals develop independent living skills that enable them to fulfill physical and social integration goals. Areas addressed may include socialization and decision-making skills, basic banking and budgeting, meal preparation, assistance with community integration, transportation as well as health and safety issues.
1060 Corporate Lane
Export, PA 15632
Eligibility: Individuals needing to acquire, maintain or improve the necessary skills
to be able to participate in everyday life skills both in the home and
in the community
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Union Mission
Men's Shelter and Office - Open Access Community Shelter for Men
Offers emergency shelter for men experiencing homelessness. Meals are provided; shower and laundry facilities are available for guests.
2217 East Harrison Avenue
Latrobe, PA 15650
Eligibility: Adult men (age 18 and older) in Westmoreland County.
Hours: Shelter is open 24/7.
Washington City Mission
Meal Service - Community Meals
Serves three nutritious meals per day, 365 days a year (with some modifications for holiday schedules), totaling over 130,000 per year.
56 West Strawberry Avenue
Washington, PA 15301
Eligibility: Open to all.
Hours: Monday through Friday:
Breakfast: 8:00am to 8:30am
Lunch: 12:30pm to 1:00pm
Dinner: 5:15pm to 5:45pm

Saturday and Sunday:
Brunch: 10:15 to 10:45am (must be seated by 10:30am)
Dinner: 4:15pm to 4:45pm (must be seated by 4:30pm)
Washington County Government
Washington County Human Services Department - Aging Services
Senior Center services: transportation, congregate meal care management, home delivered meals, volunteer opportunities, and medical transportation. Adult Day Care and Ombudsman point of contact.

Aging Services of Washington County provides community based services to older individuals living in Washington County. Funded in part by the SWPA Area Agency on Aging, Inc. through the Pennsylvania Department of Aging and the Washington County Board of Commissioners.
95 West Beau Street
Third Floor
Washington, PA 15301
Eligibility: Washington County residents 60 years of age and older and their spouses.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Westmoreland Food Bank
Administrative Headquarters - Delmont - Community Meals
Offers a list of organizations that provide community meals in the Westmoreland area.
100 Devonshire Drive
Delmont, PA 15626
Eligibility: See website for details.
Hours: Refer to meal program list for meal times at each location.
Community Partnership - Community Meals Listing
Saint Paul Roman Catholic Church
Provides hot meals
128 North McKean Street
Glenn Hall
Butler, PA 16001
Eligibility: Residents of: Butler County; Must meet Federal Poverty Guidelines at 150%
Hours: Tuesdays, 5:00pm to 6:00pm
Community Partnership - Community Meals Listing
First United Methodist Church
Provides hot meals
200 East North Street
Butler, PA 16001
Eligibility: Residents of: Butler County; Must meet Federal Poverty Guidelines at 150%
Hours: Friday, 5:00pm to 6:00pm
Community Partnership - Community Meals Listing
Saint Andrew's United Presbyterian Church
Hot Served Meal

Please use Cliff Street entrance
201 East Jefferson Street
Butler, PA 16001
Eligibility: Residents of: Butler County; Must meet Federal Poverty Guidelines at 150%
Hours: Wednesday, 5:00pm to 6:00pm; 1st, 4th and 5th Sunday, 12:00pm to 1:00pm
Community Partnership - Community Meals Listing
Saint Mark's Evangelical Lutheran Church
Provides hot meals
201 West Jefferson Street
Corner of Jefferson and Washington
Butler, PA 16001
Eligibility: Residents of: Butler County; Must meet Federal Poverty Guidelines at 150%
Hours: Thursday, 5:00pm to 6:00pm
Community Partnership - Community Meals Listing
Center Presbyterian Church
Provides hot meals
211 Center Street
Slippery Rock, PA 16057
Eligibility: Resident of: Butler County, Must meet Federal Poverty Guidelines at 150%
Hours: Third Thursday, 4:30pm to 6:30pm
Community Partnership - Community Meals Listing
North Street Christian Church
Provides hot meals
220 West North Street
Butler, PA 16001
Eligibility: Residents of: Butler County; Must meet Federal Poverty Guidelines at 150%
Hours: 2nd and 3rd Saturday, 5:00pm to 6:00pm
Community Partnership - Community Meals Listing
First English Lutheran Church
Provides hot meals
241 N. Main Street
Butler, PA 16001
Eligibility: Residents of: Butler County; Must meet Federal Poverty Guidelines at 150%
Hours: Mondays, 5:00pm to 6:00pm
Community Partnership - Community Meals Listing
New Beginnings Free Methodist Church
Provides hot meals
416 Center Avenue
Butler, PA 16001
Eligibility: Residents of: Butler County; Must meet Federal Poverty Guidelines at 150%
Hours: 1st and 4th Saturdays, 5:00pm to 6:00pm
Chevy Chase Community Center
Office and Community Center - Free Community Lunch
Offers a free, hot, nutritious lunch Monday through Friday.
640 North 5th Avenue
Indiana, PA 15701
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions
Hours: Monday through Friday 11:30am to 12:30pm
City Rescue Mission
Administrative Headquarters - Community Meal Ministry
Provides Community Meals
319 South Croton Avenue
New Castle, PA 16101
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 12:15pm to 12:45pm
Saturday and Holidays, 1:00pm to 1:30pm
Sunday, 5:00pm to 5:30pm
All Abilities
Export - Coordinated Services
Provides a connection to community resources and services for individuals with physical disabilities. Services include: personal assistance, home adaptations, specialized therapies, assistive technology, skilled nursing, adult daily living services, durable medical equipment, employment services, home delivered meals, non-medical transportation, nursing home transition, personal emergency response, residential habilitation, and vehicle modifications.
1054 Corporate Lane
Export, PA 15632
Eligibility: Adults age 18 and older with physical disabilities who are Waiver eligible.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
East End United Community Center
Administrative Office, Uniontown - Child and Adult Care Food Program
Provides meals through Daycare, Pre-school, and the Afterschool Program as well as to any youth in need who attends the Center for any reason. The intent of the program is to improve the diets of children and adults and to develop healthful eating habits through the service of nutritious meals and the provision of nutrition education activities.
150 Coolspring Street
Uniontown, PA 15401
Eligibility: Call for information
Hours: Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 6:00pm
Senior LIFE
Administrative Office and Johnstown Program Site - PACE Program
Provides all-inclusive medical care and supportive services for individuals who are age 55 years and older to help them to remain in their homes and communities.
401 Broad Street
Johnstown, PA 15906
Eligibility: Individuals who are:
A) 55 years old or older
B) Meet the level of care as determined by the State
C) Live in an area served by Senior LIFE
D) Able to live safely in the community
Hours: Office Hours and Day Program: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm

LIFE Services are available to members 24/7
Senior LIFE
Altoona - PACE Program
Provides all-inclusive medical care and supportive services for individuals who are age 55 years and older to help them to remain in their homes and communities.
2891 Fairway Drive
Altoona, PA 16602
Eligibility: Individuals who are:
A) 55 years old or older
B) Meet the level of care as determined by the State
C) Live in an area served by Senior LIFE
D) Able to live safely in the community
Hours: Office Hours and Day Program: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm

LIFE Services are available to members 24/7
Senior LIFE
Ebensburg - PACE Program
Provides all-inclusive medical care and supportive services for individuals who are age 55 years and older to help them to remain in their homes and communities.
429 Manor Drive
Suite 10
Ebensburg, PA 15931
Eligibility: Individuals who are:
A) 55 years old or older
B) Meet the level of care as determined by the State
C) Live in an area served by Senior LIFE
D) Able to live safely in the community
Hours: Office Hours and Day Program: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm

LIFE Services are available to members 24/7
Senior LIFE
Greene (Waynesburg) - PACE Program
Provides all-inclusive medical care and supportive services for individuals who are age 55 years and older to help them to remain in their homes and communities.
100 Evergreene Drive
Waynesburg, PA 15370
Eligibility: Individuals who are:
A) 55 years old or older
B) Meet the level of care as determined by the State
C) Live in an area served by Senior LIFE
D) Able to live safely in the community
Hours: Office Hours and Day Program: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm

LIFE Services are available to members 24/7
Senior LIFE
Greensburg - PACE Program
Provides all-inclusive medical care and supportive services for individuals who are age 55 years and older to help them to remain in their homes and communities.
123 Triangle Drive
Greensburg, PA 15601
Eligibility: Individuals who are:
A) 55 years old or older
B) Meet the level of care as determined by the State
C) Live in an area served by Senior LIFE
D) Able to live safely in the community
Hours: Office Hours and Day Program: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm

LIFE Services are available to members 24/7
Senior LIFE
Harrisburg - PACE Program
Provides all-inclusive medical care and supportive services for individuals who are age 55 years and older to help them to remain in their homes and communities.
162 Front Street
Steelton, PA 17113
Eligibility: Individuals who are:
A) 55 years old or older
B) Meet the level of care as determined by the State
C) Live in an area served by Senior LIFE
D) Able to live safely in the community
Hours: Office Hours and Day Program: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm

LIFE Services are available to members 24/7
Senior LIFE
Indiana - PACE Program
Provides all-inclusive medical care and supportive services for individuals who are age 55 years and older to help them to remain in their homes and communities.
1220 Wayne Avenue
Indiana, PA 15701
Eligibility: Individuals who are:
A) 55 years old or older
B) Meet the level of care as determined by the State
C) Live in an area served by Senior LIFE
D) Able to live safely in the community
Hours: Office Hours and Day Program: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm

LIFE Services are available to members 24/7
Senior LIFE
Lehigh Valley (Bethlehem) - PACE Program
Provides all-inclusive medical care and supportive services for individuals who are age 55 years and older to help them to remain in their homes and communities.
3365 High Point Boulevard
Bethlehem, PA 18017
Eligibility: Individuals who are:
A) 55 years old or older
B) Meet the level of care as determined by the State
C) Live in an area served by Senior LIFE
D) Able to live safely in the community
Hours: Office Hours and Day Program: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm

LIFE Services are available to members 24/7
Senior LIFE
Reading - PACE Program
Provides all-inclusive medical care and supportive services for individuals who are age 55 years and older to help them to remain in their homes and communities.
20 Shelbourne Road
Reading, PA 19606
Eligibility: Individuals who are:
A) 55 years old or older
B) Meet the level of care as determined by the State
C) Live in an area served by Senior LIFE
D) Able to live safely in the community
Hours: Office Hours and Day Program: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm

LIFE Services are available to members 24/7
Senior LIFE
Uniontown - PACE Program
Provides all-inclusive medical care and supportive services for individuals who are age 55 years and older to help them to remain in their homes and communities.
89 West Fayette Street
Uniontown, PA 15401
Eligibility: Individuals who are:
A) 55 years old or older
B) Meet the level of care as determined by the State
C) Live in an area served by Senior LIFE
D) Able to live safely in the community
Hours: Office Hours and Day Program: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm

LIFE Services are available to members 24/7
Senior LIFE
Washington - PACE Program
Provides all-inclusive medical care and supportive services for individuals who are age 55 years and older to help them to remain in their homes and communities.
2114 North Franklin Drive
Washington, PA 15301
Eligibility: Individuals who are:
A) 55 years old or older
B) Meet the level of care as determined by the State
C) Live in an area served by Senior LIFE
D) Able to live safely in the community
Hours: Office Hours and Day Program: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm

LIFE Services are available to members 24/7
Senior LIFE
York - PACE Program
Provides all-inclusive medical care and supportive services for individuals who are age 55 years and older to help them to remain in their homes and communities.
1500 Memory Lane Extension
York, PA 17402
Eligibility: Individuals who are:
A) 55 years old or older
B) Meet the level of care as determined by the State
C) Live in an area served by Senior LIFE
D) Able to live safely in the community
Hours: Office Hours and Day Program: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm

LIFE Services are available to members 24/7
Northampton County Area Agency On Aging
Northampton County Area Agency on Aging - Northampton County Area Agency On Aging
Area Agencies on Aging provides local services, act as advocates, and generally assist older
citizens to remain active in their communities. They operate under guidance from the Pennsylvania Department of Aging.
Services include:
- Advocacy - Support and representation, administratively and legislatively, for the needs of older adults as a group or individually.
- PA MEDI - assistance with health insurance benefit concerns, appeals, benefit applications.
- Employment Services - subsidized employment for training purposes. Available to low income persons age 55 and older.
- Information and Referral - answers to questions on the availability of services and programs for older adults.
- Legal Services - provided in non-fee generating cases via a contract with North Penn Legal Services, Inc.
- Nursing Home Transition - Information about availability of long term care in a variety of settings - in the home, or in assisted living, and planning/coordination in making a move to an alternate setting including arranging for necessary services, for current residents of nursing homes.
- Ombudsman - receives, investigates and assists in resolving complaints about quality of long term care.
Provides information on long term care issues.
- Protective Services - activities, resources and supports to prevent or intervene in abuse, neglect, exploitation and abandonment cases.
- Specialized Transportation - limited availability of rides to medical appointments and social service agencies.
- Care Management - casework services for assessment and care planning, and authorization of the following:
- Adult Day Care - caregiving in an organized setting for less than a 24 hour day. Excellent for caregiver respite.
- Emergency Energy Assistance - bill payment or provision of fuel to avoid utility shut off or lack of fuel in crisis situations.
- Caregiver Support Program - educational services and financial assistance to family care providers.
- Home Delivered Meals - hot/cold meals delivered to maintain necessary nutrition.
- Home Health Care - skilled nursing, therapy and aide services.
- Nursing Home Respite Services - respite for overnight absences of caregivers.
- Personal Care - in-home help with bathing and other personal hygiene, laundry, shopping and meal preparation.
- Pre-Admission Assessment - level of care determination for those considering admission to a long term care facility.
- Waiver Services - Medicaid-funded in-home services of the types listed above, and more, to maintain nursing-home eligible older adults in their homes.
- Senior Farmer Market Nutrition Program - provides food vouchers for residents 60 years old who meet income guidelines

Information and referral service provides information on the availability of services and programs for older adults. Services may be delivered directly, purchased from a community agency, or available through a cooperative agreement.
2801 Emrick Boulevard
Bethlehem, PA 18020
Eligibility: County residents age 60 years and older
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm
Phoebe Ministries
Phoebe Apartments - Lehigh - Phoebe Apartments Senior Affordable Housing
131 studio efficiency and one-bedroom independent living senior apartments
Social room, game room, library

Resident-sponsored activities and programs

Senior Center meal site (noon meal available two times per week and Meals on Wheels five days a week)
1901 West Linden Street
Allentown, PA 18104
Eligibility: Individuals 62 years or older and meeting Federal income eligibility
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
Diakon Lutheran Social Ministries
Diakon Community Services for Seniors - Community Services for Seniors
Click here for Coronavirus Information

Offers services and programs to seniors, ages 50 and above.
- PA MEDI: Trained staff and volunteers assist individuals in navigating the Medicare system and help them to understand all available options.
- Meals on Wheels: Provides nutritious hot and cold meals to homebound individuals.
- Health & Wellness: Offers health promotion and disease prevention, fitness classes, walking clubs, and wellness screenings.
- Living & Learning after 50: Courses, classes, events, trips and workshops for active older adults, including a Senior Expo.
- Volunteer Opportunities
- Senior Community Centers - Offer a variety of programs and services as well as lunch-time meals.
118 South Centre Street
Suite 1
Pottsville, PA 17901
Eligibility: Varies with program; Must be a Schuylkill County resident 50 years of age
or older
Hours: .
Diakon Lutheran Social Ministries
AmeriCorps Seniors Berks - RSVP of Berks, Pike and Wayne Counties
Volunteer network for people 55 and over that would like to use their skills to help others in their community. Opportunities include packaging/delivering Meals on Wheels, assist at a local food pantry, offer services at local senior center, etc.
1 South Home Avenue
Topton, PA 19562
Eligibility: Anyone 55 and over looking to volunteer
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm
Diakon Lutheran Social Ministries
Click here for Coronavirus Information

Offers a range of human services for seniors. Programs include senior volunteer opportunities, volunteer home care, senior community centers, Health & Wellness programs, Living & Learning after 50, classes and events, Meals on Wheels, and Apprise Medicare counseling
118 South Centre Street, Suite 1
Pottsville, PA 17901
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8am - 4pm
Diakon Lutheran Social Ministries
Pottsville Senior Community Center
Click here for Coronavirus Information

Senior Center provides older adults educational, wellness classes, socialization, recreation and community service in addition to a meal.
201 North Centre Street
Pottsville, PA 17901
Eligibility: Older adults
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 2:00pm
Diakon Lutheran Social Ministries
Mahanoy City Senior Community Center
Click here for Coronavirus Information

Senior Center provides older adults educational, wellness classes, socialization, wellness checks, computers, recreation and community service in addition to a meal.
138 West Centre Street
Mahanoy City, PA 17948
Eligibility: Older adults
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
Diakon Lutheran Social Ministries
Schuylkill Haven Senior Community Center
Click here for Coronavirus Information

Senior Center provides older adults educational, wellness classes, socialization, wellness checks, recreation and community service in addition to a meal.
340 Haven Street
Schuylkill Haven, PA 17972
Eligibility: Older adults
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 2:00pm
Diakon Lutheran Social Ministries
Shenandoah Senior Community Center
Click here for Coronavirus Information

Senior Center provides older adults educational, wellness classes, socialization, wellness checks, recreation and community service in addition to a meal.
116 North Main Street
Shenandoah, PA 17976
Eligibility: Older adults
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 2:00pm
Diakon Lutheran Social Ministries
Tremont Senior Community Center
Click here for Coronavirus Information

Senior Center provides older adults educational, wellness classes, socialization, access to pool, wellness checks, recreation and community service in addition to a meal.
139 Clay Street
Tremont, PA 17981
Eligibility: Older adults
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 2:00pm
Diakon Lutheran Social Ministries
AmeriCorp Seniors Pike and Wayne - RSVP of Berks, Pike and Wayne Counties
Volunteer network for people 55 and over that would like to use their skills to help others in their community. Opportunities include packaging/delivering Meals on Wheels, assist at a local food pantry, offer services at local senior center, etc.
337 Park Place
Hawley, PA 18428
Eligibility: Anyone 55 and over looking to volunteer
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm
Office of Homeless Services
Riverview Home
Provides a personal care facility for low income residents of Philadelphia with a physical or mental disability that require assistance with the activities of daily living. A wide variety of services are provided including resident care, health and social services along with many recreation and volunteer activities. Three nutritious meals a day and a snack are provided.
7979 State Road
Philadelphia, PA 19136
Eligibility: Residents of Philadelphia with low income and serious disability
requiring intensive assistance
Hours: Call for more information
Office of Homeless Services
Administrative Headquarters - Free Meals in Philadelphia
Provides a chart showing names, locations, phone numbers, and meal times for organizations that regularly provide free meals in Philadelphia. Organized by day of the week and type of meal (breakfast, lunch, dinner)
1401 John F. Kennedy Boulevard
10th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions
Hours: Hours vary by program; visit the website and contact individual meal
sites for more information.
JEVS Care at Home
Philadelphia - Non-medical Home Care Services
Provides non-medical home care, respite, companionship, and community integration support services to disabled and aging clients, ages 18+, residing in the service area. Services include case management, bathing, dressing, grooming, toileting, oral care, companionship, food shopping, meal preparation, feeding, light housekeeping, telehealth services, and accompaniment to medical and community appointments.

Also provides assistance with applying for Medicaid funded services.
9350 Ashton Road
Suite 102
Philadelphia, PA 19114
Eligibility: Adults age 18+
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm
JEVS Care at Home
Allegheny - Non-medical Home Care Services
Provides non-medical home care, respite, companionship, and community integration support services to disabled and aging clients, ages 18+, residing in the service area. Services include case management, bathing, dressing, grooming, toileting, oral care, companionship, food shopping, meal preparation, feeding, light housekeeping, telehealth services, and accompaniment to medical and community appointments.

Also provides assistance with applying for Medicaid funded services.
6315 Forbes Avenue
Suite B-26
Pittsburgh, PA 15217
Eligibility: Adults age 18+
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm
Northumberland County Area Agency on Aging & Veterans Affairs
Coal Region Adult Community Center
Center offers hot noon meals, recreation, socialization, health screenings, transportation and volunteer opportunities.
2 East Arch Street
Shamokin, PA 17872
Eligibility: Individuals 55 years of age and older who reside in county area.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:00pm
Northumberland County Area Agency on Aging & Veterans Affairs
Herndon Adult Community Center
Center offers hot noon meals, recreation, socialization, health screenings, transportation and volunteer opportunities.
5089 State Route 147
Herndon, PA 17830
Eligibility: Individuals 55 years of age and older who reside in Herndon area.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
Northumberland County Area Agency on Aging & Veterans Affairs
Kulpmont Adult Community Center
Center offers hot noon meals, recreation, socialization, health screenings, transportation and volunteer opportunities.
9 North Eighth Street
Kulpmont, PA 17834
Eligibility: Individuals 55 years of age and older who reside in Kulpmont area.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
Northumberland County Area Agency on Aging & Veterans Affairs
Mount Carmel Adult Community Center
Center offers hot noon meals, recreation, socialization, health screenings, transportation and volunteer opportunities.
41 South Market Street
Mount Carmel, PA 17851
Eligibility: Individuals 55 years of age and older residing in Mount Carmel area.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
Northumberland County Area Agency on Aging & Veterans Affairs
Sunbury Adult Community Center
Center offers hot noon meals, recreation, socialization, health screenings, transportation and volunteer opportunities.
601 Pennsylvania Avenue
Sunbury, PA 17801
Eligibility: Individuals 55 years of age and older who reside in Sunbury area.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:00pm
Northumberland County Area Agency on Aging & Veterans Affairs
Northumberland Adult Community Center
Center offers hot noon meals, recreation, socialization, health screenings, transportation and volunteer opportunities.
268 Second Street
Northumberland, PA 17857
Eligibility: Individuals 55 years of age and older who reside in Northumberland area.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
Northumberland County Area Agency on Aging & Veterans Affairs
Milton Adult Community Center
Center offers hot noon meals, recreation, socialization, health screenings, transportation and volunteer opportunities.
219 Filbert Street
Milton, PA 17847
Eligibility: Individuals 55 years of age and older who reside in Milton area.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
Philadelphia Housing Authority
Philadelphia - Summer Food Service Program
Povides meals for children who normally receive subsidized meals from their school. Located at 18 various PHA community centers around Philadelphia, SFSP serves two healthy meals a day-either breakfast or snack and a hot lunch while school is out.
2013 Ridge Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19121
Eligibility: Residents of Philadelphia Housing Authority
Hours: Administrative Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 3:00pm. Program
hours vary, call for information.
Philadelphia Housing Authority
Philadelphia - Healthy Cafe
Provides healthy food choices at a low cost to residents and guests. Currently operates at Wilson Park.
2013 Ridge Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19121
Eligibility: Seniors who are residents of the Philadelphia Housing Authority.
Hours: Administrative Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 3:00pm.
Job Corps - Philadelphia Regional Office
Philadelphia Job Corps - Career Development Services
Offers career development and training services to low-income youth to help prepare them for successful careers. Program offers distance learning as well as limited residential options, meals, health care, school supplies, and community support.
2810 South 20th Street, Building 12
Philadelphia, PA 19145
Eligibility: Youth from age 16 to age 24 who meet low-income guidelines.
Hours: Office Hours: Monday through Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm
Project HOME
Hub of Hope
Offers a safe place where people experiencing homelessness. Provides coffee and meal service, showers, laundry, and transportation to shelter. Offers case management and health care services, including primary care, behavioral health care, and reproductive health care.

Located in the concourses under Two Penn Center in Suburban Station
1400 Arch Street
Sub Concourse Level
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Eligibility: Serves Philadelphia residents experiencing or at risk of homelessness.
Hours: Monday through Sunday, 6:00am to 4:00pm
Bucks County Area Agency on Aging
Doylestown - Bucks County Area Agency on Aging - Health Promotion
Program that gets individuals together to discuss topics like healthy cooking, injury prevention, exercise classes, and medication management, and talking with your doctor.
55 East Court Street
3rd Floor
Doylestown, PA 18901
Eligibility: Some programs eligibility starts at 55 years old.
Hours: Monday through Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm
Bucks County Area Agency on Aging
Doylestown - Bucks County Area Agency on Aging - Senior Community Centers
All centers provide a variety of recreational and educational programs. Most also serve a hot, nutritious meal. Senior Community Centers link older adults to community resources and help seniors maintain their wellness and independence.
55 East Court Street
3rd Floor
Doylestown, PA 18901
Bucks County Area Agency on Aging
Neshaminy Activity Center
Provides a variety of recreational and educational programs. May also serve a hot, nutritious meal. Helps link older adults to community resources.
1842 Brownsville Rd.
Trevose, PA 19053
Eligibility: Adults age 55 and older
Hours: Tuesday through Thursday, 9:00am to 2:00pm
Bucks County Area Agency on Aging
Bristol Township Senior Center
Provides a variety of recreational and educational programs. May also serve a hot, nutritious meal. Helps link older adults to community resources. Also serves as a cooling center when county officials declare Code Red excessive heat warnings
2501 Bath Road
Bristol, PA 19007
Eligibility: Seniors age 55+
Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, 8:30am to 3:30pm Cooling Center
Hours: 10:00am to 6:00pm when excessive heat warning in effect
Bucks County Area Agency on Aging
Central Bucks Senior Center
Provides a variety of recreational and educational programs. May also serve a hot, nutritious meal. Helps link older adults to community resources.
700 Shady Retreat Rd.
Doylestown, PA 18901
Eligibility: Adults age 55 and older
Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 3:00pm
Bucks County Area Agency on Aging
Ben Wilson Senior Center
Provides a variety of recreational and educational programs. May also serve a hot, nutritious meal. Helps link older adults to community resources.
580 Delmont Avenue
Warminster, PA 18974
Eligibility: Seniors age 55+
Hours: Monday through Thursday, 9:00am to 3:00pm
Bucks County Area Agency on Aging
Pennridge Community Center
Provides a variety of recreational and educational programs. May also serve a hot, nutritious meal. Helps link older adults to community resources.
146 E. Main St.
Silverdale, PA 18962
Eligibility: Adults age 55 and older
Hours: Monday through Wednesday, 9:00am to 2:00pm
Bucks County Area Agency on Aging
Upper Bucks Senior Citizens Center
Provides a variety of recreational and educational programs. May also serve a hot, nutritious meal. Helps link older adults to community resources.
2183 Milford Sq. Pike
Milford Square Fire Company, Social Hall
Milford, PA 18951
Eligibility: Adults age 55 and older
Hours: Tuesday and Wednesday, 9:00am to 1:00pm Thursday, 9:00am to 3:00pm
Bucks County Area Agency on Aging
Bristol Borough Area Active Adult Center
Provides a variety of recreational and educational programs. May also serve a hot, nutritious meal. Helps link older adults to community resources. Also serves as a cooling center when county officials declare Code Red excessive heat warnings.
310 Wood Street
Bristol, PA 19007
Eligibility: Adults age 55 and older
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 1:00pm Cooling Center Hours: 10:00am to
6:00pm when excessive heat warning in effect
Bucks County Area Agency on Aging
Morrisville Senior Service Center - Morrisville Senior Center
Provides a variety of recreational and educational programs. May serve a nutritious hot meal. Helps link older adults to community resources. Also serves as a cooling center when county officials declare Code Red excessive heat warnings.
31 East Cleveland Avenue
Borough Annex
Morrisville, PA 19067
Eligibility: Seniors age 55+
Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 3:00pm Cooling Center Hours: 10:00am to
6:00pm when excessive heat warning in effect
Bucks County Area Agency on Aging
James E. Kinney Senior Center
Provides a variety of recreational and educational programs. May also serve a hot, nutritious meal. Helps link older adults to community resources.
165 Township Road
Richboro, PA 18954
Eligibility: Seniors 55+
Hours: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 9:00am to 3:30pm Tuesday and Thursday,
9:00am to 8:00pm
Bucks County Area Agency on Aging
Bensalem Senior Center
Provides a variety of recreation and educational programs. May also serve a hot, nutritious meal. Helps link older adults to community resources.

Serves as a cooling center during excessive heat warnings (Code Red) have been declared.
1850 Byberry Road
Bensalem, PA 19020
Eligibility: Seniors age 55+
Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 3:30pm Cooling Center Hours: 10:00am to
6:00pm when excessive heat warning in effect
Bucks County Area Agency on Aging
Falls Township Senior Center
Provides a variety pf recreational educational programs. May also serve a hot, nutritious meal. Helps link older adults to community resources.
282 Trenton Road
Fairless Hills, PA 19030
Eligibility: Seniors age 55+
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 3:00pm
Bucks County Area Agency on Aging
Middletown Township Senior Center
Provides a variety of recreational and educational programs. May also serve a hot, nutritious meal. Helps link older adults to community resources.
2142 Trenton Road
Municipal Building
Levittown, PA 19056
Eligibility: Seniors age 55+
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 3:00pm
Access Services - Delaware Valley
Day Programs
Helps develop functional skills and discover talents through volunteer opportunities and engaging social activities. Activities include visiting parks, swimming, bowling, horseback riding, baseball games, fitness, and more. Instructs clients in a variety of social, community, technology, personal and vocational skills. Offers volunteer opportunities including assisting in delivering meals, at food pantries, local churches, hospitals, community gardening, animal shelters, libraries and more.
500 Office Center Drive
Suite 100
Fort Washington, PA 19034
Eligibility: Adults who have completed high school with a diagnosis of an intellectual
disability or autism
Hours: Hours may vary; visit the to see hours for the service provider location
in your county/area.
Second Family Memory Care Center
Wilkes Barre - Second Family Memory Care Center
Provides specialized Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias (ADRD) care and supervision in a protective secure setting. Services include medication assistance, individualized care plan, health monitoring, nutritious meals and snacks, mind stimulating activities, exercise programs, community outings and projects, pet and music therapy.
Also offers both drop-in and respite care when slots are available.
89 South Washington Street
Wilkes Barre, PA 18701
Eligibility: Serves individuals with Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias (ADRD)
Hours: Day Program, Monday through Friday 7:00am to 6:00pm; Night Club, Tuesday
and Thursday 7:00pm to 6:00am.
STEP, Inc.
STEP Office of Aging - Clinton County - Long-Term Care Assessment
Completes assessment to determine what level of care (i.e. nursing home, personal care home or community services) is appropriate for individuals on Medical Assistance to pay for a nursing home stay.
124 East Walnut Street
Lock Haven, PA 17745
Eligibility: Those age 60 and older
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm
STEP, Inc.
STEP Office of Aging - Lycoming County - Long-Term Care Assessment
Completes assessment to determine what level of care (i.e. nursing home, personal care home or community services) is appropriate for individuals on Medical Assistance to pay for a nursing home stay.
2138 Lincoln Street
Williamsport, PA 17701
Eligibility: Those age 60 and older eligible to Medical Assistance
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm
STEP, Inc.
STEP Office of Aging - Lycoming County - Assessment and Care Management
Complete assessments to determine what level of care (i.e. nursing home, personal care home or community services) is appropriate for individuals on Medical Assistance to pay for a nursing home stay. A physician's medical report is needed to start the process.
Long-term care assessments are also completed for those applying for a personal care home Social Security supplement, and for other DPW programs, such as Waiver Services. Facilities and individuals may also request a level of care determination. Case management help older adults to assess their abilities and needs, explore options, develop plans to best utilize their abilities, and arrange for informal and formal supports (in-home services) to meet their needs. With an older adult looking for placement, they can assist older adults who need to enter a nursing home or personal care facility with determining the type of residential placement that will best meet their needs, and with securing such placement. They can also assist those in nursing facilities.
2138 Lincoln Street
Williamsport, PA 17701
Eligibility: Individuals age 60 and older
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm
Union-Snyder Agency on Aging, Inc.
Lewisburg Senior Center
Provides socialization, fun activities, educational programs, guest speakers, exercise classes, hot, nutritious meals and volunteer opportunities. General center daily activities include blood pressure screenings, exercise classes, crafts and games, bingo, table games, computer labs, inspirational speakers, pot luck, dining out and day trips.
116 North Second Street
Lewisburg, PA 17837
Eligibility: Seniors age 60 years and older residing in Union county area.
Hours: Monday, 11:00am to 6:30pm; Tuesdays throughThursday, 8:00am to 1:00pm
Union-Snyder Agency on Aging, Inc.
Health and Wellness Programming
Provides disease prevention and health promotion services at senior centers or other community sites.
Prevention programs include: "Live Your Best Life" a free, evidence-based, chronic disease self-management program and "Live Your Best Life with Diabetes" is a free diabetes self-management program.
Also, certified instructors present a free, evidence-based program on fall prevention. Medication reviews with a registered pharmacist from Evangelical Community Hospital are offered annually at each senior center and free blood pressure screenings are offered by licensed nurses at each senior center.
116 North Second Street
Lewisburg, PA 17837
Eligibility: Individuals age 60 years or older who reside in service area.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:00pm
Union-Snyder Agency on Aging, Inc.
Beaver Springs Senior Center
Provides socialization, fun activities, educational programs, guest speakers, exercise classes, hot, nutritious meals and volunteer opportunities. General center daily activities include:
Blood Pressure Screenings
, Exercise Classes,
Crafts and Games
, Computer Labs
, Inspirational Speakers
, Pot Luck and Dining Out
555 Elm Street
Beaver Springs, PA 17812
Eligibility: Seniors age 60 and over residing in service area.
Hours: Monday through Thursdays, 9:00am to 2:00pm
Union-Snyder Agency on Aging, Inc.
Penns Creek Adult Resource Center - Penns Creek Senior Center
Provides socialization, fun activities, educational programs, guest speakers, exercise classes, hot, nutritious meals and volunteer opportunities. General center daily activities include cards, cornhole, dominoes, bingo, puzzles, exercise equipment, rummikub, Television, table shuffleboard and trivia.
3551 Richard Road
Penns Creek, PA 17862
Eligibility: Snyder county seniors, age 60 and older.
Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 9:00am to 2:00pm
Union-Snyder Agency on Aging, Inc.
Selingsgrove Senior Center - Senior Centers
Provides socialization, fun activities, educational programs, guest speakers, exercise classes, hot, nutritious meals and volunteer opportunities. General center daily activities include Bingo, Smart TV, pool, shuffleboard, chair aerobics, darts, puzzles, adult coloring, cards
8 North Water Street
Selinsgrove, PA 17870
Eligibility: Senior age 60 years and older who reside in Selingsgrove area.
Hours: Tuesday through Thursday, 9:00am to 2:00pm
Pike County Area Agency on Aging
Information and Assistance
Provides assistance with senior benefit programs, Medicare & Supplementary programs, eligibility for low-income senior programs including home and community services, along with: home-delivered meals, prescription drug programs, health & Wellness programs, person-centered counseling, case management, senior activities, support groups and volunteering opportunities.
150 Pike County Boulevard
Blooming Grove
Hawley, PA 18428
Eligibility: Pike County residents 60 years or older
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
Cumberland County Aging & Community Services
Assessment and Personal Care
Assists with Personal Care such as bathing, dressing and grooming, meal prep, PERS (Personal Emergency Response Services), and Adult Day Care.
1100 Claremont Road
Carlisle, PA 17015
Eligibility: Individuals determined to need placement in a nursing home or Domcare (PCBH) and are financially eligible for medical assistance
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm
Cumberland County Aging & Community Services
Adult Day Program
Offers adult Daycare. Assists with services provided daily that include: Nursing Supervision, Health monitoring; Therapeutic activities, Individualized Care Plans, Physical exercise, Games, arts and crafts, Entertainment, Nutritious hot meals, Personal Care, and Snacks.
1100 Claremont Road
Carlisle, PA 17015
Eligibility: Adults age 60 and older who are physically or mentally impaired and assessed to be in need of service
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm
Cumberland County Aging & Community Services
Home Delivered Meals
Offers independent providers that deliver meals.
1100 Claremont Road
Carlisle, PA 17015
Eligibility: Residents of Shippensburg, Newville, Carlisle, Mechanicsburg, and Camp Hill who are 60 and older
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm
Cumberland County Aging & Community Services
Branch Creek Place - Congregate Meal Program
Offers meals for seniors.
115 North Fayette Street
Shippensburg, PA 17257
Eligibility: Adults age 60 and older and their spouses
Hours: Monday through Friday, 11:00am
Cumberland County Aging & Community Services
Branch Creek Place - Senior Center at Branch Creek Place
Offers recreation, social, and educational activities. Provides congregate group noon meals. Acts as a cooling center.
115 North Fayette Street
Shippensburg, PA 17257
Eligibility: Adults age 60 years and older
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 3:00pm
Cumberland County Aging & Community Services
Branch Creek Place - Senior Center
Offers recreation, social, and educational activities. Provides congregate group noon meals.
115 North Fayette Street
Shippensburg, PA 17257
Eligibility: Adults age 60 years and older
Hours: Call for information
Cumberland County Aging & Community Services
Cumberland County Aging & Community Services - Salvation Army Senior Action Center - Congregate Meal Program
Offers meals for seniors.
20 East Pomfret Street
Carlisle, PA 17013
Eligibility: Adults age 60 and older and their spouses
Hours: Monday through Friday, 12:00pm
Cumberland County Aging & Community Services
Cumberland County Aging & Community Services - Salvation Army Senior Action Center - Senior Center
Offers recreation, social, and educational activities. Provides congregate group noon meals.
20 East Pomfret Street
Carlisle, PA 17013
Eligibility: Adults age 60 years and older
Hours: Call for information
Cumberland County Aging & Community Services
Cumberland County Aging & Community Services - Salvation Army Senior Action Center - Senior Center
Offers recreation, social, and educational activities. Provides congregate group noon meals.
20 East Pomfret Street
Carlisle, PA 17013
Eligibility: Adults age 60 years and older
Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 2:00pm
Cumberland County Aging & Community Services
Schaner Senior Center - Congregate Meal Program
Offers meals for seniors.
98 South Enola Drive
Enola, PA 17025
Eligibility: Adults age 60 and older and their spouses
Hours: Monday through Friday, 12:00pm
Cumberland County Aging & Community Services
Schaner Senior Center - Senior Center at Schaner Senior Center
Offers recreation, social, and educational activities. Provides congregate group noon meals. Acts as a cooling center.
98 South Enola Drive
Enola, PA 17025
Eligibility: Adults age 60 years and older
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 3:00pm
Cumberland County Aging & Community Services
Schaner Senior Center - Senior Center
Offers recreation, social, and educational activities. Provides congregate group noon meals.
98 South Enola Drive
Enola, PA 17025
Eligibility: Adults age 60 years and older
Hours: Call for information
Cumberland County Aging & Community Services
Mechanicsburg Place Senior Adult Center - Senior Center at Mechanicsburg Place Senior Adult Center
Offers recreation, social, and educational activities. Provides congregate group noon meals.
97 West Portland Street
Mechanicsburg, PA 17055
Eligibility: Adults age 60 years and older
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 3:00pm
Cumberland County Aging & Community Services
Mechanicsburg Place Senior Adult Center - Congregate Meal Program
Offers meals for seniors.
97 West Portland Street
Mechanicsburg, PA 17055
Eligibility: Adults age 60 and older and their spouses
Hours: Monday through Friday, 12:00pm
Cumberland County Aging & Community Services
Mechanicsburg Place Senior Adult Center - Senior Center
Offers recreation, social, and educational activities. Provides congregate group noon meals.
97 West Portland Street
Mechanicsburg, PA 17055
Eligibility: Adults age 60 years and older
Hours: Call for information
Cumberland County Aging & Community Services
Mechanicsburg Place Senior Adult Center - Senior Center at Mechanicsburg Place
Offers recreation, social, and educational activities. Provides congregate group noon meals. Acts as a cooling center.
97 West Portland Street
Mechanicsburg, PA 17055
Eligibility: Adults age 60 years and older
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 2:30pm
Cumberland County Aging & Community Services
West Shore Senior Citizens Center - Congregate Meal Program
Offers meals for seniors.
122 Geary Avenue
New Cumberland, PA 17070
Eligibility: Adults age 60 and older and their spouses
Hours: Monday through Friday, 12:00pm
Cumberland County Aging & Community Services
West Shore Senior Citizens Center - Senior Center at West Shore Senior Citizens Center
Offers recreation, social, and educational activities. Provides congregate group noon meals. Acts as a cooling center.
122 Geary Avenue
New Cumberland, PA 17070
Eligibility: Adults age 60 years and older
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 2:30pm
Cumberland County Aging & Community Services
West Shore Senior Citizens Center - Senior Center
Offers recreation, social, and educational activities. Provides congregate group noon meals.
122 Geary Avenue
New Cumberland, PA 17070
Eligibility: Adults age 60 years and older
Hours: Call for information
Cumberland County Aging & Community Services
Big Spring Senior Center - Congregate Meal Program
Offers meals for seniors.
91 Doubling Gap Road
Suite 1
Newville, PA 17241
Eligibility: Adults age 60 and older and their spouses
Hours: Monday through Friday, 12:00pm
Cumberland County Aging & Community Services
Big Spring Senior Center - Senior Center
Offers recreation, social, and educational activities. Provides congregate group noon meals.
91 Doubling Gap Road
Suite 1
Newville, PA 17241
Eligibility: Adults age 60 years and older
Hours: Call for information
Adams County Office for Aging
Gettysburg - Housing Service
Provides a wide range of services to clients, with the interest of keeping them in their own homes and community for as long as possible and/or practical. Offers services that include adult day care, care management, senior centers, home-delivered meals, assessment personal care, and volunteer opportunities.
318 West Middle Street
Gettysburg, PA 17325
Eligibility: Residents age 60 and older
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm
Adams County Office for Aging
Gettysburg - Community Services
Connects older adults with the community.
A) PA MEDI - Medicare Counseling Program: Free one-on-one or telephone assistance to older persons to help them understand Medicare eligibility and benefits, Medicare supplemental insurance, and prescription drug coverage.
B) Senior Center Information: For those 60+, a center offers meals, social activities, and a range of activities and wellness programming.
D) Transportation Assistance: Rabbittransit has developed a shared ride program for those 60+ for specific programs and those 65+ for other transportation needs. For more information please call.
E) Tax Assistance Program: This free service can address tax issues for most middle to low-income taxpayers age 60 and over.
318 West Middle Street
Gettysburg, PA 17325
Eligibility: Residents of Adams County age 60+
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm
Hospice & Community Care
Pathways Center for Grief and Loss, Mount Joy - Coping Kids and Teens Support Group
Supporting the needs of children, teens and families impacted by serious illness or death. Individual and family consultation, and support groups for coping with loss. Provides teens and children the opportunity to learn about grief and talk with others while sharing a meal, having fun and receiving support.
* Grief Support Groups
* Good Grief Clubs
* Camp Chimaqua
4075 Old Harrisburg Pike
Pathways Center for Grief & Loss
Mount Joy, PA 17552
Eligibility: Children 6-18 years of age who are comfortable talking about grief
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm
Huntingdon-Bedford-Fulton Area Agency on Aging
Fulton Office - Adult Day Programs
Program that provides care and supervision in a protective setting for dependent adults living in the community during some portion of a 24-hour day. Services may include social and recreational activities, training that is essential for sustaining activities of daily living, hot meals, as appropriate and, if an adult day health care center, health and related services.
116 West Market Street
Suite 201
McConnellsburg, PA 17233
Eligibility: Contact agency for more details.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Huntingdon-Bedford-Fulton Area Agency on Aging
Bedford - Adult Day Programs
Program that provides care and supervision in a protective setting for dependent adults living in the community during some portion of a 24-hour day. Services may include social and recreational activities, training that is essential for sustaining activities of daily living, hot meals, as appropriate and, if an adult day health care center, health and related services.
240 Wood Street
Bedford, PA 15522
Eligibility: Contact agency for more details.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Huntingdon-Bedford-Fulton Area Agency on Aging
Huntingdon Office - Adult Day Programs
Program that provides care and supervision in a protective setting for dependent adults living in the community during some portion of a 24-hour day. Services may include social and recreational activities, training that is essential for sustaining activities of daily living, hot meals, as appropriate and, if an adult day health care center, health and related services.
307 Tenth Street
Huntingdon, PA 16652
Eligibility: Contact agency for more details.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Lutheran Settlement House
Fishtown Site - Senior Services
Provides community-based services, activities, and classes. Also provides a daily meal in addition to its monthly food cupboard services and USDA-donated food boxes through Philabundance.
1340 Frankford Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19125
Eligibility: Serves adults in Philadelphia age 55 and older.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Lutheran Settlement House
Fishtown Site - Free Community Meal
Offers a monthly community meal, and a food pantry.
1340 Frankford Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19125
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions
Hours: Food Pantry: Monday through Friday, 10:00am to 3:00pm

Community meal hours vary; please call for information.
Carbon County Area Agency on Aging
Provides local services, act as advocates, and generally assists older citizens to remain active in their communities. They operate under guidance from the Pennsylvania Department of Aging.

Services include:
- Senior Centers and other activities
- Legal Assistance
- Benefit Counseling/Assistance with applications
- Volunteer Opportunities
- Ombudsman Services
- Level of Care Assessment
- Transportation
- Provides Caregiver Support Program
- Provides daily hands-on care
- Protective Services for older adults to investigate reports of abuse, neglect, exploitation or abandonment and services to reduce risk for incapacitated persons.
- Senior Farmer's Market Program distributes free vouchers for residents age 60 or older that meet income guidelines

Core services offered after a clinical evaluation:
- In-home services
- In-home meals
- Care/Case management
- Consumer reimbursement
- Adult Day Care
- Personal Emergency Response System
- Personal Care services

Information and referr
401 Delaware Avenue
Third Floor
Palmerton, PA 18071
Eligibility: Carbon County residents, age 60 and older
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
UDS Foundation
Accessing Independence - In-Home Personal Care
Provision of non-medical, in-home personal care that enables people with disabilities including veterans and the elderly to live in their own home community rather than in an institution. Services provided include:
- Personal assistance
- Bathing/dressing assistance
- Meal planning/preparation
- Laundry/light housekeeping
- Medication reminders
- Shopping/errands
- Night supervision
- Respite for caregiver
1325 Elm Avenue
Lancaster, PA 17603
Eligibility: Individuals ages 18 and older in need of home care support
Hours: Office: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm
UDS Foundation
Lancaster - Support Coordination
Provides coordination of services to people with physical disabilities and seniors through Community HealthChoices. Assists in developing plans that may include the following services that enable individuals to live safely and independently at home: personal care attendants, durable medical equipment, home delivered meals, home modifications and supportive employment.
2270 Erin Court
Lancaster, PA 17601
Eligibility: Adults with physical disabilities 21 years and older who have functional
limitations (bathing, dressing, toileting, supervision, etc) or
nursing facility clinically eligible or a chronic diagnosis (expected
to last 180 days or more). Must have income $2313/month or less (not
including spouse's income)and $8000 or less assets for single
participant or $123,600 for a legally married person (excluding 1 car
and 1 home)
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm
Face to Face
Philadelphia - Dining Room
Serves a 3-course meal. Also offers a choice produce market with seasonal fresh options weekly.
123 East Price Street
Philadelphia, PA 19144
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions
Hours: Monday, Thursday through Saturday, 12:30pm; Sunday, 2:00pm
Trinity United Methodist Church - Denver
Denver - Community Meal
Provides a free take out community dinner (pickup in rear parking lot).
420 West Main Street
Denver, PA 17517
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions
Hours: One or two Thursdays per month, 5:30pm to 6:00pm
Reading School District
Reading School District Summer Feeding Program
Offers a free summer meal program to all community members ages 18 and under in the Reading School District. Held at each of their elementary schools, Central MS, Northwest MS, and Northeast MS.
All meals must be consumed on-site.
800 Washington Street
Reading, PA 19601
Eligibility: All Reading children ages 18 and younger as well as special needs ages 21
and younger
Hours: June 17, 2024 through July 31, 2024
Breakfast: Monday through Thursday, 9:00am to 9:00am
Lunch: Monday through Thursday, 11:30am to 12:30pm
No meals June 19th or July 4th
University City Hospitality Coalition
Philadelphia - Meal Service
UCHC Meal Service offers hot meals five nights a week and sandwiches on Saturday for poor and homeless persons in West Philadelphia. Meals are given at different locations throughout the week.
3720 Spruce Street
PMB 410
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Eligibility: Services are for those in need in West Philadelphia
Hours: Visit website for more information
Chandler Hall
Newtown - Community Living
Spaces include living, family and intimate dining rooms. Residents enjoy menu selections for three meals per day. This personal care setting allows for many resident needs to be met as well as a variety of programming. Residents enjoy a smaller community within the benefits of a larger community. Services include medication support, 24 hour security, hair care, educational programs, events, on site banking, shuttle service, and health services.
99 Barclay Street
Newtown, PA 18940
Eligibility: Call for more information
Hours: Facility available 24/7
River Crossing YMCA
Bethlehem Branch - Before and After School Care
Before/After school care is available at the YMCA for children attending elementary school and will transport children to local schools. Care is available before and after school and on days when school is closed. Provides free access to healthy snacks and meals.
430 East Broad Street
Bethlehem, PA 18018
Eligibility: Children from 5-12 years old
Hours: Monday through Friday, 6:30am to 6:00pm
Peaceful Knights
Lehighton - Emergency Men's Shelter
Provides an emergency shelter for adult males that are homeless.
Men can come in to get a meal, a shower, watch TV and get a good night's sleep. 7 day limit. Must have identification.
Christian Organization that strives to reflect God in all that they do and say.
215 North 1st Street
Lehighton, PA 18235
Eligibility: Homeless men who are residents of Carbon county or physically in Carbon
County only
Hours: Open 7 days/week, 7:00pm to 9:00am; Must sign in between 7:00pm to
8:00pm.; Extended hours offered on days that temps will not go above
Surrey Services for Seniors
Center for Healthy Living - Devon - Home Delivered Meals
Provides home delivered meals to eligible older adults. Coordinates home delivery of meals during the week with help from dedicated volunteers and community partners including Main Line, Havertown and Media area Meals on Wheels; the Chester County Department of Aging Services; as well as the Delaware County Office on Aging (COSA).
60 Surrey Way
Devon, PA 19333
Eligibility: Serves residents in Chester and Delaware County age 55 and older.
Hours: Administrative Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm. Program hours vary.
Surrey Services for Seniors
Center for Healthy Living - Devon - Hot Meal Program
Serves lunch, either Grab and Go or in-person.
60 Surrey Way
Devon, PA 19333
Eligibility: Serves residents in Chester and Delaware County age 55 and older.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 11:30am to 12:30pm
LGBT Center of Greater Reading
Reading - Warm Meal Wednesdays
Provides a free hot meal the third Wednesday of the month.
640 Centre Avenue
Reading, PA 19601
Eligibility: Anyone in need
Hours: Third Wednesday of the month, 5:00pm to 7:00pm
United States Department of Agriculture
Community Meals
Operates a Meals For Kids program ensuring that children have access to nutritious meals while schools are closed due to COVID-19.
1400 Independence Avenue Southwest
Washington, DC 20250
Eligibility: Children and/or adolescents
Hours: Call for information
Institute for the Development of African-American Youth (IDAAY)
North Philadelphia - Don't Fall Down in the Hood Intervention
Offers an intensive, multi-cultural, community-based treatment program designed to reduce juvenile crime. Through case management, works with youth and their families individually, in the community, at school, and at home. Runs 4 to 6 months and covers self stabilization, self development, and ongoing sustainability. Provides a daily meal, and public transit funds. Uses Aggression Replacement Training, restorative justice, and trauma-informed therapy. Connects youth to community resources.
2305 North Broad Street
Philadelphia, PA 19132
Eligibility: Males, ages 13 to 21, who have charged with theft, assault, narcotics, and/or firearms violations from Philadelphia Family Court and Youth Aid Panels
Hours: Wednesday through Friday, 4:00pm to 7:00pm
Institute for the Development of African-American Youth (IDAAY)
Ogontz/Belfield - Don't Fall Down in the Hood Intervention
Offers an intensive, multi-cultural, community-based treatment program designed to reduce juvenile crime. Through case management, works with youth and their families individually, in the community, at school, and at home. Runs 4 to 6 months and covers self stabilization, self development, and ongoing sustainability. Provides a daily meal, and public transit funds. Uses Aggression Replacement Training, restorative justice, and trauma-informed therapy. Connects youth to community resources.
6101 Limekiln Pike
Philadelphia, PA 19141
Eligibility: Males, ages 13 to 21, who have charged with theft, assault, narcotics, and/or firearms violations from Philadelphia Family Court and Youth Aid Panels
Hours: Wednesday through Friday, 4:00pm to 7:00pm
Greater Harleysville and North Penn Senior Services
Harleysville - Congregate Lunch Program
Encore Experiences meal program provides a daily lunch while encouraging social interactions with others. The meal programs provide older adults with a variety of foods from the basic food groups.
312 Alumni Avenue
Harleysville, PA 19438
Eligibility: Older Adults
Hours: Monday through Friday, 12:00pm to 1:00pm
Harmony Health Home Care
Huntingdon Valley - Home Aides and Personal Care
Provides non-medical home care. Services include personal hygiene, bathing, dressing, exercise and range-of-motion activities, repositioning, light housekeeping, meal preparation, laundry, shopping and errands, escorting to and from check-ups and appointments, companion care, and overnight home care.

Also offers application assistance for persons eligible for Medicaid and Community HealthChoices (CHC) programs.
65 Buck Road
Unit B
Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006
Eligibility: Adults age 18+ needing in-home assistance with daily living activities
Hours: Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm On-call staff
available 24/7.
Philadelphia - Community Development & Hunger Relief
COVID-19 hunger relief programs including prepared meals, boxed produce, shelf-stable foods, food pantry. Community Development offers program on growing home and community gardens.
1711 South Broad Street
Philadelphia, PA 19148
Eligibility: Food Pantry is open to all regardless of residency status
Hours: Mondays and Tuesdays, 10:00am to 2:00pm
Advocates for Homeless & Those In Need - Lower Bucks
Fairless Hills - Wheels to Meals
Partners with 35 different houses of worship that offer either sit-down community meals or "to go" meals. AHTN volunteer drivers will either pick up our homeless friends and bring them to the sit-down community meal or deliver "to go" meals to our homeless friends at various bus stops, depending on the house of worship preparing the meal. Delivers meals to the various bus stops that are AHTN's usual pick up spots in Lower Bucks.
Eligibility: Open to the public; no restrictions.
Hours: Program hours vary; visit the website, call, or email for details.
Operates 365 days a year except on days when Code Blue (extreme cold
weather warning) is declared.
Philadelphia - Super Cupboard
Provides emergency food relief in conjunction with classes on basic living skills. Classes run as a weekly series of four-hour classes over an eight-week period. Participants receive an intensive nutrition/food preparation lesson. Classes also cover topics such as: parenting, job readiness, drug and alcohol abuse, self-identity, and resume writing.
141 East Hunting Park
Philadelphia, PA 19124
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions
Norris Square Neighborhood Project
Philadelphia - After School Program for High School Students
Engages high school youth in a variety of art forms including painting, drawing, sculpture, and filmmaking, and provides instruction about urban agriculture, harvesting, and cooking nutritious meals. Includes a stipend through the Philadelphia Youth Network.
2141 North Howard Street
Philadelphia, PA 19122
Eligibility: For youth grades 9 through 12 who reside in the West Kensington area
Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 1:00pm
Federation Early Learning Services
Gutman Early Learning Center - Pre-K Counts
Provides an environment to help preschoolers grow academically, socially, emotionally and physically. Offers supportive services and healthy meals and snacks.
7500 West Avenue
Melrose Park, PA 19027
Eligibility: Children with a family income at or below 300% of the federal poverty level
Hours: Monday through Friday, 6:30am to 6:00pm
Federation Early Learning Services
Paley Early Learning Center - Pre-K Counts
Provides an environment to help preschoolers grow academically, socially, emotionally and physically. Offers supportive services and healthy meals and snacks.
2199 Strahle Street
Philadelphia, PA 19152
Eligibility: Children with a family income at or below 300% of the federal poverty level
Hours: Monday through Friday, 6:30am to 6:00pm
Federation Early Learning Services
Lassin Early Learning Center - Pre-K Counts
Provides an environment to help preschoolers grow academically, socially, emotionally and physically. Offers supportive services and healthy meals and snacks.
10800 Jamison Ave
Philadelphia, PA 19116
Eligibility: Children with a family income at or below 300% of the federal poverty level
Hours: Monday through Friday, 6:30am to 6:00pm
Philadelphia - Mental Health Transitional Residence
You will live in the community. The level of support you need will determine where you will live. You may live in a group home or in an apartment building located in Northeast Philadelphia. In our group home, you will live with 8 other individuals and share a bedroom with one person. Staff are present in the home at all times. You and your housemates will prepare and eat meals together and share in completing household chores. In the apartment building, you will share a one or two-bedroom apartment with one other person. PATH has a separate apartment in the same building where staff are available at all times to assist you when needed. You and your roommate will share in completing household chores. You can decide to purchase and prepare meals together or individually.
1919 Cottman Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19111
Eligibility: Not available
HIAS Pennsylvania
Philadelphia - Refugee Resettlement and Integration Services
Provides financial support and intensive case management to new refugees. Services include:
  • finding them a safe and secure place to live and furnishing it with donated household goods and furniture
  • greeting them at the airport and bringing them to their new home
  • making sure they have a hot, home-cooked meal when they first arrive home
  • helping them get Social Security cards and access public benefits
  • ensuring they receive a thorough medical screening from one of the partner refugee health clinics at PENN Center for Primary Care for adults or Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
  • orienting them to the community and providing financial literacy lessons.
600 Chestnut Street, Suite 500B
Philadelphia, PA 19106
Eligibility: Refugees
Hours: Intake Hours: Wednesday, 9:30am to 12:00pm; Thursday, 2:00pm to 4:00pm
Center in the Park
Philadelphia - In-Home Support Program (IHSP)
Offers services to temporarily or situationally homebound adults age 60+ who are in need of assistance to remain or regain their independence in their home. Services designed to be short-term and to help clients get back on their feet and into the community. Services include adult day care services, CCT Transportation, home delivered meals, companionship, respite care, errands, meal preparation, light housekeeping, personal care, incontinence supplies, nutritional supplements, and more.
5818 Germantown Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19144
Eligibility: Adults age 60+ residing in the Northwest Philadelphia who are temporarily
or situationally unable to leave the home safely without assistance or
difficulty, due to mental or physical illness, disability, frailty, or
extreme environmental conditions
Hours: Administration Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm Saturday,
9:00am to 12:00pm
Paradise Manor
Hatfield - Assisted Daily Living
Operates as a faith-based personal care home that supports independent living. Services include assistance with medications, bathing, and meals; transportation for shopping at scheduled times; and medical station on-site.
206 East Lincoln Avenue
Hatfield, PA 19440
Eligibility: Older adults, call for more information
Hours: Facility open 24/7
Manna on Main Street
Lansdale - Sit-down Meals
Serves a hot meal four days per week for anyone in need. Vegetarian and non-pork options are available.

Also offers volunteer opportunities.
606 East Main Street
Lansdale, PA 19446
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions.
Hours: Monday through Thursday, 4:30pm to 6:00pm
A to Z Care
Adult Day Care Center
Provides an adult day care center with medical staff on-site. Services include assistance with daily living activities, medication assistance, therapeutic activities, community outings, and social services. Serves full breakfast and lunch and nutritional snacks. Provides free transportation to and from the center. Activities include bingo, Bible study, arts and crafts, cooking class, gardening, yoga, movies, weekly outings, and more.
5050 Parkside Avenue
Unit 101
Philadelphia, PA 19131
Eligibility: Adults 18 and older who have functional impairment and are in need of
services, are able to be transported to the center and are in need of
a structured program
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00am to 6:00pm
Nutritional Development Services
Philadelphia - Community Food Program
Collects food from Catholic parishes, church-related organizations, and other institutions
and distributes it to food cupboards and meal programs serving people in need. The program provides a way for individuals and organizations to contribute to the food needs of the poor.
222 North 17th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions for donations. There are specific
guidelines for becoming a food bank recipient site.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
Safe Harbor of Chester County
West Chester - Community Lunch Program
Offers a community lunch. Food is also available to be taken for later. Because of COVID-19, lunch is being distributed at the door until further notice; individuals are not allowed inside the shelter.
20 North Matlack Street
West Chester, PA 19380
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions
Hours: Monday through Saturday, 11:30am to 12:30pm
Salvation Army - Sunbury
Salvation Army Sunbury Social Services - Friends Feeding Friends Soup Kitchen
Provides a weekly Soup kitchen.
40 South 4th Street
Sunbury, PA 17801
Eligibility: All community members are welcome.
Hours: Every Wednesday, 4:30pm to 6:00pm.
Martha Lloyd Community Services
Mansfield - CRF and ICF/ID Residential Services
Provides semi-independent living in community homes that focus on mastering basic activities for daily living (meal planning, housekeeping, money handling, etc.), recreation and leisure activities (going to fairs, festivals, and other events), and offers an animal program (caring for dogs, cats, ducks, chickens, and other animals to teach teamwork and respect).
117 North Main Street
Mansfield, PA 16933
Eligibility: Varies by program; call for information.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
Union-Snyder Community Action Agency
Lewisburg Food Hub - Emergency Food Assistance
The Food Hub provides emergency food, including shelf-stable items, fresh foods, and prepared meals, to CAA and walk-in customers.
120 Hardwood Drive
Miller Center for Recreation & Wellness’ Cornerstone Kitchen
Lewisburg, PA 17837
Eligibility: Individuals in Union and Snyder counties with the emergency need of food, who, for a variety of reasons, may not be able to access the other food resources in the area.
Hours: Monday, Wednesday, 8:30am to 4:00pm, and Friday, 8:30am to 12:00pm
The Salvation Army - East Stroudsburg
Soup Kitchen
Hot breakfast and/or lunch for anyone in need.
226 Washington Street
East Stroudsburg, PA 18301
Eligibility: Open to anyone
Hours: Monday through Friday, breakfast: 6:30am to 8:00am
lunch: 11:00am to 12:00pm.
Lackawanna County Area Agency on Aging
Scranton Senior Community Center
Offers a place for socialization, nutritional lunches, recreation, cultural arts, and health and wellness programs. Center is also a source of information and referral to available services for older adults.
1004 Jackson Street
Scranton, PA 18504
Eligibility: Persons over the age of 60 and of all income levels
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 1:30pm
Lackawanna County Area Agency on Aging
In-Home and Community Based Services
Provides adult daycare, transportation, home-delivered meals, personal care services, home modifications and care management through in-home and community based services.
123 Wyoming Avenue Floor 4
Scranton, PA 18503
Eligibility: Individuals who are 60 years of age or older
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Lackawanna County Area Agency on Aging
Dunmore Senior Community Center
Provides a place for socialization, nutritional lunches, recreation, cultural arts, and health and wellness programs. Also a source of information and referral to available services for older adults. Please contact the center for an updated list of service and activity offerings.
1414 Monroe Avenue
Dunmore, PA 18509
Eligibility: Lackawanna county persons over the age of 60 and of all income levels.
Hours: Mondays through Friday, 9:00am to 3:00pm
Lackawanna County Area Agency on Aging
Fallbrook Senior Community Center
Provides a place for socialization, nutritional lunches, recreation, cultural arts, and health and wellness programs. Also a source of information and referral to available services for older adults. Please contact the center for an updated list of service and activity offerings.
185 Fallbrook Street
Carbondale, PA 18407
Eligibility: A) Resident of Lackawanna County
B) Adults age 60 and older
C) All income levels
Hours: Bagged lunch distributed Monday through Friday, 11:30am to 12:30pm
Lackawanna County Area Agency on Aging
Mid Valley Senior Community Center
Provides a place for socialization, nutritional lunches, recreation, cultural arts, and health and wellness programs. Also a source of information and referral to available services for older adults. Please contact the center for an updated list of service and activity offerings.
310 Church Street
Jessup, PA 18434
Eligibility: Lackawanna County persons over the age of 60 and of all income levels.
Hours: Monday and Wednesday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Lackawanna County Area Agency on Aging
Taylor Senior Community Center
A place for socialization, nutritional lunches, recreation, cultural arts, and health and wellness programs. Also a source of information and referral to available services for older adults. Please contact the center for an updated list of service and activity offerings.
700 South Main Street
Taylor, PA 18517
Eligibility: Lackawanna County persons over the age of 60 and of all income levels.
Hours: Monday through Wednesday, 12:00pm to 3:00pm
Meals are handed out on Wednesdays and require a reservation.
Lackawanna County Area Agency on Aging
Hillside Senior Community Center
Offers a place for socialization, nutritional lunches, recreation, cultural arts, and health and wellness programs. Also a source of information and referral to available services for older adults. Please contact the center for an updated list of service and activity offerings.
1151 Winola Road
Clarks Summit, PA 18411
Eligibility: Residents over the age of 60 and of all income levels
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 3:00pm
Lackawanna County Area Agency on Aging
North Pocono Senior Center - North Pocono Senior Community Center
Offers a variety of activities each month as well as a congregate meal. Please contact the center for an updated list of service and activity offerings.
6 John J. Michaels Drive
Covington Township, PA 18444
Eligibility: Lackawanna County persons over the age of 60 and of all income levels.
Hours: Monday through Wednesday, 10:00am to 3:00pm
Trinity Church - Easton
Easton - Ark Community Meal
Serves a free community meal every Saturday at noon.
234 Spring Garden Street
Easton, PA 18042
Eligibility: Open to all
Hours: Every Saturday, 12:00pm to 1:00pm
Developmental Enterprises Corporation
Norristown Training Center - Community Residences
Provides community homes for those who need some level of self-help improvement and domestic, adaptive and socialization support. Assists with daily living skills, personal grooming, meal preparation, and others. Offers recreational and leisure activities. Provides transportation to medical appointments as well as to the grocery store.
333 East Airy Street
Norristown, PA 19401
Eligibility: Call for information.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
TriCounty Active Adult Center
Pottstown - Lunch and Nutrition
Provides breakfast sandwiches and serves hot lunches. Soups available daily, and leftover meals are offered for sale when available.
288 Moser Road, Suite 1
Pottstown, PA 19464
Eligibility: Adults age 50 and older
Hours: Breakfast Sandwiches: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 10:30am

Dining room opens 11:30am.

Lunch served at 12:00pm
Berks Encore
Strausstown - Health, Wellness, and Recreation
Provides a senior community wellness center where older adults can enjoy a meal together and congregate to fulfill many of their social, physical, emotional and intellectual needs. Centers promote healthy aging by giving older adults access to multiple resources to keep them active and independent.
44 East Avenue
Strausstown, PA 19559
Eligibility: Adults age 50 and oolder or with a physical disability; must be able to
function independently at the center or bring a caregiver.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 3:00pm
Berks Encore
Mifflin - Health, Wellness, and Recreation
Provides a senior community wellness center where older adults can enjoy a meal together and congregate to fulfill many of their social, physical, emotional and intellectual needs. Centers promote healthy aging by giving older adults access to multiple resources to keep them active and independent.
30 Liberty Street
Shillington, PA 19607
Eligibility: Adults age 50 and oolder or with a physical disability; must be able to
function independently at the center or bring a caregiver.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:30am to 2:30pm
Berks Encore
Reading - Health, Wellness, and Recreation
Provides a senior community wellness center where older adults can enjoy a meal together and congregate to fulfill many of their social, physical, emotional and intellectual needs. Centers promote healthy aging by giving older adults access to multiple resources to keep them active and independent.
40 North Ninth Street
Reading, PA 19601
Eligibility: Adults age 50 and oolder or with a physical disability; must be able to
function independently at the center or bring a caregiver.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
Berks Encore
Wernersville - Health, Wellness, and Recreation
Provides a senior community wellness center where older adults can enjoy a meal together and congregate to fulfill many of their social, physical, emotional and intellectual needs. Centers promote healthy aging by giving older adults access to multiple resources to keep them active and independent.
Brenner Building #5
Wernersville State Hospital
Wernersville, PA 19565
Eligibility: Adults age 50 and oolder or with a physical disability; must be able to
function independently at the center or bring a caregiver.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 3:00pm
Berks Encore
Douglassville - Health, Wellness, and Recreation
Provides a senior community wellness center where older adults can enjoy a meal together and congregate to fulfill many of their social, physical, emotional and intellectual needs. Centers promote healthy aging by giving older adults access to multiple resources to keep them active and independent.
2144 Weavertown Road
Douglassville, PA 19518
Eligibility: Adults age 50 and oolder or with a physical disability; must be able to
function independently at the center or bring a caregiver.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 3:00pm
Berks Encore
Fleetwood - Health, Wellness, and Recreation
Provides a senior community wellness center where older adults can enjoy a meal together and congregate to fulfill many of their social, physical, emotional and intellectual needs. Centers promote healthy aging by giving older adults access to multiple resources to keep them active and independent.
14432 Kutztown Road
Fleetwood, PA 19522
Eligibility: Adults age 50 and oolder or with a physical disability; must be able to
function independently at the center or bring a caregiver.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 3:00pm
Community Prevention Partnership
Circle of Friends Drop In Center
Serves adult consumers of mental health services by providing them with educational, recreational, and socialization opportunities.
11 North Fifth Street
Reading, PA 19601
Eligibility: Adult mental health consumers who is referred by Service Access and
Hours: Monday through Thursday, 9:00am to 6:00pm and Friday 9:00am to 3:00 pm
Brandywine Valley Active Aging
Coatesville Campus - Community Breakfast
Provides a community breakfast.
250 Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard
Coatesville, PA 19320
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions
Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 10:30am
Brandywine Valley Active Aging
Coatesville Campus - Congregate Lunch
Provides a community meal for older adults.
250 Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard
Coatesville, PA 19320
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions
Hours: Dine-In: Monday through Friday, 12:00pm to 12:30pm Pick-up/Take Out:
Monday through Friday, 12:30pm to 1:30pm Office Hours: Monday through
Friday, 9:00am to 3:00pm
Brandywine Valley Active Aging
Downingtown Campus - Community Breakfast
Provides a community breakfast.
40 West Pennsylvania Avenue
Downingtown, PA 19335
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions
Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 10:30am
Lehigh Conference of Churches
Dubbs Memorial Community Center - Drop-In Day Shelter
A drop-in center (a day shelter) open to all adults. There are 3 meals a day, showers, lockers, assisting with IDs, an employment navigator, Street Medicine, parish nurses, case managers, intensive case managers for homeless individuals with mental illness, street outreach, coordinated entry, landlord engagement navigator, life skills, coping skills, and various housing programs offering short and long term rental assistance.

Housing support

Case management available

Bilingual staff
457 West Allen Street
Allentown, PA 18102
Eligibility: Open to all adults
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:45pm
Lehigh Conference of Churches
Dubbs Memorial Community Center - The Conference Kitchen
Provides eat in or take out breakfast, lunch and dinner Monday through Friday.
457 West Allen Street
Allentown, PA 18102
Eligibility: Open to the public
Hours: Monday through Friday Breakfast: 8:00am to 9:00am Lunch: 12:00pm to
1:00pm Dinner: 4:00pm to 4:30pm
Caring Place Youth Development Center
Cumberland Gardens - School Year Food Program
Provides a free dinner for youth ages 5-16.
501 East Cumberland Street
Allentown, PA 18103
Eligibility: Youth ages 5-16
Hours: Wednesdays, 4:00pm-5:00pm
Jewish Community Center of Greater Pittsburgh
Administrative Headquarters and Squirrel Hill Branch - Agewell at the JCC
Kingsley Association
Administrative Headquarters - Food Resources
Armstrong County Community Action of Pennsylvania
Administrative Headquarters - Kittanning - Emergency Food Boxes
Rainbow Kitchen Community Services
Administrative Headquarters - Breakfast Program
Shiloh Community Missionary Baptist Church
Church Office - Thursday Lunch
Allegheny County Area Agency on Aging
Administrative Headquarters - Senior Community Centers
Neighborhood Resilience Project
Main Office, Hill District - Weekday Lunch
Neighborhood Resilience Project
Main Office, Hill District - Wednesday Dinner
Aleph Institute
Squirrel Hill - In-Prison Support Programs for the Jewish Community
Ninth Street Community Kitchen
Lighthouse City Church - Thursday Dinner and Share Table
Central Presbyterian Church
Administrative Office - Food Services
Community Care
Monroeville - In-Home Nursing Care
Community Human Services Corporation
Administrative Office - Domiciliary Care
The Doorway
Administrative Headquarters - General Information
East End Cooperative Ministry
Administrative Office, East Liberty - Community Kitchen
Family Resources
Administrative Headquarters - Beverly Jewel Wall Lovelace (BJWL) Out-Of-School Time Program
Joshua's Haven City Mission
Sharon - Men's Shelter
Saint John's Episcopal Church
Parish Office - Food Distribution
First United Methodist Church, Butler
Administrative Office and Downtown Campus - Community Meal
Interfaith Volunteer Caregivers of Fayette
Uniontown - Faith In Action
Lawrence County Community Action Partnership - Community Supports
Administrative Headquarters - Summer Food Service Program
Administrative Headquarters - Day Habilitation
Mercer County Area Agency on Aging
Shenango Valley Senior Center - Congregate Meals
Mercer County Area Agency on Aging
McQuiston Center by the Park - Congregate Meals
Mercer County Area Agency on Aging
Grove City Senior Community Center - Congregate Meals
Mercer County Area Agency on Aging
Greenville Senior Community Center - Congregate Meals
Murrysville Christian Concern
Murrysville Christian Concern - Friends' Thrift Shop - Food Assistance
Pathways of Southwestern Pennsylvania
Adult Training and Residential Services - Residential Program
Salvation Army - Latrobe Corps
Latrobe - Emergency Assistance
Good Shepherd Center
Administrative Headquarters - Hot Meals Program
Murry Corporate Park, Export - Independent Living/Community Integration Skills
Union Mission
Men's Shelter and Office - Open Access Community Shelter for Men
Washington City Mission
Meal Service - Community Meals
Washington County Government
Washington County Human Services Department - Aging Services
Westmoreland Food Bank
Administrative Headquarters - Delmont - Community Meals
Community Partnership - Community Meals Listing
Saint Paul Roman Catholic Church
Community Partnership - Community Meals Listing
First United Methodist Church
Community Partnership - Community Meals Listing
Saint Andrew's United Presbyterian Church
Community Partnership - Community Meals Listing
Saint Mark's Evangelical Lutheran Church
Community Partnership - Community Meals Listing
Center Presbyterian Church
Community Partnership - Community Meals Listing
North Street Christian Church
Community Partnership - Community Meals Listing
First English Lutheran Church
Community Partnership - Community Meals Listing
New Beginnings Free Methodist Church
Chevy Chase Community Center
Office and Community Center - Free Community Lunch
City Rescue Mission
Administrative Headquarters - Community Meal Ministry
All Abilities
Export - Coordinated Services
East End United Community Center
Administrative Office, Uniontown - Child and Adult Care Food Program
Senior LIFE
Administrative Office and Johnstown Program Site - PACE Program
Senior LIFE
Altoona - PACE Program
Senior LIFE
Ebensburg - PACE Program
Senior LIFE
Greene (Waynesburg) - PACE Program
Senior LIFE
Greensburg - PACE Program
Senior LIFE
Harrisburg - PACE Program
Senior LIFE
Indiana - PACE Program
Senior LIFE
Lehigh Valley (Bethlehem) - PACE Program
Senior LIFE
Reading - PACE Program
Senior LIFE
Uniontown - PACE Program
Senior LIFE
Washington - PACE Program
Senior LIFE
York - PACE Program
Northampton County Area Agency On Aging
Northampton County Area Agency on Aging - Northampton County Area Agency On Aging
Phoebe Ministries
Phoebe Apartments - Lehigh - Phoebe Apartments Senior Affordable Housing
Diakon Lutheran Social Ministries
Diakon Community Services for Seniors - Community Services for Seniors
Diakon Lutheran Social Ministries
AmeriCorps Seniors Berks - RSVP of Berks, Pike and Wayne Counties
Diakon Lutheran Social Ministries
Diakon Lutheran Social Ministries
Pottsville Senior Community Center
Diakon Lutheran Social Ministries
Mahanoy City Senior Community Center
Diakon Lutheran Social Ministries
Schuylkill Haven Senior Community Center
Diakon Lutheran Social Ministries
Shenandoah Senior Community Center
Diakon Lutheran Social Ministries
Tremont Senior Community Center
Diakon Lutheran Social Ministries
AmeriCorp Seniors Pike and Wayne - RSVP of Berks, Pike and Wayne Counties
Office of Homeless Services
Riverview Home
Office of Homeless Services
Administrative Headquarters - Free Meals in Philadelphia
JEVS Care at Home
Philadelphia - Non-medical Home Care Services
JEVS Care at Home
Allegheny - Non-medical Home Care Services
Northumberland County Area Agency on Aging & Veterans Affairs
Coal Region Adult Community Center
Northumberland County Area Agency on Aging & Veterans Affairs
Herndon Adult Community Center
Northumberland County Area Agency on Aging & Veterans Affairs
Kulpmont Adult Community Center
Northumberland County Area Agency on Aging & Veterans Affairs
Mount Carmel Adult Community Center
Northumberland County Area Agency on Aging & Veterans Affairs
Sunbury Adult Community Center
Northumberland County Area Agency on Aging & Veterans Affairs
Northumberland Adult Community Center
Northumberland County Area Agency on Aging & Veterans Affairs
Milton Adult Community Center
Philadelphia Housing Authority
Philadelphia - Summer Food Service Program
Philadelphia Housing Authority
Philadelphia - Healthy Cafe
Job Corps - Philadelphia Regional Office
Philadelphia Job Corps - Career Development Services
Project HOME
Hub of Hope
Bucks County Area Agency on Aging
Doylestown - Bucks County Area Agency on Aging - Health Promotion
Bucks County Area Agency on Aging
Doylestown - Bucks County Area Agency on Aging - Senior Community Centers
Bucks County Area Agency on Aging
Neshaminy Activity Center
Bucks County Area Agency on Aging
Bristol Township Senior Center
Bucks County Area Agency on Aging
Central Bucks Senior Center
Bucks County Area Agency on Aging
Ben Wilson Senior Center
Bucks County Area Agency on Aging
Pennridge Community Center
Bucks County Area Agency on Aging
Upper Bucks Senior Citizens Center
Bucks County Area Agency on Aging
Bristol Borough Area Active Adult Center
Bucks County Area Agency on Aging
Morrisville Senior Service Center - Morrisville Senior Center
Bucks County Area Agency on Aging
James E. Kinney Senior Center
Bucks County Area Agency on Aging
Bensalem Senior Center
Bucks County Area Agency on Aging
Falls Township Senior Center
Bucks County Area Agency on Aging
Middletown Township Senior Center
Access Services - Delaware Valley
Day Programs
Second Family Memory Care Center
Wilkes Barre - Second Family Memory Care Center
STEP, Inc.
STEP Office of Aging - Clinton County - Long-Term Care Assessment
STEP, Inc.
STEP Office of Aging - Lycoming County - Long-Term Care Assessment
STEP, Inc.
STEP Office of Aging - Lycoming County - Assessment and Care Management
Union-Snyder Agency on Aging, Inc.
Lewisburg Senior Center
Union-Snyder Agency on Aging, Inc.
Health and Wellness Programming
Union-Snyder Agency on Aging, Inc.
Beaver Springs Senior Center
Union-Snyder Agency on Aging, Inc.
Penns Creek Adult Resource Center - Penns Creek Senior Center
Union-Snyder Agency on Aging, Inc.
Selingsgrove Senior Center - Senior Centers
Pike County Area Agency on Aging
Information and Assistance
Cumberland County Aging & Community Services
Assessment and Personal Care
Cumberland County Aging & Community Services
Adult Day Program
Cumberland County Aging & Community Services
Home Delivered Meals
Cumberland County Aging & Community Services
Branch Creek Place - Congregate Meal Program
Cumberland County Aging & Community Services
Branch Creek Place - Senior Center at Branch Creek Place
Cumberland County Aging & Community Services
Branch Creek Place - Senior Center
Cumberland County Aging & Community Services
Cumberland County Aging & Community Services - Salvation Army Senior Action Center - Congregate Meal Program
Cumberland County Aging & Community Services
Cumberland County Aging & Community Services - Salvation Army Senior Action Center - Senior Center
Cumberland County Aging & Community Services
Cumberland County Aging & Community Services - Salvation Army Senior Action Center - Senior Center
Cumberland County Aging & Community Services
Schaner Senior Center - Congregate Meal Program
Cumberland County Aging & Community Services
Schaner Senior Center - Senior Center at Schaner Senior Center
Cumberland County Aging & Community Services
Schaner Senior Center - Senior Center
Cumberland County Aging & Community Services
Mechanicsburg Place Senior Adult Center - Senior Center at Mechanicsburg Place Senior Adult Center
Cumberland County Aging & Community Services
Mechanicsburg Place Senior Adult Center - Congregate Meal Program
Cumberland County Aging & Community Services
Mechanicsburg Place Senior Adult Center - Senior Center
Cumberland County Aging & Community Services
Mechanicsburg Place Senior Adult Center - Senior Center at Mechanicsburg Place
Cumberland County Aging & Community Services
West Shore Senior Citizens Center - Congregate Meal Program
Cumberland County Aging & Community Services
West Shore Senior Citizens Center - Senior Center at West Shore Senior Citizens Center
Cumberland County Aging & Community Services
West Shore Senior Citizens Center - Senior Center
Cumberland County Aging & Community Services
Big Spring Senior Center - Congregate Meal Program
Cumberland County Aging & Community Services
Big Spring Senior Center - Senior Center
Adams County Office for Aging
Gettysburg - Housing Service
Adams County Office for Aging
Gettysburg - Community Services
Hospice & Community Care
Pathways Center for Grief and Loss, Mount Joy - Coping Kids and Teens Support Group
Huntingdon-Bedford-Fulton Area Agency on Aging
Fulton Office - Adult Day Programs
Huntingdon-Bedford-Fulton Area Agency on Aging
Bedford - Adult Day Programs
Huntingdon-Bedford-Fulton Area Agency on Aging
Huntingdon Office - Adult Day Programs
Lutheran Settlement House
Fishtown Site - Senior Services
Lutheran Settlement House
Fishtown Site - Free Community Meal
Carbon County Area Agency on Aging
UDS Foundation
Accessing Independence - In-Home Personal Care
UDS Foundation
Lancaster - Support Coordination
Face to Face
Philadelphia - Dining Room
Trinity United Methodist Church - Denver
Denver - Community Meal
Reading School District
Reading School District Summer Feeding Program
University City Hospitality Coalition
Philadelphia - Meal Service
Chandler Hall
Newtown - Community Living
River Crossing YMCA
Bethlehem Branch - Before and After School Care
Peaceful Knights
Lehighton - Emergency Men's Shelter
Surrey Services for Seniors
Center for Healthy Living - Devon - Home Delivered Meals
Surrey Services for Seniors
Center for Healthy Living - Devon - Hot Meal Program
LGBT Center of Greater Reading
Reading - Warm Meal Wednesdays
Institute for the Development of African-American Youth (IDAAY)
North Philadelphia - Don't Fall Down in the Hood Intervention
Institute for the Development of African-American Youth (IDAAY)
Ogontz/Belfield - Don't Fall Down in the Hood Intervention
Greater Harleysville and North Penn Senior Services
Harleysville - Congregate Lunch Program
Harmony Health Home Care
Huntingdon Valley - Home Aides and Personal Care
Philadelphia - Community Development & Hunger Relief
Philadelphia - Super Cupboard
Norris Square Neighborhood Project
Philadelphia - After School Program for High School Students
Federation Early Learning Services
Gutman Early Learning Center - Pre-K Counts
Federation Early Learning Services
Paley Early Learning Center - Pre-K Counts
Federation Early Learning Services
Lassin Early Learning Center - Pre-K Counts
Philadelphia - Mental Health Transitional Residence
HIAS Pennsylvania
Philadelphia - Refugee Resettlement and Integration Services
Center in the Park
Philadelphia - In-Home Support Program (IHSP)
Paradise Manor
Hatfield - Assisted Daily Living
Manna on Main Street
Lansdale - Sit-down Meals
A to Z Care
Adult Day Care Center
Nutritional Development Services
Philadelphia - Community Food Program
Safe Harbor of Chester County
West Chester - Community Lunch Program
Salvation Army - Sunbury
Salvation Army Sunbury Social Services - Friends Feeding Friends Soup Kitchen
Martha Lloyd Community Services
Mansfield - CRF and ICF/ID Residential Services
Union-Snyder Community Action Agency
Lewisburg Food Hub - Emergency Food Assistance
The Salvation Army - East Stroudsburg
Soup Kitchen
Lackawanna County Area Agency on Aging
Scranton Senior Community Center
Lackawanna County Area Agency on Aging
In-Home and Community Based Services
Lackawanna County Area Agency on Aging
Dunmore Senior Community Center
Lackawanna County Area Agency on Aging
Fallbrook Senior Community Center
Lackawanna County Area Agency on Aging
Mid Valley Senior Community Center
Lackawanna County Area Agency on Aging
Taylor Senior Community Center
Lackawanna County Area Agency on Aging
Hillside Senior Community Center
Trinity Church - Easton
Easton - Ark Community Meal
Developmental Enterprises Corporation
Norristown Training Center - Community Residences
TriCounty Active Adult Center
Pottstown - Lunch and Nutrition
Berks Encore
Strausstown - Health, Wellness, and Recreation
Berks Encore
Mifflin - Health, Wellness, and Recreation
Berks Encore
Reading - Health, Wellness, and Recreation
Berks Encore
Wernersville - Health, Wellness, and Recreation
Berks Encore
Douglassville - Health, Wellness, and Recreation
Berks Encore
Fleetwood - Health, Wellness, and Recreation
Community Prevention Partnership
Circle of Friends Drop In Center
Brandywine Valley Active Aging
Coatesville Campus - Community Breakfast
Brandywine Valley Active Aging
Coatesville Campus - Congregate Lunch
Brandywine Valley Active Aging
Downingtown Campus - Community Breakfast
Lehigh Conference of Churches
Dubbs Memorial Community Center - Drop-In Day Shelter
Lehigh Conference of Churches
Dubbs Memorial Community Center - The Conference Kitchen
Caring Place Youth Development Center
Cumberland Gardens - School Year Food Program
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